Sthiradi Niruha Vasti / Basti: Ingredients, method of preparation, benefits

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

Sthiradi Niruha / Asthapana Basti

Reference – The reference of this praised decoction enema is from Charaka Samhita – Siddhi Sthana Chapter 3, Verses 36 (2/4) – 38 (2/4)

Name analysis & mode of action – The enema is named after the first ingredient used amongst the list of ingredients used in the preparation of this formulation / recipe. This is one popular method of naming the recipe or formulation in Ayurveda.

Sthira – Shalaparni – Desmodium gangeticum

Adi – and others (other ingredients)

Niruha – decoction / cleansing

Basti – enema

Sthiradi Niruha Vasti is an important enema preparation wherein Sthira is the main ingredient used along with the other ingredients.

Main Action – This enema is one of the best enemas for stimulating and strengthening digestive fire, promoting muscle and eye strength.

Type of Vasti – Sthiradi is a type of Niruha or Ashtapana Basti, given in the form of herbal decoction.

Sthiradi Niruha Basti

स्याद्दीपनोमांसबलप्रदश्चचक्षुर्बलंचापिददातिबस्तिः |[च.सि.३/३६-३८]


a. For preparation of decoction

5.33 tola each – approximately 64 grams each of the below mentioned herbs are taken for preparation of Kashaya – decoction –

Sthiradi Panchamula – Laghu Panchamula – the lesser roots – the roots of the below mentioned are taken –

–        Sthira – Shalaparni – Desmodium gangeticum
–        Prishniparni – Uraria picta
–        Brihati – Solanum indicum
–        Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum
–        Gokshura – Tribulus terrestris

Balamula – roots of Sida cordifolia

Patola Patra – leaves of pointed gourd – Tricohosanthes dioica

Trayamana – Gentiana kurroo

Eranda Mula – roots of Ricinus communis – Castor

Yava – barley – Hordeum vulgare

Totally – 384 grams – 8 pala of herbs should be taken.

b. For preparation of paste

5.33 tola each of the below mentioned herbs i.e. approximately 64 grams should be taken for preparing paste –

–        Priyangu – Callicarpa macrophylla
–        Krishna – Pippali – Piper longum
–        Ghana – Musta – Cyperus rotundus

Total 192 grams of paste of mentioned herbs are taken i.e. 4 pala in quantity.

c. Anya Dravya – other materials

Jala – water – should be taken in a quantity of eight times that of the herbs used for preparing Kashaya i.e. 8 x 8 pala = 64 pala i.e. 3072 grams approximately.

Taila, Sarpi, Madhu and Saindhava have been mentioned but their quantity has not been mentioned. We shall infer the quantity of these ingredients on the basis of ‘standard basti preparation module’ and ‘the action intended’ of this particular basti and also relative to the other ingredients.

–        Saindhava Lavana – 1 karsha = 12 grams
–        Kshaudra – Makshika – Honey – 8 pala = 384 grams
–        Sneha – Taila and Sarpi = 12 pala (6 pala each) = 576 grams
–        Mamsarasa – meat soup = half prastha = 8 pala = 384 grams

Method of Preparation

Preparation of Decoction – Sthiradi Panchamula and other herbs should be made into coarse powder. The powder should be of 8 pala in quantity (all together).

The resultant Kashaya Churna i.e. coarse powder meant for preparing decoction is boiled in 8 times quantity of water i.e. 64 pala of water until one fourth of water remains i.e. 16 pala i.e. 1 prastha remains.

To this Kashaya, half prastha i.e. 12 pala (384 grams) of chaga mamsa rasa – soup of sheep meat is added and once again boiled till only 1 prastha i.e. 16 pala (768 grams) remains. Once again it is filtered. Now the decoction is ready. This Kashaya is filtered.

Preparation of Kalka – Priyangu, Krishna and Ghana are powdered so as to obtain their smooth powder. This powder is pounded by adding water so as to prepare its paste. The kalka is now ready.

Mixing the ingredients and preparing the basti dravya – enema liquid – Rock salt, honey, ghee and oil, paste of Priyangu etc herbs and decoction of Sthiradi Panchamula etc are mixed in that order in mentioned quantities as per the rule of basti dravya mixing. They are mixed until a homogenous mixture is formed.

The resultant mixture of basti liquid is called as ‘Sthiradi Nniruha or Sthiradi Kashaya / Asthapana Basti’ and is ready to be administered.

This enema should be administered warmly.

The resultant basti dravya which has been prepared is of large quantity. Out of this, only the required quantity for administration of one enema for one person i.e. 12 prasruta (standard dose) is separated. This quantity too will be 1152 grams. This quantity by today’s standards is a very large dose. So, the dose of one administration should be decided by the physician. Since the decoction needs to be held in the colon for at least some time or few minutes, for its actions to be initiated, looking at the colon permeability and tolerance, half of this quantity i.e. 500 to 600 ml of Kashaya is the acceptable quantity by many physicians.

Benefits of Sthiradi Basti

Threefold benefits have been mentioned in the context of Sthiradi Niruha Basti. They are –

–        Deepana – stimulates and enhances the digestive fire in the gut and hence the power of digestion.
–        Mamsa Balaprada – provides strength to the muscles.
–        Netra Balaprada – provides strength to the eyes (eye sight).

1. Chief areas of action

Agni Deepanam – When we look at the ingredients of this enema formulation / recipe, they seem like not having a direct action on agni. But the first among the mentioned benefits is that it enhances the digestive fire. The enema is a strong anti-vata recipe. It also combats morbid pitta. When the digestive fire is influenced by vata, it is erratic – sometimes weak and sometimes strong, unpredictable. When the digestive fire is influenced by pitta, the fire is severe and ‘all burning’. Both these states are not good for health. Here, Sthiradi Vasti doing ‘agni deepana’ action reflects the enema recipe correcting these imbalanced agnis and bringing the fire to a state of balance, ignited enough to digest the food in proper time and proper proportion such that the digested food provides good nutrition. This Basti would increase agni and pitta to a desirable extent by working out on their mutual chemistry with vata.

This aspect is further substantiated by the other two benefits which have been mentioned in relation to this vasti recipe.

Mamsa Balapradam – This basti is basically nourishing in nature. Anything which is nourishing in nature will be vata and pitta balancing. The converse is also true. We have seen that Sthiradi Basti increases the agni in a healthy way. It does so by balancing vata and pitta in the gut, whose balanced chemistry is very essential to keep the agni in a state of functional balance. When these actions are achieved, the food is digested properly and the healthy essence of food and healthy rasa tissue is formed. This would further nourish the succeeding tissues. But the nutritive target of this recipe will be specially focussed towards enhancing the muscle strength in the body. The ingredients and their action are directed to receptors of muscle tissue.

Alternatively, the basti may have a stimulating effect on the mamsa dhatu agni – the tissue fire of muscle tissue. The muscle would absorb good nutrition and healthy muscles are formed and maintained.

Looking at it the other way, Sthiradi Basti, by stimulating the agni and enhancing its actions, will through this route have a feedback effect on the tissue fires, with specificity towards the muscle tissue fire. This is very much essential for qualitative and quantitative formation of mamsa dhatu.

‘Sama Mamsa Pramana’ – i.e. qualitative and quantitative balance of muscle tissue in the body i.e. healthy muscles are one of the indicators of comprehensive health in the body. The strength and endurance of the body will be established by Sthiradi Basti by the pathway of establishing muscle strength.

Netra Balapradam – Eye is yet another target organ at which the action of this enema recipe is focussed at. Sthiradi Niruha Vasti is said to strengthen the eyes. The vasti would strengthen the muscles around the eye so that the movements and actions of the eye are good, healthy and unhampered. Since this basti has vata and pitta balancing action, it would protect the eyes from the damage which might be caused by these doshas.

Eye is also a seat of Alochaka Pitta, a pitta subtype which helps in proper perception of vision. Since this basti has a pitta enhancing effect in a healthy way, it would ignite and stimulate the alochaka pitta and alochaka agni located in this pitta. The basti also achieves this action by the pathway of feedback effect, by kindling the agni in the gut, which would further kindle the other agnis located in the body.

Kapha is the greatest enemy of the eyes and would meddle with vision and also when increased would affect alochaka pitta and cause many eye disorders. This basti, by kindling the agni and pitta in the eyes, which are antagonistic to the kapha, would keep kapha at bay.

2. Other actions of Sthiradi Niruha Basti

Action on Doshas – As already said, Sthiradi Niruha Vasti will have a balancing effect on vata and pitta. It would enhance the pitta in a healthy way and help in its balance.

Action on Dosha subtypes – This enema calms samana and apana vata. It would kindle pachaka and alochaka pitta in a healthy way.

Action on dhatus – This enema provides strength to the muscle tissue. By kindling the agni, it would help in formation of good quality rasa tissue.

Action on Srotas – This enema has a supporting action on the mamsavaha srotas – channels related to the formation and maintenance of muscle tissue.

3. As a remedy in diseases 

a. Musculoskeletal System

–        Since Sthiradi Basti strengthens the muscles, it can be one of the best remedies for muscular weakness and muscle fatigue.
–        It can be effectively administered in cases of muscular atrophy and dystrophy in the earlier stages of the condition.
–        It can also be tried in cases of Myasthenia Gravis in combination with suitable external therapies like taila dhara and vata balancing medicines and diet.
–        Similarly, it can be tried in cases of Sarcopenia.
–        It is highly effective in neuro-muscular disorders.
–        Other indications include mamsagata vata and mamsavrita vata conditions – encompasses a wide array of muscular and neuromuscular disorders.
–        Diseases of tendons, ligaments and skin can be cured with these enemas because these structures are the roots of the mamsavaha srotas. It can be tried in ligament, tendon and soft tissue pains.
–        The enema can also be administered in diseases related to raktavahini dhamanis i.e. arterial disorders wherein there is laxity of blood vessels. The arteries too are the roots of mamsavaha srotas.
–        The diseases caused due to injury or contamination of mamsavaha srotas too can be effectively cured with this enema recipe. They include – mamsa shosha – wasting of muscles, galaganda – goitre, gandamala – cervical lymphadenitis, upajihwika – epiglottitis, pooti mamsa – muscle necrosis, gala shaluka – adenoids, keelam – tonsillitis, arbuda – benign tumors, adhimamsa – excessive growth of muscles, shwayathu – swelling / oedema and sira granthi – tumours or clots in blood vessels.

b. Gastrointestinal system – Through its action of Agni Deepana, Sthiradi Basti helps in regulating and kindling the digestive fire and hence in proper digestion of food. This enema can be readily used to cure diseases caused due to low digestive fire i.e. agnimandya. It is also a good remedy for ajirna – indigestion and arochaka – anorexia / tastelessness and bhaktadvesha – aversion towards food.

c. Sense organs – By strengthening the eyes, Sthiradi Basti would help in treating many eye disorders. It is a useful remedy for weaknenss of eyes, eye muscles and diseases related to eye movements. By calming vata and balancing alochaka pitta, it would help in establishing visual acuity. It also strengthens the optic and oculomotor nerves. It is a good remedy for dimness of vision, eye fatigue and issues related to accommodation. It can be tried in Computer vision syndrome also. This enema would highly benefit those using spectacles for vision problems and also to withdraw using spectacles in earlier stages.

4. Other benefits

The use of Stiradi Basti can also be extended to the cure of –

–        Vatavyadhi of mild to moderate intensity
–        Udavarta – abnormal upward movement of vata and subsequent complications
–        As effective Vatanulomana – to push the vata in its normal downward direction and thus for treating flatulence, flatulent dyspepsia, bloating disorders / meteorism and constipation.
–        Shotha – inflammatory conditions of stomach and intestines, muscles and eyes.
–        As an effective diuretic owing to the presence of gokshura, eranda and yava. 

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