Adibala Pravritta Vyadhis: Meaning, Subtypes, Examples, Prevention, Cure

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Adibala Pravritta Vyadhis are group of diseases which fall under the category of Adhyatmika Vyadhis explained by Acharya Sushruta.

Ref – Sushruta Sutra Sthana, Chapter 24, verse 6

Adibala Pravritta Vyadhis: Part of Adhyatmika Vyadhis

Adhyatmika Vyadhis itself is one among the threefold classification of diseases explained by Sushruta, Adidaivika and Adibhoutika being the other two types.

Adhyatmika Vyadhis are those diseases which manifest at the level of body and mind and almost all psychosomatic diseases fall under this category. Diseases caused by aggravated vata, pitta and kapha and also by doshas of mind i.e. raja and tama also are categorized under Adhyatmika Rogas. Therefore, Adibalapravritta Vyadhis, being classified under Adhyatmika Vyadhis also comprise of similar diseases under its umbrella.

Apart from this Adibala Pravrtta Vyadhis will have their own specific features.

In this article we shall study about Adibala Pravrtta Vyadhis and their sub-classification.

Adibala Pravrtta Vyadhis

तत्र, आदिबलप्रवृत्ता ये शुक्रशोणितदोषान्वयाः कुष्ठार्शः कुष्ठार्शःप्रभृतयः तेऽपि द्विविधाः – मातृजाः पितृजाश्च। (Su.Su.24/6)

Meaning of Adibala Pravritta Vyadhi

–        Adibala Pravritta – present right from the beginning (of life) i.e. before or at the point of conception – strong right from the beginning
–        Vyadhi – diseases

Definition of Adibala Pravrtta Vyadhis 

Adibala Pravrtta Vyadhis are the diseases that are produced due to the abnormalities / morbidities of shukra – semen / sperm and sonita – menstrual blood / ovum.

Other names

Adibala Pravrtta Vyadhis are also called by the below mentioned names, by different authors –

–        Sahaja Vyadhis – as named by Acharya Vagbhata – which means diseases which naturally occur
–        Kulaja Vyadhi – as named by Acharya Charaka – which means diseases which run in families
–        Sanchari Vyadhi – as named by Acharya Yagnavalkya – which means the diseases which keep circulating and wandering from generation to generation
–        Prakritibhava Vyadhi – as named by Acharya Bhela – which means diseases which have descended with the constitution or personality of an individual (prakriti is formed at conception) and becomes a part of the person

All these names explain the same nature of origin of these diseases.

Examples of Adibala Pravritta Vyadhis

  • Arshas – piles
  • Kustha – skin diseases
  • Madhumeha – diabetes mellitus
  • Rajayakshma – tuberculosis
  • Shvitra – leukoderma
  • Apasmara – epilepsy, disorders of memory
    Other diseases which can be included under the umbrella term adibala pravrtta vyadhis
  • Cleft palate and cleft lips
  • Short-sightedness
  • Color blindness
  • Hemophilia
  • Hemicrania / migraine
  • Eczema
  • Asthma
  • Hysteria
  • Chorea
  • Fragilitas ossium
  • Deaf-autism
  • Lipoma
  • Cancer
  • Obesity
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
  • Alport Syndrome
  • Peptic ulcers etc.

Types of Adibala Pravrtta Vyadhis

Adibala Pravrtta Vyadhis are of two types –

a.    Matruja Vyadhis – maternal diseases – diseases coming from the morbidity or abnormalities in the ovum, inherited / derived from mother

b.   Pitruja Vyadhis – paternal diseases – diseases coming from the morbidity or abnormalities in the sperm, inherited / derived from father

Modern thoughts

Adibala Pravrtta Vyadhis can be correlated to the genetic disorders caused due to the defects in sperms and ovum. They are also known as inherited disorders.

Prevention and cure

Nidana Parivarjana – Foods, activities, habits and lifestyle practices which would harm shukra and shonita should be avoided by man and woman respectively. They should train themselves towards leading a righteous way of life and make proper choices which are conducive to their overall health and also health of sperm and ovum. Any diseases or symptoms related to genital system or tract shall be promptly addressed with the help of physicians. The same principles apply for those suffering from adibala pravrtta rogas also.

Panchakarma – Ayurveda advocates purification therapies – Panchakarma procedures – to be administered to the couple before they plan for a baby. This will not only purify the impurities of the body, detoxify it and expel the morbid doshas and malas, they will also purify the genital systems – sperms and ovum. Aspiring parents who have genetic disorders or inherited disorders in either side or both sides of their families should preferably reach out for these measures. This might prevent adibala pravritta vyadhis in the progeny and help in begetting healthy children. The same therapies shall be administered even for curative approaches also.

Daiva Vyapashraya Chikitsa – Divine and spiritual therapies should be conducted before conception which will help as non-medicinal, mind balancing and support therapy.

Yukti Vyapashraya Chikitsa – Medicines and foods to strengthen the sperms – Vajikarana and Rasayana therapies would come in handy. Women should try therapies and medicines for correcting their menstrual irregularities and to strengthen their genital system. Medicines and therapies to cleanse the shukravaha srotas and artavavaha srotas and rasavaha srotas and also to cure the diseases therein, if any, shall be brought into plan.

Sattvavajaya Chikitsa – Imbalances in the mind and derangements of rajas and tamas qualities too can hamper the quality of sperms and ovum by interfering with their genesis. Psychotherapy, meditation, Yoga and Murdni Taila procedures will come in handy.

All the above said interventions should be considered in a biphasic approach i.e. preventive as well as curative.

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