‘Jwalanasya Diptim’ Effect of Shodhana

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Acharya Vagbhata has mentioned ‘Jwalanasya Diptim’ among the five best benefits of Shodhana.

Ref – Ashtanga Hridaya Sutra Sthana, Chapter 18, verse 60 (A.Hr.Su.18/60)

Jwalana means fire. It means ‘jatharagni or kayagni’ – digestive fire in this context. The meaning may also extend to include ‘dhatu agni’ – tissue fire and ‘bhuta agni’ – elemental fire. Diptim – means to kindle or enhance.

Jwalanasya Diptim means ‘kindles the fire in general and digestive fire specifically’. Shodhana kindles the core fire of our system and also the other subtypes of agni through a feedback mechanism.

Shodhana kindles the digestive fire – The digestive fire located in the stomach and gut supports the other types of agni i.e. dhatu agni and Bhuta agni. This will happen only if the core fire i.e. jathara agni, represented by Pachaka Pitta is stable, balanced and kindled. All diseases of systemic and metabolic origin are caused by diminution of agni. Reduced core fire will also deplete the tissue fire and elemental fires. This will lead to indigestion and insufficient nutrition of the tissues, which will, in due course of time lead to compromised functions of the tissues, organs and organ systems leading to production of ama at systemic and cellular level. Ama will clog the channels of the body and would further deplete the fire and its activities. This is a vicious cycle.

Agnimandya and influence of different doshas on agni – When the agni is influenced by different doshas, the agni becomes pathological in different ways. Mandagni happens when fire is influenced by kapha – hypo-digestion / hypo-metabolism. Tikshnagni is when the fire is influenced by pitta – hyper-digestion / hyper-metabolism. Vishamagni is when the fire is influenced by vata – erratic digestion.

Different types of ajirna – Various types of indigestion also happens when there is mandagni of many kinds. Due to kapha increase and mandagni, amajirna is caused. Due to pitta increase and tikshnagni, vidagdhajirna is caused. Due to vata increase and vishamagni, vistabdhajirna is caused. They in turn lead to many kinds of kaphaja, pittaja and vataja disorders in the long run.

Agni, dhatu vriddhi and kshaya – Likewise increase of agni in the dhatus will lead to tissue depletion and decrease of agni to abnormal dhatu increase. Agnimandya will also cause mala sanchaya i.e. accumulation of wastes in the body and also srotorodha – clogging of different channels of the body.

We can see that shodhana, while flushing out the morbid doshas, ama and malas and cleansing the channels would also kindle jatharagni and other agnis too. Shodhana is also a type of langhana – lightening therapy.

Purvakarmas and their impact on Agni – The purvakarmas i.e. preparatory measures done before shodhana i.e. Deepana, Pachana, Snehana and Shodhana and also the Paschat Karmas i.e. postoperative measures, mainly Samsarjana Krama – post-shodhana dietetic scheduling will also help in kindling, stabilizing and supporting the agni.

Peeping into Jwalanasya Diptim – It reflects the rejuvenation and establishment of health in the gastrointestinal tract, exocrine and endocrine systems related to the agni and digestive enzymes as achieved by shodhana. It also reflects correction of tissue metabolism and core metabolism. Shodhana is also a good remedy for gastrointestinal disorders.

Shodhana, in this perspective establishes the peaceful functioning of pachaka pitta, samana vata, kledaka kapha, ranjaka pitta, apana vata, prana vata and bodhaka kapha.

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