Tylophora asthmatica (Anantmul) Remedies And Health Benefits

By Dr Renita D’Souza
Tylophora asthmatica is an Ayurvedic herb. Previously, this herb was not frequently used probably due to  less availability. This is widely used in traditional and folklore practice to cure asthma, cough, inflammation, jaundice, snakebite, syphilitic rheumatism, gout, diarrhoea and dysentery.


Botanical Name – Tylophora indica
Synonyms – Tylophora asthmatica; Asclepias asthmatica

Family – Asclepiadaceae

Vernacular Names

English Name – Emetic swallow–wort, Country ipeacacuanha, Vomiting Swallow–wort, Indian Ipecac, Indian ipecacuanha
Hindi Name – Antmool, Jamgli, Pikvam
Sanskrit Name – Lataksiri, Arkaparni, Swasagni, Antrapachan, Antrapachak, Moolini, Moolarasna, Pitta valli
Kannada Name – Nipaladaberu, Adumuttadagida, Antamula, Ballihaale, Kirumanji, Naayihaale,
Konkani Name – Pitvel
Bengali Name – Antomul
Gujarati Name – Damvel, Dumvel, Mendi, Mulini
Malayalam Name – Verripalla
Marathi Name – Khadari, Pitthakaadi, Pitthamaari, Pitvel
Tamil Name – Nangilai, Nacharuppan, Kapittum, Kaluduipalai, Kodayam
Telugu Name – Mekameyani aku, Kakapala, Veripala Mattukumittukoni
Siddha Name – Kurinjan
Unani Name – Antamul
Oriya Name – Mehendi

Medicinal Qualities

Taste (Rasa) – Tikta (Bitter)
Guna (Quality) – Ushna (hot)
Virya (Potency) – Ushna (hot)
Vipaka (Taste after digestion) – Katu (Pungent)
Action (Karma) – Vamaka (Emetic), Swedajanana (), Pachaka (Digestive), Sthambaka, Rakthashodaka (Purifies the blood)
Effect on Doshas – Kapha shaamak – Balances Kapha dosha

Part Used

Whole plant, Roots, Leaves


Powder 1- 5 grams,
Decoction – 10 – 15 ml
Juice – 5 – 10 ml
Roots – 1-3 grams

Botanical Description

Tylophora indica is a perennial, twining herb with long hairy stem that climbs with the help of tendrils. Leaves are oblong, ovate to elliptical, arranged in opposite decussate fashion with 12 mm long petioles. Flowers are small, greenish-yellow to the greenish-purple in color and arranged into umbellate cymes at the end of hairy peduncles of leaf axils. Fruit is a glabrous fusiform follicle, 5–8.5 cm long, divaricate, ovoid lanceolate and tapering at the apex. Roots are many, long, fleshy bearing knots and light brown corky bark. Seeds are oval shaped with hairy.


Tylophora indica is a climber found most commonly in Srilanka, Myamnar, Pakisthan etc neighbor countries. In India also large amount of the drug is found especially in Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Assam, Bengal, Odisha, Kerala etc.

Pharmacological Activities

Tylophora indica possess Anti-asthmatic, Antibacterial, Anti–psoriasis, Antimicrobial, Antiulcer, Antiallergic, Antidiarrhoeal, Hypolipidemic, Anxiolytic, Antidiabetic, Hepatoprotective, Antiangiogenic, Anti-tumor, Antioxidant, Anticonvulsant, Anti-rheumatic, and Diuretic activities.


Swasa – Asthma
Kasa, Kukkurkasa – Cough
Atisara, Aamatisaara – Diarrhea
Pravaahika – Dysentery
Raktavagvikaara -Diseases related to blood and skin
Pradara – Menorrhagia
Phiranga – Syphilis
Agnimaandya – Low appetite
Jwara – Fever

Click to Consult Dr Renita D’Souza

Addition ByDr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.

The leaves and roots are used in therapeutics.
In few of the Mumbai herbal market it is sold in the name of Rasna or as a substitute for Rasna.

Tylophora indica is rich with the chemical constituents such as Tylophorine, Tylophorinine, and few of the volatile oils.
The roots act as emetics, expectorants, diaphoretics, digestives, laxatives and blood purifiers. The leavers too possess the same constituents but in lesser extent. Both the leaves and roots if used in large amount in children may cause severe vomiting and act as fatal.

Home remedies

Here are few simple and effective remedies of Tylophora asthmatica and their health benefits of summarized below-

Gouty arthritis

1. Fine paste of the leaves and roots in gouty arthritis:
The wet roots or leaves or together made into fine paste and applied over the affected joints in case of gouty arthritis. 5-8 days medication helps to reduce the swelling, discoloration and pain.

Syphilis, blood borne disorders

2. Hot infusion of the roots for syphilis and blood borne disorders:
1-2 gram of the root powder is added to 50-60 ml of hot water and kept for a while. This is filtered and administered, twice daily. It is found to be useful in syphilis and blood borne disorders.

To induce vomiting

3. Fine powder of the leaf for inducing vomiting in food poisoning and in asthma:
1-3 gram of the powder is mixed with water and taken. This induces vomiting and the technique is useful in food poisoning and acute asthma conditions.

Cough, asthma

4. Fine powder of roots of  asthmatica and liquorice (Glyccirhiza glabra) for phlegm, cough, asthma etc:
Fine powder of the drug is mixed with Yashtimadhu in 1:4 ratio and administered in the quantity of 300-600 mg three to more times a day. This is effective in phlegm, cough, asthma etc.

Gouty arthritis

5. Leaf powder with the decoction of Guduchi (Tinospora cardofoila) for gouty arthritis:
250 mg of the root powder is administered along with 50-60 m l of decoction of Guduchi twice daily in gouty arthritis. This is found to be effective in gouty arthritis conditions and chronic skin diseases.

Searching for the market and creating market for the available raw drugs are the two important entities what the present day ayurvedic raw drugs really in need. If few of the firms and ayurvedic industries create new avenue by introducing such less known/practiced drugs and more available drugs in future days, surely much strength and energy of the youth will pay dividend for their works. Also endangered and less available drugs can be saved and nature can be protected in judicial way.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.

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