Charaka Siddhisthana Chapter 12 – Uttara Basti Siddhi

This article explains the 12th chapter of siddhisthana of Charaka samhita called ‘Uttarabasti Siddhi Adhyaya’. In this chapter, “Successful application of excellent recipes for Basti, Post Basti regimen” have been explained. Here, Uttara means great recipes for Basti and does not mean the urethral / vaginal enema therapy.
Read about Uttara Basti: Method, Indications, Mode of Action

अथात उत्तरबस्तिसिद्धिं व्याख्यास्यामः||१|| इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः||२||
athāta uttarabastisiddhiṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ||1|| iti ha smāha bhagavānātreyaḥ||2||

We shall now explore the chapter dealing with the “Successful application of excellent recipes for Uttara Basti”. Thus said Lord Atreya [1-2]

Table of Contents

Post- therapeutic Management of Patients

अथ खल्वातुरं वैद्यः संशुद्धं वमनादिभिः| दुर्बलं कृशमल्पाग्निं मुक्तसन्धानबन्धनम्||३||
निर्हृतानिलविण्मूत्रकफपित्तं कृशाशयम्| शून्यदेहं प्रतीकारासहिष्णुं परिपालयेत्||४||
यथाऽण्डं तरुणं पूर्णं तैलपात्रं यथैव च| गोपाल इव दण्डी गाः सर्वस्मादपचारतः||५||
atha khalvāturaṃ vaidyaḥ saṃśuddhaṃ vamanādibhiḥ| durbalaṃ kṛśamalpāgniṃ muktasandhānabandhanam||3||
nirhṛtānilaviṇmūtrakaphapittaṃ kṛśāśayam| śūnyadehaṃ pratīkārāsahiṣṇuṃ paripālayet||4||
yathā’ṇḍaṃ taruṇaṃ pūrṇaṃ tailapātraṃ yathaiva ca| gopāla iva daṇḍī gāḥ sarvasmādapacārataḥ||5||

Just as we need to handle a fresh egg with tenderness and delicacy, just like we need to handle a brimful oil pot with care, and just like the cattle need to be protected by a cowherd having a staff in his hand, the physician too should protect his patient carefully from the unwholesome (diet, regimen etc.) factors.

This is because after having administered with the purificatory therapies, the body of the patient would undergo certain changes as follows –
• The body of the patient becomes weak and emaciated;
• His digestive power becomes weak
• The ligaments and his joints become loose;
• The (gastro-intestinal tract, bladder and other) viscera become empty (emaciated) because of the elimination of flatus, feces, urine, kapha (phlegm) and Pitta (bile).
• The body becomes empty
• The patient becomes intolerant to adverse situations (like loud speech and other strong therapeutic measures) [3-5]

Post therapeutic Diet

अग्निसन्धुक्षणार्थं तु पूर्वं पेयादिना भिषक्| रसोत्तरेणोपचरेत् क्रमेण क्रमकोविदः||६||
स्निग्धाम्लस्वादुहृद्यानि ततोऽम्ललवणौ रसौ| स्वादुतिक्तौ ततो भूयः कषायकटुकौ ततः||७||
अन्योऽन्यप्रत्यनीकानां रसानां स्निग्धरूक्षयोः| व्यत्यासादुपयोगेन प्रकृतिं गमयेद्भिषक्||८||
agnisandhukṣaṇārthaṃ tu pūrvaṃ peyādinā bhiṣak| rasottareṇopacaret krameṇa kramakovidaḥ||6||
snigdhāmlasvāduhṛdyāni tato’mlalavaṇau rasau| svādutiktau tato bhūyaḥ kaṣāyakaṭukau tataḥ||7||
anyo’nyapratyanīkānāṃ rasānāṃ snigdharūkṣayoḥ| vyatyāsādupayogena prakṛtiṃ gamayedbhiṣak||8||

After the administration of purificatory therapy, the physician who is adept in handling post-therapeutic measures should first of all give to the patient (gradually lighter to heavier) the diet beginning with Peya (thin gruel) and ending with Rasa (meat–soup) for the stimulation of Agni (power of digestion and metabolism).

The patient is given unctuous, soul, sweet and pleasing (Hrudya) food. Then he is given dietetic articles having sour and saline tastes. Later on, he is given foods having sweet and bitter tastes. Thereafter, he is given foods predominant in astringent and pungent tastes.
The patient is given ingredients having mutually contradictory tastes, and mutually contradictory properties like unctuousness and dry alternatively till the normal diet (Prakriti) are restored. [6 -8]
Read: Samsarjana Krama – Graduated Dietetic Protocol After Cleansing Treatments

Restoration of normal health

सर्वक्षमो ह्यसंसर्गो रतियुक्तः स्थिरेन्द्रियः| बलवान् सत्त्वसम्पन्नो विज्ञेयः प्रकृतिं गतः||९||
sarvakṣamo hyasaṃsargo ratiyuktaḥ sthirendriyaḥ| balavān sattvasampanno vijñeyaḥ prakṛtiṃ gataḥ||9||

[After the intake of Peya, etc., and ingredients having different tastes as well as attributes], the patient is to be considered as the one having his normal health restored as indicated by the following factors:
• Sarva Kshama – Ability to take and digest various ingredients/foods having all the different tastes.
• Asamsarga – Non-obstruction to his natural urges
• Rati Yukta – Restoration of zest for life
• Sthira Indriya – Sharp functioning of the senses
• Balavan – Return of strength
• Satva Sampanna – Endowment of strong will power [9]

Ashta Maha Doshakara Bhavas

एतां प्रकृतिमप्राप्तः सर्ववर्ज्यानि वर्जयेत्| महादोषकराण्यष्टाविमानि तु विशेषतः||१०||
उच्चैर्भाष्यं रथक्षोभमविचङ्क्रमणासने| अजीर्णाहितभोज्ये च दिवास्वप्नं समैथुनम्||११||
तज्जा देहोर्ध्वसर्वाधोमध्यपीडामदोषजाः| श्लेष्मजाः क्षयजाश्चैव व्याध्यः स्युर्यथाक्रमम्||१२||
etāṃ prakṛtimaprāptaḥ sarvavarjyāni varjayet| mahādoṣakarāṇyaṣṭāvimāni tu viśeṣataḥ||10||
uccairbhāṣyaṃ rathakṣobhamavicaṅkramaṇāsane| ajīrṇāhitabhojye ca divāsvapnaṃ samaithunam||11||
tajjā dehordhvasarvādhomadhyapīḍāmadoṣajāḥ| śleṣmajāḥ kṣayajāścaiva vyādhyaḥ syuryathākramam||12||

Till the health is restored with above-mentioned characteristic features (signs), the patient should avoid all the prohibited activities. He should especially avoid eight factors which are exceedingly harmful.
These are as follows:
Avoidable factor and effect of not avoiding
1 Uccaih Bhasya – loud speech causes pain in the upper part of the body
2 Ratha-ksobha – jolts by riding wooden cart (conveyance) causes pain in all over the body
3 Ati-Cankramana – long wayfaring causes pain in the lower part of the body
4 Ati- Asana – constant sitting causes pain in the middle part of the body
5 Ajirna – indigestion gives rise to diseases caused by Ama or uncooked material
6 Ahita-bhojana – intake of unwholesome food gives rise to diseases caused by different Doshas
7 Diva-Svapna – sleep during day time gives rise of diseases caused by kapha
8 Maithuna – sexual intercourse gives rise to diseases caused by Ksaya or diminution of tissue elements [10-20]

Details off impediments

तेषां विस्तरतो लिङ्गमेकैकस्य च भेषजम्|
यथावत्सम्प्रवक्ष्यामि सिद्धान् बस्तींश्च यापनान्||१३||
teṣāṃ vistarato liṅgamekaikasya ca bheṣajam|
yathāvatsampravakṣyāmi siddhān bastīṃśca yāpanān||13||

Now, I (Atreya) shall appropriately explain in detail the signs, treatment and effective Yapana type of Bastis for each of these impediments. [13]

Complications of loud and excessive speech

तत्रोच्चैर्भाष्यातिभाष्याभ्यां शिरस्तापशङ्खकर्णनिस्तोदश्रोत्रोपरोध मुखतालुकण्ठशोषतैमिर्यपिपासाज्वरतमक हनुग्रहमन्यास्तम्भनिष्ठीवनोरःपार्श्वशूलस्वरभेदहिक्काश्वासादयः स्युः (१)|
tatroccairbhāṣyātibhāṣyābhyāṃ śirastāpaśaṅkhakarṇanistodaśrotroparodha mukhatālukaṇṭhaśoṣataimiryapipāsājvaratamaka hanugrahamanyāstambhaniṣṭhīvanoraḥpārśvaśūlasvarabhedahikkāśvāsādayaḥ syuḥ (1)|

Speaking loudly or speaking in excess [before the restoration of health, after the purificatory therapy] gives rise to complications as follows:
• Shiras Tapa – Burning sensation in the head
• Shankha, Karna Nistoda – Pricking pain in the temples and ears
• Shrotra Uparodha – Auditory dysfunction (deafness)
• Mukha, Talu, Kantha Shosha – Dryness of mouth, palates and throat
• Timira – Fainting, black outs
• Pipasa, Jwara, Tamaka – Thirst, fever, Tamaka (a feeling as if entering into darkness), spasticity of jaws (Hanugraha),
Manyastmabha – torticollis and
Nishteevana – ptyalism;
• Ura Parshva Shoola – Pain in the chest and sides of the chest
• Svara Bheda – Hoarseness of voice
• Hikka Shwasa – Hiccup and asthma and Such other complications [14 (1)]

Complications of jolting by riding

रथक्षोभात् सन्धिपर्वशैथिल्यहनुनासाकर्णशिरःशूलतोदकुक्षिक्षोभाटोपान्त्रकूजनाध्मानहृदयेन्द्रियोपरोध- स्फिक्पार्श्ववङ्क्षणवृषणकटीपृष्ठवेदनासन्धिस्कन्धग्रीवादौर्बल्याङ्गाभितापपादशोफप्रस्वापहर्षणादयः (२)|
rathakṣobhāt sandhiparvaśaithilyahanunāsākarṇaśiraḥśūlatodakukṣikṣobhāṭopāntrakūjanādhmānahṛdayendriyoparodha- sphikpārśvavaṅkṣaṇavṛṣaṇakaṭīpṛṣṭhavedanāsandhiskandhagrīvādaurbalyāṅgābhitāpapādaśophaprasvāpaharṣaṇādayaḥ (2)|

Jolting caused by riding conveyance soon after Shodhana therapy gives rise to complications as follows:
Sandhi Parva Shaithilya – Looseness of big and small joints
Hanu, nasa, Karna, Shirashoola Toda – Colic and pricking pain in jaws, nose, ears and head
Kukshi Kshobha – Irritation in the pelvic region, meteorism,
Atopa, Antra Kujana, Adhmana – gurgling noise in intestines and flatulence;
Hrudaya Indriya Uparodha – Obstruction in the functioning of the heart and sense organs,
Sphik, Parshva, Vankshana Vrushana Kati Prishta Vedana – Pain in the hips, sides of the chest, groin, scrotum, waist and back
Sandhi Skandha Greeva Daurbalya – Weakness of joints, shoulders and neck
Anga Abhitapa – Burning sensation in limbs
Pada Shopha, Prasvapa, Harshana – Oedema, numbness and tingling sensation in feet and
Such other complications 14

Complications of long distance walking

अतिचङ्क्रमणात् पादजङ्घोरुजानुवङ्क्षणश्रोणीपृष्ठशूलसक्थिसादनिस्तोद- पिण्डिकोद्वेष्टनाङ्गमर्दांसाभितापसिराधमनीहर्षश्वासकासादयः (३)|
aticaṅkramaṇāt pādajaṅghorujānuvaṅkṣaṇaśroṇīpṛṣṭhaśūlasakthisādanistoda- piṇḍikodveṣṭanāṅgamardāṃsābhitāpasirādhamanīharṣaśvāsakāsādayaḥ (3)|

Long wayfaring [soon after the purificatory therapy] gives rise to complications as follows:
Pain in the feet, calf region, thighs, knees, groin, waist and back
Asthenia and pricking pain in legs (Sakthi)
Cramps in the calf region
Burning sensation in the shoulders
Swelling of the veins and arteries
Asthma and cough and
Such other complications [14 (3)]

Complications of constant Sitting

अत्यासनाद्रथक्षोभजाः स्फिक्पार्श्ववङ्क्षणवृषणकटीपृष्ठवेदनादयः (४)|
atyāsanādrathakṣobhajāḥ sphikpārśvavaṅkṣaṇavṛṣaṇakaṭīpṛṣṭhavedanādayaḥ (4)|

Constant sitting [before the restoration of health after shodhana] gives rise to complications like pain in the hips, sides of the chest, groins, scrotum, waist and back which are described earlier in respect of jolting by conveyance, and such other complications. [14 (4)]

Complications of Indigestion and Adhyasana

अजीर्णाध्यशनाभ्यां तु मुखशोषाध्मानशूलनिस्तोदपिपासागात्रसादच्छर्द्यतीसारमूर्च्छाज्वरप्रवाहणामविषादयः(५)|
ajīrṇādhyaśanābhyāṃ tu mukhaśoṣādhmānaśūlanistodapipāsāgātrasādacchardyatīsāramūrcchājvarapravāhaṇāmaviṣādayaḥ(5)|

Indigestion and Adhyasana (intake of food before the previous meal is digested) [before the restoration of normal of normal health of after purificatory therapy] give rise to following complications:
Dryness of the mouth, flatulence, colic pain and pricking pain
Thirst, prostration of the body, vomiting, diarrhoea, fainting, fever and gripping pain
Ama Visha or poisoning effect caused by Ama (product of indigestion) and
Such other complications [14 (5)]

Complications of Unwholesome food

विषमाहिताशनाभ्यामनन्नाभिलाषदौर्बल्यवैवर्ण्यकण्डूपामागात्रसादवातादिप्रकोपजाश्च ग्रहण्यर्शोविकारादयः (६)|
viṣamāhitāśanābhyāmanannābhilāṣadaurbalyavaivarṇyakaṇḍūpāmāgātrasādavātādiprakopajāśca grahaṇyarśovikārādayaḥ (6)|

Intake of irregular meals and unwholesome food [before the restoration of normal health after purificatory therapy] produces complications as follows:
Lack of desire for taking food
Weakness, discoloration of the skin, itching, scabies and prostration of the body; and
Sprue, piles and such other diseases caused by the aggravation of vayu. [14 (6)]

Complications of Day-sleep

दिवास्वप्नादरोचकाविपाकाग्निनाशस्तैमित्यपाण्डुत्वकण्डूपामादाहच्छर्द्यङ्गमर्दहृत्स्तम्भजाड्यतन्द्रानिद्रा- प्रसङ्गग्रन्थिजन्मदौर्बल्यरक्तमूत्राक्षितातालुलेपाः (७)|
divāsvapnādarocakāvipākāgnināśastaimityapāṇḍutvakaṇḍūpāmādāhacchardyaṅgamardahṛtstambhajāḍyatandrānidrā- prasaṅgagranthijanmadaurbalyaraktamūtrākṣitātālulepāḥ (7)|

Sleep during the day time [before the restoration of normal health after purificatory therapy] produces complications as follows:
Anorexia, indigestion and suppression of the power of digestion
Staimitya (feeling as if the body is covered with wet leather)
Anaemia, itching, scabies, burning sensation, vomiting and malaise
Impairment of the cardiac functions, stiffness, drowsiness and continuous sleep
Appearance of nodules
Reddish coloration of urine and eyes and
Coating over the palate [14 (7)]

Complications of sexual intercourse

व्यवायादाशुबलनाशोरुसादशिरोबस्तिगुदमेढ्रवङ्क्षणोरुजानुजङ्घापादशूलहृदयस्पन्दननेत्रपीडाङ्गशैथिल्य- शुक्रमार्गशोणितागमनकासश्वासशोणितष्ठीवनस्वरावसादकटीदौर्बल्यैकाङ्गसर्वाङ्गरोगमुष्कश्वयथु- वातवर्चोमूत्रसङ्गशुक्रविसर्गजाड्यवेपथुबाधिर्यविषादादयः स्युः; अवलुप्यत इव गुदः, ताड्यत इव मेढ्रम्, अवसीदतीव मनो, वेपते हृदयं, पीड्यन्ते सन्धयः, तमः प्रवेश्यत इव च (८)|
vyavāyādāśubalanāśorusādaśirobastigudameḍhravaṅkṣaṇorujānujaṅghāpādaśūlahṛdayaspandananetrapīḍāṅgaśaithilya- śukramārgaśoṇitāgamanakāsaśvāsaśoṇitaṣṭhīvanasvarāvasādakaṭīdaurbalyaikāṅgasarvāṅgarogamuṣkaśvayathu- vātavarcomūtrasaṅgaśukravisargajāḍyavepathubādhiryaviṣādādayaḥ syuḥ; avalupyata iva gudaḥ, tāḍyata iva meḍhram, avasīdatīva mano, vepate hṛdayaṃ, pīḍyante sandhayaḥ, tamaḥ praveśyata iva ca (8)|

Sexual intercourse [before the restoration of health after shodhana] produces complications as follows;
Instantaneous loss of strength, Prostration of thighs, Colicky pain in the head, region of urinary bladder, anus, phallus, groins, thighs, knees, calf regions and feet, Palpitation of heart, Pain in the eyes, Asthenia of the limbs , Bleeding through the seminal passage, Cough, asthma, haemoptysis and asthenia of the voice;
Weakness of lumbar region, Paralysis of the part of the body or the whole body, Oedema in the scrotum, Retention of flatus, stool and urine, Excessive discharge of semen, Numbness, trembling, deafness and Vishada (depression), A feeling as if the anus is being cut, Pain in the phallus as if it is being cut, A feeling as if the mind is shrinking, Trembling of the heart,Pain in joints hearts
A feeling as if entering into darkness [14- (8)]

इत्येवमेभिरष्टभिरपचारैरेते प्रादुर्भवन्त्युपद्रवाः||१४||
ityevamebhiraṣṭabhirapacārairete prādurbhavantyupadravāḥ||14||

Thus, the above-mentioned complications arise because of the eight types of impediments [described in the verse no. 11] [14]

Management of complications caused by loud speech & excessive speech

तेषां सिद्धिः- तत्रोच्चैर्भाष्यातिभाष्यजानामभ्यङ्गस्वेदोपनाहधूमनस्योपरिभक्तस्नेहपानरसक्षीरादिर्वातहरः सर्वो विधिर्मौनं च (१)|
teṣāṃ siddhiḥ- tatroccairbhāṣyātibhāṣyajānāmabhyaṅgasvedopanāhadhūmanasyoparibhaktasnehapānarasakṣīrādirvātaharaḥ sarvo vidhirmaunaṃ ca (1)|

Now the successful treatment of these complications [arising out of impediments during the period of convalescence] will be discussed.
Complications caused by loud speech and excessive speech can be cured by all the alleviating measures including the following:
Massage and fomentation therapies
Upanaha (application of hot poultices)
Dhuma (smoking therapy)
Nasya (inhalation therapy)
Upari-Bhakta sneha-pana (intake of medicated ghee after the meal)
Intake of meat soup, milk etc., and
Observation of silence [15 (1)]

Management of complications caused by conveyance jolting, etc.

रथक्षोभातिचङ्क्रमणात्यासनजानां स्नेहस्वेदादिवातहरं कर्म सर्वं निदानवर्जनं च (२)|
rathakṣobhāticaṅkramaṇātyāsanajānāṃ snehasvedādivātaharaṃ karma sarvaṃ nidānavarjanaṃ ca (2)|

Complications because of jolting by conveyance, long wayfaring and excessive sitting can be cured by all vayu alleviating therapies like oleation, fomentation, etc., the patient should avoid the causative factors. [15 (2)]

Management of complications caused by Indigestion & Adhyasana

अजीर्णाध्यशनजानां निरवशेषतश्छर्दनं रूक्षः स्वेदो लङ्घनीयपाचनीयदीपनीयौषधावचारणं च (३)|
ajīrṇādhyaśanajānāṃ niravaśeṣataśchardanaṃ rūkṣaḥ svedo laṅghanīyapācanīyadīpanīyauṣadhāvacāraṇaṃ ca (3)|

Complications arising out of indigestion and adhyasana (taking food before the previous meal is digested) can be cured by the following:
Administration of emetic therapy in order to completely take out the undigested material [from the stomach]
Ruksa sveda (dry fomentation) and
Administration of medications which are Langhaniya (producing lightening effect on the body), Pachaniya (carminative) and Dipaniya (digestive stimulant) [15 (3)]

Management of complications caused by irregular meal & unwholesome food

विषमाहिताशनजानां यथास्वं दोषहराः क्रियाः (४)|
viṣamāhitāśanajānāṃ yathāsvaṃ doṣaharāḥ kriyāḥ (4)|

Complications arising out of irregular and intake of unwholesome food can be cured by appropriate therapies for the alleviation of respective Doshas which are aggravated. [15 (4)]

Management of complications caused by Day sleep

दिवास्वप्नजानां धूमपानलङ्घनवमनशिरोविरेचनव्यायामरूक्षाशनारिष्टदीपनीयौषधोपयोगः प्रघर्षणोन्मर्दनपरिषेचनादिश्च श्लेष्महरः सर्वो विधिः (५)|
divāsvapnajānāṃ dhūmapānalaṅghanavamanaśirovirecanavyāyāmarūkṣāśanāriṣṭadīpanīyauṣadhopayogaḥ pragharṣaṇonmardanapariṣecanādiśca śleṣmaharaḥ sarvo vidhiḥ (5)|

Complications arising out of day sleep can be cured by all the Kapha- alleviating measures including the following:
Dhuma-Pana (smoking)
Langhana (fasting or lightening therapy)
Vamana (emetic therapy)
Shiro- virechana (therapy for the elimination of morbid matter from the head)
Vyayama (physical exercise)
Ruksa Ashana (intake of ununctuous food)
Arista (intake of alcoholic preparations)
Administration of drugs which are dipaniya (digestive stimulant) and
Pragharsana (friction massage), unmardana (kneading the body) and Parisecana (hot affusion) etc.,

Management of Complications caused by sexual Intercourse

मैथुनजानां जीवनीयसिद्धयोः क्षीरसर्पिषोरुपयोगः, तथा वातहराः स्वेदाभ्यङ्गोपनाहा वृष्याश्चाहाराः स्नेहाः स्नेहविधयो यापनाबस्तयोऽनुवासनं च; मूत्रवैकृतबस्तिशूलेषु चोत्तरबस्तिर्विदारीगन्धादिगणजीवनीयक्षीरसंसिद्धं तैलं स्यात्||१५||
maithunajānāṃ jīvanīyasiddhayoḥ kṣīrasarpiṣorupayogaḥ, tathā vātaharāḥ svedābhyaṅgopanāhā vṛṣyāścāhārāḥ snehāḥ snehavidhayo yāpanābastayo’nuvāsanaṃ ca; mūtravaikṛtabastiśūleṣu cottarabastirvidārīgandhādigaṇajīvanīyakṣīrasaṃsiddhaṃ tailaṃ syāt||15||

Complications caused by sexual intercourse can be cured by the following:
Administration of milk and ghee cooked by adding drugs belonging to Jivaniya- group of herbs (Jivaka, Rsabhaka, Meda, Mahameda, Kokoli, Ksirakakoli, Mudgaparni, Mashaparni, Jivanti and Madhuka- Vide Sutra 4: 9:1)
Administration of fomentation, massage and upanaha (application of hot poultice) which are best in alleviating vata
Intake of food which promotes virility
Intake of unctuous foods and application of unctuous therapies:
Yapana and Anuvasana types of medicated enema and
If there are urinary morbidities, and pain in the region of urinary bladder, then Uttara-Basti is given with oil cooked by adding milk boiled with Vidarigandhadi and Jivaniya Gana groups of drugs. [15]

Mustadya Yapana Basti

यापनाश्च बस्तयः सर्वकालं देयाः; तानुपदेक्ष्यामः- मुस्तोशीरबलारग्वधरास्नामञ्जिष्ठाकटुरोहिणीत्रायमाणापुनर्नवाबिभीतकगुडूचीस्थिरादिपञ्चमूलानि पलिकानि खण्डशः क्लृप्तान्यष्टौ च मदनफलानि प्रक्षाल्य जलाढके परिक्वाथ्य पादशेषो रसः क्षीरद्विप्रस्थसंयुक्तः पुनः शृतः क्षीरावशेषः पादजाङ्गलरसस्तुल्यमधुघृतः शतकुसुमामधुककुटजफलरसाञ्जनप्रियङ्गुकल्कीकृतः ससैन्धवः सुखोष्णो बस्तिः शुक्रमांसबलजननः क्षतक्षीणकासगुल्मशूलविषमज्वरब्रध्न(वर्ध्म)- कुण्डलोदावर्तकुक्षिशूलमूत्रकृच्छ्रासृग्रजोविसर्पप्रवाहिकाशिरोरुजा- जानूरुजङ्घाबस्तिग्रहाश्मर्युन्मादार्शःप्रमेहाध्मानवातरक्तपित्तश्लेष्मव्याधिहरः सद्यो बलजननो रसायनश्चेति (१)|
yāpanāśca bastayaḥ sarvakālaṃ deyāḥ; tānupadekṣyāmaḥ- mustośīrabalāragvadharāsnāmañjiṣṭhākaṭurohiṇītrāyamāṇāpunarnavābibhītakaguḍūcīsthirādipañcamūlāni palikāni khaṇḍaśaḥ klṛptānyaṣṭau ca madanaphalāni prakṣālya jalāḍhake parikvāthya pādaśeṣo rasaḥ kṣīradviprasthasaṃyuktaḥ punaḥ śṛtaḥ kṣīrāvaśeṣaḥ pādajāṅgalarasastulyamadhughṛtaḥ śatakusumāmadhukakuṭajaphalarasāñjanapriyaṅgukalkīkṛtaḥ sasaindhavaḥ sukhoṣṇo bastiḥ śukramāṃsabalajananaḥ kṣatakṣīṇakāsagulmaśūlaviṣamajvarabradhna(vardhma)- kuṇḍalodāvartakukṣiśūlamūtrakṛcchrāsṛgrajovisarpapravāhikāśirorujā- jānūrujaṅghābastigrahāśmaryunmādārśaḥpramehādhmānavātaraktapittaśleṣmavyādhiharaḥ sadyo balajanano rasāyanaśceti (1)|

Yapana type of Basti (medicated enema for the promotion of longevity) can be administered at all times. The recipes for this type of medicated enema will be described hereafter.
One Pala each of Musta, Usira, Bala, Aragvadha, Rasna, Manjistha, Katurohini, Trayamana, Punarnava, Bibhitaka, Guduchi, Shalaparni, Brhati, Kantakari and Gokshura are cut into small pieces. To this, eight fruits of madana are added. The whole recipe should then be washed well and cooked by adding one adhaka (25 Tolas) of water till one fourth of water remains. To this decoction, two prasthas (128 Tolas) of cow’s milk is added and boiled again till two prasthas of the liquid remains. To this liquid, half prastha of the soup of the meat of animals inhabiting desert like zone, ghee taken in quantity equal to honey (as prescribed in earlier enema- recipes) and the paste of Shatakusuma (Shatapuspa), Madhuka, fruit of kutaja, rasanjana, Priyangu as well as a little of saindhava (rock-salt) is added. This recipe, when luke-warm, is used for enema.
This medicated enema has the following therapeutic effects –
It promotes semen, muscle, tissue and strength
It cures Kshata-ksina (consumption), cough, Gulma (phantom tumour), colic pain, irregular fever, Bradhna or vardhana (inguinal swelling), Kundala (circular movement of wind), Udavarta (upward movements of wind in the abdomen), pain in the pelvic region, dysuria, Asrg-rajah (menorrhagia), Visarpa (erysipelas), Pravahika (dysentery) and headache.
It cures stiffness of knee joints, thighs, calf regions and the region of urinary bladder.
It cures asmari, insanity, piles, prameha, flatulence, vatarakta (gout) and diseases caused by aggravated pitta as well as kapha.
It instantaneously promotes strength and
It rejuvenates the body [16 (1)]
Read: Basti Chikitsa: Benefits, Routes, Types, Indications, Equipment

Erandamuladya Yapana Basti

एरण्डमूलपलाशात् षट्पलं शालिपर्णीपृश्निपर्णी बृहती कण्टकारिका गोक्षुरको रास्नाऽश्वगन्धा गुडूची वर्षाभूरारग्वधो देवदार्विति पलिकानि खण्डशः क्लृप्तानि फलानि चाष्टौ प्रक्षाल्य जलाढके क्षीरपादे पचेत्|
पादशेषं कषायं पूतं शतकुसुमाकुष्ठमुस्तपिप्पलीहपुषाबिल्ववचावत्सकफलरसाञ्जनप्रियङ्गुयवानिप्रक्षेपकल्कितं मधुघृततैलसैन्धवयुक्तं सुखोष्णं निरूहमेकं द्वौ त्रीन् वा दद्यात्|
सर्वेषां प्रशस्तो विशेषतो ललितसुकुमारस्त्रीविहारक्षीणक्षतस्थविरचिरार्शसामपत्यकामानां च (२)|
eraṇḍamūlapalāśāt ṣaṭpalaṃ śāliparṇīpṛśniparṇī bṛhatī kaṇṭakārikā gokṣurako rāsnā’śvagandhā guḍūcī varṣābhūrāragvadho devadārviti palikāni khaṇḍaśaḥ klṛptāni phalāni cāṣṭau prakṣālya jalāḍhake kṣīrapāde pacet|
pādaśeṣaṃ kaṣāyaṃ pūtaṃ śatakusumākuṣṭhamustapippalīhapuṣābilvavacāvatsakaphalarasāñjanapriyaṅguyavāniprakṣepakalkitaṃ madhughṛtatailasaindhavayuktaṃ sukhoṣṇaṃ nirūhamekaṃ dvau trīn vā dadyāt|
sarveṣāṃ praśasto viśeṣato lalitasukumārastrīvihārakṣīṇakṣatasthaviracirārśasāmapatyakāmānāṃ ca (2)|

Six Palas of the root and leaves of Eranda and one Pala each of Shalaparni, Prsniparni, Brhati, Kantakari, Gokshura, Rasna, Ashvagandha, Guduchi, Varsabhu (punarnava), Aragvadha and Devadaru is cut into pieces, washed well and cooked by adding one adhaka of water and one fourh adhaka of milk till one fourth of the liquid remains. To this decoction, the paste of Shata-Kusuma (Shatapuspa), Kustha, Musta, Pippali, Hapusa, Bilva, Vacha, fruit of Vatsaka, Rasanjana, Priyangu and Yavani is added. By adding honey, ghee, oil and rock- salt, this recipe, when luke-warm, is given in the form of Niruha (evacuative) once, twice or three times.
This medicated enema is useful for all, especially for the following types of persons:
Pleasure- loving people
Those having tender health
Those indulging excessively in sex
Emaciated persons and those suffering from phthisis
Old persons
Persons suffering from chronic piles and
Persons desirous of progeny [16(2)]

Sahacharadya Yapana basti

तद्वत् सहचर बला दर्भमूल सारिवा सिद्धेन पयसा (३) |
tadvat sahacara balā darbhamūla sārivā siddhena payasā (3) |

Following the above-mentioned procedure, enema recipe can be prepared of milk boiled with Sahachara, Bala, root of Darbha and Sariva. [16 (3)]

Brihatyadi Yapana Basti

तथा बृहती कण्टकारी शतावरी च्छिन्नरुहाशृतेन पयसा मधुक मदन पिप्पलीकल्कितेन पूर्ववद्वस्तिः (४) |
tathā bṛhatī kaṇṭakārī śatāvarī cchinnaruhāśṛtena payasā madhuka madana pippalīkalkitena pūrvavadvastiḥ (4) |

Milk is boiled by adding Brihati, Kantakari, Shatavari and Chinnaruha. To this milk, the paste of Madhuka, Madana and Pippali is added. Following the above-mentioned procedure (described in Para 16-2) enema of this recipe is given. [16 (4)]

Baladya Yapana Basti – First recipe

तथा बलातिबला विदारी शालिपर्णी पृश्निपर्णी बृहती कण्टकारिका दर्भमूल परूषक काश्मर्य बिल्वफल यव सिद्धेन पयसा मधुक मदन कल्कितेन मधु घृत सौवर्चलयुक्तेन कास ज्वर गुल्म प्लीहार्दितस्त्रीमद्यक्लिष्टानां सद्योबलजननो रसायनश्च (५)|
tathā balātibalā vidārī śāliparṇī pṛśniparṇī bṛhatī kaṇṭakārikā darbhamūla parūṣaka kāśmarya bilvaphala yava siddhena payasā madhuka madana kalkitena madhu ghṛta sauvarcalayuktena kāsa jvara gulma plīhārditastrīmadyakliṣṭānāṃ sadyobalajanano rasāyanaśca (5)|

Milk boiled with bala, Vidari, Shaliparni, Prsniparni, Brhati, kantakarika, root of Darbha, Parusaka, Kashmarya, fruit of Bilva and Yava is added with the paste of madhuka and Madana along with honey, ghee as well as sauvarcala.
Enema with this recipe instantaneously promotes strength, and rejuvenates the body of persons suffering from cough, fever, gulma (phantom tumour), pliha (splenic disorders) and ardita (facial paralysis). This recipe also instantaneously promotes strength, and rejuvenates the body of persons who are afflicted with excessive sexual indulgence and alcoholism. [16 (5)]

Baladya Yapana Basti – Second recipe

बलातिबला रास्नारग्वध मदन बिल्व गुडूची पुनर्नवैरण्डाश्वगन्धा सहचर पलाश देवदारु द्विपञ्चमूलानि पलिकानि यव कोलकुलत्थ द्विप्रसृतं शुष्कमूलकानां च जलद्रोणसिद्धं निरूह प्रमाणावशेषं कषायं पूतं मधुक मदन शतपुष्पा कुष्ठ पिप्पली वचा वत्सकफल रसाञ्जन प्रियङ्गु यवानी कल्किकृतं गुड घृत तैल क्षौद्रक्षीरमांस रसाम्ल काञ्जिक सैन्धवयुक्तं सुखोष्णं बस्तिं दद्याच्छुक्रमूत्रवर्चःसङ्गेऽनिलजे गुल्म हृद्रोगाध्मान ब्रध्न पार्श्व पृष्ठ कटीग्रह सञ्ज्ञानाश बलक्षयेषु च (६)|
balātibalā rāsnāragvadha madana bilva guḍūcī punarnavairaṇḍāśvagandhā sahacara palāśa devadāru dvipañcamūlāni palikāni yava kolakulattha dviprasṛtaṃ śuṣkamūlakānāṃ ca jaladroṇasiddhaṃ nirūha pramāṇāvaśeṣaṃ kaṣāyaṃ pūtaṃ madhuka madana śatapuṣpā kuṣṭha pippalī vacā vatsakaphala rasāñjana priyaṅgu yavānī kalkikṛtaṃ guḍa ghṛta taila kṣaudrakṣīramāṃsa rasāmla kāñjika saindhavayuktaṃ sukhoṣṇaṃ bastiṃ dadyācchukramūtravarcaḥsaṅge’nilaje gulma hṛdrogādhmāna bradhna pārśva pṛṣṭha kaṭīgraha sañjñānāśa balakṣayeṣu ca (6)|

One Pala each of Bala, Atibala, Rasna, Aragvadha, Madana, Bilva (fruit), Guduchi, Punarnava, Eranda, Ashwagandha, Sahacara, Palasa, Devadaru, Bilva (root), Shyonaka, Gambhari Patala, Ganikarika, Shalaparni, Prsniparni, Brihati, Kantakari, and Gokusura, and two prasta each of Yava, Kola, Kulattha as well as Suska Mulaka is boiled by adding one drona of water till five Prasthas (vide commentary) of liquid remains. To this strained decoction the paste of Madhuka, Madana, Shatapuspa, Kustha, Pippali, Vacha, fruit of Vatsaka, Rasanjana, Priyangu and Yavani is added. By adding Jaggery, ghee, oil, honey, milk, meat soup, sour vinegar (amla Kanjika) and Saindhava. This recipe, when lukewarm, is used for enema.
This enema cures the following ailments:
Retention of semen, urine and stool caused by the aggravated vayu and
Gulma (phantom tumour),
hrdroga (heart diseases),
Bradhna (inguinal swellings),
stiffness of the sides of the chest, back and lumbar region,
unconsciousness and
diminution of strength [16 (6)]

Hapusadya Yapana Basti

हपुषार्धकुडवो द्विगुणार्धक्षुण्णयवः क्षीरोदक सिद्धः क्षीरशेषो मधु घृत तैल लवणयुक्तः सर्वाङ्ग विसृत वातरक्त सक्त विण्मूत्रस्त्रीखेदितहितो वातहरो बुद्धि मेधाग्नि बल जननश्च (७)|
hapuṣārdhakuḍavo dviguṇārdhakṣuṇṇayavaḥ kṣīrodaka siddhaḥ kṣīraśeṣo madhu ghṛta taila lavaṇayuktaḥ sarvāṅga visṛta vātarakta sakta viṇmūtrastrīkheditahito vātaharo buddhi medhāgni bala jananaśca (7)|

Half Kuduva of Hapusa and one Kudava of half crushed grains of Yava is boiled by adding water and milk till the quantity left over is equal to the quantity of milk. This is added with honey, ghee, oil and rock–salt [and administration for enema].
This medicated enema has the following effects
It cures Vatarakta (gout) afflicting the entire body
It cures retention of stool and urine
It cures ailments caused by excessive sexual intercourse with women;
It alleviates vayu and
It promotes wisdom, intellect, Agni, (power of digestion and metabolism) and strength. [16 (7)]

Laghupancamuladya Yapana Basti

ह्रस्व पञ्च मूली कषायः क्षीरोदक सिद्धः पिप्पली मधुक मदन कल्कीकृतः सगुड घृत तैल लवणः क्षीण विषमज्वर कर्शितस्य बस्तिः (८) |
hrasva pañca mūlī kaṣāyaḥ kṣīrodaka siddhaḥ pippalī madhuka madana kalkīkṛtaḥ saguḍa ghṛta taila lavaṇaḥ kṣīṇa viṣamajvara karśitasya bastiḥ (8) |

Decoction of Laghupancamula (Shalaparni, Prsniparni, Brhati, Kantakari and Gokshura) prepared by boiling with milk and water is added with the paste of Pippali, Madhuka and Madana. Added with jaggery, ghee, oil and rock-salt, this recipe is administered as enema.
Enema with this recipe is useful for consumption and for persons emaciated because of Vishama-Jvara (irregular fever). [16 (8)]

Baladya Yapana Basti – Third Recipe

बलातिबलापामार्गात्मगुप्ताष्टपलार्ध क्षुण्ण यवाञ्जलि कषायः सगुड घृत तैल लवणयुक्तः पूर्ववद्बस्तिःस्थविर दुर्बल क्षीण शुक्र रुधिराणां पथ्यतमः (९)|
balātibalāpāmārgātmaguptāṣṭapalārdha kṣuṇṇa yavāñjali kaṣāyaḥ saguḍa ghṛta taila lavaṇayuktaḥ pūrvavadbastiḥsthavira durbala kṣīṇa śukra rudhirāṇāṃ pathyatamaḥ (9)|

Eight Palas of Bala, Atibala, Apamarga and Atmagupta, and one anjali of half crushed barley are made into a decoction [by boiling with milk and water]. To this decoction, jaggery, ghee, oil and rock-salt is added, and used for enema as before. This enema is exceedingly wholesome for old and weak persons, and for persons having diminished semen and blood. [16 (9)]

Baladya Yapana basti – Fourth Recipe

बला मधुक विदारी दर्भमूल मृद्वीका यवैः कषायमाजेन पयसा पक्त्वा मधुक मदन कल्कितं समधु घृत सैन्धवं ज्वरार्तेभ्यो बस्तिं दद्यात् (१०) |
balā madhuka vidārī darbhamūla mṛdvīkā yavaiḥ kaṣāyamājena payasā paktvā madhuka madana kalkitaṃ samadhu ghṛta saindhavaṃ jvarārtebhyo bastiṃ dadyāt (10) |

The decoction of Bala, madhuka, Vidari, root of Darbha, Mrdvika and Yava is boiled by adding goat’s milk. This decoction is mixed with the paste of Madhuka and madana. This recipe is added with honey, ghee and rock-salt.
Enema with this recipe is useful for persons suffering from fever. [16 (10)]

Shaliparnyadya Yapana Basti

शालिपर्णी पृश्निपर्णी गोक्षुरक मूल काश्मर्य परूषक खर्जूरफल मधूकपुष्पैरजाक्षीर जल प्रस्थाभ्यां सिद्धः कषायः पिप्पली मधुकोत्पलकल्कितः सघृत सैन्धवः क्षीणेन्द्रिय विषमज्वर कर्शितस्य बस्तिः शस्तः (११) |
śāliparṇī pṛśniparṇī gokṣuraka mūla kāśmarya parūṣaka kharjūraphala madhūkapuṣpairajākṣīra jala prasthābhyāṃ siddhaḥ kaṣāyaḥ pippalī madhukotpalakalkitaḥ saghṛta saindhavaḥ kṣīṇendriya viṣamajvara karśitasya bastiḥ śastaḥ (11) |

Roots of Shaliparni, Prsniparni and Gokshura, Kashmarya, Parusaka, fruits of Kharjura and flowers of madhuka are added with one prastha each of goat’s milk and water, and cooked. In this decoction, the paste of Pippali, Madhuka and Utpala is mixed. Added with ghee and rock-salt, this recipe is used as enema.
This medicated enema is useful for weakened sense faculties and emaciation caused by Vishama Jvara (Irregular fever). [16 (11)]

Sthiradi Yapana Basti

स्थिरादि पञ्चमूलीपञ्चपलेन शालि षष्टिक यव गोधूम माष पञ्चप्रसृतेन छागं पयः शृतं पादशेषं कुक्कुटाण्ड रस सम मधु घृत शर्करा सैन्धव सौवर्चल युक्तो वस्तिर्वृष्यतमो बलवर्णजननश्च |
इति यापना बस्तयो द्वादश||१६||
sthirādi pañcamūlīpañcapalena śāli ṣaṣṭika yava godhūma māṣa pañcaprasṛtena chāgaṃ payaḥ śṛtaṃ pādaśeṣaṃ kukkuṭāṇḍa rasa sama madhu ghṛta śarkarā saindhava sauvarcala yukto vastirvṛṣyatamo balavarṇajananaśca |
iti yāpanā bastayo dvādaśa||16||

Five Palas of Sthiradi Panchamula (Shalaparni, Prsniparni, Brhati, Kantakari and Gokshura), and five Prasrtas of Shali, Shashtika, Yava, Godhuma and Masha are boiled by adding goat’s milk and reduced to one-fourth. In this decoction equal quantity of the sap of hen’s egg is mixed. By adding honey, ghee, sugar, rock-salt and Sauvarcala to this recipe, enema is given.
This medicated enema is exceedingly aphrodisiac, and it promotes strength as well as complexion.
Thus, ends the description of twelve recipes for Yapana type of basti (medicated enema for promotion of longevity). [16]

Extension of Recipe No Twelve

कल्पश्चैष शिखि गोनर्द हंस सारसाण्ड रसेषु स्यात्||१७||
kalpaścaiṣa śikhi gonarda haṃsa sārasāṇḍa raseṣu syāt||17||

The above-mentioned enema recipe can also be prepared by substituting the sap of hen’s egg with that of the eggs of Sikhi (pea-hen), Gonarda (hill-partridge), Hamsa (swan) or Sarasa (crane). [17]

Tittiradya Yapana Basti

सतित्तिरिः समयूरः सराजहंसः पञ्चमूली पयः सिद्धः शतपुष्पा मधुक रास्ना कुटज मदनफल पिप्पली कल्को घृत तैल गुड सैन्धव युक्तो बस्ति र्बल वर्ण शुक्र जननो रसायनश्च (१) |
satittiriḥ samayūraḥ sarājahaṃsaḥ pañcamūlī payaḥ siddhaḥ śatapuṣpā madhuka rāsnā kuṭaja madanaphala pippalī kalko ghṛta taila guḍa saindhava yukto basti rbala varṇa śukra janano rasāyanaśca (1) |

Pancha mula (Shalaparni, Prsniparni, Brhati, Kantakari and Gokshura) is boiled with milk. To this milk, soup of the meat of Tittiri, Mayura and rajahamsa, and the paste of Shatapuspa, madhuka, rasna, Kutaja, madanaphala and Pippali is added. This recipe is mixed with ghee, oil, jaggery and rock-salt and used for enema.
Enema with this recipe promotes strength complexion and semen. This rejuvenates the body. [18 (1)]

Dvipanchamuladya Yapani Basti

द्विपञ्चमूली कुक्कुट रस सिद्धं पयः पादशेषं पिप्पली मधुक रास्ना मदन कल्कं शर्करा मधु घृतयुक्तं स्त्रीष्वतिकामानां बलजननो बस्तिः (२) |
Dvipanchamuladya Yapani Basti
dvipañcamūlī kukkuṭa rasa siddhaṃ payaḥ pādaśeṣaṃ pippalī madhuka rāsnā madana kalkaṃ śarkarā madhu ghṛtayuktaṃ strīṣvatikāmānāṃ balajanano bastiḥ (2) |

Drugs belonging to two types of DwiPanchamula (Dashamoola) and chicken soup are boiled by adding milk till one fourth of the liquid remains. To this liquid, the paste of Pippali, madhuka, rasna and madana is added. By adding sugar, honey and ghee, this recipe is used for enema.
Enema with this recipe promotes the strength of the persons who are addicted to excessive sexual indulgence. [18 (2)]

Mayuradya Yapana Basti

मयूरमपित्तपक्षपादास्यान्त्रं स्थिरादिभिः पलिकैः सजले पयसि पक्त्वा क्षीरशेषं मदन पिप्पली विदारी शतकुसुमा मधुक कल्कीकृतं मधु घृत सैन्धव युक्तं बस्तिं दद्यात् स्त्रीष्वति प्रसक्त क्षीणेन्द्रियेभ्यो बलवर्णकरम् (३) |
mayūramapittapakṣapādāsyāntraṃ sthirādibhiḥ palikaiḥ sajale payasi paktvā kṣīraśeṣaṃ madana pippalī vidārī śatakusumā madhuka kalkīkṛtaṃ madhu ghṛta saindhava yuktaṃ bastiṃ dadyāt strīṣvati prasakta kṣīṇendriyebhyo balavarṇakaram (3) |

The gall-bladder, feather, legs, beak and intestines of the peacock are removed. The meat of this peacock is added with one pala each of Shalaparni, Prsniparni, Brhati, Kantakari and Gokshura, and cooked by adding water and milk till the remaining liquid is equal to the quantity of milk. To this liquid, the paste of Madana, Pippali, Vidari, Shata-Kusuma (Shatapushpa) and Madhuka is added. By further adding honey, ghee and rock-salt, this recipe is used for enema.
Enema with this recipe promotes the strength and complexion of persons who have diminished functioning of their sensory faculties and motor organs because of over indulgence in sex. [18 (3)]

Extension of recipe no. 15

कल्पश्चैष विष्किर प्रतुद प्रसहाम्बुचरेषु स्यात्, अक्षीरो रोहितादिषु च मत्स्येषु (४) |
kalpaścaiṣa viṣkira pratuda prasahāmbucareṣu syāt, akṣīro rohitādiṣu ca matsyeṣu (4) |

The above-mentioned enema – recipe can be prepared by substituting peacock – meat with meat of animals and birds of the following categories:
Viskira (Gallinaceous brids)
Pratuda (pecker birds)
Prasaha (animals and birds who eat by snatching their food) and
Vaicara (birds moving in the water)
Similarly, different types of fish like Rohiita can be used in place of the meat of peacock. But while preparing enema recipes with fish, milk should not be added. [18 (4)]

Godhadya Yapana Basti

गोधानकुल मार्जार मूषिक शल्लक मांसानां दशपलान् भागान् सपञ्चमूलान् पयसि पक्त्वा तत्पयःपिप्पलीफल कल्क सैन्धव सौवर्चल शर्करा मधु घृत तैल युक्तो बस्तिर्बल्यो रसायनः क्षीणक्षतस्य सन्धानकरो मथितोरस्करथ गज हय भग्न वातबलासक प्रभृत्युदावर्त वातसक्तमूत्र वर्चश्शुकाणां हिततमश्च (५)|
godhānakula mārjāra mūṣika śallaka māṃsānāṃ daśapalān bhāgān sapañcamūlān payasi paktvā tatpayaḥpippalīphala kalka saindhava sauvarcala śarkarā madhu ghṛta taila yukto bastirbalyo rasāyanaḥ kṣīṇakṣatasya sandhānakaro mathitoraskaratha gaja haya bhagna vātabalāsaka prabhṛtyudāvarta vātasaktamūtra varcaśśukāṇāṃ hitatamaśca (5)|

Drugs belonging to the group of Panchamula (Bilva, Syonaka, Gambhari, Patala and Ganikarika) and ten palas of the meat of iguana (godha), mongoose (nakula), cat (marjara) and mouse (musika) are cooked by adding milk. To this liquid (containing milk), the paste of pippali and Phala (Madanaphala) should be added. This should further be added with rock-salt, Sauvarcala, sugar, honey, ghee and oil, and used for enema.
Enema with this recipe is exceedingly useful for the following:
Promotion of strength
Rejuvenation of the body
Healing the phthisis lesion
Curing ailments caused by the compression of the chest
Correcting fractures caused by riding ratha (wooden cart) elephant and horse
Curing vata-balasaka (an ailment caused by the simultaneous aggravation of vayu and kapha) and such other diseases and
Curing Udavarta (upward movement of wind in the abdomen) and retention of urine, stool as well as semen caused by the aggravation of vayu. [18 (5)

Kurmadya Yapana Basti and Ten Other Extension Recipes

कूर्मादीनामन्यतम पिशित सिद्धं पयो गो वृषनागहयनक्र हंस कुक्कुटाण्डरस मधु घृत शर्करा सैन्धवेक्षुरकात्मगुप्ताफल कल्क संसृष्टो बस्ति र्वृद्धानामपि बलजननः (६) |
Kurmadya Yapana Basti and Ten Other Extension Recipes
kūrmādīnāmanyatama piśita siddhaṃ payo go vṛṣanāgahayanakra haṃsa kukkuṭāṇḍarasa madhu ghṛta śarkarā saindhavekṣurakātmaguptāphala kalka saṃsṛṣṭo basti rvṛddhānāmapi balajananaḥ (6) |

The meat of any Kurma (tortoise) group of aquatic animals, is boiled with milk. This milk should be added with the soup of the testicles of bull, elephant and horse, the sap of the eggs of crocodile, swan and hen, honey, ghee, sugar and rock-salt. To this, the paste of Iksuraka as well as the fruit of atmagupta is added, and used for enema.
Enema with these recipes promotes strength even in old people. [18 (6)]

Karkata Rasadya Yapana basti

कूर्मादीनामन्यतमपिशितसिद्धं पयो गोवृषनागहयनक्रहंसकुक्कुटाण्डरसमधुघृतशर्करासैन्धवेक्षुरकात्मगुप्ताफलकल्कसंसृष्टो बस्तिर्वृद्धानामपि बलजननः (६) |
kūrmādīnāmanyatamapiśitasiddhaṃ payo govṛṣanāgahayanakrahaṃsakukkuṭāṇḍarasamadhughṛtaśarkarāsaindhavekṣurakātmaguptāphalakalkasaṃsṛṣṭo bastirvṛddhānāmapi balajananaḥ (6) |

Soup of the meat of Karkataka (crab) added with the sap of the egg of Cataka, honey, ghee and sugar is used as enema.
Enema with these recipes is exceedingly aphrodisiac. If milk boiled with Uccataka, Iksuraka, Kokilaksa and Atmagupta is taken after the administration of these enemas, then the person becomes capable of having sexual intercourse with many (lit hundred) women. [18 (7)]

Go Vrsadya Yapana Basti

गोवृष बस्त वराह वृषण कर्कट चटक सिद्धं क्षीरमुच्चटकेक्षुरकात्मगुप्ता मधु घृत सैन्धव युक्तः किञ्चिल्लवणितो बस्तिः (८) |
govṛṣa basta varāha vṛṣaṇa karkaṭa caṭaka siddhaṃ kṣīramuccaṭakekṣurakātmaguptā madhu ghṛta saindhava yuktaḥ kiñcillavaṇito bastiḥ (8) |

Milk boiled with the testicles of Go-Vrsa (bull), goat and Pig, Karkataka and Cataka is added with the paste of Uccata, Iksuaka (Kokilaksa) and Atmagupta, honey, ghee, rock–salt and small quantity of sea-salt and used for enema.
Enema with this recipe is exceedingly aphrodisiac and it enables a person to indulge in sex with many women. [18 (8)]

Dashamuladya Yapana Basti

दशमूल मयूर हंस कुक्कुट क्वाथात् पञ्चप्रसृतं तैल घृत वसा मज्ज चतुष्प्रसृतयुक्तं शतपुष्पा मुस्त हपुषा कल्कीकृतः सलवणो बस्तिः पाद गुल्फोरुजानु जङ्घा त्रिक वङ्क्षण बस्ति वृषणानिल रोगहरः (९)|
daśamūla mayūra haṃsa kukkuṭa kvāthāt pañcaprasṛtaṃ taila ghṛta vasā majja catuṣprasṛtayuktaṃ śatapuṣpā musta hapuṣā kalkīkṛtaḥ salavaṇo bastiḥ pāda gulphorujānu jaṅghā trika vaṅkṣaṇa basti vṛṣaṇānila rogaharaḥ (9)|

To five Prasthas of the decoction of Dashamula and meat of peacock, swan as well as domestic fowl, four prasrtas of oil, ghee, vasa (muscle–fat) and majja (bone marrow) is added. This liquid is added with the paste of Shatapuspa, Musta and Hapusa. By adding salt (rock-salt) this recipe is used for enema.
This enema cures Vatika diseases afflicting feet, ankle joints, thighs, knee-joints, calf region, lumbar region, groins, urinary bladder region and testicles. [18 (9)]

Extension of recipe No Twenty

मृग विष्किरानूप बिलेशयानामेतेनैव कल्पेन बस्तयो देयाः (१०) |
mṛga viṣkirānūpa bileśayānāmetenaiva kalpena bastayo deyāḥ (10) |

Following the above-mentioned procedure, enema is given with the meat of the following categories of animals and birds:
Mrga (animals inhabiting dry land/forests)
Viskira (gallinaceous birds)
Anupa (animals inhabiting marshy land) and
Bilesaya (animals living in the burrows in earth) [18 (10)]

Madhvadya Yapana Basti

मधु घृत द्विप्रसृतस्तुल्योष्णोदकः शतपुष्पार्धपलः सैन्धवार्धाक्षयुक्तो बस्तिर्वृष्यतमो मूत्रकृच्छ्रपित्तवातहरः (११) |
madhu ghṛta dviprasṛtastulyoṣṇodakaḥ śatapuṣpārdhapalaḥ saindhavārdhākṣayukto bastirvṛṣyatamo mūtrakṛcchrapittavātaharaḥ (11) |

Two Prasrtas of madhu (honey) and Ghrta (ghee) is added with two Prasrtas of warm water. To this, half pala [of the paste] of Shatapuspa and half aksa of rock salt should be added. It cures mutrakrccha (dysuria) and diseases caused by pitta as well as vayu. [18 (11)]

Sadyo Ghrtadya Yapana Basti

सद्योघृत तैल वसा मज्ज चतुष्प्रस्थं हपुषार्धपलं सैन्धवार्धाक्षयुक्तो बस्तिर्वृष्यतमो मूत्रकृच्छ्र पित्तव्याधिहरो रसायनः (१२)|
sadyoghṛta taila vasā majja catuṣprasthaṃ hapuṣārdhapalaṃ saindhavārdhākṣayukto bastirvṛṣyatamo mūtrakṛcchra pittavyādhiharo rasāyanaḥ (12)|

Four Prasthas of freshly collected ghee, oil, vasa (muscle fat) and Majja (bone-marrow) is added with [the paste of] half pala Hapusa, and half aksa of rock-salt and used for enema
This enema is exceedingly aphrodisiac. It cures Mutrakrcchra (dysuria) and diseases caused by pitta. It rejuvenates the body. [18 (12)]

Madhutailadya Yapana basti

मधुतैलं चतुःप्रसृतं शतपुष्पार्धपलं सैन्धवार्धाक्षयुक्तो बस्तिर्दीपनो बृंहणो बलवर्णकरो निरुपद्रवो वृष्यतमो रसायनः क्रिमि कुष्ठोदावर्त गुल्मार्शो ब्रध्न प्लीह मेहहरः (१३) |
madhutailaṃ catuḥprasṛtaṃ śatapuṣpārdhapalaṃ saindhavārdhākṣayukto bastirdīpano bṛṃhaṇo balavarṇakaro nirupadravo vṛṣyatamo rasāyanaḥ krimi kuṣṭhodāvarta gulmārśo bradhna plīha mehaharaḥ (13) |

Four prastas of madhu (honey) and taila (oil) are added with [the paste of] half pala of Shatapuspa, and half aksa of rock-salt.
Enema with this recipe produces the following effects:
Stimulates the power of digestion (dipana)
Nourishes the body (Brmhana)
Promotes strength and complexion (bala-varnakara)
Produces no harmful effects (nirupadrava)
Promotes virility exceedingly (Vrsyatama)
Rejuvenates the body (Rasayana)
Cures krimi (parasitic infestation), Kustha, Udavarta, Gulma, Arsas, Bradhna (inguinal swelling), Phiha (splenic disorder) and Meha [18 (13)]

Madhughrtadya Yapana basti First Recipe

तद्वन्मधुघृताभ्यां पयस्तुल्यो बस्तिः पूर्वकल्केन बलवर्णकरो वृष्यतमो निरुपद्रवो बस्ति मेढ्र पाक परिकर्तिका मूत्रकृच्छ्र पित्तव्याधिहरो रसायनश्च (१४) |
tadvanmadhughṛtābhyāṃ payastulyo bastiḥ pūrvakalkena balavarṇakaro vṛṣyatamo nirupadravo basti meḍhra pāka parikartikā mūtrakṛcchra pittavyādhiharo rasāyanaśca (14) |

Similarly, Madhu (honey) and Ghrta (ghee) added with equal quantity of milk is mixed with the paste of drugs described above (in recipe no. 23)
Enema with this recipe has the following effects:
It promotes strength and complexion (Bala-Varnakara)
It produces aphrodisiac effects (Vrshyatama)
It causes no adverse effects (Nirupadrava)
It cures inflammation of urinary bladder and phallus (basti–medhra-paka), sawing pain (Parikaritika), dysuria (mutra-krcchra) and diseases caused by Pitta and
It rejuvenates the body (Rasayana) [18 (14)]

Madhu-Ghrtadya Yapana Basti – Second Recipe

तद्वन्मधुघृताभ्यां मांसरसतुल्यो मुस्ताक्षयुक्तः
पूर्ववद्बस्तिर्वात बलास पादहर्ष गुल्म त्रिकोरुजानूरुनिकुञ्चन बस्ति वृषण मेढ्र त्रिक पृष्ठशूलहरः (१५) |
tadvanmadhughṛtābhyāṃ māṃsarasatulyo mustākṣayuktaḥ
pūrvavadbastirvāta balāsa pādaharṣa gulma trikorujānūrunikuñcana basti vṛṣaṇa meḍhra trika pṛṣṭhaśūlaharaḥ (15) |

Similarly, honey (Madhu) and ghee (ghrta) is added with equal quantity of meat-soup and [the paste of] one aksa of Musta. This enema recipe prepared according to earlier procedure (recipe no.23) cures vata-balasa (an ailment caused by aggravated vayu and kapha), padaharsa (tingling sensation in the feet), gulma (phantom tumour), contraction (stiffness) of lumbar region, thighs and knee-joints, and pain in the region of the urinary bladder, scrotum, phallus, lumbar region and back. [18 (15)]

Suradya Yapana Basti

सुरा सौवीरक कुलत्थ मांसरस मधु घृत तैल सप्तप्रसृतो मुस्त शताह्वा कल्कितः सलवणो बस्तिः सर्ववातरोगहरः (१६) |
surā sauvīraka kulattha māṃsarasa madhu ghṛta taila saptaprasṛto musta śatāhvā kalkitaḥ salavaṇo bastiḥ sarvavātarogaharaḥ (16) |

Seven Prasrtas of Sura (a type of alcohol), Sauviraka (vinegar), Kulattha-soup, meat-soup, honey, ghee and oil is added with the paste of Musta and Shatahva. This recipe added with salt may be used for enema which cures all the vatika diseases. [18 (16)]

Dvi Panchamuladya Yapana Basti

द्विपञ्चमूल त्रिफला बिल्व मदनफल कषायो गोमूत्र सिद्धः कुटज मदनफल मुस्त पाठा कल्कितः सैन्धवयावशूक क्षौद्र तैलयुक्तो बस्तिः श्लेष्म व्याधि बस्त्याटोप वातशुक्रसङ्ग पाण्डुरोगाजीर्ण विसूचिकालसकेषु देय इति||१८||
dvipañcamūla triphalā bilva madanaphala kaṣāyo gomūtra siddhaḥ kuṭaja madanaphala musta pāṭhā kalkitaḥ saindhavayāvaśūka kṣaudra tailayukto bastiḥ śleṣma vyādhi bastyāṭopa vātaśukrasaṅga pāṇḍurogājīrṇa visūcikālasakeṣu deya iti||18||

Two types of Panchamula (roots of Bilva, Shyonaka, Gambhari, Patala, Ganikarika, Shalaparni, Prsniparni, Brhati, Kantakari and Gokshura), Triphala, Bilva (fruit) and Madanaphala is boiled by adding cow’s urine. To this decoction, the paste of Kutaja, Madanaphala, Musta and Patha is added. By adding rock-salt, yava-ksara (an alkali preparation of barley), honey and oil, this is used for enema.
This enema is used for treatment of diseases caused by Kapha, Bastyatopa (flatulence in the region of the urinary bladder), retention of flatus and semen, anaemia, indigestion, visucika (choleric diarrhoea) and alasaka (intestinal torpor). [18]

Recipes of Anuvasana Basti

Shatavaryadi Sneha Basti

अत ऊर्ध्वं वृष्यतमान् स्नेहान् वक्ष्यामः|
शतावरी गुडूचीक्षुविदार्यामलक द्राक्षा खर्जूराणां यन्त्रपीडितानां रसप्रस्थं पृथगेकैकं तद्वद्घृत तैल गो महिष्यजाक्षीराणां द्वौ द्वौ दद्यात्, जीवकर्षभक मेदा महामेदा त्वक्क्षीरी शृङ्गाटक मधूलिका मधुकोच्चटा पिप्पली पुष्करबीज नीलोत्पल कदम्बपुष्प- पुण्डरीक केशरकल्कान् पृषततरक्षुमांसकुक्कुटचटकचकोरमत्ताक्षबर्हिजीवञ्जीवकुलिङ्गहंसाण्डरसवसामज्जादेश्च प्रस्थं दत्त्वा साधयेत्|
ब्रह्म घोष शङ्ख पटहभेरी निनादैः सिद्धं सितच्छत्रकृतच्छायं गजस्कन्धमारोपयेद्भगवन्तं वृषध्वजमभिपूज्य, तं स्नेहं त्रिभागमाक्षिकं मङ्गलाशीः स्तुतिदेवतार्चनैर्बस्तिं गमयेत्|
नृणां स्त्रीविहारिणां नष्टरेतसां क्षतक्षीण विषमज्वरार्तानां व्यापन्नयोनीनां वन्ध्यानां रक्तगुल्मिनीनां मृतापत्यानामनार्तवानां च स्त्रीणां क्षीणमांसरुधिराणां पथ्यतमं रसायनमुत्तमं वलीपलितनाशनं विद्यात् (१)|१९|
ata ūrdhvaṃ vṛṣyatamān snehān vakṣyāmaḥ|
śatāvarī guḍūcīkṣuvidāryāmalaka drākṣā kharjūrāṇāṃ yantrapīḍitānāṃ rasaprasthaṃ pṛthagekaikaṃ tadvadghṛta taila go mahiṣyajākṣīrāṇāṃ dvau dvau dadyāt, jīvakarṣabhaka medā mahāmedā tvakkṣīrī śṛṅgāṭaka madhūlikā madhukoccaṭā pippalī puṣkarabīja nīlotpala kadambapuṣpa- puṇḍarīka keśarakalkān pṛṣatatarakṣumāṃsakukkuṭacaṭakacakoramattākṣabarhijīvañjīvakuliṅgahaṃsāṇḍarasavasāmajjādeśca prasthaṃ dattvā sādhayet|
brahma ghoṣa śaṅkha paṭahabherī ninādaiḥ siddhaṃ sitacchatrakṛtacchāyaṃ gajaskandhamāropayedbhagavantaṃ vṛṣadhvajamabhipūjya, taṃ snehaṃ tribhāgamākṣikaṃ maṅgalāśīḥ stutidevatārcanairbastiṃ gamayet|
nṛṇāṃ strīvihāriṇāṃ naṣṭaretasāṃ kṣatakṣīṇa viṣamajvarārtānāṃ vyāpannayonīnāṃ vandhyānāṃ raktagulminīnāṃ mṛtāpatyānāmanārtavānāṃ ca strīṇāṃ kṣīṇamāṃsarudhirāṇāṃ pathyatamaṃ rasāyanamuttamaṃ valīpalitanāśanaṃ vidyāt (1)|19|

Now we shall describe Snehana recipes having excellent aphrodisiac effects.
One Prastha each of the juice of Shatavari, Guduchi, Iksu, Vidari, Amalaki, Draksha and Kharjura is taken out separately with the help of instruments (mechanically). To this, two Prasthas each of ghee, oil, cow’s milk, buffalo-milk and goat–milk is added. This should then be added with the paste of Jivaka, Rsabhaka, Meda, Mahameda, Tvak-Ksiri (vamsalocana), Srngataka, Madhulika, Madhuka, Uccata, and Pippali, seeds of Pushkara, Nilotpala, and flower of kadamba, pundarika and Kesara. The recipe is cooked by adding one prastha of the meat-soup of Prasta and Taraksu, and the sap of the eggs of Kukkuta, Cakora, Mattaksa (kokila), Barhi, Jivajivaka, Kulinga and Hamsa, vasa (muscle-fat), Majja (bone-marrow) etc.
After having worshipped Lord Siva, this cooked Sneha (medicated fat) is placed on the back of an elephant with a white umbrella held over it. While chanting Vedic mantras and blowing conch-shell accompanied with the beating sound of Pataha (hand- drum) as well as Bheri (kettle Drum).
To this medicated fat, honey one-third in quantity thereof is added. With auspicious benedictions, prayers and worshipping of the Gods, this recipe is administered as enema.
This enema–recipe is exceedingly wholesome for the following:
Persons indulging in sexual act in excess
Persons suffering from loss of semen
Patients suffering from Kshata-Ksina (Phthisis) and Vishama-Jvara (irregular fever)
Women suffering from gynecological disorders, sterility and rakta-gulma (uterine tumour)
Women whose offspring succumb to death before or after delivery
Women suffering from amenorrhoea and
Persons having diminished muscle-tissue and blood
It is excellent Rasayana (rejuvenating therapy), and it cures the appearance of wrinkles on the skin (vali) and graying of hair (Palita). [19 (1)]

Baladya Sneha basti

बला गोक्षुरक रास्नाश्वगन्धा शतावरी सहचराणां शतं शतमापोथ्य जलद्रोणशते प्रसाध्यं, तस्मिन् जल द्रोणावशेषे रसे वस्त्रपूते विदार्यामलक स्वरसयोर्बस्त महिष वराह वृष कुक्कुट बर्हि हंस कारण्डवसारसाण्डरसानां घृत तैलयोश्चैकैकं प्रस्थमष्टौ प्रस्थान् क्षीरस्य दत्त्वा चन्दन मधुक मधूलिका त्वक्क्षीरी बिसमृणाल नीलोत्पल पटोलात्मगुप्तान्नपाकि ताल मस्तक खर्जूर मृद्वीकातामलकी- कण्टकारी जीवकर्षभक क्षुद्रसहा महासहा शतावरी मेदा पिप्पली ह्रीबेर त्वक्पत्र कल्कांश्च दत्त्वा साधयेत्|
ब्रह्मघोषादिना विधिना सिद्धं बस्तिं दद्यात्|
तेन स्त्रीशतं गच्छेत्; न चात्रास्ते विहाराहार यन्त्रणा काचित्|
एष वृष्यो बल्यो बृंहण आयुष्यो वली पलितनुत् क्षतक्षीण नष्टशुक्र विषमज्वरार्तानां व्यापन्नयोनीनां च पथ्यतमः (२)|१९|
balā gokṣuraka rāsnāśvagandhā śatāvarī sahacarāṇāṃ śataṃ śatamāpothya jaladroṇaśate prasādhyaṃ, tasmin jala droṇāvaśeṣe rase vastrapūte vidāryāmalaka svarasayorbasta mahiṣa varāha vṛṣa kukkuṭa barhi haṃsa kāraṇḍavasārasāṇḍarasānāṃ ghṛta tailayoścaikaikaṃ prasthamaṣṭau prasthān kṣīrasya dattvā candana madhuka madhūlikā tvakkṣīrī bisamṛṇāla nīlotpala paṭolātmaguptānnapāki tāla mastaka kharjūra mṛdvīkātāmalakī- kaṇṭakārī jīvakarṣabhaka kṣudrasahā mahāsahā śatāvarī medā pippalī hrībera tvakpatra kalkāṃśca dattvā sādhayet|
brahmaghoṣādinā vidhinā siddhaṃ bastiṃ dadyāt|
tena strīśataṃ gacchet; na cātrāste vihārāhāra yantraṇā kācit|
eṣa vṛṣyo balyo bṛṃhaṇa āyuṣyo valī palitanut kṣatakṣīṇa naṣṭaśukra viṣamajvarārtānāṃ vyāpannayonīnāṃ ca pathyatamaḥ (2)|19|

One hundred Palas of each of bala, Gokshuraka, Rasna, Ashwagandha, Shatavari and Sahacara is crushed into small pieces and boiled by adding remains. This liquid should then be filtered out by a cloth. This is cooked by adding the following ingredients:
One Prastha (768 g) each of the juice of Vidari and Amalaki
One Prastha each of the meat-soup of goat, buffalo, pig and bull
One Prastha each of saps of the eggs of domestic fowl, pea-hen, swan, Karandava and Sarasa
One prastha each of ghee and oil
Eight Prasthas of milk and
Paste of Chandana, Madaka, madhulika, Tvak-Ksiri (vamsa- locana), Bisa-Mrnala, Nilotpala, Patola, Atmagupta, Anna-Paki, (Odana- Paki), tala-mastaka, Kharjura, Mrdvika, Tamalak, Kantakari, Jivaka, Rsabhaka, Ksudrasaha (mudgaparni), mahasaha (Mashaparni), Shatavari, Meda, Pippali, Hribera, Tvak and Patra.
Following the procedure of the recitation of Vedic mantras and such other rituals described earlier (in respect of recipe no.27), enema with this recipe is given.
By this enema a person becomes capable of having sexual intercourse with many (lit. Hundred) women). This enema does not involve any restriction of diet or regimen on the part of the patient. It promotes virility, strength, corpulence and longevity. It cures wrinkles (vali) on the skin and graying of hairs (palita). It is exceedingly wholesome for patients suffering from phthisis, loss of semen, Vishama-Jvara (irregular fever) and Gynecic disorders. [19(2)]

Sahacharadya Sneha Basti

सहचर पल शतमुदक द्रोण चतुष्ट्ये पक्त्वा द्रोणशेषे रसे सुपूते विदारीक्षुरस प्रस्थाभ्यामष्टगुणक्षीरं घृत तैल प्रस्थं बला मधुक मधूक चन्दन मधूलिका सारिवा मेदा महामेदा काकोलि क्षीरकाकोली पयस्यागुरु मञ्जिष्ठा व्याघ्रनख- शटी सहचर सहस्रवीर्या वराङ्ग लोध्राणामक्षमात्रैर्द्विगुणशर्करैः कल्कैः साधयेत्|
बह्मघोषादिना विधिना सिद्धं बस्तिं दद्यात्|
एष सर्वरोगहरो रसायनो ललितानां श्रेष्ठोऽन्तःपुरचारिणीनां क्षत क्षय वात पित्त वेदना श्वास कास हरस्त्रिभागमाक्षिको वली पलितनुद्वर्ण रूप बल मांस शुक्र वर्धनः (३)||
sahacara pala śatamudaka droṇa catuṣṭye paktvā droṇaśeṣe rase supūte vidārīkṣurasa prasthābhyāmaṣṭaguṇakṣīraṃ ghṛta taila prasthaṃ balā madhuka madhūka candana madhūlikā sārivā medā mahāmedā kākoli kṣīrakākolī payasyāguru mañjiṣṭhā vyāghranakha- śaṭī sahacara sahasravīryā varāṅga lodhrāṇāmakṣamātrairdviguṇaśarkaraiḥ kalkaiḥ sādhayet|
bahmaghoṣādinā vidhinā siddhaṃ bastiṃ dadyāt|
eṣa sarvarogaharo rasāyano lalitānāṃ śreṣṭho’ntaḥpuracāriṇīnāṃ kṣata kṣaya vāta pitta vedanā śvāsa kāsa harastribhāgamākṣiko valī palitanudvarṇa rūpa bala māṃsa śukra vardhanaḥ (3)||

One hundred Palas (4.8 kg) of Sahacara is added with four Dronas of water, and cooked till one drona of the liquid remains. This decoction should then be strained out, and cooked by adding the following Ingredients:
One Prastha each of the juice of vidari and sugarcane
Sixteen Prasthas of milk
One Prastha each of ghee and oil
Paste of one Aksa each of Bala, madhuka, Madhuka, Chandana, Madhulika, Sariva, Meda, Mahameda, kakoli, Ksirakakoli, Payasya, Aguru, Manjistha, Vyaghranakha, Salt, Sahacara, Sahasravirya, (durva), Varanga (Guda- Tvak) and Lodhra, and two Aksas, of sugar.
This recipe is administered as enema while reciting Vedic Mantras and performing other sacred rituals. This enema has the following effects:
It is a panacea for all diseases
It rejuvenates the body
It is the best therapy for delicate women living in harems
It cures Kshata-Ksina (Phthisis), pain caused by Vayu and Pitta, Asthma, and cough and
When used by adding honey, one third in quantity of the recipe, it cures wrinkles (vali), graying of hair (palita) and promotes colour, complexion, beauty strength, muscle tissues and semen. [19 (3)]

Augmenting Potency of Basti Recipes

इत्येते रसायनाः स्नेह बस्तयः सति विभवे शतपाकाः सहस्रपाका वा कार्या वीर्यबलाधानार्थमिति||१९||
ityete rasāyanāḥ sneha bastayaḥ sati vibhave śatapākāḥ sahasrapākā vā kāryā vīryabalādhānārthamiti||19||

If the patient is affluent enough, then the above-mentioned rejuvenating Sneha-Bastis (unctuous enema) is prepared by cooking for the hundred times (Shata-paka) or one thousand times (Sahasra-paka) for promotion of their potency and strength. [19]


भवन्ति चात्र-
इत्येते बस्तयः स्नेहाश्चोक्ता यापनसञ्ज्ञिताः|
स्वस्थानामातुराणां च वृद्धानां चाविरोधिनाः||२०||
अतिव्यवायशीलानां शुक्रमांसबलप्रदाः|
सर्वरोगप्रशमनाः सर्वेष्वृतुषु यौगिकाः||२१||
नारीणामप्रजातानां नराणां चाप्यपत्यदाः|
उभयार्थकरा दृष्टाः स्नेहबस्तिनिरूहयोः||२२||
bhavanti cātra-
ityete bastayaḥ snehāścoktā yāpanasañjñitāḥ|
svasthānāmāturāṇāṃ ca vṛddhānāṃ cāvirodhināḥ||20||
ativyavāyaśīlānāṃ śukramāṃsabalapradāḥ|
sarvarogapraśamanāḥ sarveṣvṛtuṣu yaugikāḥ||21||
nārīṇāmaprajātānāṃ narāṇāṃ cāpyapatyadāḥ|
ubhayārthakarā dṛṣṭāḥ snehabastinirūhayoḥ||22||

The above-mentioned Sneha Basti recipes are called Yapana Bastis. These are not contra-indicated either for healthy persons or for patients or for old persons. They promote semen and muscular tissue of persons, excessively indulging in sex. These are panaceas for all diseases, and are suitable for administration in all the seasons. These recipes are suitable for both, Sneha-basti (unctuous enema) and Niruha- Basti (evacuative enema). [20-22]


व्यायामो मैथुनं मद्यं मधूनि शिशिराम्बु च|
सम्भोजनं रथक्षोभो बस्तिष्वेतेषु गर्हितम्||२३||
vyāyāmo maithunaṃ madyaṃ madhūni śiśirāmbu ca|
sambhojanaṃ rathakṣobho bastiṣveteṣu garhitam||23||

While using the above mentioned Yapana Bastis, the patient should avoid physical exercise, sexual intercourse, intake of alcohol, intake of different types of honey and cold water, eating full meal and jolting by conveyances. [23]


तत्र श्लोकाः –
शिखिगोनर्दहंसाण्डैर्दक्षवद्बस्तयस्त्रयः| विंशतिर्विष्किरैस्त्रिंशत्प्रतुदैः प्रसहैर्नव||२४||
विंशतिश्च तथा सप्तविंशतिश्चाम्बुचारिभिः| नव मत्स्यादिभिश्चैव शिखिकल्पेन बस्तयः||२५||
दश कर्कटकाद्यैश्च कूर्मकल्केन बस्तयः| मृगैः सप्तदशैकोनविंशतिर्विष्किरैर्दश ||२६||
आनूपैर्दक्षशिखिवद्भूशयैश्च चतुर्दश| एकोनत्रिंशदित्येते सह स्नेहैः समासतः||२७||
प्रोक्ता विस्तरशो भिन्ना द्वे शते षोडशोत्तरे|
tatra ślokāḥ –
śikhigonardahaṃsāṇḍairdakṣavadbastayastrayaḥ| viṃśatirviṣkiraistriṃśatpratudaiḥ prasahairnava||24||
viṃśatiśca tathā saptaviṃśatiścāmbucāribhiḥ| nava matsyādibhiścaiva śikhikalpena bastayaḥ||25||
daśa karkaṭakādyaiśca kūrmakalkena bastayaḥ| mṛgaiḥ saptadaśaikonaviṃśatirviṣkirairdaśa ||26||
ānūpairdakṣaśikhivadbhūśayaiśca caturdaśa| ekonatriṃśadityete saha snehaiḥ samāsataḥ||27||
proktā vistaraśo bhinnā dve śate ṣoḍaśottare|

Thus, in brief, twenty-nine Yapana-Bastis including three sneha bastis are described above. In addition, the following extended categories of enema recipes are also described.
(1) to (3) three Bastis with the eggs of Sikhi (Peahen), Gonarda (bird Indian crane) and Hamsa (swan) which are to be prepared in the same way like the method described for the egg of hen in para no. 16(12). [Vide para no. 17]
(4) to (118) twenty recipes with the meat of Viskiras (gallinaceous birds), thirty recipes with Pratudas (pecker birds), 29 recipes with Prasthas (animals who eat by snatching food), 27 recipes with aquatic animals, and nine recipes with fish, etc., which are to be prepared on the line suggested for the enema recipe with the meat of peacock in para 18 (3). [Vide para no. 18 (4)
(119) to (128) ten recipes with the meat of Karkata, etc. which are to be prepared on the line suggested for Kurma in Para no. 18(6)
(129) to (187) seventeen recipes with the meat of mrgas (animals dwelling in dry land forests), nineteen recipes with the meat of Viskiras (gallinaceous birds), nine recipes with the meat of anupas (marshy land inhabiting animals), and fourteen recipes with bhusayas (animals living in burrows on the earth) which are to be prepared on line suggested for the recipes of domestic fowl and peacock in para no 18(9). [Vide para no.18 (10)]
Thus, when classified in detail, the 29 original recipes and 187 extended recipes make for 216 recipes in total. [24- 27 ½]

Augmenting potency of recipes

एते माक्षिकसंयुक्ताः कुर्वन्त्यतिवृषं नरम्||२८||
नातियोगं न वाऽयोगं स्तम्भितास्ते च कुर्वते|२९|
ete mākṣikasaṃyuktāḥ kurvantyativṛṣaṃ naram||28||
nātiyogaṃ na vā’yogaṃ stambhitāste ca kurvate|29|

Use of above-mentioned enema recipes by adding honey makes a person exceedingly virile. When fortified (with honey), they do not allow any over action (atiyoga) or under action (ayoga). [28 ½- ½ 29]

Management of non-eliminated recipes

मृदुत्वान्न निवर्तन्ते यस्य त्वेते प्रयोजिताः||२९||
समूत्रैर्बस्तिभिस्तीक्ष्णैरास्थाप्यः क्षिप्रमेव सः|३०|
mṛdutvānna nivartante yasya tvete prayojitāḥ||29||
samūtrairbastibhistīkṣṇairāsthāpyaḥ kṣiprameva saḥ|30|

If, because of mild nature, the administered enema recipes described above do not get eliminated, then immediately Asthapana-Basti (evacuative enema) containing cow’s urine and other sharp ingredients is given. [29 ½ – ½ 30]

Adverse effects of excessive use of Yapana basti, and their management

शोफाग्निनाश पाण्डुत्व शूलार्शःपरिकर्तिकाः||३०||
स्युर्ज्वरश्चातिसारश्च यापनात्यर्थसेवनात्|३१|
अरिष्टक्षीरसीध्वाद्या तत्रेष्टा दीपनी क्रिया||३१||
युक्त्या तस्मान्निषेवेत यापनान्न प्रसङ्गतः|
śophāgnināśa pāṇḍutva śūlārśaḥparikartikāḥ||30||
syurjvaraścātisāraśca yāpanātyarthasevanāt|31|
ariṣṭakṣīrasīdhvādyā tatreṣṭā dīpanī kriyā||31||
yuktyā tasmānniṣeveta yāpanānna prasaṅgataḥ|

Excessive use of these Yapana-Bastis gives rise to oedema, loss of the power of digestion, anemia, colic pain, piles, parikartika (sawing pain), fever and diarrhea.
For the treatment of these ailments, the patient is given aristas (medicated wines), milk, sidhu (a type of alcohol) etc. and therapies for the promotion of digestion.
Therefore, Yapana-Basti is used judiciously and should not be used continuously (as a matter of habit). [30 ½- ½ 32]

Impediments and their management

इत्युच्चैर्भाष्यपूर्वाणां व्यापदः सचिकित्सिताः||३२||
विस्तरेण पृथक् प्रोक्तास्तेभ्यो रक्षेन्नरं सदा|३३|
ityuccairbhāṣyapūrvāṇāṃ vyāpadaḥ sacikitsitāḥ||32||
vistareṇa pṛthak proktāstebhyo rakṣennaraṃ sadā|33|

Different factors (e.g., loud speech) which cause impediments and their management are separately described earlier in detail (in verse/para nos. 10-15).
The patient should always be guarded against these impeding factors. [32 ½- ½ 33]

Definition of Siddhi- Sthana

कर्मणां वमनादिनामसम्यक्करणापदाम्||३३||
यत्रोक्तं साधनं स्थाने सिद्धिस्थानं तदुच्यते|३४|
karmaṇāṃ vamanādināmasamyakkaraṇāpadām||33||
yatroktaṃ sādhanaṃ sthāne siddhisthānaṃ taducyate|34|

The section (sthana) describing the successful (siddhi) administration of elimination therapy (emesis, etc.) the complications arising out of their mal-administration, and management of these complications is called Siddhi-Sthana”. [33 ½- ½ 34]

Merits achieved by study

इत्यध्यायशतं विंशमात्रेयमुनिवाङ्मयम्||३४||
हितार्थं प्राणिनां प्रोक्तमग्निवेशेन धीमता|३५|
दीर्घमायुर्यशः स्वास्थ्यं त्रिवर्गं चापि पुष्कलम्||३५||
सिद्धिं चानुत्तमां लोके प्राप्नोति विधिना पठन्|३६|
ityadhyāyaśataṃ viṃśamātreyamunivāṅmayam||34||
hitārthaṃ prāṇināṃ proktamagniveśena dhīmatā|35|
dīrghamāyuryaśaḥ svāsthyaṃ trivargaṃ cāpi puṣkalam||35||
siddhiṃ cānuttamāṃ loke prāpnoti vidhinā paṭhan|36|

Thus, this treatise comprising one hundred and twenty chapters which expound the statements of the sage Atreya was propounded by Agnivesha, endowed with therapeutic wisdom for the benefit of all the living beings.
The systematic study of this treatise endows a person with longevity, fame, health, abundance, fulfilment of the three basic desires of life and unsurpassable professional accomplishment in this world. [34 ½ – ½ 36]

Pratisamskarta or Redactor

विस्तारयति लेशोक्तं सङ्क्षिपत्यतिविस्तरम्||३६||
संस्कर्ता कुरुते तन्त्रं पुराणं च पुनर्नवम्| अतस्तन्त्रोत्तममिदं चरकेणातिबुद्धिना||३७||
संस्कृतं तत्त्वसम्पूर्णं त्रिभागेनोपलक्ष्यते|
vistārayati leśoktaṃ saṅkṣipatyativistaram||36||
saṃskartā kurute tantraṃ purāṇaṃ ca punarnavam| atastantrottamamidaṃ carakeṇātibuddhinā||37||
saṃskṛtaṃ tattvasampūrṇaṃ tribhāgenopalakṣyate|

A redactor expands the concised statements and abbreviates the very prolix ones in an old work, and thus, puts it in a new (revised) form.
Therefore, Charaka, possessed with excellent wisdom redacted this illustrious treatise, which however, is incomplete in as much as (almost) one-third of this redacted text was missing (not available at the time of Drdhabala). [36 ½ – ½ 38]

Dridhabala and his supplementations

तच्छङ्करं भूतपतिं सम्प्रसाद्य समापयत्||३८||
अखण्डार्थं दृढबलो जातः पञ्चनदे पुरे| कृत्वा बहुभ्यस्तन्त्रेभ्यो विशेषोञ्छशिलोच्चयम्||३९||
सप्तदशौषधाध्यायसिद्धिकल्पैरपूरयत्| इदमन्यूनशब्दार्थं तन्त्रदोषविवर्जितम्||४०||
षड्विंशता विचित्राभिर्भूषितं तन्त्रयुक्तिभिः|४१|
tacchaṅkaraṃ bhūtapatiṃ samprasādya samāpayat||38||
akhaṇḍārthaṃ dṛḍhabalo jātaḥ pañcanade pure| kṛtvā bahubhyastantrebhyo viśeṣoñchaśiloccayam||39||
saptadaśauṣadhādhyāyasiddhikalpairapūrayat| idamanyūnaśabdārthaṃ tantradoṣavivarjitam||40||
ṣaḍviṃśatā vicitrābhirbhūṣitaṃ tantrayuktibhiḥ|41|

Drdhabala, born in Panchanadapura (present Punjab) supplemented these (non- available) chapters after propitiating God Shiva, the protector of all creatures, to make the work complete.
By culling matter from several important treatises, he compiled and restored 17 chapters of Cikitsa-sthana and all the chapters of Siddhi as well as kapla-sthanas.
This text is not deficient in words (shabda) or their implications (artha) concerning medical science, and it is decorated with 2 relevant Tantra-yuktis (canons of scientific exposition). [38 ½- ½ 41]

Tantra Yuktis (Canons of Expositions)

तत्राधिकरणं योगो हेत्वर्थोऽर्थः पदस्य च||४१||
प्रदेशोद्देशनिर्देशवाक्यशेषाः प्रयोजनम्| उपदेशापदेशातिदेशार्थापत्तिनिर्णयाः||४२||
प्रसङ्गैकान्तनैकान्ताः सापवर्गो विपर्ययः| पूर्वपक्षविधानानुमतव्याख्यानसंशयाः||४३||
अतीतानागतावेक्षास्वसञ्ज्ञोह्यसमुच्चयाः| निदर्शनं निर्वचनं सन्नियोगो विकल्पनम्||४४||
प्रत्युत्सारस्तथोद्धारः सम्भवस्तन्त्रयुक्तयः|४५|
tatrādhikaraṇaṃ yogo hetvartho’rthaḥ padasya ca||41||
pradeśoddeśanirdeśavākyaśeṣāḥ prayojanam| upadeśāpadeśātideśārthāpattinirṇayāḥ||42||
prasaṅgaikāntanaikāntāḥ sāpavargo viparyayaḥ| pūrvapakṣavidhānānumatavyākhyānasaṃśayāḥ||43||
atītānāgatāvekṣāsvasañjñohyasamuccayāḥ| nidarśanaṃ nirvacanaṃ sanniyogo vikalpanam||44||
pratyutsārastathoddhāraḥ sambhavastantrayuktayaḥ|45|

Tantra-Yuktis or canons of compositions are as follows:
Adhikarana or subject matter: (the central theme the author intends to expound in a treatise while the author composes a treatise) For example, in Sutra 1:7, it is stated that this Ayurvedic treatise is presented in order to prevent and cure diseases which are impediment to the path of an individual willing to perform righteous tasks on the context of duties. Here the diseases, the treatise, etc., constitute the Adhikarana or the central theme).
Yoga or union: Justifying a statement by putting together different words in order to explain the point from various angles. For example – origin of the embryo from maternal factors etc., has been explained on the basis of logical terms like Pratijna, Hetu, Udaharana, Upanaya and Nigamana in Sarira 3: 10-114)
Hetvartha or extension of Argument: When a statement is made in a particular context that is applicable to other situations as well it is called as hetvartha. For example, in Sutra 12: 5, habitual intake of homologous matter is stated to increase dhatus. The term “dhatu” in this context implies doshas as well besides tissue elements. The statement made here is in the context of Vayu Dosa. The same Principle is applicable to other situations like the augmentation of the quantity of Rasa, etc.
Padartha or implication of words: One, two or many words individually or jointly may carry specific (technical) meanings. For example, the term “Dravya” stands for five Mahabhutas and Atman, and the two terms “Ayusah Vedah” (science of life) stands for the treatise on Ayurveda)
Pradesha or partial enunciation: When there are many objectives of a topic and all of these cannot be explained in one place, then in a given situation, only a partial statement is made [in the form of a sample]. For example, in Sutra 27:329 while explaining the properties of various types of Anupanas, they in their entirety cannot be explained, and only a part of these, including some of the commonly used ones are described).
Uddesha or concise statement: Making a concise statement having wider implications. For example, the scope of Ayurveda is described in Sutra 1: 24 as hetu, linga, usadhi jnanam, i.e the knowledge of the etiology, signs and symptoms and medicines i.e., treatment or management of healthy persons and patients)
Nirdesha or amplification: The above-mentioned concise statement has been implied later. The explanation of Hetu linga usadhi jnana is provided later in Sutra 1: 44- 53)
Vakya Sesha or supply of ellipsis: Sometimes, in order to make the statement lighter or smaller in size, certain parts of it are omitted, and this ellipsis has to be inferred with reference to the context. For example, in the statement “pravrttihetun Bhuvanam” (vide Sutra 16: 28), the verb “Asti” has to be inferred though it is not specifically mentioned in the text. Without this verb the sentence is incomplete. Similarly, while describing the soup (rasa) of the meat (mamsa) of animals inhabiting dry land forests (jangala), only Jangalajaih Rasaih is mentioned (vide Siddhi 1:9). In this statement, the term “Mamsa” has to inserted to make the meaning complete. Since it is not mentioned in the text, it has to be inferred.
Prayojana or object: It is the purpose for which a treatise is composed. For example, the purpose of composing Charaka Samhita is to provide information regarding measures to be adopted for achieving equilibrium of Doshas and Dhatus (vide Sutra 1:53)
Upadesa or Authoritative instruction: The preceptor’s instructions are included in a treatise. For example, first of all oleation (sneha) therapy is administered, and only thereafter, fomentation (Sveda) therapy is given to the patient (vide Sutra 13: 99)
Apadesha or reasoning a statement: When a statement is made, the reason for making such a statement is provided, for example, among the pollutions of vayu (air), jala (water), Desa (land) and kala (time), the latter ones are more serious than the former ones because the latter ones are more unavoidable (vide Vimana 3:10) this unavoidability (duspariharyatva) is the reason for making the statement.
Atidesha or indication: A specific statement might indicate non- specified objects. For example, in Sutra 9: 34, it is stated. “The regimens not specified in this chapter are also to be adopted if these are wholesome”.
Arthapatti or implication: Statement may imply an unspecified object. For example, it is stated in Sutra 7:61, “one should not take curd at night”. By implication, curd can be taken during the day time.
Nirnaya or decision: The conclusion drawn after proper examination. For example, it is stated in sutra 10:3, “Sixteen aspects of treatment, four each relating to the physician, drug, attendant and patient, described earlier are sine Qua non for good health provided these are applied appropriately”. This proper application (yukti-yukta) represents the decision (Nirnaya) after proper examination)
Prasanga or restatement: Statement made earlier is repeated in view of context. For example, the statement regarding the wrong utilization, etc., of senses made in Sutra11: 37 is repeated in sutra1: 118: 126 because of contextual propriety.
Ekanta or Categorical statement: A statement made for explaining another view-point without upholding it. For example, the death of pressers for want of medicines, it is stated that even the diseases of these persons are not (always) amenable to therapeutic measures- vide Sutra 10: 5)
Apavarga or exception: A statement made regarding exceptions to general rules. For example, as a general rule intake of stale food is prohibited. But in case of meat etc., the stale (dried) ones are not prohibited. In fact, as exceptions to the general rule, these are permitted (vide Sutra 8:20)
Viparyaya or reconfirmation of implied opposite action: A statement made to reconfirm the implied meaning. For example, it is stated that the factors responsible for the causation of the diseases are not wholesome for the patient. By implication, factors having opposite attributes are wholesome for the patient. But this is reconfirmed in another statement made subsequently- vide Nidana 3:7)
Purva-Paksa or amplification of earlier statements: Sometimes a statement in general made earlier is partially modified. For example, having stated that all types of fish are not be taken with milk, the statement is amplified by the statement that cilicima type of fish especially should not be taken with milk- vide Sutra 26: 84)
Vidhana or correct interpretation: Sometimes a statement made earlier is further explained in order to bring out its correct implications.
According to some, this term “Vidhana” means description in correct order. For example, tissue elements are described in their appropriate sequence, rasa, rakta etc. Vide Chikitsa 15: 16)
Anumata or Confession: Non-contradiction, a different view. For example, the author has quoted another view regarding the method to be followed for the extraction of the dead foetus, and has not contradicted it. By implication, the author has accepted it Vide sarira 8: 31)
Vyakhyana or explanation: Explaining a topic to make it comprehensible by people having different intellectual quotients. For example, the condition of the foetus during the first month of pregnancy is described in detail- vide Sarira 4: 9)
Samsaya or doubt: Description of different view-points on a selected topic leaving the concluding uncertain. For example, the cause of procreation is described differently by various authors as mother (ovum), father (sperm), Svabhava (nature), Paranirmana (supernatural force) or Yaddrccha (accidental, not predetermined) vide Sutra 11: 6)
Atitaveksana or retrospective reference: Sometimes, the text refers to the description of a given topic made earlier. For example, while describing the treatment of Jvara (fever), a reference is made to the fomentation therapy details of which were described earlier – Chikitsa 3: 29)
Anagataveksana or prospective reference: Sometimes while describing a topic, a reference is made to a recipe which is to be described later. For example, while describing the treatment of fever, Tikta-Sarpis is described to be used. Details of this recipe are however described later)
Svasanjna or use of technical terms: Sometimes, the author uses certain technical terms which are generally not found elsewhere. For example, Jentaka, Holaka etc., Vide Sutra 14: 39:40)
Uhya or deduction: Sometimes, regarding a statement made in the text, the physician is advised to use his own power of discretion. For example, while describing ingredients of a recipe, the physician is advised to ignore the inappropriate ones according to his own desecration depending on as specific situation- vide Vimana 8: 149)
Samuccaya or specification: Sometimes, the term “Ca”, is used repeatedly after each item which imply all these items are to be taken together. For example, the term “Ca” is used after Varna (complexion), Svara (voice) etc., in Indriya 1:3 to emphasise that all these items are to be considered together to determine the span of life of a person.
Nidarsana or illustration: Sometimes, a topic is illustrated with similes in order to make it understandable by intelligent and non-intelligent people alike. For example, it is stated that the use of a drug with which the physician is well acquainted works like ambrosia – vide Sutra 1:124)
Nirvachana or citation of analogy: Sometimes, an example is given in order to facilitate easy comprehension of a topic for the annihilation of beings which cannot be comprehended because such factors are unpredictable. This is based on the analogy of time. Time is always in the process of quick movement. It automatically goes on changing or destroying itself – Sutra 16: 32.
Nidarsana (item no. 30) facilitates comprehension of a topic by both intelligent and non-intelligent physicians whereas Nirvachana is exclusively for intelligent physicians.
The term “Nirvachana” can also be explained as a definition. For example, the disease “Visarpa” is defined as the ailment which moves (sarpati) in different direction (Vividha) vide Chikitsa 21:11)
Sanniyoga or injunction: Chakrapani has used the word “Niyoga in the place of Sanniyoga mentioned in the text.
Sometimes a statement is made in order to emphasise absolute necessity. For example, it is stated that the patient (undergoing jentaka therapy) should not leave the bench even if he gets tired owing to excessive heat – vide Sutra 14: 46)
Vikalpa or option
Pratyutsara or rebuttal: Sometimes the author quotes different views, each rebooting the other. For example, Varyovida is stated to hold the view that the diseases are caused by rasa- dhatu, and this view is refuted by Hiranyaksa who holds the view that these are caused by six basic elements, viz, five mahabhutas and the conscious elements – vide Suta 25: 13- 15
Uddhara or reaffirmation: Sometimes the author establishes his own view after refuting another scholar’s view. For example, the statement that diseases are caused by the unwholesomeness of such factors, the wholesomeness of which is conducive to procreation- vide Sutra 25:29)
Sambhava or Possibility: Sometimes the place of origin or the infrastructure of manifestation is to be judged from the ailment. For example, the description of Piplu, Vyanga, Nilika etc., implies their location in the face). [41 ½ – ½ 45]

Availability of Tantra-Yuktis

तन्त्रे समासव्यासोक्ते भवन्त्येता हि कृत्स्नशः||४५||
एकदेशेन दृश्यन्ते समासाभिहिते तथा|४६|
tantre samāsavyāsokte bhavantyetā hi kṛtsnaśaḥ||45||
ekadeśena dṛśyante samāsābhihite tathā|46|

All these Tantra-yuktis or canons of exposition are adopted in their entirety in treatises which are composed in both aphoristic and expository styles. However, in treatises which are composed excessively in aphoristic style, such canons are found only partially. [45 ½ – ½ 46]

Importance of Tantra-Yuktis

यथाऽम्बुजवनस्यार्कः प्रदीपो वेश्मनो यथा||४६||
प्रबोधनप्रकाशार्थास्तथा तन्त्रस्य युक्तयः|४७|
yathā’mbujavanasyārkaḥ pradīpo veśmano yathā||46||
prabodhanaprakāśārthāstathā tantrasya yuktayaḥ|47|

As the sun causes blossoming of the lotus pond (lit forest) and as the lamp enlightens the (dark) house: similarly, the knowledge of these Tantra-Yuktis serves the purpose of awakening (blossoming and enlightening of the physician). [46 ½ -1/2 47)
Read: Tantra Yukti: Tools For Composing And Understanding Treatises

Assistance of Tantra-Yuktis in understanding other treatises

एकस्मिन्नपि यस्येह शास्त्रे लब्धास्पदा मतिः||४७||
स शास्त्रमन्यदप्याशु युक्तिज्ञत्वात् प्रबुध्यते|
अधीयानोऽपि शास्त्राणि तन्त्रयुक्त्या विना भिषक्|
नाधिगच्छति शास्त्रार्थानर्थान् भाग्यक्षये यथा||४८||
ekasminnapi yasyeha śāstre labdhāspadā matiḥ||47||
sa śāstramanyadapyāśu yuktijñatvāt prabudhyate|
adhīyāno’pi śāstrāṇi tantrayuktyā vinā bhiṣak|
nādhigacchati śāstrārthānarthān bhāgyakṣaye yathā||48||

The physician who has a good grasp even of only one treatise can also understand other treatises quickly because of his proficiency in tantra-yuktis or canons of composition. As a person fails to acquire wealth [in spite of his best efforts] when fortune deserts him, similarly one who is not conversant with tantra-yuktis (canons of exposition) does not understand the real implications of treaties even if he has studied many of them. [47 ½ – 48]

Proper and improper understanding of treatises

दुर्गृहीतं क्षिणोत्येव शास्त्रं शस्त्रमिवाबुधम्|
सुगृहीतं तदेव ज्ञं शास्त्रं शस्त्रं च रक्षति||४९||
(तस्मादेताः प्रवक्ष्यन्ते विस्तरेणोत्तरे पुनः|
तत्त्वज्ञानार्थमस्यैव तन्त्रस्य गुणदोषतः) ||५०||
durgṛhītaṃ kṣiṇotyeva śāstraṃ śastramivābudham|
sugṛhītaṃ tadeva jñaṃ śāstraṃ śastraṃ ca rakṣati||49||
(tasmādetāḥ pravakṣyante vistareṇottare punaḥ|
tattvajñānārthamasyaiva tantrasya guṇadoṣataḥ) ||50||

Just like a badly handled weapon destroys the person himself, similarly badly understood treatise causes harm to the user himself. On the other hand, just like a properly handled weapon protects the user from the enemy, similarly the treatise well understood becomes a source of protection against the opponents.
Therefore, to enable the physician to critically analyse the merits and demerits, and comprehend the real implications of statements in this treatise (Ayurveda), these tantra-yuktis or canons of exposition will be explained in detail in the Uttara Tantra or supplementary section of this work. [49-50]

Merits of studying this treatise

इदमखिलमधीत्य सम्यगर्थान् विमृशति योऽविमनाः प्रयोगनित्यः|
स मनुजसुखजीवितप्रदाता भवति धृतिस्मृतिबुद्धिधर्मवृद्धः||५१||
idamakhilamadhītya samyagarthān vimṛśati yo’vimanāḥ prayoganityaḥ|
sa manujasukhajīvitapradātā bhavati dhṛtismṛtibuddhidharmavṛddhaḥ||51||

After studying this text in its entirety with appropriate meaning, the physician who has reflected upon the statements made in it with concentration of mind, who has applied the text constantly in practice, and who has developed the power of reflection, recollection, description and righteousness becomes bestowed of happiness and life (longevity) to human beings. [51]


यस्य द्वादशसाहस्री हृदि तिष्ठति संहिता| सोऽर्थज्ञः स विचारज्ञश्चिकित्साकुशलश्च सः||५२||
रोगांस्तेषां चिकित्सां च स किमर्थं न बुध्यते| चिकित्सा वह्निवेशस्य सुस्थातुरहितं प्रति||५३||
यदिहास्ति तदन्यत्र यन्नेहास्ति न तत्क्वचित्| अग्निवेशकृते तन्त्रे चरकप्रतिसंस्कृते||५४||
सिद्धिस्थानेऽष्टमे प्राप्ते तस्मिन् दृढबलेन तु| सिद्धिस्थानं स्वसिद्ध्यर्थं समासेन समापितम्) ||५५||
yasya dvādaśasāhasrī hṛdi tiṣṭhati saṃhitā| so’rthajñaḥ sa vicārajñaścikitsākuśalaśca saḥ||52||
rogāṃsteṣāṃ cikitsāṃ ca sa kimarthaṃ na budhyate| cikitsā vahniveśasya susthāturahitaṃ prati||53||
yadihāsti tadanyatra yannehāsti na tatkvacit| agniveśakṛte tantre carakapratisaṃskṛte||54||
siddhisthāne’ṣṭame prāpte tasmin dṛḍhabalena tu| siddhisthānaṃ svasiddhyarthaṃ samāsena samāpitam) ||55||

The physician who has in his memory this treatise containing twelve thousand (verses and prose paragraphs] is definitely the knower of its implications. He has the power of discrimination and he is proficient in the treatment of diseases. Such a person cannot fail to diagnose and initiate its [appropriate] treatment.
The therapeutic measures described in Agnivesa’s work are useful both for healthy persons [to maintain their positive health and prevent occurrence of diseases] and patients [to cure found elsewhere.
The treatise of Agnivesha as redacted by Charaka has reached up to its [final] eighth section called Siddhi-sthana. For the accomplishment of this Siddhi-sthana, the final touch in brief is given by Drdhabala. [52- 55]


इत्यग्निवेशकृते तन्त्रे चरकप्रतिसंस्कृतेऽप्राप्ते दृढबलसम्पूरिते सिद्धिस्थाने उत्तरबस्तिसिद्धिर्नाम द्वादशोऽध्यायः||१२||
इति चरकसंहितायां अष्टमं सिद्धिस्थानं सम्पूर्णम्|
समाप्तेयं चरकसंहिता|
ityagniveśakṛte tantre carakapratisaṃskṛte’prāpte dṛḍhabalasampūrite siddhisthāne uttarabastisiddhirnāma dvādaśo’dhyāyaḥ||12||
iti carakasaṃhitāyāṃ aṣṭamaṃ siddhisthānaṃ sampūrṇam|
samāpteyaṃ carakasaṃhitā|

Thus, ends the twenty chapter of Siddhi- section dealing with “Measures to Attain Perfection in the administration of Uttara- Basti (important recipes of Enema)” in Agnivesha ’s work as redacted by Charaka, and Because of its non- availability, supplemented by Drdhabala.
Thus ends Charaka Samhita. 


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