Trikatu Churna Benefits, Dose, Remedies, Side Effects

Trikatu Churna is a simple mixture of three Indian spices. Trikatu Churna is in powder form. It is widely used in Ayurvedic treatments and in Indian household. Trikatu Churna falls both under medicinal herbs and dietary herbs.  Trikatu churna is also known as Trikatu choornam, Trikatu choorna, Katutraya churna, Kadutraya churna etc.

Chruna is a Sanskrit term meaning powder. Trikatu – Tri – means three, katu – herbs that are hot and pungent. Overall, Triaktu powder is a fine powder mix of three spices.

What is Trikatu churna? 

Trikatu powder contains three spices in equal proportions.
Black pepper – Piper nigrum
Long pepper fruit – Piper longum
Ginger – Zingiber officinalis.
If these spices are available, the Trikatu powder can be made at home, under hygienic conditions, using a mixer.

Trikatu synonyms, benefits

Synonyms: Trikadu, Katutraya, Vyosha, Trigadugam, Trikatukam, Trikatuka
Thirikatugu Chooranam – manufactured by SKM Siddha & Ayurveda Company.

Trikatu is hot in potency. Trikatu is stimulative in nature, good for liver, spleen and pancreas. Trikatu choornam stimulates stomach to produce enzymes. Hence it helps in digestion. Trikatu is also good for respiratory system.

Traditional references

Trikatu choornam

Trikatu Churna is also known as Trayushana. Ushana means hot or pungent.
Deepana – it improves digestion strength.
Shleshmaghna – it balances Kahpa dosha.
Medoghna – it burns fat. Reduces cholesterol levels.
Kushta – useful in skin diseases.
Peenasa – useful in running nose, allergic rhinitis.
Jayet Arochakam – relieves anorexia.
Ama – useful to relieve Ama (a state of indigestion).
Meha – useful in diabetes.
Gulma – useful in abdominal tumor, bloating.
Galamaya – useful in throat infection and diseases.

Reference of Thirikatugu Chooranam:
Agasthiyar Paripooranam- 400.


Trikatu for liver, skin diseases, ascites:
Trikatu is experimentally proven to have liver protection activity against liver damage. (research). Its Deepana, Pachana effect (Carminative and digestive) can be understood as its ability to stimulate liver to produce enzymes. (Pitta = digestion capacity = digestive enzymes. Trikatu increases Pitta.)
Its one ingredient – Pippali (long pepper) is especially used in treating hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.
Black pepper is an excellent antiviral and antibacterial spice (research), Hence useful in liver infection.
For this reason, Trikatu is an ingredient of many Ayurvedic medicines targeted for liver disorders. For example:
ParpatakarishtamUsed in anemia, chronic liver disorders, hepatomegaly
Sarva Jvarahara Lauha – used in hepatomegaly
Gudapippali – used in infectious liver conditions
Other such examples (including, but not limited to) are – Patoladi Churna, Navayasa churna.

Trikatu for skin diseases:
Intake of Trikatu along with Harad (Haritaki), Jaggery and sesame oil for 1 month cures skin diseases. (reference: Charaka Chikitsa Sthana 7/61) 

Trikatu for ascites:
Reference: Charaka Chikitsa Sthana 13th chapter)
For the patient suffering from Kaphaja type of Udara Roga (ascites with Kapha Dosha dominance, fat-less buttermilk added with Yavani, Rock salt, cumin seeds and Trikatu is administered.

Indications of Thirikatugu Chooranam:

  • Kaichchal/suram [fever]
  • Murai kaichchal/murai suram [intermittent fever]
  • Sanni [delirium]
  • Seethalam [cold]
  • Irumal [cough/bronchitis]
  • Seriyamai [indigestion]
  • Agnimaandham [dyspepsia]
  • Vayittru porumal [flatulence]
  • Seriyamai vayittru vali [stomach pain due to indigestion]
  • Seriyamai kazhichchal [diarrhea due to indigestion]

Dose, side effects, research

Dose: 500 mg to 3 grams in divided doses in a day, preferably after food. Trikatu Churna can be taken along with honey or water. If it is too spicy to taste as such, it can also be added to food and taken along with the food.
In case of gastritis patients, where Trikatu needs to be administered, it is administered along with Shankha Bhasma.

Trikatu Side Effects –  Due to hot potency, Trikatu may worsen gastritis. May cause burning sensation in higher doses.

Research articles on Trikatu –  Trikatu churna – action against intestinal worms (anthelminthic activity) – read here Anti bacterial effect of Trikatu churna – read here   Liver protective activity of Trikatu churna – read here

Before food or after food?

what would be the best time to have trikatu churna, before meal or after meal to improve appetite and assimilation of food? and how much before or after i should take it? 
Answer by Dr JV Hebbar
If the patient does not have heart burn, then before food. If patient has heart burn / sensitive stomach, then after food. Dose is 3 – 5 grams, based on doctor’s advice.

Ayurvedic medicines

Ayurvedic products with Trikatu Churna as ingredient – 

Trikatu Ayurveda –  Trikatu is a unique herbal combination. When used along with other herbs, Trikatu enhances the bio-availability of active constituents of the co-herbs in the target area of disease. Trikatu is used as an ingredient in many Ayurvedic medicines such as Kanchnar Guggul, Navayasa Lauha, Dashamoolakatutraya kashaya, Ashwagandharishta, Cofavin syrup, Cofavin DM syrup etc.

Herbal jams – 
Chitrak haritaki
 Dashamoola Haritaki
Vilwadi Lehyam
Haridra Khand

Gokshuradi Guggulu
Shiva Gutika
 Yograj Guggulu

Herbal ghee with Trigadugam
Triphala ghrita
Vyoshadi Vataka

In Pittaja Udara (ascites due to Pitta), Buttermilk prepared from well formed curd along with the powder of Trikatu.

If the patient is suffering from Sannipatika Udara (ascites with all Three Dosha imbalance, then he should take buttermilk along with Tryusana, Yavakshara and rock salt.

Use of Trikatu in proprietary Ayurvedic medicines:
Trikadu is used as an ingredient in many Ayurvedic medicines such as
Pep-up tablet, which is used for the treatment of anorexia, flatulence, indigestion and dyspepsia.

Zeal Cough Syrup – Manufactured by Vasu Healthcare pharmaceuticals, Vadodara, Gujarat. Zeal cough syrup is a safe cough therapy with triple action formula.

Zeal Herbal Granules is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine manufactured by Vasu Healthcare pharmaceuticals, Vadodara, Gujarat. Zeal Herbal Granules facilitates congestion free easy breathing.

Zeal Kid Drops – It is a safe and effective treatment for cold and cough in children under 3 years.

Presentation of Thirikatugu Chooranam:
Pack of 100 g & 500 g.

Trikatu with meals?

Can Trikatu be taken along with food? 
Trikatu is an Ayurvedic spice combination with ginger, black pepper and long pepper. It is used for the treatment of obesity, cough, cold and weak digestion. One of the problems with Trikatu is, it is hot and some people with sensitive stomachs cannot tolerate it. 
So, if you start feeling a burning sensation in the stomach after taking it, then better to mix it with food and take it. This this way, stomach mucosa is not directly exposed to Trikatu’s hotness and pungency. 

For people who feel burning sensation even when taken with meals, they can take it soon after meals. 

Trikatu for blood clots

Will Trikatu clear blood clots? 
Dr JV Hebbar: 
Trikatu is a simple combination of three spices – ginger, black pepper fruit and long pepper fruit. It is pungent in taste and extensively used in the treatment of lack of interest in food, tastelessness, anorexia, weak digestion strength, respiratory disorders and obesity. It also acts as a bioavailability enhancer. It means, Trikatu is useful to improve the absorption of herbal medicines and enhances the availability of medicinal qualities in the site of action. (1)
Trikatu is useful as a blood thinner agent. Hence, it is useful to clear clots. But its action cannot be compared with modern day anti coagulant agents like heparin. 
For a person having an increased clotting tendency, trikatu can be useful. Read more about Trikatu


  • Donroy

    Hello Dr. Hebbar, I would like to know your thoughts on taking trikatu before meals. Also can this be taken with some guggul for a synergistic effect.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Trikatu before food may cause burning sensation. At the best it can be taken just 5 minutes before food.
      Trikatu with guggulu can be taken after food as an anti inflammatory medicine. But again, it is not indicated for people with sensitive stomach.

      • Donroy

        Thank you for your response. I make my own trikatu in a coffee grinder. Since, I am a student in the USA, long pepper was hard (and expensive) to procure. For those reading this, I would like to suggest Banyan botanicals as a source for powdered long pepper (Pippali). Dried ginger (sonth) is easily available at Indian grocery stores, else you can dehydrate your own. Black pepper is easily available, thankfully.

        • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

          Thanks. Hope the resource info helps many. 🙂
          I also appreciate people making their own Ayurvedic products, in stead of buying readymade ones from the market. We never can know if they contain all the true ingredients.

        • Bidey bikram malla

          Will it clear blood clots?

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Just a minute before food, Trikatu with ghee is best. if you feel any burning sensation, take quarter a cup of milk, after taking Trikatu with ghee. Then have food.

  • Inder P Meel

    Is it treat Hay Fever?

  • jasmine swadia

    Should i take trikutu with raw sugar after meals twice a day ?

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    If you do not have any gastritis issue, you can take it just 3 minutes before meals.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Better not. It will worsen it.
    Read some of home remedies that you can try –

  • Fadia

    How many does it work to lower cholesterol?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It helps to improve fat utilization by the body, hence helping in fat burning.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Hi, might help only to a small extent. Please consult an Ayurvedic doctor in person.

  • Hilda Marasovic

    Hi Dear,Is it possible cardiac patients and dietary take Trikatu?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      If the patient can tolerate hotness of Trikatu, then surely cardiac patients can have it. It helps to improve metabolism, stomach and intestine enzyme levels and to reduce cholesterol levels as well.

  • deepa

    does trikatu help with weightloss? if so, how should it be administered? thanks.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      A very small dose of quarter a teaspoon along with a teaspoon of honey, in the morning, after food, for a period of two months, is helpful in weight loss. But care should be taken not to go beyond this dose. or else, it may increase appetite and may eventually cause weight gain.
      However, people with sensitive stomach should exercise precaution.

  • Gaurav

    Can you perhaps elaborate on how trikatu helps the spleen and liver? (particularly the former)
    thank you.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      This question is so important, I included this topic within the article above. Thanks for asking.

  • sneha

    hello dr. hebbar
    I like your words.. guide us . thanks .
    I preparae one mixture of dry black grapes + almonds + honey +sunthi, pimpali , miri _, dalcjini , amala juice , — grind together + cow ghee…. nice flavor and very good teste c an i take after food for good health

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Combination looks good. You can take it after food. Best regards.

  • Sriharsha Aswathanarayana

    Dr.Hebbar, is Trikatu helpful in treating Jaundice?

  • Maah

    Spices sound good, could they be used in a pickle of mango or limes or amra instead of taking as powders of medicine?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Sure! You can use these spices to make pickles and use it. But it is not good to use spicy pickle on a daily basis. Once in a while, say, three days a week is fine.

  • purnima

    Hello dr. Is Trikatu powder helps in asthma problems? I have breathing problems as well allergies from dust and pollution . Can it helps .?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Because of Trikatu’s hot nature, it balances Kapha and Vata doshas, both of which are imbalanced in asthma. Hence, it is very useful. It is also very useful for dust allergy. But care should be taken in its usage, as it may cause gastric irritation.

  • M.K.R angachar

    Good article.Thanks u very much Dr.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    It helps to improve digestion strength and metabolism. It also useful in treating obesity, associated with Hypothyroidism. But it may not directly cure hypothyroidism.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Hi, I am unaware of any Ayurvedic medicine, which once taken will cure diabetes forever.
    But with exercise, active lifestyle, healthy diet, you can keep sugar levels under good control. Read more about Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes here –

  • vidhya

    i want to drink a healthy one instead of coffee in empty stomach.can u suggest any combination of mixture. i am also overweighted person.

  • Sharmistha

    Dear Dr Hebbar, I am Kapha dominant. I take 1 capsule of Triphala with 1 capsule of Shuddhu Guggula for detoxification and weight reduction. When should I take Trikatu?

  • dr jitendra kumar

    paralysis pt can take trikatu churna and how much quantity

  • thank u

    Dr Hebbar it is very kind of you to give such information to public.. Thank u for that..u say trikatu helps in digestion strengthens stomach.. IBut it may trigger gastritis.. But isn’t that opposite. I have gastritis becoz of weak digestion.. Constipation n bloating.. So now am confused.. I am also kapha natured person and overweight.. What dosage shud I take?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, if someone has weak digestion strength but not gastritis / high acidity, then Trikatu can be useful.
      In your case,. Trikatu helps with Kapha and overweight. Hence, you can take half a teaspoon (small spoon) along with half a teaspoon of ghee in the morning, after food.

  • Sachin grover

    Can diabetic patient can take trikatu

  • Ambar Ganguli

    My sister is obese (100+kg) with very high B.P and cholesterol. Please let me know whether taking Trikatu regularly will help her to reduce her weight, B.P and cholesterol. She had undergone gall bladder operation long back.

  • Krishna Das

    Hi Dr,
    Thank you for such a wonderful website. I really appreciate it.
    My constitution is Vata/Pitta and at the moment I have teeth indentations on the outer edges of my tongue so I understand this means malabsorption issues. The rest of my tongue is fine. I have low thyroid and low adrenals but they are getting better with the right vitamins, minerals and daily yoga. I have had magnesium absorption issues for sometime and was wondering if trikatu can help with general malabsroption issues? I’ve also started making Vasant Lad’s Agni tea to sip throughout the day.
    How to take trikatu as I was under the impression 2 capsules 1 hour before food was the norm.
    Thank you for your time.
    Krishna Das

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, in your case, it is best to take Trikatu capsule – 1 capsule 2 times a day, 10 minutes after food. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly, as trikatu in some may cause burning sensation in stomach.

  • Novo

    My ayurveda doctor passed me trikatu before and after the main meals of the day in 3 days. For detoxification. But I suffer from acid reflux. Is it a good option? At lunch I did not felt any burning sensation, but then when I made a meal in the afternoon I felt.
    I think it really helped for gases and digestion tough.
    Thanks for your time.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Please read effective kidney stone remedies here –

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    I do not recommend Trikatu for your son. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly. Online advice for children can be dangerous.

  • Nat


  • Blackfire

    I suffers from chronic asthma can you tell how to take trikata in what quantity & when?

  • Sumit Talreja


    How can we use Trikattu for breathelessness.Since 2-3 months I am facing breahtlessness.I live in USA.Can you please tell what should I take for it.I have started pranayama for it.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    It should be taken after food, with ghee.
    Let her stop it for now.

  • asif shaikh

    dear sir meri fioncee ko thyroid he hiski vajese weight badhta nahi he ekdam se single body hogai he.. kya trikut davai se thyroid thik ho sakta he??? body badh sakti???

  • bhaktac

    I have a friend who is a pitta-kapha constitution and has some lower abdomen weight that won’t go. Is it safe to take triaktu powder for a couple of months or will aggravate his pitta too much? He has no digestive issues or acid/stomach issues.

  • Manavi

    Thank u Dr for replying back. Actually just wanted to know how to take Trikatu not personal advice.

  • Dally

    I’m taking trikatu tablets (125 gr) for my undiagnosed digestive issues, 2 tablets 15 minutes before each meal as per recommendation of a ayurveda doctor. I feel some improvements – namely no vertigo and less bloating -, but may have become slightly constipated? The sides of my abdomen kind of hurt, front and back, more to the left side.

    I’m thinking it’s working, but my question is, will the results only last as long as I keep on taking the tablets? That is, do I have to take it forever?
    That doctor mentioned something about feeling warmed and that I eventually could stop… but can’t confirm it.

  • Agnes Kamara

    Hi Dr Hebbar, I’m pitta/kapha with some digestive issues and some skin problems (rosacea) and have excess abdominal fat. I’m wondering if taking Trikatu and Triphala would help to get rid of the excess internal abdominal fat but in the meantime don’t want to further aggravate the pitta. Any advice would be appreciated.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Better to take it for 2 months, then give a month gap and continue again for 2 months.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Not to a great extent. 2 grams at night after food for a month can be tried.

  • utkarsh malik

    Being asthmatic and anosmic prescribe me for ayurvedic treatment besides trikatu what are other natural antihistamines to help in above mentioned desease.

  • utkarsh malik


  • Utkarsh Malik

    Thanks a lot Doctor sahib,pls. let me know how I have to consume Haridrakhand with milk or with hot water?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hot water

  • Sangeeta

    Sir, I am having cough from last 4 month. I feel nausia , continuous irritation in the throat, cough will be some time dry or with mucus.mucus is white in colour. No temperature. Some fiscomdisc in chest. I consulted physical he told it’s is bronchitis. As I could not comfortable with antibiotics. Now I think it’s become Cronin bronchitis.please help me.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    No. Better to stop it.

  • Shruthi

    Sir. I am nursing mother for 3month effective is Triphala n trikatu choorna together for weight loss and does it effect lactation

  • Larry Tate

    Sir I have low stomach acid. I tried taking trikatu before meals and it burned. Should the 1/2 teaspoon of trikatu with 1/2 teaspoon of ghee be taken immediately after food or 10-15 minutes after food? Thank you.


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