Charaka Siddhisthana Chapter 11 – Phala matra Siddhi

This article explains the 11th chapter of siddhisthana of Charaka samhita called ‘Phalamatra Siddhi Adhyaya’. In this chapter, “determination of appropriateness of medicaments, etc., for enema, and its veterinary dosage to achieve success” have been explained.


अथातः फलमात्रासिद्धिं व्याख्यास्यामः||१|| इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः||२||
athātaḥ phalamātrāsiddhiṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ||1|| iti ha smāha bhagavānātreyaḥ||2||

We shall now explore the chapter dealing with the “determination of appropriateness of medicaments, etc., for enema, and its veterinary dosage to achieve success”. Thus, said Lord Atreya [1-2]

Seminar to resolve disputes

भगवन्तमुदारसत्त्वधीश्रुतिविज्ञानसमृद्धमत्रिजम्| फलबस्तिवरत्वनिश्चये सविवादा मुनयोऽभ्युपागमन्||३||
भृगुकौशिककाप्यशौनकाः सपुलस्त्यासितगौतमादयः| कतमत् प्रवरं फलादिषु स्मृतमास्थापनयोजनास्विति||४||
bhagavantamudārasattvadhīśrutivijñānasamṛddhamatrijam| phalabastivaratvaniścaye savivādā munayo’bhyupāgaman||3||
bhṛgukauśikakāpyaśaunakāḥ sapulastyāsitagautamādayaḥ| katamat pravaraṃ phalādiṣu smṛtamāsthāpanayojanāsviti||4||

To resolve dispute over the most useful ingredient amongst madanaphala etc., for asthapana-basti, and to determine the excellence of basti with those of madanaphala etc., in specific ailments, sages like Bhrgu, Kausika, Kapya, Saunaka, Pulastya and Asita Gautama came to Lord Atreya, who is richly endowed with liberal mind. Wisdom, memory and mundane knowledge.[3-4]

Opinion of Saunaka about excellence of jimutaka

कफपित्तहरं वरं फलेष्वथ जीमूतकमाह शौनकः|
kaphapittaharaṃ varaṃ phaleṣvatha jīmūtakamāha śaunakaḥ|

Saunaka said, “amongst the fruits, jimutaka is the foremost in efficacy (for medicated for enema) because of its effects to eliminate kapha and pitta. [ 5½]
Read: Charaka Kalpa Sthana 2nd Chapter Jimutaka kalpam

Opinion of Vamaka on excellence of katu- tumbi

मृदुवीर्यतयाऽभिनत्ति तच्छकृदित्याह नृपोऽथ वामकः||५|| कटुतुम्बममन्यतोत्तमं वमने दोषसमीरणं च तत्|
mṛduvīryatayā’bhinatti tacchakṛdityāha nṛpo’tha vāmakaḥ||5|| kaṭutumbamamanyatottamaṃ vamane doṣasamīraṇaṃ ca tat|

The king Vamaka said, “because of low potency this (fruits of jimutaka) is less effective in disintegrating and voiding of stool. On the other hand katutumbi which is the best as emetic is considered to be excellent because of its action to eliminate the doshas (through enema). [5 ½ – 6½]
Read: Bottle Gourd Uses, Home Remedies, Side Effects, Research

Opinion of Gautama on excellence of dhamargava

तदवृष्यमशैत्यतीक्ष्णताकटुरौक्ष्यादिति गौतमोऽब्रवीत्||६||
कफपित्तनिबर्हणं परं स च धामार्गवमित्यमन्यत |
tadavṛṣyamaśaityatīkṣṇatākaṭuraukṣyāditi gautamo’bravīt||6||
kaphapittanibarhaṇaṃ paraṃ sa ca dhāmārgavamityamanyata |

Gautama said “(katutumbi) is non-aphrodisiac (avrsya) because of its sharp, pungent and un-unctuous effects. Dhamargava which is excellent for eliminating kapha and pitta may be considered to be best for basti (medicated enema).” [6 ½- 7½]
Read: Sponge Gourd: Benefits, Usage, Research, Remedies, Side Effects

Opinion of badisa on excellence of kutaja

तदमन्यत वातलं पुनर्बडिशो ग्लानिकरं बलापहम्||७||
कुटजं प्रशशंस चोत्तमं न बलघ्नं कफपित्तहारि च|
tadamanyata vātalaṃ punarbaḍiśo glānikaraṃ balāpaham||7||
kuṭajaṃ praśaśaṃsa cottamaṃ na balaghnaṃ kaphapittahāri ca|

Badisa said, “dhamargava is the aggravator of vata, it causes depression (glani), and it reduces strength (for which it is not suitable for basti or enema). On the other hand, kutaja is considered as excellent [for enema] because it does not reduce strength, and it alleviates kapha as well as pitta“ [7 ½- 8½ ]
Read: Kutaja – Benefits, Usage, Dose, Side Effects – Ayurveda Details

Opinion of kapya on excellence of krita-vedhana

अतिविज्जलमौर्ध्वभागिकं पवनक्षोभि च काप्य आह तत्||८||
कृतवेधनमाह वातलं कफपित्तं प्रबलं हरेदिति|
ativijjalamaurdhvabhāgikaṃ pavanakṣobhi ca kāpya āha tat||8||
kṛtavedhanamāha vātalaṃ kaphapittaṃ prabalaṃ harediti|

Kapya said, “it (kutaja) is very viscid, it causes elimination of doshas through the upward tract (emesis), and it causes aggravation of vata (pavana ksobhi) [for which it is not suitable for basti or enema]. On the other hand, kutaja is considered as excellent [for enema] because it does not reduce strength, and it alleviates kapha as well pitta”. On the other hand, kritavedhana which is vatala (promoter of vata) and which (instantaneously) eliminates excessively aggravated kapha and pitta (is the best drug for basti or medicated enema). [8 1/2- 91/2]
Read: Charaka Kalpa Sthana 6th Chapter Kritavedhana Kalpam

Refutation by Bhadra Saunaka

तदसाध्विति भद्रशौनकः कटुकं चातिबलघ्नमित्यपि||९||
tadasādhviti bhadraśaunakaḥ kaṭukaṃ cātibalaghnamityapi||9||

BhadraSaunaka said, ‘the statement [regarding the utility of krta-vedhana in enema therapy] is not correct because it is pungent, and it reduces strength in excess. [9 1/2]

Atreya’s concluding statement

इति तद्वचनानि हेतुभिः सुविचित्राणि निशम्य बुद्धिमान् | प्रशशंस फलेषु निश्चयं परमं चात्रिसुतोऽब्रवीदिदम्||१०||
फलदोषगुणान् सरस्वती प्रति सर्वैरपि सम्यगीरिता| न तु किञ्चिददोषनिर्गुणं गुणभूयस्त्वमतो विचिन्त्यते [४] ||११||
इह कुष्ठहिता गरागरी हितमिक्ष्वाकु तु मेहिने मतम्| कुटजस्य फलं हृदामये प्रवरं कोठफलं च पाण्डुषु||१२||
उदरे कृतवेधनं हितं, मदनं सर्वगदाविरोधि तु| मधुरं सकषायतिक्तकं तदरूक्षं सकटूष्णविज्जलम्||१३||
कफपित्तहृदाशुकारि चाप्यनपायं पवनानुलोमि च| फलनाम विशेषतस्त्वतो लभतेऽन्येषु फलेषु सत्स्वपि||१४||
iti tadvacanāni hetubhiḥ suvicitrāṇi niśamya buddhimān | praśaśaṃsa phaleṣu niścayaṃ paramaṃ cātrisuto’bravīdidam||10||
phaladoṣaguṇān sarasvatī prati sarvairapi samyagīritā| na tu kiñcidadoṣanirguṇaṃ guṇabhūyastvamato vicintyate [4] ||11||
iha kuṣṭhahitā garāgarī hitamikṣvāku tu mehine matam| kuṭajasya phalaṃ hṛdāmaye pravaraṃ koṭhaphalaṃ ca pāṇḍuṣu||12||
udare kṛtavedhanaṃ hitaṃ, madanaṃ sarvagadāvirodhi tu| madhuraṃ sakaṣāyatiktakaṃ tadarūkṣaṃ sakaṭūṣṇavijjalam||13||
kaphapittahṛdāśukāri cāpyanapāyaṃ pavanānulomi ca| phalanāma viśeṣatastvato labhate’nyeṣu phaleṣu satsvapi||14||

Having heard the above interesting arguments, the wise teacher Atreya admired the effort of the speakers, and thereafter, delivered the final judgement regarding the best among the fruits for enema as follows:
in your statements, all of you have appropriately described the beneficial effects and shortcomings of different fruits [for use in enema therapy]. There is no drug which is absolutely free from shortcomings or which is absolutely free from good effects. Therefore, we should, (while selecting the appropriate drug for enema), think of a drug which possesses more of good attributes [for a particular ailment].
In the present context (of basti or medicated enema),
jimutaka (garagari) is useful for the treatment of kustha;
katutumbi (iksvaku) is for meha (Prameha);
fruit of kutaja for heart diseases;
kothaphala – dhamargava is for pandu and
krta-vedhana is useful for udara.
Madanaphala is, however, not contra-indicated in any diseases. It is sweet and slightly astringent as well as bitter in taste. It is sweet and slightly pungent, hot and viscid. It eliminates kapha and pitta, it acts instantaneously, it is harmless, and it causes downward movement of vata. Therefore, the term “phala” (fruit) specifically indicates madanaphala (fruit of madana) even though there are several other fruits which are in medicine. [10-14]

Query about action of basti

गुरुणेति वचस्युदाहृते मुनिसङ्घेन च पूजिते ततः | प्रणिपत्य मुदा समन्वितः सहितः शिष्यगणोऽनुपृष्टवान्||१५||
सर्वकर्मगुणकृद्गुरुणोक्तो बस्तिरूर्ध्वमथ नैति नाभितः| नाभ्यधो गुदमतः स शरीरात् सर्वतः कथमपोहति दोषान् ||१६||
guruṇeti vacasyudāhṛte munisaṅghena ca pūjite tataḥ | praṇipatya mudā samanvitaḥ sahitaḥ śiṣyagaṇo’nupṛṣṭavān||15||
sarvakarmaguṇakṛdguruṇokto bastirūrdhvamatha naiti nābhitaḥ| nābhyadho gudamataḥ sa śarīrāt sarvataḥ kathamapohati doṣān ||16||

The above statement of the teacher was duly honoured by the assembly of sages. Thereafter, all the disciples bowed before him with happiness and enquired about the following:
The teacher has described the basti to possess actions and attributes for curing all the diseases. But it does not reach above the level of umbilicus because the rectum through which it is administered is located below this umbilicus. Then, how is it possible for basti to eliminate morbid material (doshas) from all over the body? [15-16]
Read: Basti Chikitsa: Benefits, Routes, Types, Indications, Equipment

Preceptor’s reply

तद्गुरुरब्रवीदिदं शरीरं तन्त्रयतेऽनिलः सङ्गविघातात् | केवल एव दोषसहितो वा स्वाशयगः प्रकोपमुपयाति||१७||
तं पवनं सपित्तकफविट्कं शुद्धिकरोऽनुलोमयति बस्तिः| सर्वशरीरगश्च गदसङ्घस्तत्प्रशमात् प्रशान्तिमुपयाति||१८||
tadgururabravīdidaṃ śarīraṃ tantrayate’nilaḥ saṅgavighātāt | kevala eva doṣasahito vā svāśayagaḥ prakopamupayāti||17||
taṃ pavanaṃ sapittakaphaviṭkaṃ śuddhikaro’nulomayati bastiḥ| sarvaśarīragaśca gadasaṅghastatpraśamāt praśāntimupayāti||18||

The body is sustained by vata because of its ability to cause detachment (vighat) of any adhesion (sanga). Vata alone or along with other doshas (generally) gets aggravated in its own habitat / seat (i.e colon). Basti (medicated enema), by its purifactory action, causes downward movement of that vata along with pitta, kapha and feces. Because of the alleviation of this vata, all the diseases pervading the whole body get alleviated. [17-18]

Basti for animals

अथाधिगम्यार्थमखण्डितं धिया गजोष्ट्रगोश्वाव्यजकर्म रोगनुत्|
अपृच्छदेनं स च बस्तिमब्रवीद्विधिं च तस्याह पुनः प्रचोदितः||१९||
athādhigamyārthamakhaṇḍitaṃ dhiyā gajoṣṭragośvāvyajakarma roganut|
apṛcchadenaṃ sa ca bastimabravīdvidhiṃ ca tasyāha punaḥ pracoditaḥ||19||

After having understood the aforesaid concept in its entirety by intelligence, the disciple (Agnivesa) enquired about the cure of diseases affecting elephants, camels, cattle, horses, sheep and goats.
The preceptor (Atreya) described basti (medicated enema) [as the excellent therapy for the treatment of their diseases].
After further query, the preceptor explained the procedure of administering enema to these animals as follows [19]

Basti Putaka for animals

आजोरणौ सौम्य गजोष्ट्रयोः कृते गवाश्वयोर्बस्तिमुशन्ति माहिषम्|
अजाविकानां तु जरद्गवोद्भवं वदन्ति बस्तिं तदुपायचिन्तकाः||२०||
ājoraṇau saumya gajoṣṭrayoḥ kṛte gavāśvayorbastimuśanti māhiṣam|
ajāvikānāṃ tu jaradgavodbhavaṃ vadanti bastiṃ tadupāyacintakāḥ||20||

For giving enema to the elephant and camel, the urinary bladder of goat and sheep is used as enema-receptacle (basti putaka).
For giving enema to cows and horses, the urinary bladder of old ox (jaradgava) is used as enema-receptacle.
O! Blessed on (addressed to the disciple Agnivesa), this is the option of veterinary physicians proficient in the administration of medicated enema to animals. [20]

Basti Netra for different animals

अरत्निमष्टादशषोडशाङ्गुलं तथैव नेत्रं हि दशाङ्गुलं क्रमात्|
गजोष्ट्रगोश्वाव्यजबस्तिसन्धौ चतुर्थभागोपनयं हितं वदेत् ||२१||
aratnimaṣṭādaśaṣoḍaśāṅgulaṃ tathaiva netraṃ hi daśāṅgulaṃ kramāt|
gajoṣṭragośvāvyajabastisandhau caturthabhāgopanayaṃ hitaṃ vadet ||21||

The length of enema – nozzles (Basti netra) for different animals is as follows:
elephants: one aratni (length of the fore arm)
camels: 18 angulas (one angula= ¾th of an inch);
cattle and horses :16 angulas and
sheep and goats :10 angulas
it is stated to insert one fourth of this length of the nozzle into the anus of the animals while administering enema. [21]

Dose of Basti for different animals

प्रस्थस्त्वजाव्योर्हि निरूहमात्रा गवादिषु द्वित्रिगुणं यथाबलम्|
निरूहमुष्ट्रस्य तथाऽऽढकद्वयं गजस्य वृद्धिस्त्वनुवासनेऽष्टमः||२२||
prasthastvajāvyorhi nirūhamātrā gavādiṣu dvitriguṇaṃ yathābalam|
nirūhamuṣṭrasya tathā”ḍhakadvayaṃ gajasya vṛddhistvanuvāsane’ṣṭamaḥ||22||

The dose of the fluids to be used as niruha (evacuative enema) for different animals is as follows:
goats and sheep: one prastha (64 tolas)
cattle (cows, buffalo and horses): two to three prasthas depending upon their physique;
camels: two adhakas (one adhakas= 25 tolas) and
elephants: four adhakas.
For anuvasana (unctuous types of medicated enema), the quantity of oil, etc., to be used for these animals is one-eight of the quantity prescribed above for niruha (evacuative type of medicated enema). (22)

Basti for all animals in general

कलिङ्गकुष्ठे मधुकं च पिप्पली वचा शताह्वा मदनं रसाञ्जनम्|
हितानि सर्वेषु गुडः ससैन्धवो द्विपञ्चमूलं च विकल्पना त्वियम्||२३||
kaliṅgakuṣṭhe madhukaṃ ca pippalī vacā śatāhvā madanaṃ rasāñjanam|
hitāni sarveṣu guḍaḥ sasaindhavo dvipañcamūlaṃ ca vikalpanā tviyam||23||

The recipe containing [the decoction of] ingredients like kalinga, kustha, madhuka, pippali, vaca, satahva, madana and rasanjana and added with jaggery, rock-salt and two varieties of dasamula (bilva, syonaka, gambhari, patala, ganikarika, salaparni, prsniparni, brhati, kantakari and goksura) is useful for all the types of veterinary enema. [23]

Additional ingredients for elephants

गजेऽधिकाऽश्वत्थवटाश्वकर्णकाः सखादिरप्रग्रहशालतालजाः|
gaje’dhikā’śvatthavaṭāśvakarṇakāḥ sakhādirapragrahaśālatālajāḥ|

The recipes described above is added with [the decoction of] ingredients like asvattha,vata, asva-karna, khadira, pragraha (syonaka), sala and fruits of tala. Enema, along with these additional ingredients, is useful for curing diseases of elephants. [2/4 24]

Additional ingredients for cows

तथा च पर्ण्यौ धवशिग्रुपाटली मधूकसाराः सनिकुम्भचित्रकाः||२४||
पलाशभूतीकसुराह्वरोहिणीकषाय उक्तस्त्वधिको गवां हितः|
tathā ca parṇyau dhavaśigrupāṭalī madhūkasārāḥ sanikumbhacitrakāḥ||24||
palāśabhūtīkasurāhvarohiṇīkaṣāya uktastvadhiko gavāṃ hitaḥ|

The decoction of mudgaparni, masaparni, dhava, sigru, patali, madhuka-sara (heart- wood of madhuka), nikumbha, citraka, palasa, bhutika (ajamoda), surahva (devadaru) and rohini (katurohini) is used in addition (to the drugs described in the verse no. 23 as enema for cattle – diseases. [24 2/4- 2/4 25]

Additional ingredients for horses

पलाशदन्तीसुरदारुकत्तृणद्रवन्त्य उक्तास्तुरगस्य चाधिकाः||२५||
palāśadantīsuradārukattṛṇadravantya uktāsturagasya cādhikāḥ||25||

The decoction of palasha, danti, suradaru, kattrna and dravanti, in addition (to the decoction of drugs described in the verse no. 23) is used for enema to cure diseases of horses. [25 2/4]

Additional ingredients for asses, camels

खरोष्ट्रयोः पीलुकरीरखादिराः शम्याकबिल्वादिगणस्य च च्छदाः|
kharoṣṭrayoḥ pīlukarīrakhādirāḥ śamyākabilvādigaṇasya ca cchadāḥ|

The decoction of pilu, karira, khadira, samyaka and leaves of drugs belonging to bilvadi group is used in addition (to the decoction of drugs described in the verse no. 23) as enema for the diseases of asses and camels. [2/4 26]

Additional ingredients for goats and sheep

अजाविकानां त्रिफलापरूषकं कपित्थकर्कन्धु सबिल्वकोलजम्||२६||
ajāvikānāṃ triphalāparūṣakaṃ kapitthakarkandhu sabilvakolajam||26||

The decoction of haritaki, bibhitaka, amalaki, parusaka, kapittha, karkanadu, bilva and kola is used in addition (to the decoction of drugs described in the verse no. 23) as enema for the diseases of goats and sheep. [26 2/4]

Query about always exposed to diseases Sadatura

अथाग्निवेशः सततातुरान् नरान् हितं च पप्रच्छ गुरुस्तदाह च|
सदाऽऽतुराः श्रोत्रियराजसेवकास्तथैव वेश्या सह पण्यजीविभिः||२७||
athāgniveśaḥ satatāturān narān hitaṃ ca papraccha gurustadāha ca|
sadā”turāḥ śrotriyarājasevakāstathaiva veśyā saha paṇyajīvibhiḥ||27||

Thereafter, Agnivesha enquired from the preceptor about the persons who are Sadatura, who are eternally sick, and also about their treatment. The preceptor replied that the persons who are eternally exposed to sickness are the following:
srotriyas (people belonging to the priest class)
raja- sevakas (servants of the king)
vesyas (courtesans) and
panya-jivins (merchants) [27]


द्विजो हि वेदाध्ययनव्रताह्निकक्रियादिभिर्देहहितं न चेष्टते [२] |
dvijo hi vedādhyayanavratāhnikakriyādibhirdehahitaṃ na ceṣṭate [2] |

The priests (brahmins) are always engaged in the study of the vedas, observance of different types of sacred vows (vratas), performance of daily rituals (ahnika-kriya), etc., they, thus, fail to attend to regimens which are useful for their health. [2/4 28]

King’s servants

नृपोपसेवी नृपचित्तरक्षणात् परानुरोधाद्बहुचिन्तनाद्भयात् [३] ||२८||
nṛpopasevī nṛpacittarakṣaṇāt parānurodhādbahucintanādbhayāt [3] ||28||

King’s servants are always preoccupied with such acts as would cause the gratification of the king’s mind. They cater to the requirements of other subordinates of the king and they are exposed to excessive worry and fear; [thus they fail to follow their regimens which are useful for their health]. [28 2/4]


नृचित्तवर्तिन्युपचारतत्परा मृजाभि(वि)भूषानिरता पणाङ्गना|
nṛcittavartinyupacāratatparā mṛjābhi(vi)bhūṣāniratā paṇāṅganā|

Depending upon the whims and the moods of men (clients), the courtesan devotes herself to their entertainment constantly by keeping her body clean, and by using various cosmetics as well as ornaments. Thus they fail to attend to their regimens which are useful for health. [2/4 29]


सदासनादत्यनुबन्धविक्रयक्रयादिलोभादपि पण्यजीविनः||२९||
sadāsanādatyanubandhavikrayakrayādilobhādapi paṇyajīvinaḥ||29||

Merchants lead to a sedentary life being excessively attached to greediness involved in their profession of selling and purchasing goods. [thus, they fail to attend to regimens which are useful for their health] [29 2/4]

Common causes of their diseases
सदैव ते ह्यागतवेगनिग्रहं समाचरन्ते न च कालभोजनम्|
अकालनिर्हारविहारसेविनो भवन्ति येऽन्येऽपि सदाऽऽतुराश्च ते||३०||
sadaiva te hyāgataveganigrahaṃ samācarante na ca kālabhojanam|
akālanirhāravihārasevino bhavanti ye’nye’pi sadā”turāśca te||30||

All above mentioned four categories of persons become eternally sick because of the following:
they are always involved in –
suppression of the manifested natural urges
not taking timely food
untimely voiding of stools, urine etc
untimely indulgence in different regimens
other persons (apart from priests, king’s servants, courtesans and merchants) who resort to the above mentioned irregularities also become perpetually sick. [30]

Use of phalavarti for treatment of their sickness

समीरणं वेगविधारणोद्धतं विबन्धसर्वाङ्गरुजाकरं भिषक्| समीक्ष्य तेषां फलवर्तिमादितः सुकल्पितां स्नेहवतीं प्रयोजयेत्||३१||
samīraṇaṃ vegavidhāraṇoddhataṃ vibandhasarvāṅgarujākaraṃ bhiṣak| samīkṣya teṣāṃ phalavartimāditaḥ sukalpitāṃ snehavatīṃ prayojayet||31||

Because of the suppression of natural urges, vata gets aggravated to cause constipation and pain all over the body. The physician, having ascertained this, should, in the beginning, give phala-varti (medicated suppository) well prepared with unctuous material. [31]

Niruha and anuvasana-basti

पुनर्नवैरण्डनिकुम्भचित्रकान् सदेवदारुत्रिवृतानिदिग्धिकान्| महान्ति मूलानि च पञ्च यानि विपाच्य मूत्रे दधिमस्तुसंयुते||३२||
सतैलसर्पिर्लवणैश्च पञ्चभिर्विमूर्च्छितं बस्तिमथ प्रयोजयेत्| निरूहितं धन्वरसेन भोजितं निकुम्भतैलेन ततोऽनुवासयेत्||३३||
punarnavairaṇḍanikumbhacitrakān sadevadārutrivṛtānidigdhikān| mahānti mūlāni ca pañca yāni vipācya mūtre dadhimastusaṃyute||32||
satailasarpirlavaṇaiśca pañcabhirvimūrcchitaṃ bastimatha prayojayet| nirūhitaṃ dhanvarasena bhojitaṃ nikumbhatailena tato’nuvāsayet||33||

Punarnava, eranda, nikumbha, citraka, devadaru, trivrt, nidigdhika and maha-mula (bilva,syonaka, gambhari, patala and ganikarika) is cooked by adding cow’s urine, curd and whey. To this, oil, ghee and five types of salt (saindhava, samudra, vida, sauvarcala and audbhida) is added. With this recipe, niruha type of enema is given, after this, the patient is given food prepared by cooking with the meat-soup of animals living in arid zone.
There after, he is given anuvasana or unctuous types of enema with nikumbha-taila. [32-33]
Read: Niruha Basti (Kashaya Basti) Panchakarma Method, Uses, Side Effects

Other recipes for basti

बलां सरास्नां फलबिल्वचित्रकान् द्विपञ्चमूलं कृतमालकात् फलम्| यवान् कुलत्थांश्च पचेज्जलाढके रसः स पेष्यैस्तु कलिङ्गकादिभिः||३४|| सतैलसर्पिर्गुडसैन्धवो हितः सदातुराणां बलवर्णवर्धनः| तथाऽनुवास्ये मधुकेन साधितं फलेन बिल्वेन शताह्वयाऽपि वा||३५||
balāṃ sarāsnāṃ phalabilvacitrakān dvipañcamūlaṃ kṛtamālakāt phalam| yavān kulatthāṃśca pacejjalāḍhake rasaḥ sa peṣyaistu kaliṅgakādibhiḥ||34|| satailasarpirguḍasaindhavo hitaḥ sadāturāṇāṃ balavarṇavardhanaḥ| tathā’nuvāsye madhukena sādhitaṃ phalena bilvena śatāhvayā’pi vā||35||

Bala, rasana, phala (madanaphala), bilva, citraka, two varieties of pancamula, (bilva, syonaka, gambhari, patala, ganikarika, salaparni, prsniparni, brhati, kantakari and goksura), fruit of krtamala (aragvadha), yava and kulattha is boiled by adding one adhaka (25 tolas) of water, to this decoction, the paste of kalinga, etc., (vide verse no.23 for details of these drugs), oil, ghee, jaggery and rock-salt is added. Enema with this recipe is useful for persons who are perpetually sick (vide verse no. 27). This enema promotes their strength and complexion. Similarly, for these patients, oil cooked with either madhuka, phala (madana-phala), bilva or satahva may be used for anuvasana or unctuous types of enema. [34-35]
Read: Anuvasana Basti: Method, Benefits, Mode Of Action, Contra Indications

Enema recipes for infants

सजीवनीयस्तु रसोऽनुवासने निरूहणे चालवणः शिशोर्हितः| न चान्यदाश्वङ्गबलाभिवर्धनं निरूहबस्तेः शिशुवृद्धयोः परम्||३६||
sajīvanīyastu raso’nuvāsane nirūhaṇe cālavaṇaḥ śiśorhitaḥ| na cānyadāśvaṅgabalābhivardhanaṃ nirūhabasteḥ śiśuvṛddhayoḥ param||36||

Anuvasana (oil / fat enema) prepared of the decoction of drugs belonging to jivaniya- group (jivaka, rsabhaka, meda, mahameda, kakoli, ksirakakoli, mudgaparni,masaparni, jivanti and madhuka-vide sutra 4:9:1), and niruha basti prepared of these very drugs without adding salt are useful for children.
There is no therapy other than niruhabasti which effectively and rapidly promotes the growth of limbs and physical strength of both infants and old persons. [36]

तत्र श्लोकः-
फलकर्म बस्तिवरता नेत्रं यद्बस्तयो गवादीनाम्| सततातुराश्च दिष्टाः फलमात्रायां हितं चैषाम्||३७||
tatra ślokaḥ-
phalakarma bastivaratā netraṃ yadbastayo gavādīnām| satatāturāśca diṣṭāḥ phalamātrāyāṃ hitaṃ caiṣām||37||

To sum up:-
in this chapter entitled” phala- matra-siddhi” the topics discussed are as follows:
action of various types of fruits [ vide verse nos. 5-14]
excellence of basti – therapy [vide verse nos. 15-18]
the nozzle for giving enema to animals [ vide verse nos. 19-22]
enema – recipes for cattle etc., [vide verse nos. 23-26]
categories of persons who are perpetually sick and [ vide verse nos. 27-30]
therapies useful for these perpetually sick persons [vide verse nos. 31-36] [37]


इत्यग्निवेशकृते तन्त्रे चरकप्रतिसंस्कृतेऽप्राप्ते दृढबलसम्पूरिते सिद्धिस्थाने फलमात्रासिद्धिर्नामैकादशोऽध्यायः||११||
ityagniveśakṛte tantre carakapratisaṃskṛte’prāpte dṛḍhabalasampūrite siddhisthāne phalamātrāsiddhirnāmaikādaśo’dhyāyaḥ||11||

Thus, ends the eleventh chapter of siddhi-section dealing with the “determination of appropriateness of madana-phala, etc., for enema. And its veterinary dose to achieve success“. In Agnivesha’s work as redacted by Charaka, and because of its non- availability, supplemented by drdhabala.

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