Treatment Principles of Samsarga and Sannipata Doshas according to Acharya Vagbhata

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Samsarga means combination of two doshas. Sannipata means combination of all the three doshas.

Samsargaja Vyadhis are the diseases caused by simultaneous aggravation of any two doshas. They are also called Dwidoshaja Vyadhis. They are of two types i.e. Vata-pittaja, Vata-kaphaja and Kapha-pittaja.

Sannipataja Vyadhis are the diseases caused by simultaneous aggravation of all the three doshas. As per the classification given by Master Charaka in the context of Sannipataja Jwara, if we take it as a standard for all Sannipatas, it is of thirteen types. One of them is when all doshas are equally aggravated. The other twelve types of sannipatas are formed due to relative increase and decrease of the three doshas in the combination. These are also called Tridoshaja Vyadhis.

With this knowledge, we will discuss the treatment principles of these two kinds of dosha aggravation according to Acharya Vagbhata.

Ref – A.Hr.Su.13/13-15

Treatment principles for Samsarga and Sannipata doshas (vyadhis)

उपक्रमः पृथग्दोषान् योऽयमुद्धिश्य कीर्तितः।
संसर्गसन्निपातेषु तं यथास्वं विकल्पयेत्॥१३॥
ग्रैष्मैः प्रायो मरुत्पित्ते वासन्तः कफमारुते।
मरुतो योगवाहित्वात्, कफपित्ते तु शारदः॥१४॥
चय एव जयेद्दोषं कुपितं त्वविरोधयन्।
सर्वकोपे बलीयांसं शेषदोषाविरोधतः॥१५॥

Treatment for each individual dosha has been explained clearly in Ayurveda. Therefore, there is clear cut treatment protocols for vata, pitta and kapha, which includes dos and don’ts with respect to foods and activities, seasonal regimens, therapies and many more.

In management of Samsarga and Sannipata dosha conditions or disease types caused by them, it is all about skillful and meaningful mixture of those treatment principles of individual doshas into an effective combination. This is the basic principle of treating these conditions.

So, the different treatments for each individual dosha which have been specifically explained should be combined according to the predominance of doshas in the combined vitiation / aggravation and administered in conditions caused due to combined aggravation of doshas. This rule is applicable for both samsarga and sannipata.

Blend of Rtucharya: Seasonal regimen in Management of Samsarga conditions

Management of Vata-Pittaja (Samsarga) condition – The combined vitiation of vata and pitta doshas shall be generally treated on the lines of Grishma Rtucharya i.e. regimen of summer season. Here, the treatments, foods, lifestyle practices, therapies and comforts mentioned in the context of summer regimen shall be implemented in the management of vata-pitta samsarga.

Management of Kapha-Vataja (Samsarga) condition – The combined vitiation of kapha and vata doshas shall be generally treated on the lines of Vasanta Rtucharya i.e. regimen of spring season. Here, the treatments, foods, lifestyle practices, therapies and comforts mentioned in the context of spring regimen shall be implemented in the management of kapha-vata samsarga.

Vata as Yogavahi – The reason for management of above said samsargas on the lines of Grisma Rtucharya (Vata-pitta) and Vasanta Rtucharya (Kapha-vata) is the ‘Yogavahi nature of Vata’. Yogavahi is the property of Vata to blend with pitta and kapha and behave like them. When vata is associated with pitta, it boosts pitta and behaves similar to pitta and produces heat and other symptoms typical of pitta. When the same vata gets associated with kapha, it boosts kapha dosha and behaves like kapha, and produces cold and other symptoms typical of kapha.

Management of Kapha-Pittaja (Samsarga) condition – The combined vitiation of kapha and pitta doshas shall be generally treated on the lines of Sharad Rtucharya i.e. regimen of autumn season. Here, the treatments, foods, lifestyle practices, therapies and comforts mentioned in the context of autumn season shall be implemented in the management of kapha-pitta samsarga.

Points to remember

–        The vitiation of doshas should be treated properly when they are in the chaya stage (stage of mild accumulation of doshas in their own places) itself. This will prevent the doshas progressing to the further stages of pathogenesis which might lead to manifestation of diseases.

–        When the doshas are in the stage of kopa i.e. aggravation, they should be destroyed / treated with measures which are not opposing or interfering with other doshas and also not opposing each other

Principle for management of Sannipata

When all the doshas are simultaneously aggravated, the most powerful or most aggravated dosha among all the three doshas in the combination should be first controlled and brought to balance. This shall be done in a way which is not opposing the remaining doshas.

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