Kupilu – Nux Vomica – Uses, Dose, Purification, Side Effects
Kupilu / Nux vomica is a famous but poisonous Ayurvedic herb. It has many health benefits but should only be used after purification. It has…
Kupilu / Nux vomica is a famous but poisonous Ayurvedic herb. It has many health benefits but should only be used after purification. It has…
Sariva is known as Indian Sarsaparilla. It is different from Sarsaparilla. Its botanical name is Hemidesmus indicus. In Ayurveda system of medicine, it is widely…
Calotropis gigantea is known as Arka in Sanskrit. It is widely used in many Ayurvedic treatments, both externally (ksharasutra) and internally. It is a very…
Turmeric is one of the very useful and famous Ayurveda herbs. It is used in many forms and through many routes of administration, such as…
Sarpagandha, also known as Rauwolfia serpentina (Rauvolfia serpentina) or black snakeroot, is one of the very important Ayurvedic herbs. It is used in treating high…
Kutaja is a very famous herb used in treating diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome etc. It is used in preparing very common Ayurveda medicines like Kutajarishta,…
Karaveera is a toxic herb used in Ayurvedic therapeutics. Its external application is indicated in toxic bites.Botanical Name- Nerium Indicum (N. Odorum Soland). Family- APOCYNACEAE…
Alstonia scholaris / Saptaparna is a famous bitter-astringent tasting Ayurveda herb used in skin diseases, intestinal worm infestation etc. It is named so, because its…
Lodhra is a very important Ayurveda herb. It is mainly used in bleeding disorders, diarrhea and eye disorders. Its references in Ayurveda are found since…
Vidanga is one of the powerful anti-parasitic herbs of Ayurveda. It is widely used against intestinal worm infestation. Its botanical name is Embelia ribes. It…
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