Ashtanga Hridayam Uttara Sthanam Chapter 34: Guhya Roga Prathishedha (Treatment of Diseases of Genital Organs)

The 34th chapter of Uttara Sthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is named as ‘Guhyaroga Pratishedha’. This chapter deals with the explanation of ‘Treatment of diseases of genital organs.

The topics covered in this chapter include –

  • Treatment of Upadamsha
  • Treatment of Arshas
  • Treatment of Sarshapa
  • Treatment of Avamantha
  • Treatment of Kumbhika
  • Treatment of Alaji
  • Treatment of Uttama
  • Treatment of Pushkarika and Samvyusha Pitika
  • Treatment of Tvakpaka, Sparshahani and Mridita
  • Treatment of Nivritta and Avapatika
  • Treatment of Avapatika
  • Treatment of Niruddha
  • Treatment of Granthita
  • Treatment of Shataponaka
  • Treatment of Shonitarbuda
  • Yoni Vyapat Cikitsa – Treatment of diseases of the Vagina
  • Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat
  • Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat
  • Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat
  • Treatment of Pittaja Yoni Vyapat
  • Shatavari Ghrita
  • Jivaniya Ghrta
  • Baladi Taila
  • Treatment of Raktaja Yoni Vyapat
  • Pushyanuga Churna
  • Treatment of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapat
  • Dhatakyadi Taila
  • Kasisadi Churna
  • Palashadi Churna
  • Treatment of rigid and rough vagina
  • Treatment for foul smell
  • Treatment principles according to vitiated dosha
  • Conception of embryo in purified womb
  • Treatment of vitiated semen
  • Phala Sarpis / Phala Ghrita

Pledge by the author(s)

अथातो गुह्यरोगप्रतिषेधं व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having offered prayers to the God, henceforth we are going to explain the chapter pertaining to the explanation of ‘Treatment of diseases of the genital organs. Thus, say (pledge) Atreya and other sages.

Treatment of Upadamsha

मेढ्रमध्ये सिरां विध्येदुपदंशे नवोत्थिते ।
शीतां कुर्यात्क्रियां शुद्धिं विरेकेण विशेषतः ॥ १ ॥
तिलकल्कघृतक्षौद्रैर्लेपः पक्वे तु पाटिते ।
In Upadamsha of recent onset, the vein in the centre of the penis should be cut and (blood let out), cold therapies should be done, purification of the body especially purgation; if the swelling is ripe it should be cut open and then a paste of tila – Sesamum indicum mixed with ghee and honey is applied.

Treatment of Upadamsha

जम्ब्वाम्रसुमनोनीपश्वेतकाम्बोजिकाङ्कुरान् ॥ २ ॥
शल्लकीबदरीबिल्वपलाशतिनिशोद्भवाः ।
त्वचः क्षीरिद्रुमाणां च त्रिफलां च पचेज्जले ॥ ३ ॥
स क्वाथः क्षालनं तेन पक्वं तैलं च रोपणम् ।
Sprouts of jambu – Syzygium cumini, āmra – Mangifera indica, sumano – Jasminum grandiflorum, nīpa – Sphaeranthus indicus, śveta kāmbojika – Teramnus labialis, śallakī – bark of Boswellia serrata, badarī – Zizyphus jujuba, bilva – Aegle marmelos, palāśa – Butea monosperma, tiniśa udbhavāḥ – Ougeinia dalbergioides and trees yielding milky sap and Triphala – Haritaki – Terminalia chebula Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica ,Amalaki – Emblica officinalis should be boiled in water and decoction prepared. This decoction should be used for washing the lesion; medicated oil prepared from the decoction is beneficial for healing.

Treatment of Upadamsha

तुत्थगैरिकलोध्रैलामनोह्वालरसाञ्जनैः ॥ ४ ॥
हरेणुपुष्पकासीससौराष्ट्रीलवणोत्तमैः ।
लेपः क्षौद्रद्रुतैः सूक्ष्मैरुपदंशव्रणापहः ॥ ५ ॥
Application of fine paste purified copper sulphate, red ochre, lodhra – Symplocos racemosa, elā – Elattaria cardamomum, realgar āla – Arsenii trisulphidum aqueous extract of Berberis aristata, hareṇu – Pisum sativum puṣpakāsīsa – Green Vitriol – Ferrous Sulphate alum rock salt mixed with honey cures the small ulcers of Upadamsha.

Treatment of Upadamsha

कपाले त्रिफला दग्धा सघृता रोपणं परम् ।
Triphala burnt to ash on a pan and applied mixed with ghee is best for healing.

Treatment of Upadamsha

सामान्यं साधनमिदं प्रतिदोषं तु शोफवत् ॥ ६ ॥
This is general line of treatment of each dosha is similar to that described for Shopha (swelling).

Treatment of Upadamsha

न च याति यथा पाकं प्रयतेत तथा भृशम् ।
पक्वैः स्नायुसिरामांसैः प्रायो नश्यति हि ध्वजः ॥७॥
All efforts should be made to prevent ripening (suppuration) because, by suppuration of tendons, veins and muscles, the penis itself gets destroyed.

Treatment of Arshas

अर्शसां छिन्नदग्धानां क्रिया कार्योपदंशवत् ।
Arshas should be excised, burnt and treatments mentioned for Upadamsha should be tone.

Treatment of Sarshapa

सर्षपा लिखिताः सूक्ष्मैः कषायैरवचूर्णयेत् ॥ ८ ॥
तैरेवाभ्यञ्जनं तैलं साधयेद्व्रणरोपणम् ।
Sarshapa should be scrapped (by the knife) and then rubbed with the powder of herbs used for decoction, oil for anointing or should be prepared from those herbs also heal the ulcer.

Treatment of Avamantha

क्रियेयमवमन्थेऽपि रक्तं स्राव्यं तथोभयोः ॥ ९ ॥
Even in Avamantha the same treatment, blood letting should be done in both.

Treatment of Kumbhika

कुम्भीकायां हरेद्रक्तं पक्वायां शोधिते व्रणे ।
तिन्दुकत्रिफलालोध्रैर्लेपस्तैलं च रोपणम् ॥ १० ॥
In Kumbhika which is ripe, the blood should be let out, wound cleaned and paste and oil prepared with tinduka – Diospyros peregrina, Triphala – Haritaki – Terminalia chebula Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica, Amalaki – Emblica officinalis, lodhrai: – and Symplocos racemosa applied to heal the ulcer.

Treatment of Alaji

अलज्यां स्रुतरक्तायामयमेव क्रियाक्रमः ।
In Alaji, blood should be let out and then the same treatment adopted.

Treatment of Uttama

उत्तमाख्यां तु पिटिकां सञ्छिद्य बडिशोद्धृताम् ॥११॥
कल्कैश्चूर्णैः कषायाणां क्षौद्रयुक्तैरुपाचरेत् ।
The eruption of Uttama, should be pulled out holding it with the forceps and then treated with application of paste and powder of herbs used for decoction added with honey.

Treatment of Pushkarika and Samvyudha Pitika

क्रमः पित्तविसर्पोक्तः पुष्करव्यूढयोर्हितः ॥ १२ ॥
The treatment advocated for Pittaja Visarpa (chapter 18 of Chikitsasthana) is beneficial for Pushkarika and Samvyudha Pitika.

Treatment of Tvakpaka, Sparshahani and Mridita

त्वक्पाके स्पर्शहान्यां च सेचयेद्मृदितं पुनः ।
बलातैलेन कोष्णेन मधुरैश्चोपनाहयेत् ॥ १३ ॥
अष्ठीलिकां हृते रक्ते श्लेष्मग्रन्थिवदाचरेत् ।
In Tvakpaka and Sparshahani, the penis should be bathed and rubbed with warm Balataila (described in Verse no- 42-44a) and poultice with sweet herbs. In Ashtilika, after bloodletting it should be treated like shleshma granthi.

Treatment of Nivritta and Avapatika

निवृत्तं सर्पिषाऽभ्यज्य स्वेदयित्वोपनाहयेत् ॥१४॥
त्रिरात्रं पञ्चरात्रं वा सुस्निग्धैः शाल्वणादिभिः ।
स्वेदयित्वा ततो भूयः स्निग्धं चर्म समानयेत् ॥१५॥
मणिं प्रपीड्य शनकैः प्रविष्टे चोपनाहनम् ।
मणौ पुनः पुनः स्निग्धं भोजनं चात्र शस्यते ॥१६॥
In Nivritta, the penis should be anointed with ghee, given fomentation and warm poultice of Salvana etc. after proper oleation for three days or five days, it is again given fomentation and the lubricated skin pulled forward slowly, pressing the glans and gradually pushing it back, the glans should be given warmth with poultice again and again; fatty foods are ideal during treatment

Treatment of Avapatika

अयमेव प्रयोज्यः स्यादवपाट्यामपि क्रमः ।
The same treatment should be adopted even for Avapatika.

Treatment of Niruddha

नाडीमुभयतोद्वारां निरुद्धे जतुना सृताम् ॥ १७ ॥
स्नेहाक्तां स्रोतसि न्यस्य सिञ्चेत्स्नेहैश्चलापहैः ।
त्र्यहात्त्र्यहात्स्थूलतरां न्यस्य नाडीं विवर्धयेत् ॥ १८ ॥
स्रोतोद्वारमसिद्धौ तु विद्वान् शस्त्रेण पाटयेत् ।
सेवनीं वर्जयन् युञ्ज्यात्सद्यःक्षतविधिं ततः ॥ १९ ॥
In Niruddha, a tube which has openings at both ends, smeared with lac and lubricated with fat is inserted into the urethra and bathed with oil which mitigate Vata. Every three days, big sized tubes should be inserted and dilated. If by this method the passage does not get formed (dilated), then the physician should make the opening with the knife, avoiding the site of the Sevani (raphae) and then adopt the treatment of fresh wounds.

Treatment of Granthita

ग्रन्थितं स्वेदितं नाड्या स्निग्धोष्णैरुपनाहयेत् ।
Granthita should be exposed to steam through pipes and unctuous warm poultice applied over.

Treatment of Shataponaka

लिम्पेत्कषायैः सक्षौद्रैर्लिखित्वा शतपोनकम् ॥ २० ॥
Shataponaka should be scrapped well and powder of herbs of astringent taste added with honey applied on.

Treatment of Shonitarbuda

रक्तविद्रधिवत्कार्या चिकित्सा शोणितार्बुदे ।
Shonitarbuda should be treated just as treating Rakta vidardhi (chapter 13 of Cikitsasthana).

Vranopachara in all diseases

व्रणोपचारं सर्वेषु यथावस्थं प्रयोजयेत् ॥ २१ ॥
In all diseases (of the penis), ulcer treatment appropriate to the stage should be resorted to.

Yoni Vyapat Chikitsa: Treatment of diseases of the Vagina

Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat

योनिव्यापत्सु भूयिष्ठं शस्यते कर्म वातजित् ।
स्नेहनस्वेदबस्त्यादि वातजासु विशेषतः ॥ २२ ॥
In diseases of the Vagina, occuring especially of Vata origin oleation, sudation, enema and such other therapies which destroy Vata are highly valuable.

Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat

न हि वातादृते योनिर्वनितानां प्रदुष्यति ।
अतो जित्वा तमन्यस्य कुर्याद्दोषस्य भेषजम् ॥२३॥
Without the aggravation of Vata, the vagina does not get disordered in women; hence that should be won over (mitigated) first and the treatment of other doshas should be done next.

Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat

पाययेत बलातैलं मिश्रकं सुकुमारकम् ।
स्निग्धस्विन्नां तथा योनिं दुःस्थितां स्थापयेत्समाम् ॥ २४ ॥
पाणिना नमयेज्जिह्मां संवृतां व्यधयेत्पुनः ।
प्रवेशयेन्निःसृतां च विवृतां परिवर्तयेत् ॥ २५ ॥
स्थानापवृत्ता योनिर्हि शल्यभूता स्त्रियो मता ।
The woman should be given either Bala Taila (chapter 21), Mishraka Sneha (chapter 14), Sukumara Ghrita (chapter 14 of Chikistsasthana) to internal oleation therapy. The vagina should be anointed with fats given fomentation and then the distortions corrected by the hand, the curved one should be straightened, narrowed one should be widened, protruded one pushed back, reverted one replaced, a displaced vagina is like a foreign body itself to the woman.

Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat

कर्मभिर्वमनाद्यैश्च मृदुभिर्योजयेत्स्त्रियम् ॥ २६ ॥
सर्वतः सुविशुद्धायाः शेषं कर्म विधीयते ।
बस्त्यभ्यङ्गपरीषेकप्रलेपपिचुधारणम् ॥ २७ ॥
Emesis and other purificatory therapies should be administered in a mild way for women after proper purification, the remaining treatments such as enema, massage, bathing with decoction, application of pastes and wearing diapers (medicated) should be adopted.

Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat

काश्मर्यत्रिफलाद्राक्षाकासमर्दनिशाद्वयैः ।
गुडूचीसैर्यकाभीरुशुकनासापुनर्नवैः ॥ २८ ॥
परूषकैश्च विपचेत्प्रस्थमक्षसमैर्घृतात् ।
योनिवातविकारघ्नं तत्पीतं गर्भदं परम् ॥ २९ ॥
Medicated ghee should be prepared by cooking one prastha (768 grams) of ghee along with (the decoction and) paste of kāśmarya – Gmelina arborea, Triphala-
Haritaki – Terminalia chebula, Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica, Amalaki – Emblica officinalis, drākṣā – Vitis vinifera, kāsamarda – Cassia occidentalis, the two Nisha-
Haridra – Curcuma longa, Daruharidra – Berberis aristata, guḍūcī – Tinospora cordifolia, sairyakā – Strobilanthes ciliatus, abhīru – Asparagus racemosus, śukanāsā – Oroxylum indicum, punarnavaiḥ – Boerhavia diffusa parūṣakai: – and Grewia asiatica each one aksha (12 grams) in quantity of ghee; this consumed orally cures diseases of the vagina and effectively helps the formation of the embryo.

Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat

वचोपकुञ्चिकाजाजीकृष्णावृषकसैन्धवम् ।
अजमोदायवक्षारशर्कराचित्रकान्वितम् ॥ ३० ॥
पिष्ट्वा प्रसन्नयाऽऽलोड्य खादेत्तद्घृतभर्जितम् ।
योनिपार्श्वार्तिहृद्रोगगुल्मार्शोविनिवृत्तये ॥ ३१ ॥
vacā – Acorus calamus, upakuñcika – Nigella sativa, ajājī – Cuminum cyminum, kṛṣṇā – Piper longum, vṛṣaka – Adhathoda vasica, saindhavam – rock salt, ajamodā – Apium Graveolens, alkali prepared of Hordeum vulgare, sugar citrakānvitam – and Plumbago zeylanica are macerated after mixing with Prasanna (scam of beer), fried in ghee and consumed for the cure of pain of the vagina and flanks, heart diseases, abdominal tumor and hemorrhoids.

Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat

वृषकं मातुलुङ्गस्य मूलानि मदयन्तिकाम् ।
पिबेन्मद्यैः सलवणैस्तथा कृष्णोपकुञ्चिके ॥ ३२ ॥
vṛṣakaṃ – Adhathoda vasica, mātuluṅgasya mūlāni – root of Citrus medica madayantikām – and Lawsonia inermis should be consumed along with wine added with salt or kṛṣṇa – Piper longum, upakuñcike – and Nigella sativa –
may be consumed similarly.

Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat

रास्नाश्वदंष्ट्रावृषकैः शृतं शूलहरं पयः ।
Milk boiled with rāsnā – Pluchea lanceolata, śvadaṃṣṭrā – Tribulus terrestris, vṛṣakaiḥ – and Adhathoda vasica relieves pain.

Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat

गुडूचीत्रिफलादन्तीक्वाथैश्च परिषेचनम् ॥ ३३ ॥
Decoction of guḍūcī – Tinospora cordifolia, triphala –
Haritaki – Terminalia chebula, Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica, Amalaki – Emblica officinalis dantī – and Baliospermum montanum is suitable for bathing (the vagina).

Treatment of Vataja Yoni Vyapat

नतवार्ताकिनीकुष्ठसैन्धवामरदारुभिः ।
तैलात्प्रसाधिताद्धार्यः पिचुर्योनौ रुजापहः ॥ ३४ ॥
Diaper (piece of cotton cloth) soaked in oil prepared with nata – Valeriana wallicii, vārtākinī – Solanum xanthocarpum kuṣṭha – Saussurea lappa, saindhavā – rock salt maradārubhiḥ – and Cedrus deodara kept in the vagina relieves pain.

Treatment of Pittaja Yoni Vyapat

पित्तलानां तु योनीनां सेकाभ्यङ्गपिचुक्रियाः ।
शीताः पित्तजितः कार्याः स्नेहनार्थं घृतानि च ॥३५॥
For diseases of the vagina caused by Pitta aggravation, bathing, anointing, keeping diaper and other therapies which mitigate Pitta should be done in cold state and medicated ghee recipes used for oleation therapy.

Shatavari Ghrita

शतावरीमूलतुलाचतुष्कात्क्षुण्णपीडितात् ।
रसेन क्षीरतुल्येन पाचयेत घृताढकम् ॥३६॥
जीवनीयैः शतावर्या मृद्वीकाभिः परूषकैः ।
पिष्टैः प्रियालैश्चाक्षांशैर्द्विबलामधुकान्वितैः ॥३७॥
सिद्धशीते तु मधुनः पिप्पल्याश्च पलाष्टकम् ।
शर्कराया दशपलं क्षिपेल्लिह्यात्पिचुं ततः ॥३८॥
योन्यसृक्शुक्रदोषघ्नं वृष्यं पुंसवनं परम् ।
क्षतं क्षयमसृक्पित्तं कासं श्वासं हलीमकम् ॥३९॥
कामलां वातरुधिरं विसर्पं हृच्छिरोग्रहम् ।
अपस्मारार्दितायाममदोन्मादांश्च नाशयेत् ॥४०॥
The milky juice taken out by pounding four tula (19.2 Kg) of roots of śatāvarī – Asparagus racemosus is cooked with one adhaka (3.072 Kg) of ghee, adding the paste of 1 aksha (12 grams) quantity each of herbs of jivaniya gana (chapter 15 of Sutrasthana), śatāvaryā – Asparagus racemosus, mṛdvīkābhiḥ – Vitis vinfera, parūṣakaiḥ – Grewia asiatica, priyālai: – Buchanania lanzan, the two Bala -atibala – Abutilon indicum, bala – Sida cordifolia madhukānvitaiḥ – and Glycyrrhiza glabra; after it cools, eight pala (384 grams) each of honey and pippali – Piper longum and ten pala (480 grams) of sugar are added and stored. If consumed in doses of one pichu (one aksha – 12 grams), it cures diseases of the vagina, menstrual blood, semen, is an aphrodisiac; helps to get male children, cures wound, consumption, bleeding disease, cough, dyspnea, severe jaundice, jaundice, gout, herpes, pain of the heart and head, epilepsy, facial paralysis, tetanus, intoxication and insanity will be cured off.

Jivaniya Ghrita

एवमेव पयःसर्पिर्जीवनीयोपसाधितम् ।
गर्भदं पित्तजानां च रोगाणां परमं हितम् ॥ ४१ ॥
Ghee prepared with milk cooked in the same (above) manner with herbs of Jivniya gana (chapter 15 of Sutrasthana), helps conception and is best suited for diseases of Pitta origin.

Baladi Taila

बलाद्रोणद्वयक्वाथे घृततैलाढकं पचेत् ।
क्षीरे चतुर्गुणे कृष्णाकाकनासासितान्वितैः ॥ ४२ ॥
जीवन्तीक्षीरकाकोलीस्थिरावीरर्द्धिजीवकैः ।
पयस्याश्रावणीमुद्गपीलुमाषाख्यपर्णिभिः ॥ ४३ ॥
वातपित्तामयान् हत्वा पानाद्गर्भं दधाति तत् ।
In two drona (12.228 litres) of decoction of balā – Sida cordifolia, one adhaka (3.072 Kg) of ghee and oil (together) along with four parts of milk and paste of kṛṣṇā – Piper longum, kākanāsā – Asclepias curassavica, sugar candy, jīvantī – Leptadenia reticulata, kṣīrakākolī – Roscoea purpurea, sthirā – Desmodium gangeticum, vīra – Asparagus racemosus, ṛddhi – Habenaria intermedia, jīvakaiḥ – Malaxisa cuminata, payasyā – Holostemmaada-kodien, śrāvaṇī – Sphaeranthus indicus, mudga – Phaseolus trilobus, pīlu – Chonemorpha fragrans māṣākhya parṇibhiḥ – and Teramnus labialis all are cooked together and medicated oil prepared. This consumed daily cures diseases caused by Vata and Pitta and helps conception.

Treatment of Raktaja Yoni Vyapat

रक्तयोन्यामसृग्वर्णैरनुबन्धमवेक्ष्य च ॥ ४४ ॥
यथादोषोदयं युञ्ज्याद्रक्तस्थापनमौषधम् ।
By noticing the color of the discharged blood, the increase of the secondary dosha should be determined in diseases of vagina arising from vitiation of blood and then according to the involved dosha treatment to stop the bleeding should be administered.

Pushyanuga Churna

पाठां जम्ब्वाम्रयोरस्थि शिलोद्भेदं रसाञ्जनम् ॥४५॥
अम्बष्ठां शाल्मलीपिच्छां समङ्गां वत्सकत्वचम् ।
बाह्लीकबिल्वातिविषालोध्रतोयदगैरिकम् ॥ ४६ ॥
शुण्ठीमधूकमाचीकरक्तचन्दनकट्फलम् ।
कट्वङ्गवत्सकानन्ताधातकीमधुकार्जुनम् ॥ ४७ ॥
पुष्ये गृहीत्वा सञ्चूर्ण्य सक्षौद्रं तण्डुलाम्भसा ।
पिबेदर्शःस्वतीसारे रक्तं यश्चोपवेश्यते ॥ ४८ ॥
दोषा जन्तुकृता ये च बालानां तांश्च नाशयेत् ।
योनिदोषं रजोदोषं श्यावश्वेतारुणासितम् ॥४९॥
चूर्णं पुष्यानुगं नाम हितमात्रेयपूजितम् ।
pāṭhāṃ – Cissampelos pareira, jambu – kernel of seeds of Syzygiumcumini, āmrayo: asthi – seed of Mangifera indica, śilodbhedaṃ – asphaltum, rasāñjanam – extract of Berberis aristata, ambaṣṭhāṃ – Cyclea peltata, śālmalīpicchāṃ – Bombax malabaricum, samaṅgāṃ – Rubia cordifolia, vatsakatvacam – bark of Holarrhena antidysentirica, bāhlīka – Crocus sativus, bilva – Aegle marmelos, ativiṣā – Aconitum heterophyllum, lodhra – Symplocos racemosa, toyada – Cyperus rotundus, gairikam – red ochre, śuṇṭhī – Zingiber officinale madhūka – Madhuca longifolia mācīka – Tamarix Gallica raktacandana – Pterocarpus santalinus, kaṭphalam – Myrica nagi, kaṭvaṅga – Oroxylum indicum, vatsaka – Holarrhena antidysentirica, anantā – Hemidesmus indicus, dhātakī – Woodfordia fruticosa, madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra arjunam – and Terminalia arjuna gṛhītvā – all these herbs are collected during pushya stellar constellation, converted to nice powder and consumed mixed with honey along with rice-wash. It cures haemorrhoids and diarrhoea which have bleeding, diseases caused by worms (intestinal parasites) in children, diseases of the vagina, menstrual disorders which have blue, white, crimson and black colored fluid discharge. This formula known as Pushyanuga Churna, and extolled by Atreya is beneficial.

Treatment of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapat

योन्यां बलासदुष्टायां सर्वं रूक्षोष्णमौषधम् ॥ ५० ॥
In diseases of Vagina vitiated by Kapha, all the treatment should be with herbs which are dry and hot (in potency).

Dhatakyadi Taila

धातक्यामलकीपत्रस्रोतोजमधुकोत्पलैः ।
जम्ब्वाम्रसारकासीसलोध्रकट्फलतिन्दुकैः ॥५१॥
सौराष्ट्रिकादाडिमत्वगुदुम्बरशलाटुभिः ।
अक्षमात्रैरजामूत्रे क्षीरे च द्विगुणे पचेत् ॥५२॥
तैलप्रस्थं तदभ्यङ्गपिचुबस्तिषु योजयेत् ।
तेन शूनोन्नता स्तब्धा पिच्छिला स्राविणी तथा ॥५३॥
विप्लुतोपप्लुता योनिः सिध्येत्सस्फोटशूलिनी ।
Medicated oil should be prepared with the (decoction of) dhātakī – Woodfordia fruticosa, āmalakīpatra – leaves of Emblica officinalis, srotoja – Lead sulphide, madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra, utpalaiḥ – Nymphaea alba, jambu – seed of Syzygium cumini āmra sāra – and seeds of Mangifera indica, kāsīsa – ferrous sulphate, lodhra – Symplocos racemosa, kaṭphala – Myrica nagi, tindukaiḥ – Diospyros peregrina, saurāṣṭrikā – Cinnamomum camphora, dāḍimatvak – Punica granatum, – udumbara śalāṭubhiḥ – tender fruits of Ficus racemosa, each one aksha (12 grams), added with two parts of goat urine, cow milk and one prastha (768 ml) of oil and cooked; this should be used for anointing, soaking the vaginal diaper and enema (vaginal douche) and by it, the vagina which is swollen, elevated, static (rigid), slimy, exudative, displaced, accompanied with eruptions and cracks and pain all get cured.

Treatment of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapat

यवान्नमभयारिष्टं सीधु तैलं च शीलयेत् ॥ ५४ ॥
पिप्पल्ययोरजःपथ्याप्रयोगांश्च समाक्षिकान् ।
Food preparation from (barley) Hordeum vulgare, Abhayarista, Sidhu, and oil should be used habitually, so also recipes of pippalī – Piper longum, iron pathyā – Terminalia chebula mixed with honey.

Kasisadi Churna

कासीसं त्रिफला काङ्क्षी साम्रजम्ब्वस्थि धातकी ॥५५॥
पैच्छिल्ये क्षौद्रसंयुक्तश्चूर्णो वैशद्यकारकः ।
Powder of kāsīsaṃ – ferrous sulphate, triphla – Haritaki – Terminalia chebula, Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica, Amalaki – Emblica officinalis, kāṅkṣī – Cinnamomum camphora, āmra – seeds of Mangifera indica, jambu asthi – and seeds of Syzygium cumini and Woodfordia fruticosa
क्षौद्र संयुक्त: – kṣaudra saṃyukta: – mixed with honey (and applied), causes dryness when the vagina is slimy (exudative).

Palashadi Churna

पलाशधातकीजम्बूसमङ्गामोचसर्जजः ॥ ५६ ॥
दुर्गन्धे पिच्छिले क्लेदे स्तम्भनश्चूर्ण इष्यते ।
आरग्वधादिवर्गस्य कषायः परिषेचनम् ॥ ५७ ॥
Powder of palāśa – Butea monosperma, dhātakī – Woodfordia fruticosa, jambū – Syzygium cumini, samaṅgā – Rubia cordifolia, moca – Salmalia malabarica sarjajaḥ – Vateria indica is desirable in bad smell, slimy and moistness of the vagina as an astringent powder; the decoction of herbs of Aragvadhadhi varga (chapter 15 of sutrasthana) is good for bathing (the vagina).

Treatment of rigid and rough vagina

स्तब्धानां कर्कशानां च कार्यं मार्दवकारकम् ।
धारणं वेसवारस्य कृशरापायसस्य च ॥ ५८ ॥
In case of vagina being rigid and rough, it should be made soft by keeping a pad of veshavara (cooked meat) krishara (rice boiled with gram) or payasa (milk pudding).

Treatment for foul smell

दुर्गन्धानां कषायः स्यात्तैलं वा कल्क एव वा ।
चूर्णो वा सर्वगन्धानां पूतिगन्धापकर्षणः ॥ ५९ ॥
In case of foul smell, use of decoction, oil, paste or powder of all fragrant herbs will help eliminate the foul smell.

Treatment principles according to vitiated dosha

श्लेष्मलानां कटुप्रायाः समूत्रा बस्तयो हिताः ।
पित्ते समधुकक्षीरा वाते तैलाम्लसंयुताः ॥ ६० ॥
सन्निपातसमुत्थायाः कर्म साधारणं हितम् ।
In diseases caused by Kapha aggravation, enema with fluids having pungent taste and mixed with cow urine are suitable; in those caused by Pitta (enema with fluids) having madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra and milk are suitable and in those of Vata origin (enema with fluids) having oil and sours. In diseases caused by all the doshas together, general line of treatment is suitable.

Conception of embryo in purified womb

एवं योनिषु शुद्धासु गर्भं विन्दन्ति योषितः ॥ ६१ ॥
अदुष्टे प्राकृते बीजे जीवोपक्रमणे सति ।
Thus, when the vagina becomes purified, the woman conceives the embryo, if the seed is not vitiated, is normal and jiva (atma/soul) enters into it.

Treatment of vitiated semen

पञ्चकर्मविशुद्धस्य पुरुषस्यापि चेन्द्रियम् ॥ ६२ ॥
परीक्ष्य वर्णैर्दोषाणां दुष्टं तद्घ्नैरुपाचरेत् ।
The semen of the man, who has undergone purification through the five purifactory therapies, should also be examined carefully by its color and the aggravation of doshas determined. The vitiated (semen) then treated by therapies which mitigate the aggravated dosha.
Phala Sarpis / Phala Ghrita

मञ्जिष्ठाकुष्ठतगरत्रिफलाशर्करावचाः ॥ ६३ ॥
द्वे निशे मधुकं मेदां दीप्यकं कटुरोहिणीम् ।
पयस्याहिङ्गुकाकोलीवाजिगन्धाशतावरीः ॥ ६४ ॥
पिष्ट्वाक्षांशा घृतप्रस्थं पचेत्क्षीरचतुर्गुणम् ।
योनिशुक्रप्रदोषेषु तत्सर्वेषु प्रशस्यते ॥ ६५ ॥
आयुष्यं पौष्टिकं मेध्यं धन्यं पुंसवनं परम् ।
फलसर्पिरिति ख्यातं पुष्पे पीतं फलाय यत् ॥ ६६ ॥
म्रियमाणप्रजानां च गर्भिणीनां च पूजितम् ।
एतत्परं च बालानां ग्रहघ्नं देहवर्धनम् ॥ ६७ ॥
mañjiṣṭhā – Rubia cordifolia, kuṣṭha – Saussurea lappa, tagara – Valeriana wallichii, Triphala-Haritaki – Terminalia chebulak, Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica, Amalaki – Emblica officinalis, sugar, vacāḥ – Acorus calamus, the two Nisha-Haridra – Curcuma longa, Daruharidra – Berberis aristata, madhukaṃ – Glycyrrhiza glabra, medāṃ – Polygonatum cirrhifolium, dīpyakaṃ – Trachyspermum roxburghianum, kaṭurohiṇīm – Picrorhiza kurroa, payasyā – Impomoea paniculata, hiṅgu – Ferula asafoetida, kākolī – Fritillaria roylei, vājigandhā – Withania somnifera, śatāvarīḥ – Asparagus racemosus each one aksa (12 grams) made into (decoction and) paste, added with one prastha (768 grams) of ghee, four parts of milk and medicated ghee cooked. It is very valuable in all disorders of the vagina and semen, it bestows longevity, nourishment, intelligence, auspiciousness and male children; known as Phalasarpis; it helps the woman to bear children when consumed during menstrual period. It is beneficial for those women whose children die prematurely and also, for the pregnant; it is best to ward off Balagraha (disease of children) and promotes growth of their body.

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने गुह्यरोगप्रतिषेधो नाम चतुस्त्रिंशोऽध्याय: ॥३४॥
Thus, ends the chapter Guhyaroga Pratishedha- the thirty fourth in Uttara sthana of Astanga Hridaya Samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.
Thus, ends the Shalya tantra (Surgery), the fifth branch of Ayurveda.

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