Ginger Amla Home Remedy For Asthma And Hiccups – Make It In A Minute

Ginger and amla are powerful herbs with many health benefits, mainly targeting respiratory system and stomach. Let us learn a simple home remedy for asthma and hiccups, using ginger amla and a few other simple ingredients.

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Ginger Amla Natural home remedy for asthma and hiccups – What you need?
Amla powder – 1 teaspoon (Indian gooseberry)
Pippali – Long pepper powder – 1 teaspoon
Ginger Powder – 1 teaspoon
Sugar / Sugar candy / jaggery – 1 teaspoon
Honey – 1 – 2 teaspoon.

Method of preparation

How to make?
Make a uniform mixture of powders of Amla, Long pepper and ginger.
It needs to be taken along with a little sugar candy and honey.

home remedy for asthma


Traditionally, this effective home remedy is indicated in
Chronic respiratory disorders
It is helpful in improving the symptoms of tuberculosis and chronic cough.
It is useful in chronic hiccups 


1/2 – 1 gram of the powder mix of pippali, ginger and amla is taken along with a teaspoon of honey and a small piece of sugar / sugar candy.
The dose can be repeated up to 4 – 6 times a day based on disease intensity. Normally, it is administered twice a day, after food.

How long to take?
It can be taken for a period of 1 – 2 weeks. If the symptoms are severe, it can be continued till a month time.

Shelf life

Shelf life (expiration date)?
The powder, once prepared can be stored in air tight container for 2 – 6 months.

Mode of action

How does it work?
Ayurveda explains similar pathology principle for hiccups and asthma. Hence, the remedies useful for asthma are most commonly used in hiccups as well. But this remedy is not inferred to hiccups because of asthma reference. It is traditionally indicated in both conditions. 
Pippali – long pepper –
it is the number 1 spice used in any respiratory tract conditions in general, and asthma in particular. It acts as mucolytic (breaks down the thick mucous inside lungs), and bronchodilator (widens the constricted small long pipes). Many clinical research exists about its usage in respiratory disorders. (example).
Ginger – Another important spice for respiratory health. Dr Mercola has explained how ginger is useful in asthma in detail. Ginger is a good bronchodilator.
Amla and honey is a good combination useful to improve lung functions. It also has powerful anti oxidant activity.
Sugar candy, as per Ayurveda helps to mobilize and expel mucous.

Safety in children, pregnancy, lactation

Safe for kids?
In a very small dose of quarter teaspoon once or two times a day, after food, it can be used in children above 5 years of age.

Pregnancy and lactation?
It is best to avoid this, and any other home remedy during pregnancy.
It can be administered during lactation period in a small dose of – half to 1 teaspoon once or twice a day after food.

Side effects

Any side effects?
Very high dose is not recommended. It may cause burning sensation in stomach and worsening of gastritis.
Very long term usage is also not recommended.
It is best to take this remedy only after consulting your doctor.

2 comments on “Ginger Amla Home Remedy For Asthma And Hiccups – Make It In A Minute

  • Archana

    08/02/2014 - 9:59 am

    Hi Doctor!

    Can this be taken while planning for pregnancy?

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  • Jayalakshmi

    14/03/2018 - 11:05 am

    Hello Dr.Hebbar,
    I recently bought a bunch of your ebooks and have started reading Diseases and Treatment.
    Couple of questions that came across my mind are as follows. Appreciate if you could clarify these!

    1) Does elevated Pitta Dosha indicate
    excess heat (HCL) in the stomach or excess heat in the blood (acidic blood)? Does blood PH decrease when the Pitta Dosha is elevated in one’s body?

    2) Does intense running (training for a race) elevate the Pitta Dosha in one’s body?

    Thanks in advance and appreciate all your efforts sincerely. I have been a follower of the easy Ayurveda website recently and every bit of detail on your website makes absolute sense.

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