Charaka Siddhisthana Chapter 8 – Prasrita Yogiya Siddhi

This article explains the 8th chapter of siddhisthana of Charaka samhita called ‘Prasrita yogeeya Siddhi Adhyaya’. In this chapter, successful administration of enema with recipes having ingredients in prasrita unit etc. have been explained. 1 Prasrita is 2 pala = 96 g.

अथातः प्रासृतयोगीयां सिद्धिं व्याख्यास्यामः||१||
इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः||२||
athātaḥ prāsṛtayogīyāṃ siddhiṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ||1||
iti ha smāha bhagavānātreyaḥ||2||

Now we shall explore the chapter on the “Successful administration of enema with Recipes having ingredients in Prasrita unit”. Thus, said Lord Atreya. [1-2]


अथेमान् सुकुमाराणां निरूहान् स्नेहनान् मृदून्| कर्मणा विप्लुतानां च वक्ष्यामि प्रसृतैः पृथक्||३||
athemān sukumārāṇāṃ nirūhān snehanān mṛdūn| karmaṇā viplutānāṃ ca vakṣyāmi prasṛtaiḥ pṛthak||3||

Hereafter, I (Lord Atreya) shall explain unctuous and mild recipes of Niruha-Basti (evacuative type of medicated enema), ingredients of which are to be taken in the unit quantity of Prasrta (two Palas) for persons of tender health and for those who are exhausted because of hard work. [3]

Niruha Recipe for Promotion of Complexion

क्षीराद्द्वौ प्रसृतौ कार्यौ मधुतैलघृतात्त्रयः| खजेन मथितो बस्तिर्वातघ्नो बलवर्णकृत्||४||
kṣīrāddvau prasṛtau kāryau madhutailaghṛtāttrayaḥ| khajena mathito bastirvātaghno balavarṇakṛt||4||
Read: Bala Varna Krit Basti: Enemas For Strength, Skin Glow, Weight

Two Prasritas of milk and three Prasritas of honey, oil and ghee (taken together) is stirred with a stirrer. Basti of this recipe eliminates Vata, and promotes strength as well as complexion. [4]
Read: Ayurvedic Remedies, Medicines for Skin Glow, Radiance

Asthapana Recipe for Vata

एकैकः प्रसृतस्तैलप्रसन्नाक्षौद्रसर्पिषाम्| बिल्वादिमूलक्वाथाद्द्वौ कौलत्थाद्द्वौ स वातनुत्||५||
ekaikaḥ prasṛtastailaprasannākṣaudrasarpiṣām| bilvādimūlakvāthāddvau kaulatthāddvau sa vātanut||5||

Enema with the recipe containing one Prasrita each of oil, Prasanna (a type of alcohol), honey and ghee, and two Prasritas each of the decoctions of Bilva, etc., (Bilva, Shyonaka, Gambhari, Patala, Ganikarika, Salaparni, Prsniparni,Brhati, Kantakari and Goksura) as well as Kulattha cures Vata. [5]

Kashaya Basti Recipe for Vata

पञ्चमूलरसात् पञ्च द्वौ तैलात् क्षौद्रसर्पिषोः| एकैकः प्रसृतो बस्तिः स्नेहनीयोऽनिलापहः||६||
pañcamūlarasāt pañca dvau tailāt kṣaudrasarpiṣoḥ| ekaikaḥ prasṛto bastiḥ snehanīyo’nilāpahaḥ||6||

Five Prasritas of the decoction of Panchamula (Bilva, Shyonaka, Gambhari, Patala and Ganikarika), two Prastas of Til oil and one Prasthas each of honey as well as ghee is used in Basti (enema) for oleation and cure for Vata diseases. [6]

Niruha Recipe for Promotion of Semen

सैन्धवार्धाक्ष एकैकः क्षौद्रतैलपयोघृतात्| प्रसृतो हपुषाकर्षो निरूहः शुक्रकृत् परम्||७||
saindhavārdhākṣa ekaikaḥ kṣaudratailapayoghṛtāt| prasṛto hapuṣākarṣo nirūhaḥ śukrakṛt param||7||

The recipe of Niruha containing half aksa (tola) rock-salt, one prasrta each of honey, till-oil, milk and ghee, and one karsa (tola) of Hapusa is excellent for the promotion of semen. [ 7]

PanchaTikta Niruha

पटोलनिम्बभूनिम्बरास्नासप्तच्छदाम्भसः| चत्वारः प्रसृता एको घृतात् सर्षपकल्कितः||८||
निरूहः पञ्चतिक्तोऽयं मेहाभिष्यन्दकुष्ठनुत् |९|
paṭolanimbabhūnimbarāsnāsaptacchadāmbhasaḥ| catvāraḥ prasṛtā eko ghṛtāt sarṣapakalkitaḥ||8||
nirūhaḥ pañcatikto’yaṃ mehābhiṣyandakuṣṭhanut |9|

Four Prasritas of the decoction of Patola, Nimba, Bhunimba, Rasna and Saptacchada and one Prasrta of ghee are added with the paste of Sarsapa. This recipe is called Pancha-Tikta Niruha. Administration of this Basti cures Meha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes), Abhisyanada (conjunctivitis) and Kustha (obstinate skin diseases including leprosy). [8-1/2 9]

Niruha Recipe for Helminthiasis

विडङ्गत्रिफलाशिग्रुफलमुस्ताखुपर्णिजात्||९|| कषायात् प्रसृताः पञ्च तैलादेको विमथ्य तान्|
विडङ्गपिप्पलीकल्को निरूहः क्रिमिनाशनः||१०||
viḍaṅgatriphalāśigruphalamustākhuparṇijāt||9|| kaṣāyāt prasṛtāḥ pañca tailādeko vimathya tān|
viḍaṅgapippalīkalko nirūhaḥ krimināśanaḥ||10||

Five Prasthas of the decoction of Vidanga, Haritaki, Bibhitaka, Amalaki, Sigru, Madanapala, Musta and Akhuparni (Danti) is added with one Prasrita of oil, and the paste of Vidanga and Pippali. The recipe is stirred (emulsified) and used for Niruha (evacuative) type of medicated enema which cures helminthiasis. [9 ½- 10]
Read: Krimighna Gana: Parasites Relieving Herbs: Review, Benefits, Formulations

Niruha Recipe for Virility

पयस्येक्षुस्थिरारास्नाविदारीक्षौद्रसर्पिषाम्| एकैकः प्रसृतो बस्तिः कृष्णाकल्को वृषत्वकृत्||११||
payasyekṣusthirārāsnāvidārīkṣaudrasarpiṣām| ekaikaḥ prasṛto bastiḥ kṛṣṇākalko vṛṣatvakṛt||11||

Basti with the recipe containing one Prasrita each (of the decoction) of Payasya, sugarcane [juice], Sthira, Rasna and Vidari, one Prasrita each of honey and ghee, and the paste of Krsna (Pippali) promotes virility (semen).[11]

Niruha Recipe for Bhedana

चत्वारस्तैलगोमूत्रदधिमण्डाम्लकाञ्जिकात्| प्रसृताः सर्षपैः कल्कैर्विट्सङ्गानाहभेदनः||१२||
catvārastailagomūtradadhimaṇḍāmlakāñjikāt| prasṛtāḥ sarṣapaiḥ kalkairviṭsaṅgānāhabhedanaḥ||12||

Basti (enema) with four prasrta of til-oil, cow’s urine, whey and sour conjee, added with the paste of sarsapa causes bhedana (disintegration) and elimination of arrested stool (vit –sanga) of a constipated patient. [12]

Niruha Recipe for Dysuria

श्वदंष्ट्राश्मभिदेरण्डरसात्तैलात् सुरासवात्|प्रसृताः पञ्च यष्ट्याह्वकौन्तीमागधिकासिताः||१३||
कल्कः स्यान्मूत्रकृच्छ्रे तु सानाहे बस्तिरुत्तमः|
śvadaṃṣṭrāśmabhideraṇḍarasāttailāt surāsavāt|prasṛtāḥ pañca yaṣṭyāhvakauntīmāgadhikāsitāḥ||13||
kalkaḥ syānmūtrakṛcchre tu sānāhe bastiruttamaḥ|

The recipe containing five prasrta of decoction of Svadamstra, Ashmabheda and Eranda, till oil and Surasva (alcoholic preparation), and added with the paste of yastimadhu, Kaunti, Magadhika and sita is used for enema which is excellent for curing Mutrakrcchra (dysuria) and Anaha (constipation). [13 – ½ 14]

एते सलवणाः कोष्णा निरूहाः प्रसृतैर्नव||१४||
ete salavaṇāḥ koṣṇā nirūhāḥ prasṛtairnava||14||

Thus, nine recipes of Niruha with ingredients having the unit quantity described in the form of Prasrta, are elaborated above (in verse no. 4 – ½ 14). These recipes, when warm are to be used along with salt. [14 ½]
Read: Dysuria: Causes, Remedies, Tips, Diet, Ayurvedic Treatment

Administration of Repeated Basti

मृदुबस्तिजडीभूते तीक्ष्णोऽन्यो बस्तिरिष्यते|तीक्ष्णैर्विकर्षिते स्वादु प्रत्यास्थापनमिष्यते ||१५||
mṛdubastijaḍībhūte tīkṣṇo’nyo bastiriṣyate|tīkṣṇairvikarṣite svādu pratyāsthāpanamiṣyate ||15||

If a mild enema (Niruha) gets stagnated, then another strong basti having sharp ingredients is to be administered.
If, because of strong enema, the patient becomes excessively depleted, then another Niruha or Asthapana basti containing sweet drugs (like Ghrta, etc.) is given to him. [15]

Recipe for burning sensation in Anus

वातोपसृष्टस्योष्णैः स्युर्गुददाहादयो यदि| द्राक्षाम्बुना त्रिवृत्कल्कं दद्याद्दोषानुलोमनम्||१६||
तद्धि पित्तशकृद्वातान् हृत्वा दाहादिकाञ्जयेत्| शुद्धश्चापि पिबेच्छीतां यवागूं शर्करायुताम्||१७||
vātopasṛṣṭasyoṣṇaiḥ syurgudadāhādayo yadi| drākṣāmbunā trivṛtkalkaṃ dadyāddoṣānulomanam||16||
taddhi pittaśakṛdvātān hṛtvā dāhādikāñjayet| śuddhaścāpi pibecchītāṃ yavāgūṃ śarkarāyutām||17||

If the administration of hot Basti to a Vata afflicted person gives rise to burning sensation in the anus, and such other complications (like fainting and morbid thirst), then he is given Draksha decoction mixed with the paste of Trivrt which causes downward movement of Doshas. By causing elimination of bile, stool and flatus, this recipe cures daha (burning sensation), etc.
After the body is cleansed [of more morbid matter], the patient should take cold Yavagu (thick gruel) mixed with sugar. [16-17]

Treatment of Diminished Stool

अथवाऽतिविरिक्तः स्यात् क्षीणविट्कः स भक्षयेत्| माषयूषेण कुल्माषान् पिबेन्मध्वथवा सुराम्||१८||
athavā’tiviriktaḥ syāt kṣīṇaviṭkaḥ sa bhakṣayet| māṣayūṣeṇa kulmāṣān pibenmadhvathavā surām||18||

Alternatively, if because of excessive purgation, the patient suffers from excessive loss of faecal matter, then he should eat Kulmasha (food containing half steamed barley) along with the soup of masha or he should drink honey or sura type of alcohol. [18]

Treatment of Six Types of Diarrhoea

सामं चेत् कुणपं शूलैरुपविशेदरोचकी| स घनातिविषाकुष्ठनतदारुवचाः पिबेत्||१९||
शकृद्वातमसृक् पित्तं कफं वा योऽतिसार्यते| पक्वं, तत्र स्ववर्गीयैर्बस्तिः श्रेष्ठं भिषग्जितम्||२०||
sāmaṃ cet kuṇapaṃ śūlairupaviśedarocakī| sa ghanātiviṣākuṣṭhanatadāruvacāḥ pibet||19||
śakṛdvātamasṛk pittaṃ kaphaṃ vā yo’tisāryate| pakvaṃ, tatra svavargīyairbastiḥ śreṣṭhaṃ bhiṣagjitam||20||

If the patient voids Ama, which has the smell of a dead body and which is associated with colic pain as well as anorexia, then he should drink the decoction of Ghana, Ativisha, Kustha, Nata, Devadaru and Vaca.
If the patient excessively voids stool, flatus, blood, pitta or kapha which are pakva (cooked), then enema prepared with groups of drugs appropriate to each of these morbidities is the best remedy. [19-20]
Read: 37 Ayurveda Home Remedies For Diarrhea And Dysentery

Number of diarrhoeas

षण्णामेषां द्विसंसर्गात् त्रिंशद्भेदा भवन्ति तु| केवलैः सह षट्त्रिंशद्विद्यात् सोपद्रवानपि||२१||
ṣaṇṇāmeṣāṃ dvisaṃsargāt triṃśadbhedā bhavanti tu| kevalaiḥ saha ṣaṭtriṃśadvidyāt sopadravānapi||21||

The above mentioned six types of diarrhoea may get manifested in the form of the combination of two types thus making thirty more varieties of diarrhoea which are manifested along with their complications. [21]

Complications of diarrhoea

शूलप्रवाहिकाध्मानपरिकर्त्यरुचिज्वरान्| तृष्णोष्णदाहमूर्च्छादींश्चैषां विद्यादुपद्रवान्||२२||
śūlapravāhikādhmānaparikartyarucijvarān| tṛṣṇoṣṇadāhamūrcchādīṃścaiṣāṃ vidyādupadravān||22||

Colic pain (sula), gripping pain (pravahika), flatulence (adhmana), sawing pain (parikartika), anorexia (aruci), fever (jvara), burning sensation (Daha), fainting (murccha), etc., are the complications of diarrhoea. [22]

Treatment of Diarrhoea with Ama

तत्रामेऽन्तरपानं स्यात् व्योषाम्ललवणैर्युतम्| पाचनं शस्यते बस्तिरामे हि प्रतिषिध्यते||२३||
tatrāme’ntarapānaṃ syāt vyoṣāmlalavaṇairyutam| pācanaṃ śasyate bastirāme hi pratiṣidhyate||23||

If there is diarrhoea of ama type (containing mucus or uncooked product of digestion), then the recipe for pachana (carminative drugs described in the verse no. 19) along with Sunthi, Pippali, Maricha and sour as well as saline drugs is useful. Administration of enema in ama condition is prohibited. [23]
Read: Dysentery: Causes, Symptoms, Ayurvedic Treatment, Medicines

Treatment of diarrhoea

वातघ्नैर्ग्राहिवर्गीयैर्बस्तिः शकृति शस्यते|२४|
vātaghnairgrāhivargīyairbastiḥ śakṛti śasyate|24|

Enema prepared with Vata alleviating and grahi (astringent group of drugs is useful if the diarrhoea is associated with profuse faecal matter. [1/2 24]

Treatment of diarrhoea with flatus

स्वाद्वम्ललवणैः शस्तः स्नेहबस्तिः समीरणे||२४||
svādvamlalavaṇaiḥ śastaḥ snehabastiḥ samīraṇe||24||

If the diarrhoea is associated with the voiding of flatus, then, sneha or Anuvasana-Basti (unctuous enema) prepared of [fat cooked with] sweet, sour and saline drugs is useful. [24 ½]

Treatment of Diarrhoea with Blood, Pitta, Kapha

रक्ते रक्तेन, पित्ते तु कषायस्वादुतिक्तकैः| सार्यमाणे कफे बस्तिः कषायकटुतिक्तकैः||२५||
rakte raktena, pitte tu kaṣāyasvādutiktakaiḥ| sāryamāṇe kaphe bastiḥ kaṣāyakaṭutiktakaiḥ||25||

If the diarrhoea is associated with the voiding of blood then enema of blood is useful.
If there is diarrhoea with the voiding of Pitta, then enema prepared with astringent, sweet and bitter drugs is useful.
If there is diarrhoea associated with the voiding of kapha, then enema prepared of astringent, pungent and bitter drugs is useful. [25]

Treatment of diarrhoea caused by two Factors

शकृता वायुना वाऽऽमे तेन वर्चस्यथानिले| संसृष्टेऽन्तरपानं स्याद् व्योषाम्ललवणैर्युतम्||२६||
पित्तेनामेऽसृजा वाऽपि तयोरामेन वा पुनः| संसृष्टयोर्भवेत् पानं सव्योषस्वादुतिक्तकम्||२७||
तथाऽऽमे कफसंसृष्टे कषायव्योषतिक्तकम्| आमेन तु कफे व्योषकषायलवणैर्युतम्||२८||
वातेन विशि पित्ते वा विट्पित्ताभ्यां तथाऽनिले| मधुराम्लकषायः स्यात् संसृष्टे बस्तिरुत्तमः||२९||
शकृच्छोणितयोः पित्तशकृतो रक्तपित्तयोः| बस्तिरन्योन्यसंसर्गे कषायस्वादुतिक्तकः||३०||
कफेन विशि पित्ते वा कफे विट्पित्तशोणितैः| व्योषतिक्तकषायः स्यात् संसृष्टे बस्तिरुत्तमः||३१||
स्याद्बस्तिर्व्योषतिक्ताम्लः संसृष्टे वायुना कफे| मधुरव्योषतिक्तस्तु रक्ते कफविमूर्च्छिते||३२||
मारुते कफसंसृष्टे व्योषाम्ललवणो भवेत्| बस्तिर्वातेन पित्ते तु कार्यः स्वाद्वम्लतिक्तकः||३३||
śakṛtā vāyunā vā”me tena varcasyathānile| saṃsṛṣṭe’ntarapānaṃ syād vyoṣāmlalavaṇairyutam||26||
pittenāme’sṛjā vā’pi tayorāmena vā punaḥ| saṃsṛṣṭayorbhavet pānaṃ savyoṣasvādutiktakam||27||
tathā”me kaphasaṃsṛṣṭe kaṣāyavyoṣatiktakam| āmena tu kaphe vyoṣakaṣāyalavaṇairyutam||28||
vātena viśi pitte vā viṭpittābhyāṃ tathā’nile| madhurāmlakaṣāyaḥ syāt saṃsṛṣṭe bastiruttamaḥ||29||
śakṛcchoṇitayoḥ pittaśakṛto raktapittayoḥ| bastiranyonyasaṃsarge kaṣāyasvādutiktakaḥ||30||
kaphena viśi pitte vā kaphe viṭpittaśoṇitaiḥ| vyoṣatiktakaṣāyaḥ syāt saṃsṛṣṭe bastiruttamaḥ||31||
syādbastirvyoṣatiktāmlaḥ saṃsṛṣṭe vāyunā kaphe| madhuravyoṣatiktastu rakte kaphavimūrcchite||32||
mārute kaphasaṃsṛṣṭe vyoṣāmlalavaṇo bhavet| bastirvātena pitte tu kāryaḥ svādvamlatiktakaḥ||33||

Pachana (carminative recipe) added with Sunthi, Pippali, Maricha, sour ingredients and salt is given, if the diarrhoea is caused by the combination of two factors as follows:
• More of Ama and less of faecal matter
• More of Ama and less of flatus
• More of faecal matter less of Ama and
• More of flatus and less of Ama

Pachana (carminative recipe) added with Sunthi, Pippali, Maricha, and Sweet as well as bitter drugs are given if the diarrhoea is caused by the two factors as follows:
Less of Pitta and more of Ama
Less of blood and more of ama
Less of Ama and more of Pitta and
Less of Ama and more of Blood
Pachana (carminative recipe) added with astringent drugs, Sunthi, Pippali, Maricha and bitter drugs is given to the patient if the diarrhoea is caused by two factors viz., more of Ama and less of Kapha.
Pachana(carminative recipe) added with Sunthi, Pippali and Maricha, and astringent drugs as well as salt is given to the patient if the diarrhoea is caused by two factors, viz., less of Ama and more of Kapha.

Enema-recipe containing sweet, sour and astringent drugs is useful if the diarrhoea is caused by two factors as follows:
• Less of Vata and more of faecal matter an
• Less of Vata and more of Pitta
• More of Vata and less of faecal matter and
• More of Vata and less of pitta

Enema recipe containing astringent, sweet and bitter drugs is given if the diarrhoea is caused by two factors as follows:
• Less of faecal matter and less of blood
• More of blood and less of faecal matter
• More of Pitta and less of faecal matter
• More of faecal matter and less of Pitta:
• More of blood and less of less of Pitta and
More of pitta and less of blood

Enema recipe containing Sunthi, Pippali and Maricha and bitter as well as astringent drugs is very useful if the diarrhoea is caused by two factors as follows:
• Less of kapha and more of faecal matter
• Less of kapha and more of Pitta
• More of kapha and less of faecal matter
• More of kapha and less of Pitta and
• More of Kapha and less of blood
Enema- recipe containing Sunthi, Pippali and Maricha, and bitter as well as sour drugs is useful if the diarrhoea is caused by two factors, viz., more of Kapha and less of Vata.
Enema recipe containing Sunthi, Pippali and Maricha and sweet as well as bitter drugs is useful if the diarrhoea is caused by two factors, viz., more blood and less of kapha.
Enema recipe containing sweet, sour and bitter drugs is given if the diarrhoea is caused by two factors, viz., less of Vata and more of Pitta. [26-33]

Treatment of diarrhoea caused by more than two factors

त्रिचतुःपञ्चसंसर्गानेवमेव विकल्पयेत्|
युक्तिश्चैषातिसारोक्ता सर्वरोगेष्वपि स्मृता||३४||
tricatuḥpañcasaṃsargānevameva vikalpayet|
yuktiścaiṣātisāroktā sarvarogeṣvapi smṛtā||34||

When the diarrhoea is caused by the combination of three, four or five factors, the corresponding therapeutic measures are combined and administered.
The methodology of selecting treatment entered above with reference to diarrhoea is applicable to all the diseases. [34]

Treatment of diarrhoea caused by all six factors

युगपत् षड्रसं षण्णां संसर्गे पाचनं भवेत् | निरामाणां तु पञ्चानां बस्तिः षाड्रसिको मतः||३५||
yugapat ṣaḍrasaṃ ṣaṇṇāṃ saṃsarge pācanaṃ bhavet | nirāmāṇāṃ tu pañcānāṃ bastiḥ ṣāḍrasiko mataḥ||35||

When all the six morbid factors are combined to cause diarrhoea then a recipe of Pachana (carminative) consisting of drugs of all the six tastes is given. When five out of the six morbid factors (excluding Ama) are combined to cause diarrhoea, then basti (enema) having ingredients of all the six tastes is given.

Medicated Ghee for diarrhoea

उदुम्बरशलाटूनि जम्ब्वाम्रोदुम्बरत्वचः| शङ्खं सर्जरसं लाक्षां कर्दमं च पलांशिकम्||३६||
पिष्ट्वा तैः सर्पिषः प्रस्थं क्षीरद्विगुणितं पचेत्| अतीसारेषु सर्वेषु पेयमेतद्यथाबलम्||३७||
udumbaraśalāṭūni jambvāmrodumbaratvacaḥ| śaṅkhaṃ sarjarasaṃ lākṣāṃ kardamaṃ ca palāṃśikam||36||
piṣṭvā taiḥ sarpiṣaḥ prasthaṃ kṣīradviguṇitaṃ pacet| atīsāreṣu sarveṣu peyametadyathābalam||37||

One Pala each of Udumbara-Salatu (unripe fruits cut into slices and dried), barks of Jambu, Amra as well as Sankha (conch-shell), Sarjarasa, Laksha and Kardama are made into a paste. Along with this paste, one Prastha of ghee is cooked by adding double the quantity of milk. In accordance with the strength of the patient, this medicated ghee is given as a potion for all the type of diarrhoea. [36-37]

Medicated gruels for Diarrhoea

कच्छुराधातकीबिल्वसमङ्गारक्तशालिभिः| मसूराश्वत्थशुङ्गैश्च यवागूः स्याज्जले शृतैः||३८||
बालोदुम्बरकट्वङ्गसमङ्गाप्लक्षपल्लवैः | मसूरधातकीपुष्पबलाभिश्च तथा भवेत्||३९||
स्थिरादीनां बलादीनामिक्ष्वादीनामथापि वा| क्वाथेषु समसूराणां यवाग्वः स्युः पृथक् पृथक्||४०||
कच्छुरामूलशाल्यादितण्डुलैरुपसाधिताः| दधितक्रारनालाम्लक्षीरेष्विक्षुरसेऽपि वा||४१||
शीताः सशर्कराक्षौद्राः सर्वातिसारनाशनाः| ससर्पिर्मरिचाजाज्यो मधुरा लवणाः शिवाः||४२||
kacchurādhātakībilvasamaṅgāraktaśālibhiḥ| masūrāśvatthaśuṅgaiśca yavāgūḥ syājjale śṛtaiḥ||38||
bālodumbarakaṭvaṅgasamaṅgāplakṣapallavaiḥ | masūradhātakīpuṣpabalābhiśca tathā bhavet||39||
sthirādīnāṃ balādīnāmikṣvādīnāmathāpi vā| kvātheṣu samasūrāṇāṃ yavāgvaḥ syuḥ pṛthak pṛthak||40||
kacchurāmūlaśālyāditaṇḍulairupasādhitāḥ| dadhitakrāranālāmlakṣīreṣvikṣurase’pi vā||41||
śītāḥ saśarkarākṣaudrāḥ sarvātisāranāśanāḥ| sasarpirmaricājājyo madhurā lavaṇāḥ śivāḥ||42||

Following recipes of Yavagu (thick gruel) are useful for the patient suffering from diarrhoea:
A decoction is prepared of kacchura (Kapikacchu), Dhataki, Bilva, Samanga, red variety of Sali rice, masura and roots of asvattha by boiling with water. (The procedure prescribed for Sadanga Paniya is to be followed in this connection- vide commentary on Charaka: Chikitsa 3: 145). Yavagu (thick gruel) is prepared with this decoction.
Similarly, Yavagu may be prepared with the decoction of unripe Udumbara (made into slices), Katvanga (aralu), Samanga, leaves of Plaksa, Masura, Dhataki-flower and Bala
Yavagu may be prepared with the decoction of the drugs of Sthiradi-group along with Masura
Yavagu may be prepared with the decoction of drugs of Baladi- group along with Masura
Yavagu may be prepared with the decoction of drugs of Iksvadi group along with Masura and
Yavagu may be prepared with the root of Kacchura (Kapikacchu) and rice of Sali, etc., and added with curd, butter-milk, and sour Kanji, milk and sugarcane juice. Intake of this gruel, when cold and added with sugar and honey, cures all the types of diarrhoea.
The above-mentioned gruels are auspicious (for curing diarrhoea) when added with ghee, Maricha, ajaji, sweet ingredients and salt. [38- 42]

भवन्ति चात्र श्लोकाः-
स्निग्धाम्ललवणमधुरं पानं बस्तिश्च मारुते कोष्णः| शीतं तिक्तकषायं मधुरं पित्ते च रक्ते च||४३||
तिक्तोष्णकषायकटुश्लेष्मणि सङ्ग्राहि वातनुच्छकृति| पाचनमामे पानं पिच्छासृग्बस्तयो रक्ते||४४||
अतिसारं प्रत्युक्तं मिश्रं द्वन्द्वादियोगजेष्वपि च| तत्रोद्रेकविशेषाद्दोषेषूपक्रमः कार्यः||४५||
bhavanti cātra ślokāḥ-
snigdhāmlalavaṇamadhuraṃ pānaṃ bastiśca mārute koṣṇaḥ| śītaṃ tiktakaṣāyaṃ madhuraṃ pitte ca rakte ca||43||
tiktoṣṇakaṣāyakaṭuśleṣmaṇi saṅgrāhi vātanucchakṛti| pācanamāme pānaṃ picchāsṛgbastayo rakte||44||
atisāraṃ pratyuktaṃ miśraṃ dvandvādiyogajeṣvapi ca| tatrodrekaviśeṣāddoṣeṣūpakramaḥ kāryaḥ||45||

Thus, it is said:
In diarrhoea caused by Vata, the patient should drink Pachana (carminative recipe), and use lukewarm basti (enema) containing unctuous, sour, saline and sweet ingredients.
In diarrhoea caused by Pitta and Rakta (vitiated Blood), the patient is given Pachana (carminative recipe) containing cooling, bitter, astringent and sweet ingredients.
In diarrhoea caused by vitiated faecal matter, the patient should take recipes (in the form of enema, etc.) which causes constipation and which alleviates or Vata.
In diarrhoea caused by Ama (uncooked product of digestion), the patient should drink Pachana (carminative recipe).
In diarrhoea caused by vitiated blood, the patient is given Piccha-basti (medicated enema containing mucilaginous material) and enema of blood.
In this way, various methods of treating diarrhoea are described.
If the diarrhoea is caused by more than one factor, then the respective therapies are given in a combined form.
Among these combined factors, the principle of treatment is followed to correct the predominant ones first. [43-45]

प्रासृतिकाःसव्यापत्क्रियानिरूहास्तथाऽतिसारहिताः| रसकल्पघृतयवाग्वश्चोक्तागुरुणाप्रसृतसिद्धौ||४६||
prāsṛtikāḥsavyāpatkriyānirūhāstathā’tisārahitāḥ| rasakalpaghṛtayavāgvaścoktāguruṇāprasṛtasiddhau||46||

To sum up:
In this chapter “One the successful Treatment with Recipes Described with Prasrta as the Unit Quantity of its Ingredients” the Teacher has described the following topics:
Recipes of Niruha- basti ingredients of which are described in the unit quantity of Prasrta (vide verse nos. 4-14)
Complications arising out of mild recipe for enema etc. and their treatment (vide verse no 15-180)
Recipes for Niruha basti, and those containing ingredients of different attests for the treatment of diarrhoea (vide verse nos. 19-35)
Recipe of medicated ghee for the treatment of diarrhoea (vide verse nos. 36-37).
Recipes of medicated gruel for the treatment of diarrhoea (vide verse nos. 38-42) [46]

इत्यग्निवेशकृते तन्त्रे चरकप्रतिसंस्कृतेऽप्राप्ते दृढबलसम्पूरिते सिद्धिस्थाने प्रासृतयोगीयसिद्धिर्नामाष्टमोऽध्यायः||८||
ityagniveśakṛte tantre carakapratisaṃskṛte’prāpte
dṛḍhabalasampūrite siddhisthāne prāsṛtayogīyasiddhirnāmāṣṭamo’dhyāyaḥ||8||

Thus, ends the eight chapter of Siddhi-section dealing with the “Success in Treatment with Recipes Ingredient of which are Described in the Unit Quantity of Prasrta” in Agnivesha’s work as redacted by Charaka, and because of its non-availability, supplemented by Drdhabala.

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