Varadi Kashayam – An Effective Ayurveda Weight Loss Remedy

Varadi Kashayam is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It has its roots in Kerala Ayurveda system of practice. This herbal decoction preparation is widely used in southern part of India in the treatment of obesity. 

Varadi kashayam is also known as Varadi Kashay, Varadi kashayam, Varadi Kasayam etc.
The word meaning of ‘Vara’ is ‘great’. In Ayurvedic terminology, Vara is often used to suggest Triphala. – the group of three fruits.
Kashaya refers to water decoction or herbal tea.
The reference for Varadi Kashaya is found in Kerala Ayurveda treatise – Sahasrayoga.


Varadi Kashayam is extensively used in the treatment of obesity.


If you have brought the Kashaya from an Ayurvedic store, usually the Kashaya will be concentrated. Please check the dosage in the label.

Generally, if the Kashaya is concentrated, 5 ml of kashaya is added with 5 ml of lukewarm water, mixed well, and taken orally, two times a day.

Half a spoon of honey should also be taken along with this Kashaya. (As per the traditional textual reference).

This is usually taken on empty stomach, either in early morning and evening hours, or generally before food.
Your doctor will be the best judge on dosage and time of intake.

Side effects

Varadi Kashaya possible side effects –
A few may experience stomach uneasiness, burning sensation in stomach or loose stools.
If you experience anything as such, start taking it after food or consult your doctor.

How long to take?
This can be administered for a period of 3 – 4 months time.


Varadi Kashaya ingredients –
Triphala –
Amla – Emblica officinalis
Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellirica
Chitraka – Plumbago zeylanica
Asana – Pterocarpus marsupium
Loha patra – Iron (Herbal processed Iron foils are kept dipped in the Kashaya for a few days. A few companies add Loha bhasma (medicated iron ash powder) to it, in place of iron foils.

Easy diet and Lifestyle changes for weight loss

Haridra (Curcuma longa) – turmeric 

If purified Iron foil is used, then, while boiling the decoction, the foil is kept dipped in the kashayam.
If Loha Bhasma (Iron calx) is used, then it is added once after the Kashaya is prepared and filtered.

Reference, Sanskrit verse, Shloka

Varadi Kashayam – Reference – Sahasrayoga.
Sthoullyahara Kashaya.
Kashaya Yoga Prakarana. 63.

वरासनाग्नय: पत्रनिशाक्वाथो मधुप्लुत: ।
द्विरदस्थूलदेहोऽपि पिबेत् मासात् कृशोभवेत् ।
varāsanāgnaya: patraniśākvātho madhupluta: |
dviradasthūladeho’pi pibet māsāt kṛśobhavet |

Varadi Vs Varanadi Kashayam

Can Varunadi kashayam and Varadi be used together?

Varanadi kashayam

It is a more complex herbal tea with 16 ingredients. These 17 herbs are explained as a group of herbs by Acharya Vagbhata. Usually, when a group of herbs is explained, it can be designed into many different medicinal forms such as herbal tea, ghee, powder etc. 
Its main ingredients are – 
Varuna – useful to reduce water retention and to burn fat 
Chitraka and Bhallataka (Marking nut) – Useful to burn fat and open up body channels. Both these herbs are very hot 
Haritaki, Bilva, Brihati, Agnimantha – useful in reducing inflammation and to heal wounds, aches and pains. 
Moringa – a very good antioxidant. 

Varanadi is indicated in –
vāraṇādi kaphaṃ medo mandagnitvaṃ niyacchati |
That means Varanadi Kashayam is useful in curing –
Kapha disorders, medo disorders or diseases pertaining to fat tissue, low digestion strength etc. As medoroga is mentioned here, it can be used in weight management. 
Read more about Varanadi kashayam uses, dose, side effects etc.

So, both Varanadi and Varadi kashayam are very efficient and can be used for the treatment of obesity. 

If both are used together, 
Varadi contains Chitraka and Varanadi contains Chitraka and purified marking nut. So, this combination can increase hotness  in the body and may cause burning sensation. It can also cause fatigue and heartburn. 

If the patient has obesity but does not have any other complications, Varadi looks better. 
If patient has anemia associated with obesity, Varadi is better. 
But if the patient has obesity with PCOS, hypothyroidism, goiter,  varicose veins, migraine, headache, abscesses, fistula, anal fissure, water retention, depleted urine output etc., then Varanadi is better. 

If two medicines have very similar ingredients, there is no special benefit in using both together, as the mode of action will be very similar.
In this case, Varadi and Varanadi contain very different sets of ingredients. Apart from Haritaki and Chitraka, there are no other common ingredients. 
Because of this, the medicine can be used in a combination. 

For Hypothyroidism

If the patient has water retention associated with obesity, then Varanadi kashayam is better, as it helps to relieve excess fluid collection from the body.
If the patient is diabetic with the complaint of frequent urination, then Varadi kashayam is better because, varanadi increases the urine volume and frequency.
If the patient has has anemia associated with hypothyroidism, which is seen very frequently, then Varadi kashayam is better, as it contains natural iron in it, along with Triphala, which helps in easy absorption of iron.


  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Varadi kashayam and Varunadi Kashayam are two different formulations with different set of ingredients.
    Varadi Kashayam is mentioned in Sahasrayoga text book of AYurveda. Varunadi kashayam reference is found in Ashtanga Hrudaya.
    Varadi Kashayam contains herbal processed iron as an ingredient. But Varunadi Kashayam is purely herbal in nature.
    Efficacy-wise, both Varadi and Varanadi are similar in action, but in my opinion, Varadi Kashayam is better in efficacy when compared to Varanadi kashayam.
    Kottakkal (AVS) manufactures Varadi Kashayam.
    Many companies like AVN, AVP, AVS, etc manufacture Varanadi Kashayam.,

  • Aartia

    What is Vyoshachitrakadi Kashayam used for? and what are the effects of the same.


    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It is used to correct digestion impairment. It improves digestion and metabolism.

  • Devi

    What is the pathyam when having varadi kashayam…?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Fibre rich diet, low fat and low sugar diet is good for losing weight while using Varadi Kashayam. The diet should positively contribute to the purpose of medicine.


    can breast feeding mother use this varadi kashayam and is it available in mangalore city.

  • RK

    Can you pl let me know the use of Varadi Choornam.I had been prescribed this several years ago but don’t recollect for what.
    Does this powder have a shelf life?. I had bought this from Kottakkal AVS.

  • Priya

    How much weight loss can be expected with the one month course (2 times a day). Also can the ladies continue taking this during the monthly course (MC period)?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      If you do strict diet restriction, follow a good exercise program of at least half an hour day, you can expect to lose upto 3 kg per month.
      It should not be taken during periods.

  • supriya

    Hello Dr. I want to reduce my tummy fat, can u please recommend me something.

  • nazima

    How many days I have to take it will reduce atleast 2 kilo for one month

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      I do not have data on this. Just based on my experience, as a rule of thumb, taking it for one month, after consulting a doctor, with exercise and diet planning, you should be able to reduce 2 kg.

  • divya

    dear dr
    can a feeding mother can use varanadi.

    • santhoshravikrishna

      Ask sthoulyahara kashaya,the other name for it in a store nearby vidyaranyapura last bus stop.

  • sm

    is there any harm or any problems for women taking varadi kashayam

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      No. But it is better to take it only if the doctor prescribes it.

  • Adarsh

    doing excercise after taking varadi is good or not ?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Exercise can be done after taking Varadi. But it is not good to be without food for more than half an hour after taking this Kashayam.

      • Adarsh

        that means after half hour food should be taken!

  • Adarsh

    use of liquor and beer during this period is harmful or ?

    • naren

      Didnt get this tonic in any of the stores

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Hello Star, Very rarely Varanadi kashayam cause mouth ulcers. But it is unlikely to cause it with a single dose.
    Add a bit more water to it, before taking. If it worsens, consult your doctor.

  • victory

    sir i have more muscle mass in my arm and thigh…How to Lose Muscle Mass on specific part of body?
    is there any medicine available? or
    is varadi kashayam will help?
    please suggest me..

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, lose wrapping a crepe bandage and avoiding its usage of the arm for a few days time is the best way to reduce muscle mass.

  • Jav

    Good morning I get up in the morn an have the khashayam an have a cuppa coffee in five mins is it ok or should I wait for half an hour pl advice thx

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, ideally, it is better to have a gap of at least 15 minutes between kashayam and coffee.

  • vinu

    i need to reduce only belly fat. wats ur suggestion?

  • ashwini

    hello sir…,can you please tell me where i get this varadi kashyam in pune??????/

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      You can get it in Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala shop

  • M. Sambasiva Rao

    About Varunadi Kashay I have referred this and I got good information from so many persons referred above and thanks to Dr.JV HEBBER for his valuable suggestions. My experience by using Varunadi Kashaya, I am relieved from dry cough and soar throat which I experience very often.Now I got relief. But mouth ulcers I am getting. Thank u all.
    M.Sambasiva Rao, Guntur AP

  • Manu

    Which is the best weight loss medicine in Ayurveda ?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      This is one among the best.

  • ankit gupta

    hello sir…,can you please tell me where i get this varadi kashyam in delhi?

  • clinton

    100 percent working ryt

  • pavitra

    This artical is good.I have one query this after delivery of child birth the belly fat is high then this medicine will b euse full to reduce belly fat after delivery for women.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, this can be used, 4 months after delivery, to treat belly fat.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Please write to

  • shinumol

    Price plsssssss…….

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Rs 84 for 200 ml. – Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala brand.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author


  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Depends on age, weight etc. General dose is 10 – 15 ml, with equal quantities of water, mixed, taken twice a day, 30 minutes before food for a period of 6 weeks.
    Learn more about obesity tips –

    • Nithya

      Thanku sir

  • amit

    hello sir, i have a question. can hypothyroid be cured (100 % complete cure) with ayurvedic medicines? or it can be treated only. there is a difference between cure (permanent cure) and treatment of a disease. i hope you got my question.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, if the hypothyroid is of recent origin (not older than a year), then it can be cured with Ayurvedic treatment. However, the result may vary from person to person. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.

  • Sushmita

    Hello Sir, Is Varavisaladi Kashayam (Arya Vaidya Sala) safe to take while trying to conceive? what about during periods? Thank you.

  • Dr Malini Bhat

    Hello Madam, There are specific pathya’s to be followed with the medicines you take. The doses of Ayurvedic medicines are not fixed. Exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humours, and the properties of individual drugs. And the duration of internal medications are better to be decided after analysing the condition and prognosis of your body and problem. So would advise you to take a expert opinion and then take the medicine.

  • Dr Malini Bhat

    Take it on empty stomach in the morning Sir. After half an hour you can have your breakfast.

  • Dr Malini Bhat

    Hello Mam, Do take Varadi Kashyam under medical supervision.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Hi, if you are taking Varunadi Kashaya, no need of taking Varadi Kashayam becaues Varunadi kashayam itself helps to reduce weight.

  • Ajith

    Hi Dr, I have been consuming varadi kashayam 2 times and abhayanayaki leham at night for obesticity. Can you tell me what does that leham does

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Then no problem in taking.

  • Ramya

    Hello Doctor, I have been prescribed Varardi Kashayam for weight loss..take 20 ml with 60 ml of water. I’m taking 2 times a day but I see weight increase.. I walk atleast one hour during the day..I have been taking this for 3 weeks. I do not know if I continue to take this will casue increase in weight. Please help

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Dear Ms Ramya, definitely, weight gain is not due to Varadi Kashayam. I suggest to continue it for one more month.

  • S

    hi Dr,

    i have been prescribed ayaskrithi and lodhrasavam arishta 30ml(2 times a day) for fighting obesity. How effective are these drinks? should it be consumed before or after food?

  • Steffy Jaintenson

    Can we give nithya virechana for the patient consuming this Varadi Ks? Is it make so much dhathukshaya ?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      If the patient is obese, or if there is profuse Pitta dosha increase, then nitya virechana can be adminsitered while continuing with Varadi Kashayam.
      If you are not sure, Nithya vierchana can be started and if the patient is feeling excessively tired or if there are BP variations, then Varadi can be stopped for a while.

  • Nithya M

    Dear Dr can we take varadi kashayam during periods? And also how many times in a year can we take varadi kashayam if we are in obese 2 category?

    • Nithya M

      Thanku sir for ur valuable time n effort taken in answering each n every question in detail.

  • loveurdick

    I’m 22 yrs old n my weight 55kg n height is 5:2. Cn u tell me the doage of varadi kashayam and for how long I should take it?

  • Preethy

    Sir, can you suggest diet we should follow while consuming varadi kashayam? can we take milk? suppose we should avoid non-veg and eggs. please advise

  • mahesh

    dr. whether it is varadi or varanadi kashayam

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Varanadi kashayam is good to control cholesterol and triglycerides as well.

  • Sridevi

    Is varanadi kashayam and navaga guggulu safe during lactation?

  • Gudiya

    i am 36 years ,weight is 77 kg ,height 4.9 please suggest dosage and duration of varandi kashayam to loose max. weight.what time interval after 1 month to another course of varandi kashyam

  • Fabi

    Sir I’m 29, weight 80 , using loose tablets and medohar 2each three times a day with an advice of ayurvvedic it useful is for 15 days.he advice me medication for 6 months and medicines will change..


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