Most of the Ayurvedic medicines are purely herbal or herbo-mineral in nature. But a few of them contain non vegetarian ingredients.
Taking these medicines is fine from a healthcare point of view, but some people with traditional or religious beliefs may prefer to avoid such medicines. Here is the list.
Please note:
- I have excluded products that contain milk or milk products.
- Some companies, on rare occasions leave out the non veg ingredients. But such a practice is worth discouraging. Because, without that particular non veg ingredient, the formula will be incomplete and the desired action may not be achieved.
- It is always better to check with your doctor about any non veg ingredients, in case you are very particular about total vegetarianism.
Amrita prasha ghrita – a ghee preparation. contains goat meat as an ingredient.
Ajamamsa rasayana – goat meat
Gorochana pills, Gorochanadi Vati, Gorochanadi Gulika, Mathala Rasayanam – contains cow bile as an ingredient.
Aswagandhadi Lehyam / Ajaswgandhadi lehya – herbal jams with Ashwagandha as the main ingredient, contain goat meat.
Vayu Gutika, Kasturyadi Gulika – contain a part of Musk deer as ingredient.
Sri Gopal Taila – contains a part of musk deer as an ingredient
Kapardika bhasma / Kaparda bhasma – prepared from cowries.
Shankha Bhasma (conch shell).
Shankha Vati – Contains conch shell as an ingredient.
Kamadudha rasa – contains conch shell.
Mukta bhasma, Muktapishti – contains pearl.
Navaratna Raja Mruganka rasa – contains Navaratna – 9 gems, out of which many are derived from sea animals.
Kukkutandatvak bhasma – made from egg shell, good source of calcium.
Mrigamadasava, Mrigamada rasayana, Kasturi Bhairava Rasa, Brihat Kasthuri Bhairava Rasa – contains musk deer ingredient.
Maha Sneha – contains fat and meat of animal.
Pravala Panchamruta rasa – sea origin animal shell.
Chagalyadi Ghrita, Brihat Chyagalyadi Ghrita – Ghee preparations containing goat meat.
Shringa Bhasma, Manasamitra vatakam – prepared from deer horn.
(Samisha) Mahamasha thailam – contain goat meat as an ingredient.
Mahakukkutamamsatailam, Mahasneham, Maharajaprasarini Tailam, Dehaposhanayamakam, are a few other Ayurvedic medicines containing meat as an ingredient.
Chukkumthippalyadi Gulika – contains deer horn bhasma and Civet cat semen as ingredient. But many companies skip the second ingredient.
Dhanwantara Gulika – contains Civet cat semen as ingredient
Reosto tablet of Himalaya herbal healthcare and osteolief contain egg shell.
Related articles –
Vegetarian Vs Non Vegetarian Food Habit – A Comparison
Is Ayurveda totally vegetarian?
Thank you very much doctor for this list. I actually read about a medicine named goskhura(cow’s hoof when literally translated) when going through a list of names of ayurvedic medicines a few days back and thought that would figure in the list, but i googled just now and found out that it is a name of a herb(probably the plant or flower looks like a cow’s hoof).
I would like to ask how is cow bile obtained? is it possible to extract bile by making the cow vomit rather than killing it?(sorry if this is sounding like a joke)
also I would like to add that musk deer farms have been set up where musk is extracted without killing the deers. but we do not know whether musk deers are still being poached for musk, which would be a crime and should not be allowed. even deer horn is safe I guess from a vegetarian perspective.
According to you what is the percentage of Ayurvedic medicines derived from animal sources(excluding milk of course)? seeing the number I guess it may be 1% or maybe lesser.
could you also tell us the uses, benefits of these medicines, as vegetarians will avoid these medicines unless really required.
Thank you.
i also heard that a few allopathic medicines also have animal sources. is this true?
of course we also have to take into account the animal testing where many animals are being led to have a miserable life.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Any allopathic drug, before approval as medicine should undergo animal experimental studies to determine at what dose the medicine is effective, at what dose, it exhibits adverse effects, which organs might be affected, what is the mode of action etc. Then it is subjected to human clinical trial at four stages, followed by approval by US Food and Drug Administration. Then it is released into market.
sir i don’t think kumkumaadi thailam has any animal ingredients apart from goat’s milk(as verified from another doctor)
thank you
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
There are two references (formulas) for the manufacturing of Kumkumadi taila. – Reference: Bhaishajya Ratnavali 60th chapter. The one containing goat milk, does not have cow bile as an ingredient. and the other reference has cow bile as an ingredient. and most of the companies prepare the one with goat milk.. As a rule, if the list of ingredients over the label contains ‘rochana’ or ‘gorochana’ , then it is the one with cow bile formula.
Thanks for bringing this point to my notice.
thank you very much doctor for the valuable advice
ishar singh
Very informative, I have been using Him.Reosto which contains egg shell which I feel harmless. I do use meat/eggs. In boyhood I have been using due to habit of my father only.
Doctor Sir,
Could you throw light on Maha Thiktakam Gritam’ and its usage, dosage etc I know nothing about it?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi Vausgee,
I have written about it here –
sir, what are the benefits of mahasneham ghrita
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It is useful to improve nerve strength and energy. It is mainly used in preparatory part of Panchakarma therapy, called as Snehakarma / oleation treatment – Read more about it here –
My doctor suggested me tohave mahasneham. But I am pure vegetarian. Is the medicine contains any nonveg ingredient
thanks for giving this information,was shocked to know gorochanandi gulika is made from cows bile
Dr Malini Bhat
You are welcome Sir
I think there are some more medicines containing meat, like Ajamaamsa rasayanam.
Thanks a lot for the list. I thought Conch shell is calcium carbonate of organic origin. If there are no living beings in the shell when used in medicine it is as good as vegan
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi..can anyone pls tell if the conch is killed to obtain it’s shell in order to make shankh bhasm or they are obtained from non living conch
Doctor can you please tell if manasamitra gulika tablet of vaidyaratnam company have any non vegetarian ingredients?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
No, as per my knowledge. You can contact their customer care and confirm.
Gopala Iyengar
It is a good guide touching on many topics required for aayushman and varchaswan life
Ramadoss Kuthur Vaidyanathan
I understand now only, that some Ayurvedic medicines do contain animal part. Is this being indicated in the medicines itself, so that strict vegetarians need not take it.
Sheshadri N
Only ajaashwaganda right
Not plain ashwagandadi rasayana?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Some people mislabel it as ashwagandhadi. Please check the label for ingredients, to be very sure.
Could you let me know on the usage of Cow urine in Ayurveda? Didn’t find that in your list.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Please read full details here
Is Mukta Pishti Veg or Non Veg.
There is lot of confusion on this
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Namaste. Usually the calcium products derived from animals, is not considered non vegetarian. This is our belief.