Charaka Siddhisthana Chapter 10 – Basti Siddhi

This article explains the 10th chapter of siddhisthana of Charaka samhita called ‘Basti Siddhi Adhyaya’. In this chapter, effective recipes of medicated enema have been explained.


अथातो बस्तिसिद्धिं व्याख्यास्यामः||१||
इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेय||२||
athāto bastisiddhiṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ||1||
iti ha smāha bhagavānātreya||2||

We shall now explore the chapter Basti Siddhi Adhyaya – “Effective Recipes of medicated Enema”. Thus, said Lord Atreya. [1-2]


सिद्धानां बस्तीनां शस्तानां तेषु तेषु रोगेषु|
शृण्वग्निवेश ! गदतः सिद्धिं सिद्धिप्रदां भिषजाम्||३||
siddhānāṃ bastīnāṃ śastānāṃ teṣu teṣu rogeṣu|
śṛṇvagniveśa ! gadataḥ siddhiṃ siddhipradāṃ bhiṣajām||3||

O! Agnivesha, listen to the discourses on effective and useful recipes of Basti for various diseases which bestow success upon the successful physicians. [3]

Importance of Basti

बलदोषकालरोगप्रकृतीः प्रविभज्य योजिताः सम्यक् स्वैः स्वैरौषधवर्गैः स्वान् स्वान् रोगान्नियच्छन्ति||४||
कर्मान्यद्बस्तिसमं न विद्यते शीघ्रसुखविशोधित्वात्| आश्वपतर्पणतर्पणयोगाच्च निरत्ययत्वाच्च||५||
baladoṣakālarogaprakṛtīḥ pravibhajya yojitāḥ samyak svaiḥ svairauṣadhavargaiḥ svān svān rogānniyacchanti||4||
karmānyadbastisamaṃ na vidyate śīghrasukhaviśodhitvāt| āśvapatarpaṇatarpaṇayogācca niratyayatvācca||5||

If Basti is administered appropriately keeping in view the strength of the patient, Doshas involved in the causation of diseases, nature of the diseases, physical constitution of the patient and the properties of different groups of drugs prescribed for different diseases, it would cure these ailments.
No therapeutic measure other than Basti, cleanses the body quickly and easily, causes depletion and nourishment instantaneously, and is free from any adverse effect. [4-5]

Superiority of Basti in Comparison to Virechana

सत्यपि दोषहरत्वे कटुतीक्ष्णोष्णादि भेषजादानात्| दुःखोद्गारोत्क्लेशाहृद्यत्वकोष्ठरुजा विरेके स्युः||६||
अविरेच्यौ शिशुवृद्धौ तावप्राप्तप्रहीनधातुबलौ| आस्थापनमेव तयोः सर्वार्थकृदुत्तमं कर्म||७||
बलवर्णहर्षमार्दवगात्रस्नेहान्नृणां ददात्याशु|८|
satyapi doṣaharatve kaṭutīkṣṇoṣṇādi bheṣajādānāt| duḥkhodgārotkleśāhṛdyatvakoṣṭharujā vireke syuḥ||6||
avirecyau śiśuvṛddhau tāvaprāptaprahīnadhātubalau| āsthāpanameva tayoḥ sarvārthakṛduttamaṃ karma||7||
balavarṇaharṣamārdavagātrasnehānnṛṇāṃ dadātyāśu|8|

Virechana (including Vamana) therapy no doubt, causes elimination of Doshas; but it involves intake of recipes, ingredients of which are pungent, sharp, hot etc., these ingredients cause unpleasantness, eructation, nausea, cardiac discomfort and pain in the gastrointestinal tract.
Infants have immaturity of tissues and less strength. There is diminution of tissues and reduction of strength in old people. For both these categories of patients, viz, infants and old persons, purgation therapy is contraindicated.

Asthapana Basti can, however, be given to both these types of patients which are excellent both for the elimination of Doshas and nourishment of the body. It instantaneously promotes strength, complexion, sense of exhilaration and tenderness as well as unctuousness of the body. [6- ½ 8]
Read: Basti Chikitsa: Benefits, Routes, Types, Indications, Equipment

Three types of Basti

अनुवासनं निरूहश्चोत्तरबस्तिश्च स त्रिविधः||८|| शाखावातार्तानां सकुञ्चितस्तब्धभग्नरुग्णानाम् |
विट्सङ्गाध्मानारुचिपरिकर्तिरुगादिषु च शस्तः||९|| उष्णार्तानां शीताञ्छीतार्तानां तथा सुखोष्णांश्च|
तद्योग्यौषधयुक्तान् बस्तीन् सन्तर्क्य विनियुज्यात्||१०||
anuvāsanaṃ nirūhaścottarabastiśca sa trividhaḥ||8|| śākhāvātārtānāṃ sakuñcitastabdhabhagnarugṇānām |
viṭsaṅgādhmānāruciparikartirugādiṣu ca śastaḥ||9|| uṣṇārtānāṃ śītāñchītārtānāṃ tathā sukhoṣṇāṃśca|
tadyogyauṣadhayuktān bastīn santarkya viniyujyāt||10||

Basti is of three types and are as follows:
Anuvasana (enema given with oil and such other unctuous ingredients);
Niruha (enema given with decoction, etc., added with oil etc) and
Uttara Basti (urethral and vaginal douche)
These different forms of medicated enema are useful in the following categories of ailments:
Afflictions of the exterior (limbs) of the body by the aggravated Vata;
For those who are suffering from contractures, stiffness, fractures and pain and
Obstruction to the passage of faeces, flatulence, anorexia, sawing pain, aching pain etc
For the patients afflicted with diseases caused by heat, cooling recipes are used for enema. For those afflicted with diseases caused by cold, lukewarm recipes of enema are administered.
After determining the exact requirement of the patient, enema is administered with recipes containing appropriate, viz hot or cold ingredients. [8 ½ – 10]


बस्तीन्न बृंहणीयान् दद्याद् व्याधिषु विशोधनीयेषु| मेदस्विनो विशोध्या येऽपि नराः कुष्ठमेहार्ताः||११||
न क्षीणक्षतदुर्बलमूर्च्छितकृशशुष्कदेहानाम्| युञ्जाद्विशोधनीयान् दोषनिबद्धायुषो ये च||१२||
bastīnna bṛṃhaṇīyān dadyād vyādhiṣu viśodhanīyeṣu| medasvino viśodhyā ye’pi narāḥ kuṣṭhamehārtāḥ||11||
na kṣīṇakṣatadurbalamūrcchitakṛśaśuṣkadehānām| yuñjādviśodhanīyān doṣanibaddhāyuṣo ye ca||12||

Nourishing types of medicated enema should not be given in the following conditions:
• Diseases requiring elimination of aggravated Doshas
• Patients with adiposity even if they are otherwise suitable for elimination therapies and
• Patients suffering from Kustha (obstinate skin diseases including leprosy) and Meha – urinary tract disorders, diabetes (obstinate urinary diseases including diabetes)
• Shodhana Basti – Eliminative (evacuative) type of medicated enema should not be given to the patients suffering from consumption, phthisis, weakness, fainting and emaciation as well as dryness of the body. This type of enema is also contraindicated for patients whose life is sustained because of the retention of faeces. [11-12]
Read: Mode Of Action Of Basti Panchakarma Treatment

Different ingredients for various ailments

वाजीकरणेऽसृक्पित्तयोश्च मधुघृतपयोयुक्ताः| शस्ताः सतैलमूत्रारनाललवणाश्च कफवाते||१३||
युञ्जाद्द्रव्याणि बस्तिष्वम्लं मूत्रं पयः सुरां क्वाथान्| अविरोधाद्धातूनां रसयोनित्वाच्च जलमुष्णम्||१४||
vājīkaraṇe’sṛkpittayośca madhughṛtapayoyuktāḥ| śastāḥ satailamūtrāranālalavaṇāśca kaphavāte||13||
yuñjāddravyāṇi bastiṣvamlaṃ mūtraṃ payaḥ surāṃ kvāthān| avirodhāddhātūnāṃ rasayonitvācca jalamuṣṇam||14||

• For aphrodisiac effects, for the treatment of diseases caused by Rakta (vitiated blood) and pitta, the recipe of enema containing honey, ghee and milk is useful.
• Recipes of enema containing Til oil, cow’s urine, Aranala (vinegar) and salt are useful for the diseases caused by aggravated Kapha and Vata.
• In the recipe of enema, ingredients like Amla (sour drinks), cow’s urine, cow’s milk, alcohol and decoctions which are not antagonistic to Dhatus (Doshas and tissue elements responsible for the causation of the diseases) are appropriately added. Similarly, water which is the source of nourishment (rasa-Yoni) is added to the recipe when it is warm. [13-14]

Ingredients for Avapa

सुरदारुशताह्वैलाकुष्ठमधुकपिप्पलीमधुस्नेहाः| ऊर्ध्वानुलोमभागाः ससर्षपाः शर्करा लवणम्||१५||
आवापा बस्तीनामतः प्रयोज्यानि येषु यानि स्युः| युक्तानि सह कषायैस्तान्युत्तरतः प्रवक्ष्यामि||१६||
suradāruśatāhvailākuṣṭhamadhukapippalīmadhusnehāḥ| ūrdhvānulomabhāgāḥ sasarṣapāḥ śarkarā lavaṇam||15||
āvāpā bastīnāmataḥ prayojyāni yeṣu yāni syuḥ| yuktāni saha kaṣāyaistānyuttarataḥ pravakṣyāmi||16||

Suradaru (Devadaru), Satahva, Ela – Cardamom, Kustha, Madhuka, Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum, madhu (honey), sneha (fats like oil and ghee), drugs which are urdhvabhagahara (cause upward motion in the gastrointestinal tract), mustard, sugar and salt – these are to be used (individually or all together) added as avapa (ingredients which are added later to the recipe in small quantity) in recipes for enema.
From amongst these ingredients which are to be added along with type of Decoction and to which type of enema recipe will be described later. [15-16]

Strong and mild enemas

चिरजातकठिनबलेषु व्याधिषु तीक्ष्णा विपर्यये मृदवः| सप्रतिवापकषाया योज्यास्त्वनुवासननिरूहाः||१७||
cirajātakaṭhinabaleṣu vyādhiṣu tīkṣṇā viparyaye mṛdavaḥ| saprativāpakaṣāyā yojyāstvanuvāsananirūhāḥ||17||

For chronic, obstinate and serious types of diseases, recipes containing Prativapa (ingredients added later) and decoctions of strong action ingredients are used for Anuvasana (unctuous types of enema) and Niruha (evacuative type of enema). For other types of diseases (which are of recent origin, which are easily amenable to therapeutics and which are of mild nature) ingredients having only mild effects are used. [17]

Basti for Vata, Pitta and Kapha

अर्धश्लोकैरतः सिद्धान् नानाव्याधिषु सर्वशः| बस्तीन् वीर्यसमैर्भागैर्यथार्हालोडनाञ्छृणु||१८||
बिल्वोऽग्निमन्थः श्योनाकः काश्मर्यः पाटलिस्तथा| शालपर्णी पृश्निपर्णी बृहत्यौ वर्धमानकः||१९||
यवाः कुलत्थाः कोलानि स्थिरा चेति त्रयोऽनिले| शस्यन्ते सचतुःस्नेहाः पिशितस्य रसान्विताः||२०||
नलवञ्जुलवानीरशतपत्राणि शैवलम्| मञ्जिष्ठा सारिवाऽनन्ता पयस्या मधुयष्टिका||२१||
चन्दनं पद्मकोशीरं तुङ्गं ते पैत्तिके त्रयः| सशर्कराक्षौद्रघृताः सक्षीरा बस्तयो हिताः||२२||
अर्कस्तथैव चालर्क एकाष्ठीला पुनर्नवा| हरिद्रा त्रिफला मुस्तं पीतदारु कुटन्नटम्||२३||
पिप्पल्यश्चित्रकश्चेति त्रयस्ते श्लेष्मरोगिषु | सक्षारक्षौद्रगोमूत्रा नातिस्नेहान्विता हिताः||२४||
ardhaślokairataḥ siddhān nānāvyādhiṣu sarvaśaḥ| bastīn vīryasamairbhāgairyathārhāloḍanāñchṛṇu||18||
bilvo’gnimanthaḥ śyonākaḥ kāśmaryaḥ pāṭalistathā| śālaparṇī pṛśniparṇī bṛhatyau vardhamānakaḥ||19||
yavāḥ kulatthāḥ kolāni sthirā ceti trayo’nile| śasyante sacatuḥsnehāḥ piśitasya rasānvitāḥ||20||
nalavañjulavānīraśatapatrāṇi śaivalam| mañjiṣṭhā sārivā’nantā payasyā madhuyaṣṭikā||21||
candanaṃ padmakośīraṃ tuṅgaṃ te paittike trayaḥ| saśarkarākṣaudraghṛtāḥ sakṣīrā bastayo hitāḥ||22||
arkastathaiva cālarka ekāṣṭhīlā punarnavā| haridrā triphalā mustaṃ pītadāru kuṭannaṭam||23||
pippalyaścitrakaśceti trayaste śleṣmarogiṣu | sakṣārakṣaudragomūtrā nātisnehānvitā hitāḥ||24||

Now, listen to the comprehensive description of effective basti recipes for different diseases, each one of which is described in half (one line) of the following verses. These recipes contain drugs which are harmonious in potency and proportion. In addition, Alodanas or Avapas (ingredients which are added later to the recipe) for each group are also described.

Ingredients for Vata
– Bilva – Bael – Aegle marmelos, AgniMantha, Syonaka, Kasmarya and Patali – Stereospermum suaveolens
– Salaparni, Prsniparni, Brhati, Kantakari – Yellow berried nightshade (whole plant) – Solanum xanthocarpum and Vardhamanaka (Eranda – Castor) and
– Yava, Kulattha, Kola and Sthira.
These three recipes are to be used as enema for Vatika diseases along with four types of fat (oil, ghee, muscle-fat and bone-marrow) and meat soup.

Ingredients for Pitta
Nala, Vanjula (vetsa), vanira (a type of Vetasa), Shatapatra and Saivala,
Manjistha, Sariva, Ananta, Payasya and yastimadhu and
Chandana, Padmaka, usira and tunga (punnaga).
The above mentioned three recipes prepared with milk are to be used as enema for Paittika type of diseases, along with sugar, honey and ghee.

Ingredients for Kapha
Arka, Alarka (mandara), ekasthika (Patha) and Punarnava, Haridra, Haritaki, Bibhitaka, Amalaki, Musta, Pitadaru and Kutannata (Kaivarta or Tagara) and Pippali and Chitraka.

Basti for colon-cleansing

फलजीमूतकेक्ष्वाकुधामार्गवकवत्सकाः | श्यामा च त्रिफला चैव स्थिरा दन्ती द्रवन्त्यपि||२५||
प्रकीर्या चोदकीर्या च नीलिनी क्षीरिणी तथा| सप्तला शङ्खिनी लोध्रं फलं कम्पिल्लकस्य च||२६||
चत्वारो मूत्रसिद्धास्ते पक्वाशयविशोधनाः| (व्यस्तैरपि समस्तैश्च चतुर्योगा उदाहृताः )||२७||
phalajīmūtakekṣvākudhāmārgavakavatsakāḥ | śyāmā ca triphalā caiva sthirā dantī dravantyapi||25||
prakīryā codakīryā ca nīlinī kṣīriṇī tathā| saptalā śaṅkhinī lodhraṃ phalaṃ kampillakasya ca||26||
catvāro mūtrasiddhāste pakvāśayaviśodhanāḥ| (vyastairapi samastaiśca caturyogā udāhṛtāḥ )||27||

The following four recipes are to be boiled with cow’s urine and used as enema for cleansing colon:
Phala, Jimuta, Iksvaku, Dhamargava and Vatsaka.
Syama, Haritaki, Bibhitaka, Amalaki, Sthira, Danti and Dravanti (a type of Danti); Prakirya (Karanja), Udakriya, Nilini (Nila-Vuhna or Nilanjanika) and Ksirini.
Saptala, Sankhini, Lodhra and fruit of Kampillaka
The four recipes illustrated above can be used separately or jointly. [25-27]

Basti for Promotion of Shukra and Mamsa

काकोली क्षीरकाकोली मुद्गपर्णी शतावरी| विदारी मधुयष्ट्याह्वा शृङ्गाटककशेरुके||२८||
आत्मगुप्ताफलं माषाः सगोधूमा यवास्तथा| जलजानूपजं मांसमित्येते शुक्रमांसलाः ||२९||
kākolī kṣīrakākolī mudgaparṇī śatāvarī| vidārī madhuyaṣṭyāhvā śṛṅgāṭakakaśeruke||28||
ātmaguptāphalaṃ māṣāḥ sagodhūmā yavāstathā| jalajānūpajaṃ māṃsamityete śukramāṃsalāḥ ||29||
The following (four) enema- recipes help in the promotion of semen and muscle- tissue
Kakoli, Ksira-kakoli, Mudgaparni and satavari
Vidari, Madhuyasti, Srngataka and kaseruka
Fruit (seed) of Atmagupta, Masa, Godhuma and Yava and meat of aquatic and marshy land inhabiting animals [28-29]

Basti for Astringent Action

जीवन्ती चाग्निमन्थश्च धातकीपुष्पवत्सकौ| प्रग्रहः खदिरः कुष्ठं शमी पिण्डीतको यवाः||३०||
प्रियङ्गू रक्तमूली च तरुणी स्वर्णयूथिका| वटाद्याः किंशुकं लोध्रमिति साङ्ग्राहिका मताः||३१||
jīvantī cāgnimanthaśca dhātakīpuṣpavatsakau| pragrahaḥ khadiraḥ kuṣṭhaṃ śamī piṇḍītako yavāḥ||30||
priyaṅgū raktamūlī ca taruṇī svarṇayūthikā| vaṭādyāḥ kiṃśukaṃ lodhramiti sāṅgrāhikā matāḥ||31||
The following (four) enema- recipes help in producing astringent action:
Jivanti, Agnimantha, flower of Dhataki and Vatsaka
Pragraha, Khadira, Kustha, Sami, Pinditaka (madanaphala) and Yava;
Priyangu, Rakta-Muli (Samanga),Taruni (Aramataruni) or Nava Mallika and Svarna, Yuthika and Vata, etc (trees having latex), Kimsuka and lodhra [30-31]

Basti for Arresting Excessive Secretion

परिस्रावे शृतं क्षीरं सवृश्चीरपुनर्नवम्| आखुपर्णिकया वाऽपि तण्डुलीयकयुक्तया||३२||
parisrāve śṛtaṃ kṣīraṃ savṛścīrapunarnavam| ākhuparṇikayā vā’pi taṇḍulīyakayuktayā||32||

The following (two) enema – recipes arrest excessive secretion from the body:
Milk boiled with Vrischira and punarnava and
Milk boiled with Akhuparni and Tanduliyaka [32]

Enema- recipes for Burning –Syndrome

कालङ्कतककाण्डेक्षुदर्भपोटगलेक्षुभिः| दाहघ्नः सघृतक्षीरो द्वितीयश्चोत्पलादिभिः||३३||
kālaṅkatakakāṇḍekṣudarbhapoṭagalekṣubhiḥ| dāhaghnaḥ saghṛtakṣīro dvitīyaścotpalādibhiḥ||33||

The following enema- recipes cure daha (burning syndrome):
Milk or ghee cooked with kalankataka, kandeksu (Brhadiksu) and Darbha, Potagala (Hoggala) and Iksu and
Milk or ghee cooked with Utpala and such other drugs (flowers of aquatic plants like Nalina and Saugandhika) [33]

Basti for sawing pain

कर्बुदाराढकीनीपविदुलैः क्षीरसाधितैः| बस्तिः प्रदेयो भिषजा शीतः समधुशर्करः||३४||
परिकर्ते तथा वृन्तैः श्रीपर्णीकोविदारजैः| (देयो बस्तिः सुवैद्यैस्तु यथावद्विदितक्रियैः)||३५||
karbudārāḍhakīnīpavidulaiḥ kṣīrasādhitaiḥ| bastiḥ pradeyo bhiṣajā śītaḥ samadhuśarkaraḥ||34||
parikarte tathā vṛntaiḥ śrīparṇīkovidārajaiḥ| (deyo bastiḥ suvaidyaistu yathāvadviditakriyaiḥ)||35|| 

Milk cooked with Karbudara, Adhaki, Nipa and Vidula (Vetasa) is cooled, and added with honey as well as sugar. The physician should give enema with this recipe to cure Parikarika (sawing pain).
A wise and expert physician should be give the enema of milk cooked with the stalks of Sriparni and Kovidara which is cooled, and added with honey as well as sugar to cure Parikartika (swaging / cutting pain) [34-35]

Basti for Gripping Pain

बस्तिः शाल्मलिवृन्तानां क्षीरसिद्धो घृतान्वितः| हितः प्रवाहणे तद्वद्वेष्टैः शाल्मलिकस्य च||३६||
bastiḥ śālmalivṛntānāṃ kṣīrasiddho ghṛtānvitaḥ| hitaḥ pravāhaṇe tadvadveṣṭaiḥ śālmalikasya ca||36||

Milk is cooked with the stalks of Salmali, and added with ghee. This recipe when given as enema cures Pravahana (gripping pain).
Similarly, milk is cooked with the gum of Salmali, and added with ghee. Enema given with this recipe cures Pravahana(Gripping pain). [36]

Basti for correcting over-action of Basti

सिद्धाः क्षीरेऽतियोगे स्युः क्षौद्राञ्जनघृतैर्युताः||३७|| न्यग्रोधाद्यैश्चतुर्भिश्च तेनैव विधिना परः|३८|
siddhāḥ kṣīre’tiyoge syuḥ kṣaudrāñjanaghṛtairyutāḥ||37|| nyagrodhādyaiścaturbhiśca tenaiva vidhinā paraḥ|38|

For correcting the complications caused by over-action (atiyoga) of Basti (medicated enema), the following two recipes for enema are useful:
Milk boiled with asvavarohika (Asvagandha, Asvakarna or iksuraka), Karkanasa and Rajakaseruka, and added with honey, Rasanjana (Daruharidra Ghana Kvatha) and ghee and
Milk boiled with Nyagrodha, (Udumbara, Asvatha and Plaksa), and added with honey, Rasanjana and ghee. [37- ½ 38]

Basti for correcting Haemorrhage

बृहती क्षीरकाकोली पृश्निपर्णी शतावरी||३८|| काश्मर्यबदरीदूर्वास्तथोशीरप्रियङ्गवः|
जीवादाने शृतौ क्षीरे द्वौ घृताञ्जनसंयुतौ||३९|| बस्ती प्रदेयौ भिषजा शीतौ समधुशर्करौ|
गोऽव्यजामहिषीक्षीरैर्जीवनीययुतैस्तथा||४०|| शशैणदक्षमार्जारमहिषाव्यजशोणितैः|
सद्यस्कैर्मृदितैर्बस्तिर्जीवादाने प्रशस्यते||४१||
bṛhatī kṣīrakākolī pṛśniparṇī śatāvarī||38|| kāśmaryabadarīdūrvāstathośīrapriyaṅgavaḥ|
jīvādāne śṛtau kṣīre dvau ghṛtāñjanasaṃyutau||39|| bastī pradeyau bhiṣajā śītau samadhuśarkarau|
go’vyajāmahiṣīkṣīrairjīvanīyayutaistathā||40|| śaśaiṇadakṣamārjāramahiṣāvyajaśoṇitaiḥ|
sadyaskairmṛditairbastirjīvādāne praśasyate||41||

For arresting haemorrhage, the following (three) recipes of enema are useful:
Milk boiled with Brhati, Ksirakakoli,Prsniparni and satavari and added with ghee, Anjana (Daruharidra Ghana Kvatha), honey and sugar. This is administered when cool
Milk boiled with Kasmarya, Badari, Durva, Usira and Priyangu and added with ghee, Anjana, honey and sugar. This should be administered when cool and
Milk of cow, sheep, goat or buffalo is added with the paste of Jivaniya group of drugs and the fresh blood of rabbit, deer, cock, cat, buffalo, sheep or goat. [38 ½ – 41]

Basti for Rakta-Pitta and Prameha

मधूकमधुकद्राक्षादूर्वाकाश्मर्यचन्दनैः| तेनैव विधिना बस्तिर्देयः सक्षौद्रशर्करः||४२||
मञ्जिष्ठासारिवानन्तापयस्यामधुकैस्तथा| शर्कराचन्दनद्राक्षामधुधात्रीफलोत्पलैः|
रक्तपित्ते, प्रमेहे तु कषायः सोमवल्कजः||४३||
madhūkamadhukadrākṣādūrvākāśmaryacandanaiḥ| tenaiva vidhinā bastirdeyaḥ sakṣaudraśarkaraḥ||42||
mañjiṣṭhāsārivānantāpayasyāmadhukaistathā| śarkarācandanadrākṣāmadhudhātrīphalotpalaiḥ|
raktapitte, pramehe tu kaṣāyaḥ somavalkajaḥ||43||

The recipe containing madooka, madhuka, Draksa, Durva, Kasmarya and Chandana is prepared in the above-mentioned manner by adding honey and sugar. This medicated enema [is useful for the treatment for rakta-pitta (an ailment characterised by bleeding from different parts of the body]
Following the above-mentioned procedure, enema is prepared of manjistha, Sariva, ananta, payasya, madhuka, sarkara (sugar), Chandana, Draksa, Madhu (honey), fruits of Dhatri and Utpala which is useful for the treatment of raktapitta.
For Prameha, enema with the decoction of soma-valka is useful. [42-43]

Basti for other Ailments

गुल्मातिसारोदावर्तस्तम्भसङ्कुचितादिषु| सर्वाङ्गैकाङ्गरोगेषु रोगेष्वेवंविधेषु च||४४||
यथास्वैरौषधैः सिद्धान् बस्तीन् दद्याद्विचक्षणः| पूर्वोक्तेन विधानेन कुर्वन् योगान् पृथग्विधान्||४५||
gulmātisārodāvartastambhasaṅkucitādiṣu| sarvāṅgaikāṅgarogeṣu rogeṣvevaṃvidheṣu ca||44||
yathāsvairauṣadhaiḥ siddhān bastīn dadyādvicakṣaṇaḥ| pūrvoktena vidhānena kurvan yogān pṛthagvidhān||45||

For Gulma (tumour), Atisara (diarrhoea), Udavarta (upward movement of wind in abdomen), Stambha (stiffness of Limbs), Sankucita (contraction of limbs), sarvanga-roga (paralysis of the whole body), ekanga-Roga (paralysis of one limb) and for such other diseases, an expert physician should give basti (medicated enema) of effective recipes containing different types of drugs appropriate to each of these conditions prepared according to the methods described before. [44-45]


तत्र श्लोकाः-
त्रिकास्त्रयोऽनिलादीनां चतुष्काश्चापरे त्रयः| पक्वाशयविशुद्ध्यर्थं वृष्याः साङ्ग्राहिकास्तथा||४६||
परिस्रावे तथा दाहे परिकर्ते प्रवाहणे| सातियोगे मतौ द्वौ द्वौ जीवादाने तथा त्रयः||४७||
द्वौ रक्तपित्ते मेहे च एकत्रिंशच्च सप्त ते| सुलभाल्पौषधक्लेशा बस्तयो गुणवत्तमाः||४८||
tatra ślokāḥ-
trikāstrayo’nilādīnāṃ catuṣkāścāpare trayaḥ| pakvāśayaviśuddhyarthaṃ vṛṣyāḥ sāṅgrāhikāstathā||46||
parisrāve tathā dāhe parikarte pravāhaṇe| sātiyoge matau dvau dvau jīvādāne tathā trayaḥ||47||
dvau raktapitte mehe ca ekatriṃśacca sapta te| sulabhālpauṣadhakleśā bastayo guṇavattamāḥ||48||

To sum up:
In this chapter, thirty-seven excellent recipes containing small number of ingredients which are easily available and which have less of adverse effects are described as follows:
1-3. three recipes of enema for vatika diseases {vide verse nos. 19-20]
4-6. three recipes of enema for Paittika diseases [vide verse nos 21-22]
7-9. three recipes of enema for Kaphaja diseases {vide verse nos. 23-24]
10-13. four recipes of enema for cleansing the colon [vide verse nos. 25-27]
14-17. four recipes of enema for the promotion of virility (including those for promotion of seminal power) [vide verse nos. 28-29]
18-21. four recipes of enema with astringent effect [ vide verse nos. 30-31]
22-23. two recipes of enema for arresting excessive secretion; [vide verse no 32]
24-25. Two recipes of enema for curing burning syndrome; [ vide verse nos. 33]
26-27. two recipes of enema for curing sawing pain [vide verse nos. 34-35]
28-29. two recipes of enema for curing gripping pain [vide verse nos. 36]
30-31. two recipes of enema for correcting over-action (Ati-yoga) of Basti (medicated enema therapy) [ vide verse nos. 37 – ½ 38]
32-34. three recipes of enema for arresting haemorrhage. [vide verse nos. [38 ½ -41]
35-36. two recipes of enema for correcting rakta-Pitta (an ailment characterised by bleeding from different parts of the body) and [ vide verse nos. 42-43]
37. one recipe of enema for correcting meha (obstinate urinary including diabetes) [vide verse no. 43] [46-48]


इत्यग्निवेशकृते तन्त्रे चरकप्रतिसंस्कृतेऽप्राप्ते दृढबलसम्पूरितेसिद्धिस्थाने बस्तिसिद्धिर्नाम दशमोऽध्यायः||१०||
ityagniveśakṛte tantre carakapratisaṃskṛte’prāpte dṛḍhabalasampūritesiddhisthāne bastisiddhirnāma daśamo’dhyāyaḥ||10||

Thus, ends tenth chapter of siddhi- section dealing with “Effective Recipes of Medicated Enema” of Agnivesha’s work as redacted by Charaka, and because of its non-availability supplemented by Drdhabala.

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