‘Dhatu Sthiratvam’ effect of Shodana

Acharya Vagbhata has mentioned ‘Dhatu Sthiratvam’ among the five great benefits of Shodana.

Ref – Ashtanga Hridaya Sutra Sthana, Chapter 18, verse 60 (A.Hr.Su.18/60)

Dhatu Sthiratvam – means stability of the dhatus. He says that shodhana provides stability to the dhatus and supports them.

Dhatus are the building blocks of the body. Their qualitative and quantitative are determining factors of one’s strength, endurance and immunity. Strong dhatus guard themselves from the aggravated doshas in circulation. On the other hand, if the dhatus are weak, they cannot resist the attack of doshas. Strong doshas invading the weak dhatus is the first event in the causation of any disease. The invasion leads to gradual damage of the tissues leading to many diseases.

Dosha Dushya Sammurchana – Dosha Dushya Sammurchana i.e. amalgamation of strong and vitiated dosha and weak and susceptible dhatu is the most important event in the pathogenesis of any disease. This occurs in the fourth stage of pathogenesis i.e. Sthana Samshraya stage of Kriya Kala wherein it begins and the amalgamation is completed in the fifth stage i.e. Vyakta stage of the disease wherein the disease is manifested in its full strength with its clear-cut signs and symptoms.

Samprapti Vighatana – Treatment of any disease includes samprapti vighatana i.e. breaking the chain of pathogenesis. This is also called ‘dosha dushya sammurchana vighatana’ i.e. breaking the bond of amalgamation of morbid dosha and susceptible dhatu.

Shodana for breaking the vicious combination of doshas and dhatus – Shodhana is the ultimate step in expelling these morbid doshas and cleansing the body and also the tissues after the dosha and dhatu are separated by various measures of treatments and medicines.

If shodhana is not administered, the doshas would remain dormant in the dhatus and continue causing their damage in the long run. Herein the diseases would become strong and stubborn and chronic, while the dhatus would become weaker and weaker with time. This will reduce the overall immunity and strength of the body because the body sustains only if the dhatus are quantitatively and qualitatively balanced.

Shodhana is the ultimate weapon to attack and drive out the invading doshas and thus protect the tissues as a first step. Once the dhatus are cleansed of the morbid doshas, the pathway to establish their strength and normalcy opens.

As such, after Shodhana, followed by Samsarjana Krama, the tissues will start auto-recovering. Shodhana also enhances agni at the gut and tissue level. This will enable the tissues to receive and use the nutrients to optimum. This will cause rejuvenation and strengthening of tissues. Rasayanas administered after proper cleansing of tissues will complete the ‘tissue strengthening and supporting’ protocol. Recovery of tissue strength would reflect the end of the disease process and also established immunity.

Peeping into Dhatu Sthairyatvam – the effect of shodhana seems to be having a positive, stabilizing and strengthening effect on the entire network of tissues. When the tissues are healthy, their essence i.e. ojas is properly formed. Healthy tissues and ojas reflect optimum health, strength, endurance and immunity.

Dhatus are connected to their roots through the srotas – channel system of the body. The channels are formed by respective dhatus.

Shodhana, in this context establishes the peaceful functioning of Srotas – the channel or duct system of the body, which also includes cellular structures and functioning, proper formation, sustenance and functioning of individual and integrated networks of tissues. It shows the impact of shodhana on the immune system also. Ojas is circulated through the heart and hence shodhana of tissues will help in rejuvenation and support of the cardiovascular system.

Dhatu Sthairyam established by shodhana reflects cleansing and establishing of normal functions and strength in – lymphatic system, reticuloendothelial system, circulatory system, musculoskeletal system, adipose system, bone marrow functioning and nervous system and uro-genital system.

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