Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 7: Yantra Vidhi Adhyaya (Blunt Instruments and Their Usage)

This article explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 7 “Yantra Vidhi Adhyaya”- Blunt instruments and their usage.

अथातो यन्त्रविधिमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ॥१॥
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ॥२॥

We will now expound the chapter by name, ‘Yantravidi Adhyaya – chapter dealing with usage of blunt instruments’; as revealed by the venerable Dhanvantari.

Hand, the best yantra: Blunt instrument

यन्त्रशतमेकोत्तरम्;अत्र हस्तमेव प्रधानतमं यन्त्राणामवगच्छ,किं कारणं ?यस्माद्धसादृते यन्त्राणामप्रत्तिरेव तदधीबत्वाद्यन्त्रकर्मणाम् ॥३॥

Yantras (blunt instruments) are one hundred and one in number.
But please understand that ‘The Hand’ is the best and the most important one among all these yantras – the blunt instruments.

If so, then what is the reason for the hand being considered as the best yantra – the blunt instrument?

The reason is that none of the other instruments can be used without the help of the hand. One needs the hands to hold and operate each and every instrument that would be put into use. All the functions and actions of the instruments are totally dependent on the hand and how they are handled and put into use by the hands. Therefore, the hands are the best and the most important ones amongst all the blunt instruments.

Definition of Shalya

तत्र मन्ःशरीराबाधकरणि शल्यानि;तेषामाहरणोपायो यन्त्राणि॥४॥
Those things which trouble or cause pain to the body and mind are called Shalya. In simple terms Shalya means foreign body.
Yantras are the methods (and instruments) which are beneficial for removal or extraction of shalyas i.e. foreign bodies.

Yantra Bheda & Sankhya: Kinds and number of blunt instruments

तानि षट्प्रकाराणि; तद्यथा-स्वर्तिकयन्त्राणि,संदंशयन्त्राणि,तालयन्त्राणि,नाडीयन्त्रणि,शलाकायन्त्रणि,उपयन्त्रणि चेति॥५॥

The yantras – blunt instruments are of six kinds. They are –

Sl NoName of the YantraMeaning / Equivalent
1Swastika YantraCruciform Instruments
2Samdamsha YantraPincers, Forceps. Instruments which have toothlike structures to hold the shalya (as if biting)
3Tala YantraInstruments with flat scoop or disc shaped end, spoon like
4Nadi YantraTubular instruments, Speculum
5Shalaka YantraRod like instruments / Probes
6Upa YantraAccessory instruments

Numbers of each type of blunt instruments

तत्र चतुर्विंशतिःस्वस्तिकयन्त्राणि,द्वे संदंशयन्त्रे,द्वे एव तालयन्त्रे,विंशतिर्नाड्चः अष्टाविंशति,शलाका,पञ्चविंशतिरुपयन्त्रणि ॥६॥
Now we shall have a look at the number of each type of the above mentioned yantras

Sl NoName of the YantraNumber (how many?)
1Swastika Yantra24
2Samdamsha Yantra02
3Tala Yantra02
4Nadi Yantra20
5Shalaka Yantra28
6Upa Yantra25
 Total101 Yantras

Materials used for preparing instruments

तानि प्रायशो लौहानि,भवन्ति,तत्प्रतिरुपकाणि वा तदलाभे ॥६॥

Lohani – The yantras are generally made of lohas – metals.
Tat Pratirupani – Pratirupas i.e. substitutes for these metals i.e. those materials which are similar to these metals can also be used to make the yantras in the absence or non-availability of metals.

Face of instruments

तत्र,नानाप्रकाराणा व्यालानां मृगपक्षिणां यन्त्राणां प्रायशःसदृशानि;तस्मात्तत्सारुप्यादागमादुपशेशादन्यन्त्रदर्शनाद्युक्तितश्च कारयेत् ॥८॥

The faces of the yantras generally resemble the shapes of the faces of various kinds of wild animals, tame animals and birds. The reason may be that the faces or mouths of these animals and birds probably resemble the face or structures of the instruments. The Yantras are often named depending on the face that it has.

Hence these instruments shall be prepared following the below mentioned principles –

Sl NoPrinciple / Criteria for preparation of YantraMeaning
1Sa rupyadThe instrument shall be prepared keeping in mind the shapes of the mouth / face of animals and birds i.e. the face or mouth of the instrument should resemble the shape of the face or mouth of an animal or bird. This shape determines the utility of that particular instrument in the surgical process.
2AgamadThe instruments shall be prepared following the advice found in the treatises of medical science i.e. the method of preparation should be in accordance with the shape and dimensions mentioned for each instrument in the scriptures.
3UpadeshadThe instrument shall be prepared in accordance with the advice given by the experts.
4Anyatra DarshanatThe instrument shall be prepared by observing the other kinds of instruments which were prepared in ancient times.
5YuktitahaThe instrument shall be prepared as per the requirement or mode of usage (customization)

Qualities of instruments / customization of instruments as per need

समाहितानि यन्त्राणि खरश्लक्ष्णमुखानि च ॥
सुदृढानि सुरुपाणि सुग्रहाणि च कारयेत् ॥९॥

These instruments should be prepared, so as to conform to their size and shape.

  • Khara shlakshna mukhani – the faces of these instruments shall be hard and smooth,
  • Sudrudha – strong,
  • Surupani – good looking and
  • Sugrahani – easy to handle and with good grip.
  1. Svastika Yantras – cruciform instruments

तत्र स्वस्तिकयन्त्राणि-अष्टादशाङ्गुलप्रमाणानि,सिंहव्याघ्रवृकतरक्ष्वृक्षद्वीपिमार्जारश्रृगालमृगैर्वारुककाककङ्ककर रचाषभासशशघात्युलुकचिल्लिश्येनगुध्रकौञ्चभृङ्गराजाञ्चालिकर्णावभञ्चननन्दीमुखमुखानि,मसुराकृतिभिः किलैरवबद्धानि,मूलेऽङ्कुशवदावृत्तवारङ्गाणि,अस्थि विदश्ग्टशल्योद्धरणार्थमुपदिश्यन्ते ॥१०॥

Features of Svastika Yantras
Length – eighteen Angula (36cm)
Shape – of this instrument will resemble those of many animals and birds, including the face of lion, tiger, wolf, hyena, bear, panther, cat, fox, deer, megairvaruka, jackal, crow, heron, osprey, blue jay, eagle, owl, cilli – kinds of kite, hawk, vulture, pond heron, shrike, anjalikarna and avabhanjana – kinds of birds and flamingo
Nail / screw – these instruments will be fixed with a screw of the shape of a Masura (lentil)
Handle – the varanga or handle of these instruments will be bent like a goad at their root.
Benefits – these instruments are useful for extracting (pulling out) the foreign bodies lodged in the bones.

  1. Samdamsa yantra – Pincers, forceps etc.

सनिग्रहोऽनिग्रहश्चसंदंशौ षोडशाङ्गुलौ भवतः त्वङूमांससिरास्नायुगतशल्योद्धरणार्थमुपदिश्येते॥१२॥

Features of Samdamsa Yantras –
Types – There are two types of Samdamsa Yantras, they are –

  • Sanigraha – with a catch or lock
  • Anigraha – without a catch or lock
    Length – sixteen angula (32 cm),
    Benefits – they are useful for pulling out the foreign bodies lodged in the skin, muscles, veins and ligaments.

3. Tala Yantra – instruments with flat disc at their front end

तालयन्त्रे द्वदशाङ्गुलेमत्स्यतालवदेकतालद्वितालके,कर्णनासानाडीशल्यानामाहरणर्थम् ॥१२॥
Features of Tala Yantra
Length – 12 angulas (24 cm)
Types – There are two types of tala yantras. They are –

    • Eka tala – having one disc resembling the palate of the fish
    • Dwi tala – having two discs resembling the palate of the fish

    Benefits – They are used for removing foreign bodies from the ear, nose and sinuses.

    4. Nadi Yantra: Tubular instruments

    नाडीयन्त्राणि-अनेकप्रकारणि,अनेकप्रयोजनानि,एकतोमुखान्युभयतोमुखानि च,तानि स्त्रोतोगतशल्योद्धरणार्थं,रोगदर्शनार्थम् ,आचूषणार्थं,क्रियासौकर्यार्थं चेति;तानि स्त्रोतोद्वारपरिणाहानि,यथायोगदीर्घाणिच । तत्र भगन्दरार्शोव्रणबस्त्युत्तरबस्तित्तमूत्रबस्तिमूत्रवृद्धिदको दरधूमनिरुद्धप्रकशसन्निरुगुदयन्त्राण्यलाबूश्वृङ्गयन्त्राणि चोपरिष्टाद्वक्ष्यामः ॥१३॥

      Features of Nadi Yantras
      There are many kinds of nadi yantras and they serve many purposes and uses. Some have openings at one end only and some will have openings at both their ends.
      Benefits – They are useful for –

      • Extracting the impacted shalya – foreign bodies from within the channels and minute pores of the body
      • To view and observe the abnormalities in these srotas – channels and pores
      • To suck the vitiated fluids like blood, pus etc from the channels, tissues or organs
      • For convenience in other surgical and medical activities
        Circumference – The circumferences of these instruments are of the size of the channels.
        Length – Their lengths are made as per need and convenience (for effective use).
        Examples –
      • Bhagandhara Yantra – rectal speculum, curette scope, used in fistula in ano
      • Arso yantra – proctoscope / anal speculum
      • Vranyantra – syringe and irrigator used for washing ulcers
      • Basti Yantra – enema bag, nozzle and tube / enema syringe
      • Niruddhaprakasa Yantra – prepuce or urethral dilator, used in treating phimosis
      • Sanniruddhaguda Yantra – rectal dilator / bougie, used to dilate constricted rectum
      • Alabu yantra – hollow pitcher gourd, used for aspiration
      • Srnga Yantra – horn of cow etc animals, used for bloodletting through aspiration
        They will be described further on.
        Other examples –
        Uttara Vasti Yantra – rubber ball vaginal douche
        Dakodara yantra – trocar and cannula for tapping ascitic fluid
        Dhuma / dhauma yantra – inhaler, respirator – used for inhalation therapy

      5. Shalaka Yantra: Rod like instruments

      शलाकायन्त्राण्यपि नानाप्रकाराणि,नानाप्रयोजनानि,यथायोगपरिणाहरिणाहदीर्घाणि च,तेषां गण्डूपदसर्पफणशरपुङ्खव्बबडीशमुखेद्वे द्वे,एषणव्यूहनचालनाहरणार्थमुपदिश्येते: मसूरदलमात्रमुखे द्वे किंचिदानताग्रे स्त्रोतोगतशल्योद्धरणार्थं;षट् कार्पासकृतोष्णीषाणि प्रमार्जनक्रियासु;त्रीणि दर्व्याकृतीनि खल्लमुखानि क्षारौषधप्रनिधानार्थं,त्रीण्यन्यानि जाम्बववदनानि,त्रीण्यङ्कुशवदनानि,षडेवाग्रिकर्मस्वभिप्रेतानि;नासार्बुदहरणर्थमेकं कोलास्थिदलमात्रमुख खल्लतीक्ष्णौष्ठं;अञ्जनार्थमेकं कलायपरिमण्डलमुभयतोमुकुलाग्रं मूत्रमार्गविशोधनार्थमेकं मालतीपुश्पवृन्ताग्रप्रमाणपरिमण्डलमिति॥१४॥
      Features of Shalaka Yantras – rod like instruments

      Shalaka Yantras is of many types and serves many purposes and uses.

      Length and thickness – as found suitable for the purpose for which they are designed and function which they serve.

      Name of the Shalaka YantraNumberBenefits
      Gandupada Mukha – face similar to earthworm, blunt probes Sarpaphana Mukha – face resembling that of snake hood, retractors Sarapunkha Mukha – face resembling flower of Sarapunkha Badisa Mukha – face resembling the shape of hook2 eachEsana – probing Vyuhana – collecting Calana – shaking Aharana – extracting, pulling
      Masuradala matra mukha – having face of the shape and size of lentil cotyledon, slightly bent upward,2Removing foreign bodies from srotas
      Karpasakruta ushneesha – rods fitted with cap made up of cotton6Cleaning
      Darvi akriti – shape of ladle with its face bent down3Application of kshara – caustic alkali
      Jambava vadana – resembling the fruit of Jambu – Eugenia jambolana3 
      Ankusha Vadana – face shaped like elephant goud3 
      Agnikarma abhipreta – for conducting thermal cautery / branding with fire6For conducting agnikarma – fire cauterization
      Nasarbuda Haranartha – for pulling out nasal polyp or tumour, its face is of the size of seed of Kola – Zizyphus jujuba with bent and sharp lips1For extraction / pulling out the polyp or tumour developed inside the nose
      Anjanartham – for applying collyrium, round in shape, thickness as that of Kalaya – round pea, has two ends in the shape of flower bud1For application of Anjana – collyrium
      Mutramarga Vishodhanartham – to cleanse urinary passage – round in shape, has a lip (end) of the thickness of stalk of jasmine flower1For cleansing the urethra

      Note – Salaka Yantras comprises a wide array of instruments which include probes, dilators, urethral and uterine sounds, scoops, swab sticks, branding rods, collyrium rods etc.

      6. Upa Yantras: Accessory instruments

      उपयन्त्राण्यपि-रज्जुवेणिकापट्टचर्मान्तर्वल्कललतावस्त्राष्ठीलाश्ममुद्ररपाणिपादतलाङ्गुलिजिह्वादन्तनखवालाश्वकटकशाखाष्ठीवनप्रवाहणहर्षायसस्कान्तमयानि क्षाराग्रिभेषजानि चेति ॥१५॥
      एतानि देहे सर्वस्यिन देहस्यवयवे तथा।
      संधौ कोष्ठे धमन्यां च यथायोगम् प्रयोजयेत्॥१६॥

        Below mentioned are the important Upa Yantras –

        • Rajju – ropes
        • Venika – thread wound in 3 strings, plait
        • Putta – leather or cloth sheath
        • Charma – leather,
        • Antar valkala – thin inner layer of tree barks
        • Lata – creeper
        • Vastra – cloth
        • Asthila asma – hard stones
        • Mudgara – mortar / hammer
        • Panitala – palm
        • Padatala – sole
        • Anguli – fingers
        • Jihva – tongue
        • Danta – teeth
        • Nakha – nails
        • Mukha – mouth
        • Vala / bala – hairs
        • Avakataka – bridle of horse
        • Sakha – tree branches
        • Shyvana – spittle / spittoon or act of spitting
        • Pravahana – straining
        • Harsa – joy, excitement
        • Ayaskanta – magnet
        • Ksara – caustic alkali
        • Agni – fire
        • Bhesaja – medicine / drug / herb
          These upa yantras are very beneficial in many procedures and can be administered all over the body and body parts, organs, joints, gut, and blood vessels as and when needed.

        Yantra Karma: Functions of the instruments

        यन्त्रकर्माणी तु-निर्घातनपूरनबन्धनव्यूहनवर्तनचालनविवर्तनविवरण पीडनमार्गविशोधनविकर्षणाहरणा च्छनोन्नमनविनमनभञ्जनोन्मथनाचूषणैषणर्जुकरणप्रक्षलन प्रधमनप्रमार्जनानि चतुर्विंशतिः ॥१७॥

        There are in total twenty-four Yantra karmas i.e. functions of blunt instruments. They are as below mentioned –

        Yantra KarmaMeaning
        Nirghanta (shaking and then pulling)Shaking and pulling
        BandhanaFixing, tying, binding
        VyuhanaCollecting at a place
        CalanaMoving, shifting, transferring, sliding,
        VivaranaExposing, opening, dilating
        PidanaKneading, squeezing
        Marga vishodhanaCleaning the passage
        VikarsanaSplitting and pulling
        AharanaExtraction, pulling out
        AnchanaTraction, Elevating, Pulling up to the surface,
        UnnamanaLifting up
        VinamanaPushing down
        BhanjanaBreaking, bending
        UnmathanaMaking churning movements
        AchusanaAspiration, sucking
        EsanaProbing, searching
        DaranaBursting, cracking
        PraksalanaWashing, bathing
        PradhamanaBlowing air, insufflation
        PramarjanaCleaning, mopping, sweeping

        स्वबुद्ध्या चापि विभजेह्यनत्रकर्माणि बुद्धिमान् ।
        असंख्येयविकल्पत्वाच्छल्यानामिति निश्चयः ॥१८॥
        The foreign bodies are of innumerable kinds. Therefore, an intelligent physician may carry out the actions of the instruments, using his own intelligence (make choice of instruments as per convenience of usage in a given condition using his skill and intelligence).

        Yantra Doshas: Defects of the Instruments

        तत्र अतिस्थुलम्,असारम्,अतिदीर्घम्,अतिह्रस्वम्,अग्राहि,विषमग्राहि,वक्रं शिथिलम्,अत्युत्रतम्,मृदुकीकं,मृदुमुखं,मृदुपाशम्,-इति द्वादश यन्त्रदोषाः॥१९॥

        There are in total of twelve yantra doshas i.e. defects of instruments. They are as below mentioned –

        Yantra Dosha – Defects of the instrumentsMeaning
        Ati SthulaVery Thick
        AsaramWithout strength, soft
        Ati DeerghaToo long
        Ati HrsvaToo short
        AgrahiNot holding the objects well i.e. the physician cannot hold it properly
        Visama GrahiHolding the objects in an improper way
        VakraIrregular, crooked, asymmetrical
        SithilaSoft, weak
        Ati UnnataVery much elevated, with a prominent part
        Mrdu KilaIt has soft or loose rivets (nails or pins)
        Mrdu MukhaIts face or holding part (handle) will be soft
        Mrdu PasaWith soft or loose threads

        Prashasta Yantra: Ideal blunt instrument

        एतैर्दोषैर्विनिर्मुक्तं यन्त्रमष्टादशाङ्गुलम् ।प्रशस्तं भिषजा ज्ञेयंतद्धिकर्मसु योजयेत् ॥२०॥

        A yantra having the below mentioned features shall be considered as ideal and should be used in surgical activities –

        • Devoid of the above mentioned twelve dosas – defects
        • Has a length of 18 angula – 36 cm

        दृश्यंसिम्हमुखाद्यैस्तु गूढं कङ्कमुखादिभिः ।
        निर्हरेत शनैः शल्यं शास्त्रयुक्तिव्यपेक्षया॥२१॥

        Visible Shalyas – foreign bodies should be removed by pulling them out slowly by using instruments like Simhamukha Yantra – lion faced forceps etc. Invisible Shalyas – foreign bodies which are invisible should be pulled out slowly by using Kanka mukha (heron beak forceps) etc. Both procedures should be done in accordance to what has been directed in the treatises.

        Kanka Mukha Yantra: The Master instrument

        निवर्तते साध्ववगाहते च शल्यं निगृह्योद्धरते च यस्मात् ।
        यन्त्रेष्वतः कङ्कमुखं प्रधानं स्थानेषु सर्वेष्वधिकारि चैव॥२२॥
        Kanka Mukha Yantra i.e. Heron-bill forceps is said to be the chief and best instrument amongst all the yantras – blunt instruments. Below mentioned are the reasons –

        Sthaneshu sarveshu Adhikari – it is the master i.e. best for work at all the places of the body

        इति श्रीसुश्रुतसंहितायं सुत्रस्थाने यन्त्रविधिर्नाम् सप्प्तमोऽध्यायः ॥७॥
        Thus ends the Seventh chapter by name Yantra Vidhi- In Sutra Sthana of Susruta Samhita.

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