‘Balam Indriyanam’ effect of Shodhana

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Acharya Vagbhata mentions ‘Balam Indriyanam’ as one among the five major effects of Shodhana.

Ref – Ashtanga Hridaya, Sutra Sthana – Chapter 18, verse 60

Balam Indriyanam means – provides strength to the indriyas – sense organs.

Shodhana provides strength to the Indriyas.

Indriyas generally mean jnanendriya – organs of sensory perception. The word Indriya also includes – karmendriya – organs of action or motor functions and ubhayendriya – dual organ, which is both an organ of sense as well as action – i.e. manas, the mind.

Asatmya Indriyartha Sannikarsha – Asatmya Indriyartha Sannikarsha means improper (less, more or perverted) contact / coordination of the sense organs with their objects. This can happen in three forms i.e. hina yoga – deficit contact, ati yoga – excessive contact and mithya yoga – perverted contact. It is said to be one of the three major causes for all the diseases.

Jnana Indriya – In the modern-day work module, since we work too much on our computers and phones, we abuse or overuse our indriyas, mainly the eyes – which is said to be a pradhana indriya – chief and the most important among the indriyas. A part of Alochaka Pitta located in the chakshurindriya – sense organ of visual perception i.e. eye is directly related to the brain functions through its portion called as ‘buddhi visheshaka alochaka pitta’.

The other senses too undergo loads of stress due to our erratic food choices, sleep disturbances, stressful lifestyle and work patterns and many other factors of modern day living. Herein they lose their strength to perceive their objects properly.

Apart from this, the indriyas are also afflicted by the aggravated physical doshas leading to indriya pradoshaja vikaras.

Manas – Likewise, the mind, which is both a sensory and motor functioning entity, is constantly exposed to stress, strain and affliction by doshas, both physical and mental doshas.

Karma Indriyas – The karmendriyas too lose their strength in the long run due to excessive physical activities and over-exercise, excessive talking and indulgence in excessive sexual activities. Many abdominal and gastrointestinal diseases may cause stress on the rectum and anus, which are also karma indriyas.

Effect of Shodhana – Shodhana, would rejuvenate and strengthen all these indriyas. Example – Nasya would strengthen the eyes and help in proper perception. We have seen that children (or adults also) have improved their vision and have discontinued their spectacles after undergoing Nasya and Netra Tarpana.

Nasya bestows strength to the other sense organs also. Vamana, Raktamokshana and Virechana help in rejuvenation of skin, apart from curing skin disorders. Vasti would help in strengthening the colon, pelvic organs and organs of locomotion, muscles, joints, uro-genital system and a lot more. Vamana, Virechana, Vasti and Nasya are the best therapies for mental disorders and mind strengthening.

Indriya Bhramsha – deviation of functions of sense organs is one of the symptoms of Vata increase. Functions of Indriyas are controlled by Vata. Therefore, Vasti is an ideal form of shodhana to reboot and energize the indriyas.

Eye always has a threat from Kapha since it is antagonistic to pitta, alochaka pitta in this instance. Vamana, Virechana and Nasya are ideal forms of shodhana for the eyes.

Nasya is the best shodhana to restore the strength of ghrana indriya – sense organ of smell, nose. Vamana and Virechana may be administered selectively as and when needed. Likewise, Vamana and Virechana are suitable for tongue disorders and to re-establish the health of sense organs of taste.

Uttara Vasti will help in providing strength to the genital system apart from curing the disorders located therein.

All forms of Panchakarma are ideal for strengthening the mind and should be selectively chosen as and when needed.

Peeping into Indriya Balam – the effect of shodhana seems to be having a positive and strengthening effect on sensory system, motor system, mind, locomotion system, uro-genital system and excretory system and also on speech apparatus. The diseases herein also can be combated with skilful administration of shodhana.

Shodhana, in this context establishes peaceful functioning of Prana Vayu, Udana Vayu, Vyana Vayu, Apana Vayu, Sadhaka Pitta, Avalambaka Kapha, Bhrajaka Pitta, Alochaka Pitta, Shleshaka Kapha, Rajas and Tamas.

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