Recurrent abscesses: There are a few disease conditions which occur repeatedly even after a good course of treatment. Recurrent abscesses is one such disease. It is quite often seen in clinical practice that even after antibiotic therapy, some abscesses recur. Ayurveda has many effective abscess treatment options. Here is an explanation about how far Ayurvedic treatment would benefit in the treatment of recurrent abscess.
Table of Contents
Ayurvedic explains diseases in terms of Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Master Sushruta, the father of surgery has devoted two chapters for Abscesses. One to explain abscess causes and symptoms and the other to explain abscess treatment.
Abscess is caused by Vitiation of imbalanced Tridoshas affecting skin, blood, muscle, fatty tissue, and bones.
Based on certain features, abscess can be classified into Vata, pitta, kapha, etc types.
Sushruta also explains abscess occurring due to external causes such as in injury and also abscess occurring due to internal causes.
Ayurvedic treatment
Drain the abscess – Sushruta explains that the abscess with pus collection should be neatly drained first. This process is called as Vidravana / shastrabhedana. After draining it, the affected area is to be washed with Panchamoola kashaya.
Following that a paste (Poultice) made of liquorice and other herbs such as Dashamoola (group of ten herbs), Bala (Sida cordifolia), turmeric, etc is applied.
Panchakarma therapy – predominantly, Virechana therapy is administered.
The poultice with various herbs are applied in the treatment, based on the predominance of Doshas.
Caution in Abscess treatment –
Sushruta says – Nishhalyamatha vijnaaya kartavyam vranashodhanam |
In cases of abscess due to external injury, the doctor should make sure that the abscess is free from foreign particles such as needle, piece of wood etc, before adopting the abscess cleansing technique.
abscess home remedy : While abscess needs treatment under medical supervision, some relief can be sought by following a few home remedies as well. Click on the link to know about abscess home remedies as specified by Master Sushruta.
Home Remedies
Drumstick leaves –
paana aalepana bhojyeshu madhushigrudrumo api vaa |
dattaavaapo yathaadosham apakwam hanti vidradhim ||
– Sushruta Samhita – Chikitsa sthana 16/31
Master Sushruta has explains that the drum stick leaves powder or drum stick leaves decoction prepared by adding 10 grams of powder to two glasses of water, heated and reduced to one glass, filtered, should be consumed. Its powder should also be used to make a paste with water or pure honey and should be applied over the abscess. This is especially beneficial in early stages of abscess. Master Sushruta also explains that the red variety of Drumstick leaves give better results. Drumstick should also be used frequently in the form of drumstick leaves soup, drumstick leaves recipe etc.
Khichdi (semisolid food preparation) prepared with barley, mustard, and drumstick root can be used as abscess home remedy according to Master Sushruta.
Once the abscess is opened and pus is drained out, the area should be treated as wound.
For this purpose, regular washing with a decoction (kashaya) prepared by adding one spoon each of neem, curry leaves, turmeric and triphala powder into two glasses of water, heated and reduced to one glass, filtered. This decoction can be used when warm . But once prepared decoction can not be used for the next time.
Even a paste prepared with the above said herbs can also be applied under sterile conditions.
Neem and turmeric being anti-microbial and Triphala being astringent, will help to stop the bleeding and will cause quick wound healing when applied in combination.
Hi Doctor,
You posts are really informative. But i have a question. In common man’s terms can you tell me what is the causes of recurring abscess. I want to know the root cause and based on that i want to fix it naturally.
I am getting recurring absesses from few years and got one Anal fistula (Bagandhar) also treated.
Is it due to bacteria? Poor health? Any type of food?
Thanks for your help. Is there any way i can contact you for your consultation?
Dr Janardhana V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
There are a few causes why abscess happens recurrently.
1. low immune power
2. repeated skin infection with bacteria
3. certain food items such as junk food, too much oily food, very high non vegetarian intake – they cause free radicals, which damage the health of blood vessels (blood pipe) and indirectly cause abscess.
4. There may also be some genetic factors, which have not been proven yet. But I strongly suspect.
5. Diabetes and high blood pressure
I follow a very healthy lifestyle with regular practice of Yoga and pranayama and complete vegetarian food. I also dont have any ailments lie High B P or Diabetes. but i recently got a very bad case of thigh abscess which has not yet healed. ( three days). I am a vata predominant woman of 52 yrs, I have been taking ksheerabala 10 drops everyday as prescribed by my doctor. could that be the reason or is there any other reason?
Kindly clear my doubts.
Thanking in advance,
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, Ksheerabala 10 drops will not cause or worsen abscess. Use more of turmeric and curry leaves in diet.
I get abscess near thigh or anus whenever I eat Garlic. What is the reason behind it.?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It is due to Pitta Dosha increase. Please use it along with milk. Avoid consuming it during summer and autumn.