What qualifies one to be called as “Ayurvedavid”: Ayurveda Scholar?

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Meaning of Ayurvedavid

Ayurveda + Vid = Ayurvedavid = the one who knows (has studied) Ayurveda thoroughly = Ayurveda scholar

Many people study and learn Ayurveda, with a teacher or in an institution (Gurukulas in the past) but not everyone would qualify to be called as Ayurvedavid. One can be an Ayurveda Vidyarthi i.e. student of Ayurveda, but still not an Ayurvedavid.

So, what qualifications are needed for a person who has studied Ayurveda to be called as Ayurvedavid?

Is it enough to ‘just study and know’ Ayurveda?

Well, we will try to understand this through the description of Acharya Charaka as he enlists the qualification for one to be called as Ayurvedavid.

Reference – Charaka Samhita Chapter 30, Arthe Dasha Maha Moola Adhyaya, Verses 16, 17, 18 and 19.

Criteria to be designated as ‘Ayurvedavid’

The methods of learning / studying the texts of  Ayurveda in a comprehensive way (and also teaching methodology in Ayurveda)

तत्रायुर्वेदविदस्तन्त्रस्थानाध्यायप्रश्नानां पृथक्त्वेन वाक्यशो वाक्यार्थशोऽर्थावयवशश्च प्रवक्तारो मन्तव्याः| तत्राह- कथं तन्त्रादीनि वाक्यशो वाक्यार्थशोऽर्थावयवशश्चोक्तानि भवन्तीति||१६||
अत्रोच्यते- तन्त्रमार्षं कार्त्स्न्येन यथाम्नायमुच्यमानं वाक्यशो भवत्युक्तम्||१७||
बुद्ध्या सम्यगनुप्रविश्यार्थतत्त्वंवाग्भिर्व्याससमासप्रतिज्ञाहेतूदाहरणोपनयनिगमनयुक्ताभिस्त्रिविधशिष्यबुद्धिगम्याभिरुच्यमानं वाक्यार्थशोभवत्युक्तम्||१८|| तन्त्रनियतानामर्थदुर्गाणां पुनर्विभावनैरुक्तमर्थावयवशो भवत्युक्तम्||१९||
Below mentioned are the criteria for one to get qualified and designated as Ayurvedavid – Ayurveda scholar –
The person who fulfils the below mentioned criteria would qualify to be called as Ayurvedavid – Ayurveda scholar –

He should be capable of answering the queries related to the below said, precisely –

–        tantra – classical texts / treatises
–        sthana – sections of the text
–        adhyaya – chapters
–        pruthaktvena – specific topics of the chapters

He should also be –

–        vakya pravaktara – able to quote the lines of the text / treatise
–        vakya artha pravaktara – able to interpret the meaning of the lines of the text / treatise
–        vakya artha avayava pravaktara – able to explain in detail many aspects of the lines and meanings of those lines of the text / treatise

So, to be called as Ayurvedavid, one has to be well versed in everything that has been explained in the shastra – classic / text or treatise. This demands a dedicated study, understanding and apprehension of the scriptures during the student life. Regular studying, understanding and revision is needed. Just studying the books is not enough, one should be well versed with each and every section of the text, each and every chapter of the sections, each and every specific topic of those chapters and each and every sentence in those topics.

Still the student should not be satisfied. His hunger for knowledge should be ever-ignited. He or she should be able to quote, interpret and be able to explain various aspects of those lines contained in the tantra – treatise meaningfully.

But how should this quotation, interpretation and explanation of the texts and the lines contained in them be done?

They shall be done as below mentioned as explained by Master Charaka.

–        Reproduction of texts ‘as-it-is’ – The texts written by the revered sages should be reproduced as it is, as expounded by them, in their full form, without making any changes. Originality shall be maintained in each and every line contained in the text.

–        Interpret and Explain in a comprehensive way – After having thoroughly understood the texts one should be able to explain the contents elaborately and also concisely, as and when needed. He should also be able to explain their meaning, presumptions, reasonings, related concepts and possible conclusions. The explanation should be supported by easily understandable examples of anecdotes. The interpretations and explanations should be comprehensible to the students of all three intellectual levels i.e. intelligent (above average), moderately intelligent (average) and less intelligent (below average) students.

–        Repetitions and Revisions – It is very important for the scholar to repeat and get the things revised so as to make the things which have been taught more clearly understandable. For providing the clarity of the concepts and lines, he should repeat the meanings and various aspects of the text, especially if they are difficult and complicated to understand at one go.

The above said are also the learning methodologies in Ayurveda studies apart from being the qualifications for being Ayurvedavid. The same are also the teaching methodologies in Ayurveda.

To sum up,

This description also explains the ‘learning methodology’ in Ayurveda, the method in which the teacher should teach, the method in which a student has to learn (to be qualified as Ayurvedavid) and the method in which the student who is now an Ayurvedavid i.e. An Ayurveda scholar should be able to take the legacy ahead, by indulging himself in ‘methodical teaching of Ayurveda’.

This also reflects that, a person who has qualified to be called as Ayurvedavid also qualifies to teach Ayurveda to the next generation in a proper method and create many Ayurvedavids for future. 

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