Treatment principles for ‘Krisha’ lean individuals: According to Acharya Vagbhata

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

There are many good treatments and medicines for Karshya i.e. emaciation and for Krisha Rogi – extremely thin individuals. But everything follows some general principles.

Here, in this article, we shall touch on the principles of management of emaciation / leanness / thinness – as enumerated by Acharya Vagbhata.

Ref – A.H.Su.14/33b-35

Treatment Principles for Karshya

योजयेद्बृंहणं तत्र सर्वं पानान्नभेषजम्॥३३॥
अचिन्तया हर्षणेन ध्रुवं सन्तर्पणेन च।
स्वप्नप्रसङ्गाञ्च कृशो वराह इव पुष्यति॥३४॥
न हि मांससमं किञ्चिदन्यद्देहबृहत्त्वकृत्।
मांसादमांसं मासेन सम्भृतत्वाद्विशेषतः॥३५॥

Below mentioned are the treatment principles for the management of emaciation –

1. Sarvam Pana Anna Bheshajam Brmhanam

All kinds of liquids, foods and herbs / medicines which are brimhana in nature should be prescribed. Brimhana means that which promotes and enhances the bulk of the move, that which is nourishing in nature and that which brings about stoutening. Here, the foods, drinks and medicines which are prescribed should serve this purpose of nourishing the body and constructing the body in a healthy way such that the person overcomes his emaciation and gradually stoutens in a healthy way.

2. Achintaya

Achintya means absence of worry. Worrying is a reflection of severe stress the person is undergoing. Chinta – excessive worry causes an increase in Vata. This increased vata would not only create excessive dryness in the body but would also dry up the tissues of the body. When not addressed, it would lead to emaciation. The person who is emaciated should be advised to keep away from stressful situations and environments and not to keep worrying.

3. Harshanena

Harshanena means ‘to be happy’. Not worrying and being happy are two sides of the same coin. They appear one and the same, but they are different from each other. A person who does not worry is not essentially happy. A happy person need not be the one who does not have any worry.

4. Dhruvam Santarpanena Cha

Dhruvam Santarpana – means adequate use of nutritious foods. Lean persons should be given nutritious foods which are light to digest, as per the principle i.e. laghu apatarpana. Lean people need foods which are nutritious and also nourish and enrich their tissues.

5. Swapna Prasangat cha

Swapna Prasanga – means the person should be advised to sleep adequately. Good quality and quantity of sleep is nourishing in nature. Diwaswapna i.e. sleeping during morning / day time is said to be conducive for emaciated people and very much nourishing in nature. The patient should also stop keeping awake during the night time, which increases vata and causes depletion of tissues, which is non-conducive for lean people.

Acharya further says that ‘by following the above said principles, the emaciated person becomes as stout as a Varaha – boar’.

Apart from this, he further mentions the best food for the emaciated individuals i.e. mamsa – meat.

6. Mamsada Mamsa Sevana

There is nothing equivalent to meat among the foods which cause stoutness of the body. Mamsa is the best food and medicine to bring about brimhana – stoutening of emaciated persons.

Even among the meats, the mamsada mamsa – the meat of the meat-eating animals i.e. carnivorous animals. This is because the carnivorous animals get nourished by feeding meat itself. Therefore, their meat is enriched with ulterior quality and is the best among all meats. 

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