Ashtanga Hridayam Uttara Sthanam Chapter 13: Timira Pratishedham (Treatment of Blindness)

The 13th chapter of Uttara Sthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is named as Timira Pratishedha Adhyaya. This chapter deals with the explanation of ‘Treatment of blindness’.

The topics covered in this chapter include –

  • Relation between Timira, Kaca and Andhya
  • Jivantyadi Ghrta
  • Draksadi Ghrta
  • Patoladi Ghrta
  • Triphala Ghrta
  • Mahatriphala Ghrta
  • Use of Triphala Ghrta
  • Use of Triphala
  • Curunjana Yogah
  • Mamsyadi Anjanam
  • Maricadi Curna
  • Manohvadi Anjana
  • Srotojadi Anjana
  • Bhaskara Curna
  • Bhujangadi Anjanam
  • Tuttadyanjana
  • Sisadyanjana
  • Rasendradyanjanam
  • Gridhranjanam
  • Krishnasarpadhyanjanam
  • PratisaraAnjana
  • Akshabijadhyanjana
  • SanmaksikaYoga
  • Ratnadi Curnanjana
  • Nasya to strengthen the eyes
  • Samanya Cikitsa
  • Vataja Timira Cikista
  • Pittaja Timira Cikitsa
  • Kaphaja Timira Cikitsa
  • Vimala Varti
  • Kokila Varti
  • Go valadi Varti
  • Raktaja Timira Cikitsa
  • Samsarga Sannipata Timira Cikitsa
  • Natadi Tailam
  • Best anjana for timira
  • Treatment principles in Kaca
  • Gudadi Anjana for Kaca
  • Nakulandhya – treatment principles
  • Ratryandha Cikitsa
  • Doshandha Cikitsa
  • Kalanusaryadi Varti in Ratryandha
  • Yakruta Pippali
  • Dhumara Cikitsa
  • Swarnagairikadyanjanam
  • Medadi Ghrta
  • Nasya Tarpana and Siravyada
  • Things to be avoided in eye disorder
  • Treating the doshas
  • Tarpanadi Cikitsa
  • Importance of eye protection
  • Measures to protect the eyes
  • Medadi Ghrta Nasya

Pledge by the author (s)

अथातस्तिमिरप्रतिषेधं व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
Athāta: timira pratiṣedhaṃ vyākhyāsyāma: – After having offered prayers to the God, henceforth we are going to explain the chapter pertaining to the explanation of ‘Treatment of blindness’. Thus, say (pledge) Atreya and other sages.

Relation between Timira, Kacha and Andhya

तिमिरं काचतां याति काचोऽप्यान्ध्यमुपेक्षया ।
नेत्ररोगेष्वतो घोरं तिमिरं साधयेद्द्रुतम् ॥ १ ॥
Timira when neglected becomes Kacha, (if neglected) Kacha leads to Andhya (blindness) by neglecting Trimira, being dreadful among the diseases of the eye should be treated urgently.

Jivantyadi Ghrita

तुलां पचेत जीवन्त्या द्रोणेऽपां पादशेषिते ।
तत्क्वाथे द्विगुणक्षीरं घृतप्रस्थं विपाचयेत् ॥ २ ॥ प्रपौण्डरीककाकोलीपिप्पलीलोध्रसैन्धवैः ।
शताह्वामधुकद्राक्षासितादारुफलत्रयैः ॥ ३ ॥ कार्षिकैर्निशि तत्पीतं तिमिरापहरं परम्
One tula (4.8 Kg) of Leptadenia reticulata is boiled in one drona (12.228 liters) of water and decoction reduced to a quarter. To this decoction, one prastha (768 grams) of ghee and two times of milk (two prastha – 1.236 litres) and the paste of one karsa (12 grams) each of prapauṇḍarīka – Nymphaea lotus, kākolī – Fritillaria roylei, pippalī – Piper longum, lodhra – Symplocos racemosa, rock salt, śatāhvā – Anethum sowa, madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra, drākṣā – Vitis vinifera, sitādāru – Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Triphala –
– Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
– Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica
– Amalaki – Emblica officinali
are added and mediated ghee prepared,consumed (daily) at night,is best to cure Timira.

Drakshadi Ghrita

द्राक्षाचन्दनमञ्जिष्ठाकाकोलीद्वयजीवकैः ॥ ४ ॥
सिताशतावरीमेदापुण्ड्राह्वमधुकोत्पलैः ।
पचेज्जीर्णघृतप्रस्थं समक्षीरं पिचून्मितैः ॥ ५ ॥
हन्ति तत्काचतिमिररक्तराजीशिरोरुजः
One pala (48 grams) each of Vitis vinifera, candana – Santalum album, mañjiṣṭhā – Rubia cordifolia, kākolī dvaya – the two Kakoli –
– Kakoli – Fritillaria roylei
– KshiraKakoli – Roscoea purpurea
jīvakaiḥ – Malaxis acuminata,sugar candy, śatāvarī – Asparagus racemosa, medā – Polygonatum cirrhifolium, puṇḍrāhva – Nelumbo nucifera, madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra and utpalaiḥ – Nymphaea albais made into decoction with water;to that are added, one prastha (768 grams) ofold ghee,equal quantity of milk (768 ml) (and paste of the above herbs) and ghee cooked.used as pichu,this recipe curesKacha,Timira,red lines in the eyesand headache.

Patoladi Ghrita

पटोलनिम्बकटुकादार्वीसेव्यवरावृषम् ॥ ६ ॥ सधन्वयासत्रायन्तीपर्पटं पालिकं पृथक् ।
प्रस्थमामलकानां च क्वाथयेन्नल्वणेऽम्भसि ॥ ७ ॥
तदाढकेऽर्धपलिकैः पिष्टैः प्रस्थं घृतात्पचेत् ।
मुस्तभूनिम्बयष्ट्याह्वकुटजोदीच्यचन्दनैः ॥ ८ ॥ सपिप्पलीकैस्तत्सर्पिर्घ्राणकर्णास्यरोगजित् ।
विद्रधिज्वरदुष्टारुर्विसर्पापचिकुष्ठनुत् ॥ ९ ॥
One pala (48 grams) each o
paṭola – Trichosanthes dioica, nimba – Azadirachta indica, kaṭukā – Picrorhiza kurroa, dārvī – Berberis aristata, sevya –­ Vetiveria zizanioides,
Vara –
– Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
– Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica
– Amalaki – Emblica officinalis
vṛṣam – Adhatoda vasica, dhanvayāsa – Fagonia cretica, trāyantī – Gentiana kurroo, parpaṭaṃ – Fumaria parviflora and one prastha (768 grams) of āmalakānāṃ ca – Emblica officinalis are boiled in one nalvana (one drona – 12.228 liters) of water and decoction reduced to one adhaka (3.072 liters). To this are added the paste of half pala (24 grams) each of musta – Cyperus rotundus, bhūnimba – Andrographis paniculata, yaṣṭyāhva – Glycyrrhiza glabra, kuṭaja – Holarrhena antidysenterica, udīcya – Pavonia odorata, candanaiḥ – Santalum album, pippalīkai: – Piper longumand one prastha (768 grams) of ghee and medicated ghee prepared.This ghee cures diseases of the nose, ears and mouth; abscess, fever, bad ulcers, herpes, goitre, and skin disease. It especially cures Shukra, Timira, Naktandhya, Ushna vidagdha driisti, Amla viagdha driisti and burning sensation (of the eyes).

Triphala Ghrita

त्रिफलाष्टपलं क्वाथ्यं पादशेषं जलाढके ॥ १० ॥
तेन तुल्यपयस्केन त्रिफलापलकल्कवान् ।
अर्धप्रस्थो घृतात्सिद्धः सितया माक्षिकेण वा ॥ ११ ॥
युक्तं पिबेत्तत्तिमिरी तद्युक्तं वा वरारसम्
Eight pala (384 grams) of triphala –
– Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
– Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica
– Amalaki – Emblica officinalisare boiled in one adhaka (3.072 liters) of water and decoction reduced to a quarter. To this are added equal quantity of milk (one adhaka-3.072 liters), paste of one pala (48 grams) of triphala and half prastha (384 grams) ofghee and medicated ghee prepared. This should be consumedafter mixing withsugaror honeyor decoction of Vara (triphala) by the patient of Timira.

Mahatriphala Ghrita

यष्टीमधुद्विकाकोलीव्याघ्रीकृष्णामृतोत्पलैः ॥ १२ ॥
पालिकैः ससिताद्राक्षैर्घृतप्रस्थं पचेत्समैः ।
अजाक्षीरवरावसामार्कवस्वरसैः पृथक् ॥ १३ ॥
महात्रैफलमित्येतत्परं दृष्टिविकारजित्
One pala (48 grams) each of yaṣṭīmadhu – Glycyrrhiza glabra,the two Kakoli –
– Kakoli – Fritillaria roylei
– KshiraKakoli – Roscoea purpurea,
vyāghrī –
Solanum xanthocarpum, kṛṣṇā – Piper nigrum, amṛta – Tinospora cordifolia, utpalaiḥ – Nymphaea alba,sugar candy and drākṣai – Vitis vinifera are made into decoction.To this are added one prastha (768 grams) of ghee,goat milk,fresh juice ofVara,
– Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
– Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica
– Amalaki – Emblica officinalis
vasā – Adhatoda vasica, mārkava – Eclipta alba each equal in quantity (with that ghee – 768 grams) – and medicated ghee is prepared. This is known as Mahatriphala Ghrita. It is best to cure all the abnormalities of the eye.

Use of Triphala Ghrita

त्रैफलेनाथ हविषा लिहानस्त्रिफलां निशि ॥ १४ ॥
यष्टीमधुकसंयुक्तां मधुना च परिप्लुताम् ।
मासमेकं हिताहारः पिबन्नामलकोदकम् ॥ १५ ॥
सौपर्णं लभते चक्षुरित्याह भगवान्निमिः
The person who consumes daily at night, the Triphala ghrita along with the powder of Triphala –
– Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
– Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica
– Amalaki – Emblica officinali
yaṣṭīmadhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabrasoakedin honeyfollowed by drinkingthe juice (decoction) of Emblica officinalis for one monthand taking only suitable healthy foodsobtains eye sightsimilar to red eagle.Thus, saidBhagavan Nimi.

Use of Triphala

ताप्यायोहेमयष्ट्याह्वसिताजीर्णाज्यमाक्षिकैः ॥ १६ ॥ संयोजिता यथाकामं तिमिरघ्नी वरा वरा ।
सघृतं वा वराक्वाथं शीलयेत्तिमिरामयी ॥ १७ ॥
अपूपसूपसक्तून् वा त्रिफलाचूर्णसंयुतान् ।
पायसं वा वरायुक्तं शीतं समधुशर्करम् ॥ १८ ॥
प्रातर्भक्तस्य वा पूर्वमद्यात्पथ्यां पृथक् पृथक् ।
मृद्वीकाशर्कराक्षौद्रैः सततं तिमिरातुरः ॥ १९ ॥
Vara (triphala) –
– Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
– Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica
– Amalaki – Emblica officinali
mixed with iron pyrite, iron, gold, yaṣṭyāhva – Glycyrrhiza glabra,sugar, old ghee and honey, in the proportion as desired, is best to cure Timira. The patient of Timira should consume daily, either the decoction of Vara (Triphala) with ghee or consume cakes, soups and flour of grains mixed with the powder of Triphala or drink the payasa (milk pudding) mixed with Vara (Triphala) honey and sugar, made cold, or eat pathya (Haritaki) -Terminalia chebula alone, mixed with mṛdvīkā – Vitis vinifera sugar and honey, earlier to the morning meal, daily by the Timira patient.

Churnanjana Yogah

स्रोतोजांशांश्चतुःषष्टिं ताम्रायोरूप्यकाञ्चनैः ।
युक्तान् प्रत्येकमेकांशैरन्धमूषोदरस्थितान् ॥ २० ॥ ध्मापयित्वा समावृत्तं ततस्तच्च निषेचयेत् ।
रसस्कन्धकषायेषु सप्तकृत्वः पृथक् पृथक् ॥ २१ ॥
वैडूर्यमुक्ताशङ्खानां त्रिभिर्भागैर्युतं ततः ।
चूर्णाञ्जनं प्रयुञ्जीत तत्सर्वतिमिरापहम् ॥ २२ ॥
Srotonjana sixty-four parts, one part each of copper,iron, silver, and gold are mixed together placed inside a blind crucible and subjected to heat inside a furnace (oven containing burning coal). Next, it is taken out and soaked in the decoction of herbs of the (six) taste groups separately for seven times. After that, it is mixed with three parts of (ash of) vaidurya (cat’s eye), pearl and conch shell and used.This churnanjana (powdery eye-salve),when usedcuresall varieties of Timira.

Mamsyadi Anjanam

मांसीत्रिजातकायः कुङ्कुमनीलोत्पलाभयातुत्थैः ।
सितकाचशङ्खफेनकमरिचाञ्जनपिप्पलीमधुकैः ॥ २३
चन्द्रेऽश्विनीसनाथे सुचूर्णितैरञ्जयेद्युगलं अक्ष्णोः ।
तिमिरार्मरक्तराजीकण्डूकाचादिशममिच्छन् ॥ २४ ॥
Māṃsī – Nardostachys jatamansi, trijātaka – Trijata-
– Twak – Cinnamon – Cinnamomum zeylanicum
– Ela – Cardamom – Elettaria cardamomum
– Patra – Cinnamomum tamala,iron, kuṅkuma – Crocus sativus, nīlotpala – Nymphaea stellata, abhayā – Terminalia chebula, tutthaiḥ – Purified Copper Sulphate, sugar, glass, śaṅkha – conch, phenaka – cuttlefish bone, marica – Piper nigrum, añjana – Antimony sulphide, pippalī – Piper longum, madhukaiḥ – Glycyrrhiza glabraare converted into nice powderand appliedto both the eyes;when the moonis in the Ashvini star,by the person who desires to get rid ofTimira,Arma, raktarājī – red striae,itching,Kacha etc.

Marichadi Churna

मरिचवरलवणभागौ भागौ द्वौ कणसमुद्रफेनाभ्याम् ।
सौवीरभागनवकं चित्रायां चूर्णितं कफामयजित् ॥ २५ ॥
Two parts of marica – Piper nigrumand Vara –
– Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
– Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica
– Amalaki – Emblica officinalis,
ock salt, two parts of Piper longum and samudraphenābhyām – cuttlefish bone, nine parts of sauvīra – antimony sulphide mixed and powdered nicely and applied to the eyes during Chitra star. It cures diseases of the eyes arising from Kapha dosha.

Manohvadi Anjana

मनोह्वातुत्थकस्तूरीमांसीमलयरोचनाः ।
दशकर्पूरसंयुक्तमशीतिगुणमञ्जनम् ॥ २५+ (१) ॥
पिष्टं चित्राश्विनीपुष्ये षड्विधे तिमिरे हितम् ।
प्रसादनं च दृष्टेः स्याच्चक्षुषेणावभाषितम् ॥ २५+ (२) ॥
Realgar, copper sulphate, musk – Moschus moschiferus, māṃsī – Nardostachys jatamansi­, Malaya – Santalum album, rocanāḥ – bezoar each one part is mixed with 10 parts of Cinnamomum camphora and eighty parts of añjanam – Antimony sulphide. It is made into fine powder and applied to the eyes during Chitra, Ashvini and Pushya stars, is beneficial to the six kinds of Timira and bestows clean sight, as told by Master Chakshushena.

Srotojadi Anjana

द्राक्षामृणालीस्वरसे क्षीरमद्यवसासु च ।
पृथक् दिव्याप्सु स्रोतोजं सप्तकृत्वो निषेचयेत् ॥ २६ ॥
तच्चूर्णितं स्थितं शङ्खे दृक्प्रसादनमञ्जनम् ।
शस्तं सर्वाक्षिरोगेषु विदेहपतिनिर्मितम् ॥ २७ ॥
Lead sulphide should be soaked in the fresh juice of drākṣā – Vitis vinifera and mṛṇālī – stalk of Nelumbo nucifera, milk, madya – wine, vasāsu – muscle-fat and rain water separately in each,for seven times. It is then dried and powdered nicely and stored inside a conch shell; used as a collyrium. It cleanses the vision and beneficial in all diseases of the eyes. It is formulated by the king of Videha.

Bhaskara Churna

निर्दग्धं बादराङ्गारैस्तुत्थं चेत्थं निषेचितम् ।
क्रमादजापयःसर्पिःक्षौद्रे तस्मात्पलद्वयम् ॥ २८ ॥
कार्षिकैस्ताप्यमरिचस्रोतोजकटुकानतैः ।
पटुलोध्रशिलापथ्याकणैलाञ्जनफेनकैः ॥ २९ ॥
युक्तं पलेन यष्ट्याश्च मूषान्तर्ध्मातचूर्णितम् ।
हन्ति काचार्मनक्तान्ध्यरक्तराजीः सुशीलितः ॥ ३० ॥
चूर्णो विशेषात्तिमिरं भास्करो भास्करो यथा
Copper sulphate is made into ash by using burning coal bādara – of Zizyphus jujube tree and soaked (sprinkled with) in goat milk, ghee and honey each separately two pala (96 grams) of this, one karsa (12 grams) each of tāpya – iron pyrite, marica – Piper nigrum, srotoja – black antimony, kaṭukā – Picrorhiza kurroa, nataiḥ – Valeriana wallichii, paṭu – rock salt, lodhra – Symplocos racemosa, śilā – realgar, pathyā – Terminalia chebula, kaṇa – Piper longum, elā – Elettaria cardamomum, añjana – (Sauviranjana) – antimony sulphideand cuttle fish bone and one pala (48 grams) of yaṣṭyāśca – Glycyrrhiza glabraare all mixed and powdered nicely, filled into a crucible and subjected to cooking. Taken out later, powdered especially and used as collyrium daily, this Bhaskarachurna cures Kacha, Arma, Naktandhaya, red striae and especially Timira just as Bhaskara (sun) dispels darkness.

Bhujangadi Anjanam

त्रिंशद्भागा भुजङ्गस्य गन्धपाषाणपञ्चकम् ॥ ३१ ॥ शुल्बतालकयोर्द्वौ द्वौ वङ्गस्यैकोऽञ्जनात्त्रयम् ।
अन्धमूषीकृतं ध्मातं पक्वं विमलमञ्जनम् ॥ ३२ ॥ तिमिरान्तकरं लोके द्वितीय इव भास्करः |
Thirty parts of bhujaṅgasya – lead, five parts of gandhapāṣāṇa – sulphur, two parts each of śulba – copper and orpiment, one part of tin and three parts of añjanāt – (Sauviranjana) -antimony sulphide are kept inside a blind crucible and subjected to cooking. Purified añjanam – (later powdered nicely) and used as collyrium cures Timira just as a second sun to the world.


गोमूत्रे छगणरसेऽम्लकाञ्जिके च स्त्रीस्तन्ये हविषि विषे च माक्षिके च |
यत्तुत्थं ज्वलितमनेकशो निषिक्तं तत्कुर्याद्गरुडसमं नरस्य चक्षुः ॥ ३३ ॥
Tutthaṃ – Copper sulphate, cooked in fire and put into gomūtre – (soaked in) cow urine, juice of fresh cow dung, fermented rice wash, breast milk, ghee, visha (water) and honey each separately many times (and used as collyrium) makesthe man’s vision similar to that of the Garuda (red eagle) i.e., bestows very keen vision.


श्रेष्ठाजलं भृङ्गरसं सविषाज्यमजापयः ।
यष्टीरसं च यत्सीसं सप्तकृत्वः पृथक् पृथक् ॥ ३४ ॥
तप्तं तप्तं पायितं तच्छलाका नेत्रे युक्ता साञ्जनाऽनञ्जना वा ।
तैमिर्यार्मस्रावपैच्छिल्यपैल्लं कण्डूं जाड्यं रक्तराजीं च हन्ति ॥ ३५ ॥
A rod of lead is heated and immersed in the decoction of Shrestha (triphala) –
– Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
– Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica
– Amalaki – Emblica officinalis
bhṛṅgarasaṃ – juice of Eclipta alba, saviṣa – Aconitum heterophyllum, ājyaṃ – ghee, ajāpayaḥ – goat milkand decoction of Glycyrrhiza glabra in each separately.This process is done seven times.Then, this rodapplied into the eyeswith a collyriumor without a collyriumcuresTimira,Arma,Srava (moistures),stickiness, pailla Vartma (Praklinna Vartma), itching,sluggishnessand red striae.


रसेन्द्रभुजगौ तुल्यौ तयोस्तुल्यमथाञ्जनम् ।
ईषत्कर्पूरसंयुक्तमञ्जनं तिमिरापहम् ॥ ३६ ॥
Equal quantities of mercury, lead and antimony sulphide equal to both of them together, added with little quantity of karpūra – Cinnamomum camphora, añjanaṃ – (and nicely powdered) This used as collyrium, cures Timira.


यो गृध्रस्तरुणरविप्रकाशगल्लस्तस्यास्यं समयमृतस्य गोशकृद्भिः ।
निर्दग्धं समघृतमञ्जनं च पेष्यं योगोऽयं नयनबलं करोति गार्ध्रम् ॥ ३७ ॥
A young vulture, which has its neck shining like the sun (bright white) is killed just then and its face (head) given a plaster of cow dung nirdagdhaṃ and cooked (in a heap of burning coal), later the ash is taken out and mixed with equal quantity of ghee and macerated well; used as a collyrium, this recipe bestows strength to the eyes (keen vision) similar to that of a vulture.

Krishnasarpadhyanjanam 1

कृष्णसर्पवदने सहविष्कं दग्धमञ्जननिःसृतधूमम् ।
चूर्णितं नलदपत्रविमिश्रं भिन्नतारमपि रक्षति चक्षुः ॥ ३८ ॥
The mouth of a black cobra (killed just then) is filled with ghee (the head given a coating of cow dung and), burnt in such a way that smoke does not come out of it. It is then taken out, mixed with leaves of Nardostachys jatamamsi powdered nicely and used as collyrium. It protects the eye though the tara (pupil) is torn.

Krishnasarpadyanjanam 2

कृष्णसर्पं मृतं न्यस्य चतुरश्चापि वृश्चिकान् ।
क्षीरकुम्भे त्रिसप्ताहं क्लेदयित्वा प्रमन्थयेत् ॥ ३९ ॥
तत्र यन्नवनीतं स्यात्पुष्णीयात्तेन कुक्कुटम् ।
अन्धस्तस्य पुरीषेण प्रेक्षते ध्रुवमञ्जनात् ॥ ४० ॥
A dead black serpent and four scorpions (killed) are put in a pot of milk and kept undisturbed for three weeks, and moistened. Afterwards it is churned and butter obtained from it and butter is fed to a cock. The excreta of that cock (are collected powdered well) and used as a collyrium. By this even a blind man will be able to see.

Krishnasarpadyanjanam 3

कृष्णसर्पवसा शङ्खः कतकात्फलमञ्जनम् ।
रसक्रियेयमचिरादन्धानां दर्शनप्रदा ॥ ४१ ॥
Muscle-fat of a black serpent, ash of conch shell, fruits of ­Strychnos potatorum, and (Srotoanjana) – antimony sulphide are made into rasakriya (thick decoction) and applied to the eyes as collyrium. It bestows sight to the blind quickly.

Pratisara Anjana

मरिचानि दशार्धपिचुस्ताप्यात्तुत्थात्पलं पिचुर्यष्ट्याः ।
क्षीरार्द्रदग्धमञ्जनमप्रतिसाराख्यमुत्तमं तिमिरे ॥ ४२ ॥
Maricāni – Piper nigrum, daśa – ten by count, half pichu of tāpyāt – iron pyrite, one pala (48 grams) of copper sulphate and one pichu of Glycyrrhiza glabra are all soaked in milk and then burnt into ash. This collyrium known as Pratisara Anjana is best in Timira.


अक्षबीजमरिचामलकत्वक्तुत्थयष्टिमधुकैर्जलपिष्टैः ।
छाययैव गुटिकाः परिशुष्का नाशयन्ति तिमिराण्यचिरेण ॥ ४३ ॥
Seeds of Terminalia bellerica, marica – Piper nigrum,outer rind of Emblica officinalis, tuttha – copper sulphate and yaṣṭimadhukai – Glycyrrhiza glabra macerated in water,rolled into pillsand driedin shade; (used as a Collyrium) it cures, Timiraquickly.

Sanmakshika Yoga

मरिचामलकजलोद्भवतुत्थाञ्जनताप्यधातुभिः क्रमवृद्धैः ।
षण्माक्षिक इति योगस्तिमिरार्मक्लेदकाचकण्डूहन्ता ॥ ४४ ॥
Marica – Piper nigrum, Āmalaka – Emblica officinalis, jalodbhava – Cuttlefish bone, tuttha – copper sulphate, añjana – antimony sulphide and tāpya dhātubhiḥ – iron pyrite increased by one part in successive order (nicely powdered and used as collyrium with honey). This formula known as Sanmakshika Yoga. It cures Timira, Arma, Kleda (moistness), Kacha and itching.

Ratnadi Churnanjana

रत्नानि रूप्यं स्फटिकं सुवर्णं स्रोतोऽञ्जनं ताम्रमयः सशङ्खं ।
कुचन्दनं लोहितगैरिकं च चूर्णाञ्जनं सर्वदृगामयघ्नम् ॥ ४५ ॥
Precious stones, silver, rock crystal, gold, lead sulphide, tāmraṃ – copper, ayaḥ – iron, saśaṅkhaṃ – conch, kucandanaṃ – Pterocarpus santalinus and lohita gairikaṃ ca – red ochre made into nice powder and used as collyrium, cures all eye diseases.

Nasya to Strengthen the Eyes

तिलतैलमक्षतैलं भृङ्गस्वरसोऽसनाच्च निर्यूहः ।
आयसपात्रविपक्वं करोति दृष्टेर्बलं नस्यम् ॥ ४६ ॥
Oil of Sesamum indicum,oil of Terminalia bellerica,fresh juice of Eclipta albaand decoction of asanāt – Pterocarpus marsupiumare put together and cookedin an iron vessel.This (medicated oil) used as nasal drops increases the strength of the eyes.

Samanya Chikitsa

दोषानुरोधेन च नैकशस्तं स्नेहास्रविस्रावणरेकनस्यैः ।
उपाचरेदञ्जनमूर्धवस्तिवस्तिक्रियातर्पणलेपसेकैः ॥ ४७ ॥
Oleation, bloodletting, purgation, nasal medication, application of eye-salve, making medicated oil stand on the head for some time, rectal enema, nourishing the eye, topical application and pouring liquids on the body parts; these therapies administered many times suitable to the doshas is the mode of treatment (of the eye diseases).

सामान्यं साधनमिदं प्रतिदोषमतः शृणु ॥ ४८अब् ॥
General principal of treatment were described so far; further listen to the specific treatment to reach dosha.

Vataja Timira Chikista

वातजे तिमिरे तत्र दशमूलाम्भसा घृतम् ।
क्षीरे चतुर्गुणे श्रेष्ठाकल्कपक्वं पिबेत्ततः ॥ ४९ ॥ त्रिफलापञ्चमूलानां कषायं क्षीरसंयुतम् ।
एरण्डतैलसंयुक्तं योजयेच्च विरेचनम् ॥ ५० ॥
In Vataja Timira,medicated ghee prepared with the decoction of Dashamula – Bilva – Aegle marmelos, Agnimantha – Premna mucronate, Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum, Patala – Stereospermum Suaveolens, Gambhari – Gmelina arborea, Shalaparni – Desmodium gangeticum, Prishniparni – Uraria picta, Brihati – Solanum indicum, Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum, Gokshura – Tribulus terrestris,four parts of milk and paste of Shrestha –
– Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
– Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica
– Amalaki – Emblica officinalis,
should be consumed.Next the decoction ofTriphalaand pancamulaadded withmilk should be processed (cooked)and consumed;and mixed with castor oilshould be administeredto produce purgation.

Jivantyadi tailam

समूलजालजीवन्तीतुलां द्रोणेऽम्भसः पचेत् ।
अष्टभागस्थिते तस्मिंस्तैलप्रस्थं पयःसमे ॥ ५१ ॥ बलात्रितयजीवन्तीवरीमूलैः पलोन्मितैः ।
यष्टीपलैश्चतुर्भिश्च लोहपात्रे विपाचयेत् ॥ ५२ ॥
लोह एव स्थितं मासं नावनादूर्ध्वजत्रुजान् ।
वातपित्तामयान् हन्ति तद्विशेषाद्दृगाश्रयान् ॥ ५३ ॥ केशास्यकन्धरास्कन्धपुष्टिलावण्यकान्तिदम्
One tula (4.8 Kg) of jīvantī – Leptadenia reticulata along with its entire network of roots, is boiled in one drona (12.228 litres) of water and decoction reduced to one eighth the quantity. To this are added one prastha (768 ml) of oil, equal quantity of milk, a paste of one pala (48 grams) each of the three balā –­ Sida cordifolia, jīvantī – Leptadenia reticulataand roots of Pavonia odorata and four pala (192 grams) of yaṣṭī – Glycyrrhiza glabra and cooked in an iron vessel and allowed to remain in the iron vessel itself for one month. Used for nasal medication, this cures diseases of parts / organs above the shoulders caused by Vata and Pitta, especially the diseases of the eye, bestows strength to the hairs, face, neck, shoulders, good countenance and complexion.

सितैरण्डजटासिंहीफलदारुवचानतैः ॥ ५४ ॥
घोषया बिल्वमूलैश्च तैलं पक्वं पयोऽन्वितम् ।
नस्यं सर्वोर्ध्वजत्रूत्थवातश्लेष्मामयार्तिजित् ॥ ५५ ॥
Medicated oil prepared with (the decoction of paste of)sugar,roots of white Ricinus communis, fruits of Solanum indicum, dāru – Cedrus deodara, vacā – Acorus calamus, nataiḥ – Valeriana wallichii, ghoṣayā – Agaricus compestris bilvamūlaiśca – roots of Aegle marmelos, added with milk;used as nasal drops,it cures all the diseasesof parts above the shoulderscaused by Vata and Kapha.

वसाऽञ्जने च वैयाघ्री वाराही वा प्रशस्यते ।
गृध्राहिकुक्कुटोत्था वा मधुकेनान्विता पृथक् ॥ ५६ ॥
Muscle fat of either the tiger, boar, vulture, snake or cock mixed with honey separately is best (to be used as Collyrium).

प्रत्यञ्जने च स्रोतोजं रसक्षीरघृते क्रमात् ।
निषिक्तं पूर्ववद्योज्यं तिमिरघ्नमनुत्तमम् ॥ ५७ ॥
Lead sulphideheated and immersed in meat juice, milk and ghee (for seven times in each) as described earlier (mixed with honey) in that order and used as Pratyanjana (eye salve of mild potency applied after and eye-salve of strong potency) is best to cure Timira.

न चेदेवं शमं याति ततस्तर्पणमाचरेत्
If by these methods, Timira does not get cured, then tarpana (therapy of nourishing the eye-vide chapter 24 of Sutrasthana) should be done.

शताह्वाकुष्ठनलदकाकोलीद्वययष्टिभिः ॥ ५८ ॥
प्रपौण्डरीकसरलपिप्पलीदेवदारुभिः ।
सर्पिरष्टगुणक्षीरं पक्वं तर्पणमुत्तमम् ॥ ५९ ॥
Medicated ghee prepared with (the decoction and paste of) śatāhvā – Anethum sowa, kuṣṭha – Saussurea lappa, nalada – Nardostachys jatamamsi, the two Kakoli –
Kakoli – Fritillaria roylei, KshiraKakoli – Roscoea purpurea,
yaṣṭibhiḥ – Glycyrrhiza glabra, prapauṇḍarīka – Nymphaea lotus, sarala –­ Pinus longifolia, pippalī – Piper longum and devadārubhiḥ – Cedrus deodara,added with eight parts of milk is best for Tarpana.

मेदसस्तद्वदैणेयाद्दुग्धसिद्धात्खजाहतात् ।
उद्धृतं साधितं तेजो मधुकोशीरचन्दनैः ॥ ६० ॥
श्वाविच्छल्यकगोधानां दक्षतित्तिरिबर्हिणाम् ।
पृथक् पृथगनेनैव विधिना कल्पयेद्वसाम् ॥ ६१ ॥
Similarly, the muscle-fat of the deer and cow milk are mixed together and churned with a churner, the teja (essence i.e., butter like material) is boiled along with madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra, uśīra – Vetiveria zizanioides, candanaiḥ – Santalum album (is also good for tarpana). Excreta of dog in the same manner, the muscle fat of the hedgehog, iguana lizard, cock, partridge and peacock; separately can be made use.

प्रसादनं स्नेहनं च पुटपाकं प्रयोजयेत् ।
वातपीनसवच्चात्र निरूहं सानुवासनम् ॥ ६२ ॥
Prasadana and snehana kinds of putapaka therapies (vide chapter 24 of Sutrasthana) should also be administered. decoction enema and unctuous enema as prescribed for Pinasa (Nasal Catarrah, Rhinitis) of Vata origin should also be administered here (in Timira).

Pittaja Timira Ckikitsa

पित्तजे तिमिरे सर्पिर्जीवनीयफलत्रयैः ।
विपाचितं पाययित्वा स्निग्धस्य व्यधयेत्सिराम् ॥ ६३ ॥
शर्करैलात्रिवृच्चूर्णैर्मधुयुक्तैर्विरेचयेत् ।
सुशीतान् सेकलेपादीन् युञ्ज्यान्नेत्रास्यमूर्धसु ॥ ६४ ॥
In Pittaja Timira, the patient should be made to drink medicated ghee cooked with herbs of Jivaniya Gana (chapter 15 of Sutrasthana) and triphala. After administering oleation therapy, his vein should be cut (to let out blood). Sugar, Ela – Elettaria cardamomum, trivṛt – powder of Operculina turpethummixed together with honey should be given to produce purgation. Pouring liquids, applications of paste of herbs etc. should be applied, very cold, over the eyes, face and head.

शारिवापद्मकोशीरमुक्ताशाबरचन्दनैः ।
वर्तिः शस्ताञ्जने चूर्णस्तथा पत्रोत्पलाञ्जनैः ॥ ६५ ॥ सनागपुष्पकर्पूरयष्ट्याह्वस्वर्णगैरिकैः
Medicinal wick prepared with śārivā – Hemidesmus indicus, padmaka – Prunus cerasoides, uśīra – Vetiveria zizanioides, muktā – pearl, śābara – Symplocos racemosa and candanaiḥ – Santalum album is best to use as collyrium. So also, the powder of(Tamala) – Cinnamomum tamala, utpala – Nymphaea alba, antimony sulphide (srotonjana), nāgapuṣpa – Messua ferrea, karpūra – Cinnamomum camphora, yaṣṭyāhva – Glycyrrhiza glabra and svarṇagairikaiḥ – red ochre.

सौवीराञ्जनतुत्थकशृङ्गीधात्रीफलस्फटिककर्पूरम् ॥ ६६ ॥
पञ्चांशं पञ्चांशं त्र्यंशमथैकांशमञ्जनं तिमिरघ्नम् ।
Sauvīra añjana – Antimony sulphide, tutthaka – copper sulphate, śṛṅgī –­ Pistacia chinensis, dhātrīphala – Emblica officinalis, sphaṭika – alum, karpūram – Cinnamomum camphora in the proportion of five and five, three parts and one part respectively, together form a good collyrium for the cure of Timira.

नस्यं चाज्यं शृतं क्षीरजीवनीयसितोत्पलैः ॥ ६७ ॥ Medicated ghee prepared with milk, herbs of Jivaniya Gana (chapter15 of Sutrastana), sugar utpalaiḥ – ymphaea alba is ideal to use as nasal drops.

Kaphaja Timira Chikitsa

श्लेष्मोद्भवेऽमृताक्वाथवराकणशृतं घृतम् ।
विध्येत्सिरां पीतवतो दद्याच्चानु विरेचनम् ॥ ६८ ॥
क्वाथं पूगाभयाशुण्ठीकृष्णाकुम्भनिकुम्भजम् ।
In that born from Kapha,ghee prepared withthe decoction of amṛtā – Tinospora cordifolia,Triphala –
– Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
– Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica
– Amalaki – Emblica officinalis
kaṇā –
and Piper longumshould be administered (internally)followed by cutting of the vein (to let out blood)and purgation;using the decoction of pūga – Areca catechu, abhayā – Terminalia chebula, śuṇṭhī – Zingiber officinale, kṛṣṇā – Piper nigrum, kumbha – Fatropha glandulifera and nikumbhajam – Baliospermum montanum.

Hriveradi Tailam

ह्रीवेरदारुद्विनिशाकृष्णाकल्कैः पयोऽन्वितैः ॥ ६९ ॥
द्विपञ्चमूलनिर्यूहे तैलं पक्वं च नावनम् ।
Medicated oil prepared with the paste of hrīvera – Pavonia odorata, dāru – Cedrus deodara, dviniśā
two nisa
– Haridra – Curcuma longa,
– Daru Haridra – Berberis aristata,
kṛṣṇā – Piper nigrumwith milkand decoction of herbs of Dashamoola – 10 roots-
Bilva – Aegle marmelos, Agnimantha – Premna mucronate, Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum, Patala – Stereospermumsuaveolens, Gambhari – Gmelina arborea, Shalaparni – Desmodium gangeticum, Prishniparni – Uraria picta, Brihati – Solanum indicum, Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum, Gokshura – Tribulus terrestris
should be used as nasal drops.

Vimala Varti

शङ्खप्रियङ्गुनेपालीकटुत्रिकफलत्रिकैः ॥ ७० ॥ दृग्वैमल्याय विमला वर्तिः स्यात्
Wicks (eye paste) prepared from śaṅkha – conch or Convolvulus pluricaulis, priyaṅgu – Callicarpa macrophylla, nepālī – Jasminum arborescens, Katutrika –
– Black pepper – Piper nigrum
– Long pepper fruit – Piper longum and
– Ginger – Zingiberofficinalephalatrika-
– Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
– Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica
– Amalaki – Emblica officinalis
known as Vimala varti (best) for cleanliness (clarity of vision) of the eye.

Kokila Varti

कोकिला पुनः ।
कृष्णलोहरजोव्योषसैन्धवत्रिफलाञ्जनैः ॥ ७१ ॥
kṛṣṇaloha rajo – Iron filings, vyoṣa – vyosha, rock salt, triphala and anjana made into a wick and used as eye salve. This is known as Kokilavarti.

Go valadi Varti

शशगोखरसिंहोष्ट्रद्विजा लालाटमस्थि च ।
श्वेतगोवालमरिचशङ्खचन्दनफेनकम् ॥ ७२ ॥
पिष्टं स्तन्याज्यदुग्धाभ्यां वर्तिस्तिमिरशुक्रजित् ।
Teeth and bone of the forehead of the rabbit, cow, donkey, lion and camel, the hairs of the tail of white cow, marica – Piper nigrum, śaṅkha – conch, candana – Santalum album, phenakam – cuttle fish bone are macerated in breast milk and goat milk separately and wick prepared, used as eye-salve; it cures Timira and Shukra.

Raktaja Timira Chikitsa

रक्तजे पित्तवत्सिद्धिः शीतैश्चास्रं प्रसादयेत् ॥ ७३ ॥ In Timira of rakta (blood) origin, the treatment is similar to that of Pitta origin; the blood should be purified with herbs of cold potency.

द्राक्षया नलदलोध्रयष्टिभिः शङ्खताम्रहिमपद्मपद्मकैः ।
सोत्पलैश्छगलदुग्धवर्तितैरस्रजं तिमिरमाशु नश्यति ॥ ७४
Drākṣayā – Vitis vinifera, nalada – Nardostachys jatamamsi, lodhra – Symplocos racemosa, yaṣṭibhiḥ – Glycyrrhiza glabra, śaṅkha – conch, tāmra – copper, hima – Coriandrum sativum, padma –­ Nelumbo nucifera, padmakaiḥ – Prunus ­cerasoides, utpalai: Nymphaea alba, macerated with goat milk and made into wicks; (applied to the eye) it cures Timira caused by blood quickly.

Samsarga Sannipata Timira Chikitsa

संसर्गसन्निपातोत्थे यथादोषोदयं क्रिया ।
In Timira caused by two doshas three doshas, the treatment shall be on the basis of the predominance of the doshas.

सिद्धं मधूककृमिजिन्मरिचामरदारुभिः ॥ ७५ ॥
सक्षीरं नावनं तैलं पिष्टैर्लेपो मुखस्य च ।
Medicated oil prepared with madhūka – Glycyrrhiza glabra, kṛmijit – Embelia ribes, maricā – Piper nigrum, maradārubhiḥ – Cedrus deodara and milkis good for nasal dropsand the paste of these herbsfor applicationover the face.

Natadi Tailam

नतनीलोत्पलानन्तायष्ट्याह्वसुनिषण्णकैः ॥ ७६ ॥ साधितं नावने तैलं शिरोवस्तौ च शस्यते ।
Medicated oil prepared with nata – Valeriana wallichii, nīlotpala – Nymphaea stellata, anantā – Hemidesmus indicus, yaṣṭyāhva – Glycyrrhiza glabra, suniṣaṇṇakaiḥ – Marsilia minutais idealfor nasal drops and Shirobasti (making the oil to remain on the head).

Anjana for Timira

दद्यादुशीरनिर्यूहे चूर्णितं कणसैन्धवम् ॥ ७७ ॥
तत्स्रुतं सघृतं भूयः पचेत्क्षौद्रं घने क्षिपेत् ।
शीते चास्मिन् हितमिदं सर्वजे तिमिरेऽञ्जनम् ॥ ७८ ॥
Decoction of uśīra – Vetiveria zizanioides is prepared and the powder of kaṇa – Piper longum, saindhavam – rock salt, saghṛtaṃ – ghee, are added to it and cooked. When it attains thick consistence, it is taken out of the oven and allowed for cooling, to this honey is mixed. This when used as an eye-salve is beneficial in Timira caused by all the doshas together.

Best Anjana for Timira

अस्थीनि मज्जपूर्णानि सत्त्वानां रात्रिचारिणाम् ।
स्रोतोजाञ्जनयुक्तानि वहत्यम्भसि वासयेत् ॥ ७९ ॥ मासं विंशतिरात्रं वा ततश्चोद्धृत्य शोषयेत् ।
समेषशृङ्गीपुष्पाणि सयष्ट्याह्वानि तान्यनु ॥ ८० ॥ चूर्णितान्यञ्जनं श्रेष्ठं तिमिरे सान्निपातिके ।
The bones containing the marrow of nocturnal animals are filled with lead sulphide and kept immersed in flowing water (stream) for one month or twenty nights, then it (srotonjana -lead sulphide) is taken out and dried. It is next mixed with the flower of sameṣaśṛṅgī – Gymnema sylvestre and sayaṣṭyāhvāni – Glycyrrhiza glabra and converted into nice powder; used as eye-salve, it is best in Timira caused by all the doshas together.

Treatment Principles in Kacha

काचेऽप्येषा क्रिया मुक्त्वा सिरां यन्त्रनिपीडिताः ॥ ८१ ॥
आन्ध्याय स्युर्मला दद्यात्स्राव्ये त्वस्रे जलौकसः ।
Even for Kacha the treatment is the same except bloodletting, since the doshas aggravated by veins raised (elevated) by controls, tieing threads, contracting the muscles, taping and other methods, (vide chapter 27 of sutrasthana) also causes blindness. Blood should be taken out by applying leeches.

Gudadi Anjana for Kacha

गुडः फेनोऽञ्जनं कृष्णा मरिचं कुङ्कुमाद्रजः ॥ ८२ ॥ रसक्रियेयं सक्षौद्रा काचयापनमञ्जनम् ।
Jaggery, cuttlefish bone, añjanaṃ – antimony sulphide, kṛṣṇā – Piper longum, maricaṃ – Piper nigrum and dust of Crocus sativus are made into rasakriya (thick decoction). This is mixed with honey and applied as eye-salve is good for prolonging (delaying) the formation of Kacha.

Nakulandhya: Treatment principles

नकुलान्धे त्रिदोषोत्थे तैमिर्यविहितो विधिः ॥ ८३ ॥
In Nakulanhdhya born from all the three doshas, the treatment is the same as that of Timira.

Ratryandha Chikitsa

रसक्रिया घृतक्षौद्रगोमयस्वरसद्रुतैः ।
तार्क्ष्यगैरिकतालीशैर्निशान्धे हितमञ्जनम् ॥ ८४ ॥ Tārkṣya – Emerald, gairika red ochre and(powdered) Abies webbianaboiled with ghee and juice of fresh cowdung, rasakriya (thick decoction) prepared. This mixed with honey and used as collyrium is beneficial in Nishandha (night blindness).

दध्ना विघृष्टं मरिचं रात्र्यन्धेऽञ्जनमुत्तमम् ।
Maricaṃ – Piper nigrum rubbed with curds is an effective añjanaṃ – collyrium in night blindness.

Doshandha Chikitsa

करञ्जिकोत्पलस्वर्णगैरिकाम्भोजकेसरैः ॥ ८५ ॥ पिष्टैर्गोमयतोयेन वर्तिर्दोषान्धनाशिनी ।
अजामूत्रेण वा कौन्तीकृष्णास्रोतोजसैन्धवैः ॥ ८६ ॥ Karañjika – Pongamia pinnata, utpala – Nymphaea alba, svarṇagairika –­ red ochre, ambhoja – Nelumbo nucifera and kesaraiḥ – Crocus sativus macerated with juice of cow-dung and wick prepared (applied to the eye as collyrium); it cures doshandha; or that prepared with kauntī – Vitex agnus-castus, kṛṣṇā – Piper nigrum, srotoja – lead sulphide, saindhavaiḥ – rock salt macerated with goat urine.

Kalanusaryadi Varti in Ratryandha

कालानुसारीत्रिकटुत्रिफलालमनःशिलाः ।
सफेनाश्छागदुग्धेन रात्र्यन्धे वर्तयो हिताः ॥ ८७ ॥
Wick prepared with kālānusārī – Valeriana wallichi, Trikatu –
– Black pepper – Piper nigrum
– Long pepper fruit – Piper longum and
– Ginger – Zingiber officinale,
– Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
– Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica
– Amalaki – Emblica officinalis,
āla – orpiment, manaḥśilāḥ – realgar and saphenā: – cuttle fish bone, macerated with goat milk is beneficial in night blindness.

Yakrut Pippali

सन्निवेश्य यकृन्मध्ये पिप्पलीरदहन् पचेत् ।
ताः शुष्का मधुना घृष्टा निशान्धे श्रेष्ठमञ्जनम् ॥ ८८ ॥
Pippalī – Piper longumshould be placedinside the liver (of animals)and cookedwithout burning it,later taken out and dried,made into a paste by rubbing it with honey.It should be applied as eyesalve, is bestin night blindness.

खादेच्च प्लीहयकृती माहिषे तैलसर्पिषा ।
घृते सिद्धानि जीवन्त्याः पल्लवानि च भक्षयेत् ॥ ८९ ॥
तथाऽतिमुक्तकैरण्डशेफाल्यभीरुजानि च ।
भृष्टं घृतं कुम्भयोनेः पत्रैः पाने च पूजितम् ॥ ९० ॥
The patient should eatthe spleenand liverof a buffalo,cooked with oil and ghee.Tender leaves of jīvantyāḥ – Leptadenia reticulataboiled in gheeshould be consumed;similarly, so of atimuktaka – Hiptage benghalensis, eraṇḍa – Ricinus communis, śephālī – Vitex negundo, abhīrujāni – Asparagus racemosus;ghee fried with leaves of kumbhayoneḥ (agastya) – Sesbania grandiflora is valuable as an eye-salvealso for drinking.

Dhumara Chikitsa

धूमराख्याम्लपित्तोष्णविदाहे जीर्णसर्पिषा ।
स्निग्धं विरेचयेच्छीतैः शीतैर्दिह्याच्च सर्वतः ॥ ९१ ॥ In Dhumara, Amla vidagdha dristi, Pitta vidagdha dristi, and Ushna vidagdha dristi, the patient should be administered oleation therapy by using old ghee. After he becomes well lubricated, he should be made to purge by using herbs of cold potency; and paste of herbs of cold potency should be applied all over the body.

Swarnagairikadi anjanam

गोशकृद्रसदुग्धाज्यैर्विपक्वं शस्यतेऽञ्जनम् ।
स्वर्णगैरिकतालीशचूर्णावापा रसक्रिया ॥ ९२ ॥ Svarṇagairika – Red ochre, tālīśa – Abies webbiana well powdered, is mixed with juice of cow dung, milk and ghee, are cooked and rasakriya (thick decoction) is prepared. This is best to be used as a collyrium.

Medadi Ghrita Nasya

मेदाशाबरकानन्तामञ्जिष्ठादार्वियष्टिभिः ।
क्षीराष्टांशं घृतं पक्वं सतैलं नावनं हितम् ॥ ९३ ॥ Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction of medā – Polygonatum cirrhifolium, śābaraka – Symplocos racemosa, anantā –­ Hemidesmus indicus, mañjiṣṭhā – Rubia cordifolia, dārvi – Berberis aristata and yaṣṭibhiḥ – Glycyrrhiza glabra, eight parts of milk, along with oil (of sesame) is good to use as nasal drops.

Tarpana and Siravyadha

तर्पणं क्षीरसर्पिः स्यादशाम्यति सिराव्यधः ।
Tarpana should be done with ghee prepared from milk. When the diseases do not subside then venesection should be done.

Things to be avoided in eye disorder

चिन्ताभिघातभीशोकरौक्ष्यात्सोत्कटकासनात् ॥ ९४ ॥ विरेकनस्यवमनपुटपाकादिविभ्रमात् ।
विदग्धाहारवमनात्क्षुत्तृष्णादिविधारणात् ॥ ९५ ॥ अक्षिरोगावसानाच्च पश्येत्तिमिररोगिवत् ।
The patient of eye-diseases though not having blindness should observe the following regimen of patient of blindness, till the diseases of the eye are completely cured. He should avoid grief, injury, fear, sorrow, dryness, sitting on one’s heels (and other trouble-some postures),troubles caused by therapies like vireka – purgation, nasya – nasal medication, vamana – emesis, putapaka (eye therapy) etc. administered in improper manner; ingestion of incompatible foods, (too many) vomiting; and control of hunger, thirst etc.

Treating the doshas

यथास्वं तत्र युञ्जीत दोषादीन् वीक्ष्य भेषजम् ॥ ९६ ॥ The dosha which becomes aggravated by these, should be recognized and treated suitably.

Tarpanadi Chikitsa

सूर्योपरागानलविद्युदादिविलोकनेनोपहतेक्षणस्य ।
सन्तर्पणं स्निग्धहिमादि कार्यं तथाऽञ्जनं हेम घृतेन घृष्टम् ॥ ९७ ॥
The eye (vision) that gets derangedby observing (exposure) sun’s rays,fire (flames),lightning etc.,should be given tarpana (nourishing) therapy withmedicine which are unctuous, cold rubbedwith gheeshould be used as a collyrium.

Importance of eye protection

चक्षूरक्षायां सर्वकालं मनुष्यैर्यत्नः कर्तव्यो जीविते यावदिच्छा ।
व्यर्थो लोकोऽयं तुल्यरात्रिन्दिवानां पुंसामन्धानां विद्यमानेऽपि वित्ते ॥ ९८ ॥
Always efforts by humans should be made to protect the eyes, throughout the period of life. For the man who is blind, this world is useless, the day and night are the same even though he may have wealth.

Measures to protect the eyes

त्रिफला रुधिरस्रुतिर्विशुद्धिर्मनसो निर्वृतिरञ्जनं सनस्यम् ।
शकुनाशनता सपादपूजा घृतपानं च सदैव नेत्ररक्षा ॥ ९९ ॥
(Use of) Triphala, bloodletting, purificatory therapies, withdrawing the mind (from sensual actions), use of collyrium, nasal medication, consuming meat of birds, worshipping the feet (anointing, using foot wear etc.) and drinking ghee, these protect the eyes always.

Measures to protect the eyes

अहितादशनात्सदा निवृत्तिर्भृशभास्वच्चलसूक्ष्मवीक्षणाच्च ।
मुनिना निमिनोपदिष्टमेतत्परमं रक्षणमीक्षणस्य पुंसाम् ॥ १०० ॥
Abstaining always from ingestion of foods which are unsuitable, from observing things which are very shining, quick moving and minute; these are the methods advised by the sage Nimi, best for protecting the eyes of men.

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने तिमिरप्रतिषेधो नाम त्रयोदशोऽध्याय: ॥ १३ ॥
Thus, ends the chapter Timira Pratishedha- the thirteenth in Uttara Sthana of Astanga Hridaya Samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.

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