A recent research has revealed that the life expectancy of human beings has increased dramatically over the past 40 years. At the outset, it looks good but there are many worrying things to consider, from health and financial perspectives. Herewith, trying to see this issue from an Ayurveda viewpoint.
What the research says: Ryan Hum, a researcher from Toronto has made this observation that we are living longer when compared to 4 decades ago.
Table of Contents
Causes for greater life expectancy
What might be the causes?
Improved health awareness, improved economy, better medical services, advanced research and inclusion of technology in medical fields, including natural health sciences like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Yoga, Physiotherapy etc.
Of all these, I would say, a multi-pronged approach with people seeking suitable medical fields for their diseases is probably the most effective cause for our longer lives.
Problems with greater life expectancy
What are the problems with this?
Lack of sufficient investment in research in treatment of disorders due to old age.
Lack of financial support especially in people belonging to lower income group.
Lack of infrastructure in poor countries.
Troubles of being a bed-ridden patient for a long period of time.
Ayurveda perspective
If you open any Ayurveda textbook, and go to the treatment explanation part, the first chapter that you will see is – Rasayana chapter. It deals with anti aging treatments and techniques. So, first priority of Ayurveda is and has always been to make people live longer with good all-round health – physical, mental, social and spiritual.
I will be dealing with all the aspects in detail in future articles. But here are a few quick tips for a longer but healthier life.
1. A stricter lifestyle – Regular sleep hours, strict eating etiquette, exercise of minimum 15 minutes a day, following seasonal Ayurveda regimen and daily routine regimen– all these help to set the body rhythm in sync with our surrounding atmosphere and helps to improve life expectancy.
2. Use of spices – More you use turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, clove, cardamom, pepper, etc, more you will be supplied with anti oxidants and natural anti inflammatory phyto-chemicals. This leads to a healthier liver, heart, kidney and so on.
3. Panchakarma – Most of the Rasayana treatments explained in Ayurveda is followed after Panchakarma. Hence detoxifying the body, eliminating the imbalanced Dosha plays a very vital role in living healthier longer life.
4. Rasayana therapy – Medicines like Chyawanprash, Brahma Rasayan etc help to boost energy of vital organs like liver, lungs, kidney, heart and brain.
5. Avoid bad habits – is also necessary to live a long and healthy life.
6. Live closer to nature and allow herbs, vegetables to heal. Give your body a chance to heal on its own.
7. Do not lie much. Be truthful. This is pertaining to social and spiritual health. Include prayer in your daily routine to instill positivity.
8. Financial aspects – Long term, post retirement plans go a long way in leading a stress free life.
9. Early diagnosis and treatment – Just google your symptoms and do a research on your own, then consult your doctor and get the symptoms fixed, early.
10. Good relationship with people around will give you good social health and also want your people to help you in your time of difficulty and during old age.
P D Mishra (@PDMishra)
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