Anu Tail Uses, Ingredients, Side Effect, How To Use

Anu Tail is an Ayurvedic herbal oil. It is used for an Ayurveda treatment procedure known as Nasya treatment. Nasya refers to nasal instillation of drops of the oil. It is also called Anu thailam, Anu oil, Anu tailam.
Ayurveda recommends healthy daily regimen, which every healthy individual should follow on a daily basis. In this daily regimen, oil massage, exercise, bathing etc are mentioned.
Along with them, nasal drops usage with Anu taila is also mentioned. Reference: Ashtanga Hrudaya Sutrasthana 2nd Chapter

Click to buy Anu Thailam

Click the below button to buy from within India
(Caution: This product should strictly be used under medical supervision. Buy and use this product only if your doctor has advised it to you.)

Method of administration 

This is if anyone is interested to do on a daily basis. Consult your doctor for the right advice.
This is the procedure –
If there is urge to urinate or defecate, finish that first.
It is better to brush the teeth first, if you are doing it in the morning.
Take plain sesame oil and do gentle massage over the entire face and neck.
For the purpose of massage, you can use
Maha Narayana oil, if you are targeting headache and sinusitis.
Nalpamaradi taila / Kumkumadi Taila – for good facial skin and complexion
Bala Ashwagandhadi Taila / Ksheerabala taila – to improve strength of sense organs.

While massaging, avoid eye lids and eyes.

After this, you need to give some sort of heat treatment.
It can be
– exposing to early morning sunlight,
– gentle exercise to warm up the face,
– washing face with lukewarm water
– gently heating a towel over a Dosa pan and patting over face, avoiding eyes.

Hot fomentation should be given to face and neck, avoiding eyes and eye lids.
Lie on a cot in a room devoid of breeze or excess sunlight.
For convenience, keep a thin pillow below neck.
Lie straight with his face upwards, extending arms and legs.

In a standard Nasya therapy, the person is given a gentle head and face massage and heat treatment, followed by instillation of drops of this herbal oil into each nostril. The number of drops depends upon many factors such as Dosha imbalance, disease condition etc.

Anu tail uses

Strengthens ears, eyes, nose, tongue and throat. As per Ayurveda, there is point in the forehead, right at the junction of eye brows, called Shringataka marma. This point is connected with all sense organs.
Usually used in the treatment of diseases of the above sense organs.
Has Tridosha balancing effect.
It is also used in the treatment of headache, hair fall, premature graying of hair etc.
Strengthens voice
Used for nasya treatment in most of the diseases of ear, nose and throat involving pain.
Apart from the conditions mentioned above, Nasya treatment using Anu Taila can be performed by the Ayurvedic doctor based on his experience and analysis.

How it acts?

It is said that, medicines administered through nasal route, passes via Shrigantaka marma and enters all the sense organs and strengthens them.
As per modern principles, medicines administered nasally can have an impact on eye, facial skin, ears, nose and oral cavity.

Frequently asked questions

Can Anu thailam nasya and neti be done together?
Oiliness + coldness is not useful in many conditions.
With Anu taila nasya, we are making the nasal passage oily.  Along with it, if jalaneti is done, it will make the area cold. This can lead to worsening of cold, cough, sinusitis etc.
Hence, I would not recommend doing Anuthailam nasya and jala neti together.
At least there should be half an hour gap between these two.

Use of Anu oil after nasal surgery such as septoplasty, turbinoplasty, correction of deviated nasal septum (DNS) etc:
Anu thailam – 2 drops to each nostril, in the morning is very useful in post operative care.
It is useful to prevent further infection, allergic attacks, rhinitis etc.
But this should be used after the surgical wounds have healed completely, around 1 month after surgery.

Use of Anu thailam in thyroid complaints and hormonal imbalance:
It is useful in thyroid gland function correction. But along with it, oral medicines will also be required.

What if someone cannot tolerate Anu taila nasal drops?
It can be used for application to the inner side of nostrils. This will serve as a low dose alternative.

Using Anu thailam while using modern nasal spray.

Frequently asked questions about Anu tailam:
I had bought two bottles of Anu thailam from two different companies. One of the oils (Kairali) is darker than the other (Vaidyaratnam oushadhasala). Is it okay for it to be different?
Yes. Usually herbal products vary in colour because same herbs can be so different from one another.

I experience severe sensitivity at different points in my head after a few mins of administering the same. Heaviness of head & pin pricks pains are also there. Why is this so?
Heaviness and pin prick pains are due to sudden introduction of oil into nostrils without prior preparation.
Before Nasya, you need to do a face massage with sesame oil / Narayana taila for 5 minutes, avoiding the eyes.
Then do a small sweating therapy (swedana) by applying a towel dipped in hot water over the face.
Then you should instill 2 – 3 drops of Anu tail into both the nostrils.
Hope this should relieve the heaviness and pin prick pains.

I tried another nasal oil previously (without needing preparation) and it was very soothing, this anu is like a bolt of lightning from nose to throat to brain and beyond and it kept hurting for maybe 20 minutes. Would be nice if there were instructions with it or at least a warning. The brand I chose was Nagarjuna.

That is why, it is not good to try Panchakarma (or any Ayurvedic medicine) on one’s own.
Whenever you are using any Nasya oil (like this one), only one or two drops should be tried for the first week.
Massage and light fomentation with a towel dipped in hot water is a good pre-work.
It is good to do it in the morning, on empty stomach.

In a book I read Sariva , Triphala & Sandal wood as ingredient but you have not mentioned them.
One medicine can have different references with slightly a different set of ingredients. Of all Anu taila references, Ashtanga Hrudayam is the most followed one, which I have quoted above.

1. Is this oil ideally to be used only in the morning on empty stomach? also curious if it is possible to explain what the reason for this is.

2. Above, it is mentioned as being used for headache, can you elaborate on that a little?

1. Hi, there are two types of Nasya treatment (nasal drops) One with higher dose and one with very low dose – two drops into each nostril. The latter is called as Pratimarsha nasya – Since it is mild, there are six times mentioned for its usage. – Because it is not possible to follow that precisely, I suggested using it in the morning on empty stomach. – You can find further details about Nasya treatment here
If it is practiced after food, some people may feel irritation and vomit.

2. It helps to soothe nerves, relieves nerve irritation and hence, useful in balancing Vata, thus is used in headache treatment.

Anu taila oil for frontal hair loss:
Rakesh reported regrowth of tiny hairs in the frontal area of the scalp, after using Anu tail nasal drops for 2 months time.

Side effects: 
If all the instructions by the doctor are perfectly followed, there are no known side effects with this product.

What happens if one takes Anu tailam orally?
It is meant for nasal administration. However, all the ingredients of Anu oil are edible. Hence, there are no serious consequences of oral ingestion.

Anu Thailam ingredients

Jivanti –  Leptadenia reticulata
Devadaru – Cedrus deodara
Twak – Cinnamon
Usheera – Vetiveria zizanioides
Gopi – Ocimum sanctum
Daruharidra – Berberis aristata
Madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra
Musta – Cyperus rotundus
Agaru – Aquilaria agallocha
Shatavari – Asparagus
Kamala – Lotus
Bilva – Bael
Utpala – Nymphaea stellata
Brihati – Solanum indicum
Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum
Shalaparni – Desmodium gangeticum
Prishnaparni – Uraria picta
Vidanga – Embelia ribes
Patra – Cinnamon
Ela – cardamom
Renuka – Vitex negundo
Taila – Sesame oil
Goat milk

Traditional references

There are many references of Anu Taila. This herbal oil reference is found in the oldest of Ayurvedic treatises like Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hrudaya, Sahasrayoga.
Reference verse from
Ashtanga Hrudaya Sutrasthana 20/ 37-39

Shloka, Sanskrit Verse

Preparation of Anu thailam as per Charaka Samhita (reference: Sutrasthana 5/58-62)
Chandana (Sandalwood – Santalum album),
Aguru(Aquilaria Agalocha Roxb),
Patra – Cinnamomum tamala Nees and Eberum. ,
Bark of Darvi(sida cordifolia Linn),
Prapaunda rika (Nymphaea lotus Linn),
Sookshma Ela – cardamom
Vidanga (Emblia ribes Brum. F),
Bilva (Aegle marmelos Corr),
Utpala (Nymphaea alba),
Hrivera(Pavania adorata willd),
Abhaya – Terminalia chebula
Usheera – (Vetiveria Zizanioidse Nash),
Vanya (Cyperus tenuiflours),
Tvak (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Blume f),
Musta (Cyperus rotundus),
Sariva – Indian Sarsaparilla – Hemidesmus indicus,
Sthira – Desmodium gangeticum,
Jivanti – Leptadenia reticulataW.and A,
Prishnaparni – Uraria picta (Uraria Picta Desv),
Suradaru (Cedrus deodara),
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus Willd),
Harenu (Pisum Sativum Linn),
Brihati – Solanum indicum ,
Vyaghri (Slanum xanthocarpum Schrader and wendl),
Surabhi( Pluchea lanceolata Oliver and Hiern),
Padmakesara (Filaments of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn),

These herbs should be boiled with hundred times of pure rain water (of the oil in quantity), till it is reduced to ten times of the oil (in quantity). The oil should be boiled in that decoction for ten times. At the final (that is the tenth) stage of boiling, equal quantity of goat’s milk should be added to it.

This is the prescribed method for preparing Anu Taila which is useful for inhalation. The prescribed dosage of oil are half Pala or 24 ml( this is the quantity to be used in twenty-four hours).

Sri Sri Tattva
Nagarjuna – Anu Thailam

Difference between Shadbindu and Anu taila

Shadbindu taila is primarily advised for the treatment of headache, whereas Anu taila is mentioned and explained in the context of healthy daily routine. This hints that Shadbindu taila is used primarily for therapeutic purposes and Anu oil is used for both for health maintenance and therapeutic purposes.
While many diseases such as headache, early hair fall, teeth instability etc are mentioned as indications for Shadbindu taila, only strength promoting benefits are enlisted for Anu taila.

Both the nasal oils contain sesame oil as base.
Both contain goat milk. Goat milk is lighter to digest when compared to cow milk and has soothing effect over nasal mucosa. Its nasal mucosal absorption capacity is better when compared to cow milk. This could be the reason why both contain goat milk.
Common herbs in both Shadbindu and anu oils –
Cinnamon, Vidanga – Embelia ribes – false black pepper Licorice

Extra herbs in Shadbindu taila – ginger, rock salt, Rasna, Shatapushpa, Eranda moola, Tagara (Valerian root), Dill, Jivanti, Rasna and rock salt.

Number of ingredients is more in Anu taila than in Shadbindu taila.
When compared to anu taila, the nature of herbs in Shadbindu is stronger. Herbs like Tagara (Valerian root), castor root, Rasna are used therapeutically, but usually not used on a daily basis in a healthy individual.

Method of preparation: During preparation, Anu oil cooking happens for 10 times. Hence, it is more refined product when compared to Shadbindu tail, which is processed for only one time.

Dosage –
Shad Bindu literally means six drops. It hints that the most common dosage of this oil is six drops. However, its dose can be increased on decreased based on patient’s strength, disease intensity etc.
Anu oil is used in a variety of doses, starting from 2 drops, which is commonly administered in healthy people, its dose can go as high as 10 drops.

Warming the oil

Usually, Anu tailam is slightly warmed just above normal room temperature before administration. Lukewarm oil absorbs faster and quickly spreads in the body.
How to warm it?
Anu taila oil is a very heat sensitive product. The blend of oil and herbs is very delicate. Direct heating may cause loss of medicinal principles from the oil. Hence, it is best to warm it in a water bath. take a wide mouthed vessel. Take water in it. Bring it to around 50-60 degree Celsius. Then dip the Anu taila bottle in the water for 1-2 minutes. Before using the oil, test the oil for its temperature. You can do this putting a drop of the oil on to your hand. It should not be very hot.

Anu Thailam during pregnancy?

Can Anu taila nasya be done during pregnancy? The main rule during pregnancy is to use as minimal medicines as possible. Same rule applies to nasya also, even if the medicine used is one of the safest, i.e., Anu taila.

Click to buy Anu Thailam

Click the below button to buy from within India
(Caution: This product should strictly be used under medical supervision. Buy and use this product only if your doctor has advised it to you.)


  • Shekhar

    Doctor, I have been sufferring from deafness (hearing problem) and I’ve been advised to use Anu Taila for Nasya. I would like to know, is it ok to use this taila, will this help to cure my problem apart from other medicines I’ve been prescribed??

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Dear Shekhar, Anu Taila Nasya is useful to improve hearing.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Dear Karthik and Dr Anushree, many many thanks for appreciation 🙂

  • pv sundaresan iyer

    what about using ksheerabala 108 avarthanam?

  • kumaarv

    Hi Sir,

    Thanks for your information.
    My brother is having nose block and he is using “nasivion nasal drops”.
    We have an idea to stop that drop and to start anu thailam. If he stop and start using anu thailam immediately, will it lead to health issue? Please suggest.


    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      The way nasivision nasal drop and anu taila works is completely different. I would recommend to start with two drops of anu taila to reach nostril followed by hoy fomentation in the morning while continuing with nasivision. After a week or so, based on progress you can decide / consult an Ayurveda doctor for advice.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Hi, expiration date of anu tail is three years from date of manufacture. Hence, that oil will not be useful to you.

  • Mahesh

    I have been done nasya kriya in doctors administration. It gave good results of reduction in headache. I want to continue at home.
    (1) Can you please name types of anu oils ?
    (2) Which kind of smoke inhalation is to be performed?
    (3) I think Sesame taila is good for massage.

    Thank you

  • Hari S.

    Is there any complication on continuous usage of anu taila.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Usually Anu oil is instilled in to nose in the morning, followed by facial massage and a little fomentation with hot water dipped cloth or steam.
    You can use both Anu oil and allopathic spray on the same day. Just make sure to maintain a gap of 30 minutes between the two.

  • anu

    can we do nasya before sunrise ?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, Nasya is a cleansing procedure. It is meant to liquefy the toxins (~Dosha) and extract it out through the nasal route. Hence, sunlight helps. It should be done after Sunrise. Read more about Nasya procedure details here –

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    You can use Anu taila. But if you can undergo Nasya treatment in an Ayurveda center, it will still be better.
    If you want do follow by yourself, then put 2 drops into each nostrils. First, please read Nasya treatment rules here –

  • ommkarnath

    can anu tel cure nose polyps ?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      No. But it can reduce nasal mucosa inflammation.

  • Mahesh

    Dear Dr Hebbar

    Can nasya kriya be performed two times in a day morning and evening?

    Thank you

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Usually it is advised only once per day. Only if the Ayurvedic doctor specifies, then it can be done twice a day.
      Read more about – how to do Nasya at home –

  • hariharan

    is there a non surgical treatment for nasal polyps?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      There are medicines to reduce its size by a small degree to prevent its ill effects on health like frequent upper respiratory tract infection, rhinitis etc. Consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.


    Dear Sir,

    Will Anu tail help in stopping of grey hair. Would you advise some other oil for stopping grey hair ?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Anu taila nasya is very is useful for grey hairs. Please continue.

  • umesh kumar

    Excellent advice and explanation of the concepts on your website. I must compliment you on the easy ayurveda approach.
    Wish there were more references to enable us to buy for example nasya oil online from reputed indian vendors. This is just my opinion but i am sure there must be reasons for not doing so.

  • Devesh Kumar Arora

    I am interested in buying Anu Tail for my/our personal use. Which good companies are manufacturing this product. Is it available online ( of a good company).
    I stay in jaipur (Rajasthan).
    Thanks for reading and responding.
    Devesh Kumar Arora

  • Anusha

    Doctor one small clarification is the face massage and steam done BEFORE nasya or AFTER nasya?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Before Nasya treatment.

  • Anusha

    Also how can one do a self Nasya treatment?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Better to undergo Nasya for a week in Ayurveda center. Once you are familiar with the procedure, you can do it on yourself with a dose of 2 drops of oil to each nostril.

  • Hafeez

    wahat is tha difrent bit win anu oil and shadbind taila

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      I will write in detail. Both are quite similar.

  • Hafeez

    hair loss ke liye anu oil betar hai ya shadbindu taila

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Anu taila.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    If it is just 2 drops per day, then you can use it for 2 – 3 months time.

  • Pramod

    Sir,Is there any difference in Anu tail and Shadbindu Tail,Please reply,

  • sumit

    sir please tell me name of good company who sell anu tail…

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    You can put two drops of Anu taila into each nostril early in the morning before food daily. While you continue Anu taila, you can also continue the nasal spray usage.

    • Prakash

      Thank you sir.

  • Himalay Vasani

    hiiii plz say me what is a propaer method of nasya …plz say me……..

  • ama

    Sir my problem is nasal polyns annu taila is helpful ?

  • AMan

    sir i am from sonipat i done 2 nose surgery but its non benificial sir kshara for nosal polyns is helpfull

  • Mohan

    Can one use Anu Tailam when there are many polyps in the sinuses? Does it aggravate polyps / inflammation / mucus

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      it can be used. It does not aggravate.

  • AMan

    SIR mujhe kshara sutra treatment krvana h ap doctor sggest kr skte h?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Please tell your place.

  • Atulveer

    Wether it can be used for rectum problem

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Not very useful

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Hi, first massage and steam on face, and then use 2 drops of anu tailam to each nostril. If you do one among Jala neti or Anu taila nasya, it is sufficient.

    • Vaibhav Vaibhav

      Hi is it advisable to use some oil drops (anu or any other oil) after jal neti?Mat be after 1- 2 hours?I read somewhere jalneti dries up nasal passages so we should use oil drops.some say oil drops should not be used on same day of jal neti.I am confused regarding this.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Hi, it may cause nose irritation and vomiting in some people. Remedy is hot water gargle and drinking half a cup of milk. It is best to undergo this in an Ayurveda center at least for 5 – 7 days, before doing on your own.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Sorry for the missing link. Now, I have put the shlokas into the article above.
    Thanks for pointing out.

  • Parul

    Thanks for the informative article. Can anu taila be used just before sleeping to prevent nose blockage during night?

  • Nadeem

    Sir plz suggest me best annu tail brand available in india

  • ning

    Dear sir, I have problem of allergic rhinities for about 10 years.Will anu tail help in my conditions.I have nose block all the time even in summer also.If can,please prescribe dosage and duration of the medicine to be used

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      2 drops to each nostrils, 30 minutes before food, followed by steam can be useful.

  • ning

    another question is that some companies are warning about that, anu tail is dangerous to be swallowed while instilling and mouth has to be washed thoroughly when liquid comes in mouth.I want clarification on it.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It is best not to swallow. But some part of the oil invariably goes into the throat. Nothing wrong would happen if swallowed. But better to spit out the secretions and the oil, completely.

  • Nishi kant

    Thank you sir for your reply
    homeopathic treatment is also going on for the same purpose Should I continue.
    And I don’t not relief so I start to take two times early morning n at night whether it will harm …

  • Zac Rosman

    Hello Dr. Hebbar,
    I would appreciate your advice on my health condition. For years I suffer from the post nasal drip which affects the quality of my life. There are times when I have none or little drips from my nasal system and there are times when is lasting for several weeks and keeps me woried what to do. Here in Europe I visited several doctors and went under medical examination. Nothing obvious has been found, nor being alergic to certain subsatnes. I do not feel problems with my sinuses nor have any headache. The only founding was my personal observation of the symptoms through the time of several years. Actually, it seems that when I am spending my time in hot climate like traveling through tropical countries the symptoms tend to ease away or are almost negligable. When I return to cold European climate or maybe get exposed to European cities air polution I start to suffer from post nasal drip symptoms. I got some farma medicine here but I was not keen to administer the same since the danger of side effects are great. At my recent travel to India, Kerala for few month I found in Ayurvedic shop the Anu Tail nasal drops which made me think of it’s effectivness on my post nasal drip. Since I was not in a situation to visit an ayurvedic doctor there I bought the Anu Tail drops with intention to try it.

    Now I would be grateful if you could give me your comments on the above as well as to instruct me on it’s usage in my case. At my last visit to Ayurvdic doctor in Delhi few years ago I was told that I am predominantely a “Pitta” type.

    Many thanks,


  • Zac Rosman

    My residential place is in Zagreb, Croatia, EU. I will be grateful if you could recommend a local Ayurveda practioner in Zagreb.
    Thanks, Zac

  • CK

    Thank you Doctor. One last question. THe online version i have is yellow box and oil is also kind of yello and store version i purchase is different box with grey box and blackish red oil in it.

    are there different verities of the bilva oil or did i receive an incorrect oil ?

    I can smell nice gomutra in the dark red oil that i purchased in store but not the online one. Please advise which one is the correct one.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It is difficult to tell.

  • CK

    so should i discard the oil that does not smell like gomutra ? please advise as i am worried already with ear issues as i dont want to use incorrect version.

    its strange to know that both bottles have same logo but one bottle does not even list ingredients ( Yellow colord one )

    The dark colord one says Manjista, dugdha etc..

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, discard the oil that does not smell like gomutra.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Hi, in your case, ksheerabala taila 101 is better for nasya.

  • dipanshu mahajan

    From where I can buy this oil online?

  • dipanshu mahajan

    The above link is not working

  • Vani

    Hello Dr Hebbar,
    I have very very mild dyshidrotic eczema but I am hyperallergic.
    Although I am unable to trace allergen but I have constant leaky nose and cough. If I catch cold it takes too much time to go.
    Recently my blood reports suggest mild eosinophilia.
    Pls guide as to what medication to take.

  • Dhanya Poojary

    Hi Dr,
    I have pain in left shoulder which continues till left eye and left side of head also a black spot in front of left eye sometimes appear also I have grey hair problem. Kindly suggest

  • Dhanya Poojary

    Plz suggest something for grey hairs dr

  • chinmaya hota

    1) What should be the correct order of doing neti, nasya and kavala/gandusha?
    2) Should one also rinse mouth with salted water after nasya?
    3) How much time should one sleep after nasya?
    4) Is mootra neti (neti with morning urine instead of water) helpful for sinus problem?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      1. If you are doing Nasya with oil, then I would not advice neti along with it. Cold water neti + oil nasya does not go well.
      2. Kaval / Gandusha can be first, then 30 minutes, break, then nasya.
      3. hot water rinsing is fine, after nasya.
      4. minimum 30 – 45 minutes gap.
      5. No, as per my knowledge.
      Read related –

  • Dhanya Poojary

    Sir in left eye I always see a black spot since some months…please help

  • Vaibhav Vaibhav

    What is the best medicine or procedure for shrinking or removing polyps in ayurveda?

  • Hrituza

    Can Anu Tailam is instilled by 14 year girl

  • Dhanya Poojary

    Any treatment for grey hair and hair fall

  • Rockie

    Hello doctor. I want to use Anu Tailam before going to sleep. But in that case, i will not be able to spit out the secretions. I take homepathic medicine also, so its important for me to spit out. I feel i should use the tailam 15 minutes before going to bed, so that i can clear the throat and then sleep. pls advise me how to manage.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, better to use it 30 minutes before bed time. Just two drops to each nostril after a light face massage

  • Suresh G

    Hello sir
    Anu taila pantanji due to first time using no aware taken 5ml of drink after I got it oils
    Any side effect tell me please

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, Nothing to worry. All the ingredients are edible. Hence, no adverse effects on oral ingestion. However, avoid such mistakes next time.

  • Madan

    Does Anu tailam work for Eustachian Tube Dysfunction and fluid build up in middle ear?

  • Viswanaath VS

    Is Anu Tailam useful in shrinking Nasal Polyps Doctor ?

  • Aditya Bhardwaj

    Can Anu taila leads to nosebleed?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It can. But the chances are less than 1%, as most of the herbs are coolant.


    Dear Dr., Namaskar,
    I am using Anu Tail for my chronic headache problem for last 5 to 6 days. I have started feeling cold in the form of frequent sneezing. I live in Kochi ( no cold here). Is this oil very cool. What should I do.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      This oil is a mix of cold and hot herbs. Consider applying a few drops sesame oil on face and then wash off it with lukewarm water. After that, use Anu taila.

  • Nutan

    Can Anu oil be used in Nabhi


    Hello, i want to know is anu thailam useful or will benefit fighting covid 19 virus, and if a person is already suffering with corona can he use anu thailam for nasya? Kindly enlighten me on this

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It surely can be a preventive method to have robust respiratory immunity.
      In a covid 19 patient, if the symptoms are mild, 2 drops of anu tailam can be administered to each nostrils, under medical supervision.

  • Simran Kaur

    Hi Anu tail cures pharangitis problem allergy sinusitis


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