Ashtanga Hridayam UttaraSthanam Chapter 4: Bhoota vijnaneeyam Adhyayam (Knowledge of Demons)

The 4th chapter of Uttara Sthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is named as Bhuta Vijnaniya adhyāyaṃ. This chapter deals with the explanation of ‘knowledge of demons.’

The topics covered in this chapter include –

  • Grahah – Demons Evil spirits
  • AnusangaKarana – causes for Seizure
  • Chidra
  • Grahana Kala – time of seizure
  • Deva Graham Jushta Purusha
  • Daitya Graham Jushta Purusha
  • Gandharva Graham Jushta Purusha
  • Uraga (Naga) Graha Jushta Purusha
  • Yaksha Graha Jushta Purusha
  • Brahma Raksasa Jushta Purusha
  • Raksasa Graham Jushta Purusha
  • Pisaca Graham Jushta Purusha
  • Preta Graham Jushta Purusha
  • Kusmanda Graham Jushta Purusha
  • Nisada Graha Jushta Purusha
  • Aukirana Graham Jushta Purusha
  • Vetala Graham Jushta Purusha
  • Pitru Graham Jushta Purusha

Pledge by the author (s)
अथातो भूतविज्ञानीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having offered prayers to the God, henceforth we are going to explain the chapter pertaining to the explanation of ‘knowledge of the demons’. Thus say (pledge) Atreya and other sages.

Grahah: Demons Evil spirits

लक्षयेज्ज्ञानविज्ञानवाक्चेष्टाबलपौरुषम् ।
पुरुषेऽपौरुषं यत्र तत्र भूतग्रहं वदेत् ॥ १ ॥
भूतस्य रूपप्रकृतिभाषागत्यादिचेष्टितैः ।
यस्यानुकारं कुरुते तेनाविष्टं तमादिशेत् ॥ २ ॥
सोऽष्टादशविधो देवदानवादिविभेदतः ।
Observing the non-human characters in a human being in his qualities/activities such as general knowledge, special knowledge (of science, arts, Philosophy etc.) speech, physical activities, strength and valor such person should be understood as seized by demons. The person who imitates in form (appearance), temperament, language (speaking), gait (movements) etc. (other activities), the specific features of any demon, he should be understood as having been seized by that demon. They (Bhutas/demon) are of eighteen kinds, such as deva, Danava, etc. categories.

Anusanga Karana: Causes for Seizure

हेतुस्तदनुषक्तौ तु सद्यः पूर्वकृतोऽथवा ॥ ३ ॥
प्रज्ञापराधः सुतरां तेन कामादिजन्मना ।
लुप्तधर्मव्रताचारः पूज्यानप्यतिवर्तते ॥ ४ ॥
तं तथा भिन्नमर्यादं पापमात्मोपघातिनम् ।
देवादयोऽप्यनुघ्नन्ति ग्रहाश्छिद्रप्रहारिणः ॥ ५ ॥
The causes for Anusanga (seizure by demons) is prajna- aparadha committing of mistakes (transgression of rules, unrighteous behaviour) either in the present life or in the previous lives, arising from pursuit of Kama (desires) etc. (krodha, Lobha, moha, mada, Mastsarya) leading to mistakes in respect of observance of rules of right conduct, vows, mode of right living and reverence even to things or persons deserving worship. Such a person who is a sinner and a destroyer of his own self, gets killed by Graha (evil spirits, demons) belonging to the categories of even deva (divine beings), which strike (seize) at the time of Chidra (Lapse, Lacuna, committing mistakes, transgression of rules, misconduct).


छिद्रं पापक्रियारम्भः पाकोऽनिष्टस्य कर्मणः ।
एकस्य शून्येऽवस्थानं श्मशानादिषु वा निशि ॥ ६ ॥
दिग्वासस्त्वं गुरोर्निन्दा रतेरविधिसेवनम् ।
अशुचेर्देवतार्चादि परसूतकसङ्करः ॥ ७ ॥
होममन्त्रबलीज्यानां विगुणं परिकर्म च ।
समासाद्दिनचर्यादिप्रोक्ताचारव्यतिक्रमः ॥ ८ ॥
Chidra is (the time of) commencement of sinful acts, effects of maturing of undesirable (bad) acts, such as residing / acting in a place vacated by another person (imposter, pretending someone else), residing at night in burial ground etc., forbidden places: time of becoming naked; of abusing the preceptor, of copulation or other in the unlawful / illegal ways, devoid of cleanliness, worship of gods etc.; of touching others during their days of impurity (during which untouchability is to be observed); of improper conduct at fire sacrifice, chanting of sacred hymns, offering oblations (vows, propitiatory rites, charity etc.) To say in brief, actions contrary to all the rulesand regimen of good conduct described in Dinacharya Chapter 2 of Sutrasthana.

Grahana Kala: Time of seizure

गृह्णन्ति शुक्लप्रतिपत्त्रयोदश्योः सुरा नरम् ।
शुक्लत्रयोदशीकृष्णद्वादश्योर्दानवा ग्रहाः ॥ ९ ॥
गन्धर्वास्तु चतुर्दश्यां द्वादश्यां चोरगाः पुनः ।
पञ्चम्यां शुक्लसप्तम्येकादश्योस्तु धनेश्वराः ॥ १० ॥
शुक्लाष्टपञ्चमीपौर्णमासीषु ब्रह्मराक्षसाः ।
कृष्णे रक्षःपिशाचाद्या नवद्वादशपर्वसु ॥ ११ ॥
दशामावास्ययोरष्टनवम्योः पितरोऽपरे ।
गुरुवृद्धादयः प्रायः कालं सन्ध्यासु लक्षयेत् ॥ १२ ॥
Sura (Deva graham) seize the person on the first and thirteenth days of bright fortnight Danava graham seize onthe thirteenth day of the bright fortnight and twelfth day of the dark fortnight, Gandharva graham on the fourteenth day, and the twelfth day; uraga (naga) Graha on the fifth day, Dhanesvra (kubera) graham on the seventh and eleventh day of the bright fortnight; Brahmaraksasa graham on the eight and fifth day of bright fortnight and also on days of full-moon, Raksana and Pisacagrahas twelfth days of dark fortnight and also on parvas (Special days such as eclipse etc.) Pitrgrahas on the tenth day and day of new–moon; others (grahas) such as guru, Vrddha, etc., on the eighth and ninth days and generally in the evenings.

Deva Graham Jushta Purusha

फुल्लपद्मोपममुखं सौम्यदृष्टिमकोपनम् ।
अल्पवाक्स्वेदविण्मूत्रं भोजनानभिलाषिणम् ॥ १३ ॥
देवद्विजातिपरमं शुचिं संस्कृतवादिनम् ।
मीलयन्तं चिरान्नेत्रे सुरभिं वरदायिनम् ॥ १४ ॥
शुक्लमाल्याम्बरसरिच्छैलोच्चभवनप्रियम् ।
अनिद्रमप्रधृष्यं च विद्याद्देववशीकृतम् ॥ १५ ॥
(Features of the person seized by deva graham) face resembling a full blown lotus flower; kind look; not getting angry, less of talk, perspiration, feces and urine, not desirous (craving) for food, worshipping Gods and the twice born (brahmana), extremely clean, speak courteously, keeps the eyes closed for long periods, emits pleasant odour, bestows favours, fond of white flowers white cloth, rivers, mountains and tall/high buildings, not sleeping (for long time), not frightening or abusing others; these are the features of the person possessed by deva graha.

Daitya Graham Jushta Purusha

जिह्मदृष्टिं दुरात्मानं गुरुदेवद्विजद्विषम् ।
निर्भयं मानिनं शूरं क्रोधनं व्यवसायिनम् ॥ १६ ॥
रुद्रः स्कन्दो विशाखोऽहमिन्द्रोऽहमिति वादिनम् ।
सुरामांसरुचिं विद्याद्दैत्यग्रहगृहीतकम् ॥ १७ ॥
He who is of irregular vision, bad thoughts and actions, hates preceptors, Gods and brahmanas; of fearlessness, pride, courage, anger and contact activities, boasting himself as Rudra, also as Skanda, Visakha and Indra, fond of sura (wine) and meat should be understood as possessed by Daitya graham.

Gandharva Graham Jushta Purusha

स्वाचारं सुरभिं हृष्टं गीतनर्तनकारिणम् ।
स्नानोद्यानरुचिं रक्तवस्त्रमाल्यानुलेपनम् ॥ १८ ॥
शृङ्गारलीलाभिरतं गन्धर्वाध्युषितं वदेत् ।
The person engaged in good, benevolent activities, emitting good odour, joyous; engaged in singing and dancing, desirous of bathing, fond of gardens, red cloth, red flowers and anointing with perfumes and always engaged in mirthful activities is to be said as possessed by gandharva graham.

Uraga (Naga) Graha Jushta Purusha

रक्ताक्षं क्रोधनं स्तब्धदृष्टिं वक्रगतिं चलम् ॥ १९ ॥
श्वसन्तमनिशं जिह्वालोलिनं सृक्किणीलिहम् ।
प्रियदुग्धगुडस्नानमधोवदनशायिनम् ॥ २० ॥
उरगाधिष्ठितं विद्यात्त्रस्यन्तं चातपत्रतः ।
He who has red eyes, angry temperament, fixed vision, irregular and unsteady gait, always breathing heavy, moving the tongue and licking and angles of the mouth, fond of milk, jaggery and bathing; sleeping with his face down and getting frightened by umbrella is to be understood as possessed by Uraga (naga) Graha.

Yaksha Graha Jushta Purusha

विप्लुतत्रस्तरक्ताक्षं शुभगन्धं सुतेजसम् ॥ २१ ॥
प्रियनृत्यकथागीतस्नानमाल्यानुलेपनम् ।
मत्स्यमांसरुचिं हृष्टं तुष्टं बलिनमव्यथम् ॥ २२ ॥ चलिताग्रकरं कस्मै किं ददामीति वादिनम् ।
रहस्यभाषिणं वैद्यद्विजातिपरिभाविनम् ॥ २३ ॥
अल्परोषं द्रुतगतिं विद्याद्यक्षगृहीतकम् ।
The person who has eyes full of tears, fretful and eyes which are red in colour; body emitting pleasant smell, possessing bright complexion; fond of dance, stories, songs, bath, garlands and perfumes, desirous of fish and flesh, exhilarated, satiated, strong, devoid of pain (disease), fingers always shaking, always saying what (gifts) shall I give, to whom shall I give” etc.; speaking secretly, insulting/ degrading the physician and brahmana caste; of slight anger, of fast walk are the features of the person seized by Yaksa graham.

Brahma Raksasa Jushta Purusha

हास्यनृत्यप्रियं रौद्रचेष्टं छिद्रप्रहारिणम् ॥ २४ ॥
आक्रोशिनं शीघ्रगतिं देवद्विजभिषग्द्विषम् ।
आत्मानं काष्ठशस्त्राद्यैर्घ्नन्तं भोःशब्दवादिनम् ॥ २५ ॥
शास्त्रवेदपठं विद्याद्गृहीतं ब्रह्मराक्षसैः ।
The person who is fond of fun and dance; doing violent activities, stinking (punishing) at the time of committing mistakes; who is angry, quick gait, of hates gods, Brahmanas and physicians, kills himself with batons, weapons etc. (injuring himself), uttering sounds like bho: etc. (shouting for help) interested in the study of sciences and Vedas is to be understood as possessed by brahma Raksha Graha.

Raksasa Graham Jushta Purusha

सक्रोधदृष्टिं भ्रूकुटीमुद्वहन्तं ससम्भ्रमं ॥ २६ ॥
प्रहरन्तं प्रधावन्तं शब्दन्तं भैरवाननम् ।
अन्नाद्विनाऽपि बलिनं नष्टनिद्रं निशाचरम् ॥ २७ ॥ निर्लज्जमशुचिं शूरं क्रूरं परुषभाषिणम् ।
रोषणं रक्तमाल्यस्त्रीरक्तमद्यामिषप्रियम् ॥ २८ ॥
दृष्ट्वा च रक्तं मांसं वालिहानं दशनच्छदौ ।
हसन्तमन्नकाले च राक्षसाधिष्ठितं वदेत् ॥ २९ ॥
He who wears an angry look, with beating the brows and violent movements, hitting others, running around; making loud sound and terrifying face; strong even though not eating food, loss of sleep, moving about at night; shameless, unclean, valiant, cruel, speaking harsh and angry, fond of red colour garlands and women, of blood, wine and meat as food, lickshis lips after observing blood or meat, laughs during eating is to be understood as seized by Raksasa graham.

Pishacha Graham Jushta Purusha

अस्वस्थचित्तं नैकत्र तिष्ठन्तं परिधाविनम् ।
उच्छिष्टनृत्यगन्धर्वहासमद्यामिषप्रियम् ॥ ३० ॥
निर्भर्त्सनाद्दीनमुखं रुदन्तमनिमित्ततः ।
नखैर्लिखन्तमात्मानं रूक्षध्वस्तवपुःस्वरम् ॥ ३१ ॥
आवेदयन्तं दु:खादि सम्बद्धबद्धभाषिणम् ।
नष्टस्मृतिं शून्यरतिं लोलं नग्नं मलीमसम् ॥ ३२ ॥ रथ्याचैलपरीधानं तृणमालाविभूषणम् ।
आरोहन्तं च काष्ठाश्वं तथा सङ्करकूटकम् ॥ ३३ ॥ बह्वाशिनं पिशाचेन विजानीयादधिष्ठितम् ।
The person who has unhealthy mind, who runs around without remaining at one place, fond of left out things (food etc.), dance, music, humour, wine and meat; of timid face due to threatening (by others) crying / weeping without any reason, scratching his own body with his nails, dry and destroyed body and voice, speaking out his miseries both relevant and irrelevant; who has loss of memory, roams in lonely streets / lives in lonely places, naked, impure (dirty, soiled) picks up clothes from road (street) and wears them wearing garlands of grass, climbing (riding) on wooden horses, and heap of sweepings (dirt, dung) (mingling with bad people
consumes food many times should be understood as seized by pisaca graha.

Preta Graham Jushta Purusha

प्रेताकृतिक्रियागन्धं भीतमाहारविद्विषम् ॥ ३४ ॥
तृणच्छिदं च प्रेतेन गृहीतं नरमादिशेत् ।
The person who resembles a cadaver in appearance, activities and smell; is terrified, hates food and indulges in plucking splitting bladders of grass is said to be seized by preta graha.
Kusmanda Graham Jushta Purusha
बहुप्रलापं कृष्णास्यं प्रविलम्बितयायिनम् ॥ ३५ ॥
शूनप्रलम्बवृषणं कूष्माण्डाधिष्ठितं वदेत् ।
He who talks too much, has black coloured face, moving (walking) very slow, has swollen and pendulous scrotum, should be recognised as seized by kusmanda graham.

Nishada Graha Jushta Purusha

गृहीत्वा काष्ठलोष्टादि भ्रमन्तं चीरवाससम् ॥ ३६ ॥
नग्नं धावन्तमुत्त्रस्तदृष्टिं तृणविभूषणम् ।
श्मशानशून्यायतनरथ्यैकद्रुमसेविनम् ॥ ३७ ॥
तिलान्नमद्यमांसेषु सततं सक्तलोचनं ।
निषादाधिष्ठितं विद्याद्वदन्तं परुषाणि च ॥ ३८ ॥
He who roams holding a baton or stone in his hands, wears rags, runs naked, has frightened look, wears grass (hay) as ornaments, stays long in the cemetery, vacant (haunted) houses, roads and lonely tree, constantly searching for food prepared from tila – Sesamum indicum, wine and meat, staring and speaking harsh is said to be possessed by nisada graham.

Aukirana Graham Jushta Purusha

याचन्तमुदकं चान्नं त्रस्तलोहितलोचनम् ।
उग्रवाक्यं च जानीयान्नरमौकिरणार्दितम् ॥ ३९ ॥
He who begs water and foods, eyes frightened and red, whose speech (talk) is harsh (abusive) is to be understood as seized by aukirana graham.

Vetala Graham Jushta Purusha

गन्धमाल्यरतिं सत्यवादिनं परिवेपिनम् ।
बहुनिद्रं च जानीयाद्वेतालेन वशीकृतम् ॥ ४० ॥
The person who is fond of perfumes and garlands, speaks truth, trembles / shakes and sleeps too much is to be known as seized by vetala graham.

Pitru Graham Jushta Purusha

अप्रसन्नदृशं दीनवदनं शुष्कतालुकम् ।
चलन्नयनपक्ष्माणं निद्रालुं मन्दपावकम् ॥ ४१ ॥
अपसव्यपरीधानं तिलमांसगुडप्रियम् ।
स्खलद्वाचं च जानीयात्पितृग्रहवशीकृतम् ॥ ४२ ॥
He who has an unpleasant face, humiliated look, dry palate moving eye lashes constantly, sleepy, of poor digestive capacity wearing clothes in the left ward direction, fond of tila – Sesamum indicum, meat and jaggery, and faltering speech (stammering, discontinuous talk) are the features of the person having been seized by pitra graham.

Pitru Graham Jushta Purusha

गुरुवृद्धर्षिसिद्धाभिशापचिन्तानुरूपतः ।
व्याहाराहारचेष्टाभिर्यथास्वं तद्ग्रहं वदेत् ॥ ४३ ॥
He who exhibits in speech, food and activities, the features (of grahas) which are invoked by/ named in the curse of the preceptors, elders, sages and persons having specific powers should be understood as seized by that graham.

Pitru Graham Jushta Purusha

कुमारवृन्दानुगतं नग्नमुद्धतमूर्धजम् ।
अस्वस्थमनसं दैर्घ्यकालिकं सग्रहं त्यजेत् ॥ ४४ ॥
He who is followed or surrounded by a group of children (teasing him) who is naked, whose hair of the head stand erect who is of unhealthy mind and is suffering for a long time such a person seized by grahas should be refused (treatment).

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठेउत्तरस्थाने भूतविज्ञानीयो नाम चतुर्थोऽध्याय:
॥ ४ ॥
Thus, ends the chapter Bhuta Vijnaniya the fourth in Uttarasthana of Astanga Hrdaya Samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.

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