Jarana Process of Rasashastra: Types, Procedure, Benefits

The oxidation of Gandhaka, Abhraka, Abhrakasatva Bhasma, Makshikasatva Bhasma, Svarna, Ratna etc., substances in Parada is called Jarana.

Ayurveda Prakasha

जारणा हि नाम गालन पातन व्यतिरेकेण ग्रस्त घन हेमादि रसस्य पूर्वावस्था प्रतिपन्नत्वम् ।
jāraṇā hi nāma gālana pātana vyatirekeṇa grasta ghana hemādi rasasya pūrvāvasthā pratipannatvam |

The process which is different from Galana and Patana, wherein the Parada digests the Swarna etc. substances, without any change in weight of Parada or its form. 
Here, though Parada engulfs Swarna, Rajata etc., its weight, form etc. will be same as before.  Jaarana Process is done by making Vida with melted Satva of Loha etc. with the help of Yantras such as Kacchapa Yantra.
Read more: Rasashastra yantra prakarana

Types of Jaarana


1.  Bhuchari Jaran
2.  Kechari Jaaran


1.  Bala Jaranam
2.  Vruddha Jaranam


1.  Nirmukha Jarana
2.  Samukha Jarana
3.  Vaasanaamukha Jaarana


1. Bala Jarana – Parada is done Jaarana with equal quantity of Abhraka
2. Yuva Jarana – Parada is done Jaran with 4 times of Abhraka
3. Vruddha Jarana – Parada is done Jarana with 6 times of Abhraka.

समजीर्णो भवेद्बालो यौवनस्थश्चतुर्गुणम् ।
वृद्धस्तु षड्गुणं जीर्णः कुर्यात् कर्म पृथक् पृथक् ॥ (रसार्णव ११/७७)
samajīrṇo bhavedbālo yauvanasthaścaturguṇam |
vṛddhastu ṣaḍguṇaṃ jīrṇaḥ kuryāt karma pṛthak pṛthak || (rasārṇava 11/77)

Samabhra jeerna Parada is called Bala Jarana, Chaturgunabhraka Jarita Parada is called Yuva Jarana and Shadgunabhraka Jarita Parada is called Vruddha Jarana.

Jarana Krama (Process of Jaran)

गन्धकं जारयेत्पूर्वं यन्त्रे कच्छप संज्ञके ।
पश्चाद्वे जारयेद्व्योम हेम प्रभृति यद्भवेत् ॥
पश्चान्नागादयः सर्वे जार्यन्ते रत्न सङ्कराः ।
क्रमोऽयं विद्यते सर्व जारणासु न संशयः ॥
विना गन्धेन ये मर्त्या कुर्वति धातु जारणाः ।
न सुधा जायते सूते जारयन्ति न धातवः ॥
तस्माद्गन्धः पुरा जार्यः सूतवन्हिविवृद्धये । (र.चि. ५/७०-७३)
gandhakaṃ jārayetpūrvaṃ yantre kacchapa saṃjñake |
paścādve jārayedvyoma hema prabhṛti yadbhavet ||
paścānnāgādayaḥ sarve jāryante ratna saṅkarāḥ |
kramo’yaṃ vidyate sarva jāraṇāsu na saṃśayaḥ ||
vinā gandhena ye martyā kurvati dhātu jāraṇāḥ |
na sudhā jāyate sūte jārayanti na dhātavaḥ ||
tasmādgandhaḥ purā jāryaḥ sūtavanhivivṛddhaye | (ra.ci. 5/70-73)

First Gandhaka Jaarana is done in Kacchapa Yantra. Then Abhraka Satva, Swarna Makshika Satva, Naga, Vanga, Ratna Jaarana are done chronologically. Without doing the Gandhaka Jaarana in the beginning, Jaarana with other substances will not be possible.

Gandhaka Jarana Vidhi: Procedure

1.  Bahirdhuma Gandhaka Jaarana – Gandhaka Jaarana is done in open air, with valuka Yantra. By this method, Gandaka Jaarana can be done very quickly.
2.  Antardhuma Gandhaka Jaarana – Here Kacchapa Yantra or Bhudhara Yantra is used along with a closed Kupi, Musha or vessel.  This is relatively a slow process.

Bahirdhoom Vidhi

निधाय वालुकायन्त्रे चषकं सुदृढं भिषक् ।
रसतुल्यं बलिं तस्मिन्निक्षिपेत् खलु शोधितम् ॥
बलिं तु विद्रुतं दृष्ट्वा रसेशं तत्र दापयेत् ।
अर्द्धजीर्णं बलिं ज्ञात्वा पुनर्गन्धं प्रदापयेत् ॥
आषड्गुणं क्षिपेदेवमल्पमल्पं समाहितम् ।
स्वतः शीतं ततो ज्ञात्वा रसेशं तु समाहरेत् ॥ (र.त. ५/१०२-१०४)
nidhāya vālukāyantre caṣakaṃ sudṛḍhaṃ bhiṣak |
rasatulyaṃ baliṃ tasminnikṣipet khalu śodhitam ||
baliṃ tu vidrutaṃ dṛṣṭvā raseśaṃ tatra dāpayet |
arddhajīrṇaṃ baliṃ jñātvā punargandhaṃ pradāpayet ||
āṣaḍguṇaṃ kṣipedevamalpamalpaṃ samāhitam |
svataḥ śītaṃ tato jñātvā raseśaṃ tu samāharet || (ra.ta. 5/102-104)

Place a sharaava or an iron vessel over the valuka yantra on a chullika and add sulfur of an equal part of mercury and start heating, when the sulfur melts, then add pure mercury in it and continue heating. When half the sulfur is burnt, then again add pure sulfur in eual quantity of mercury. In this way, release sulfur up to 6 times.

Antardhooma vidhi

कच्छपाख्येन यन्त्रेण रसतन्त्ररहस्यवित् ।
उक्तमार्गानुसारेण जारयेत् षड्गुणं बलिम् ॥ (र.त.५/१०५)
kacchapākhyena yantreṇa rasatantrarahasyavit |
uktamārgānusāreṇa jārayet ṣaḍguṇaṃ balim || (ra.ta.5/105)

Add half the quantity of mercury into a Kachchpayantra, then add sulfur into it by making a pit in the mercury, and remaining half quantity of sulfur is added from the top of the mercury, cover the mouth of the vessel with the help of Sharava and start heating. In this sequence, the jarana process of Shadguna Gandhaka is done.

Two types of Gandhaka Jaarana

1.  Bairdhuma Gandhaka Jaarana
2.  Antardhuma Gandhaka Jaarana

1. Bairdhuma Gandhaka Jaarana – Gandhaka Jaarana is done in open air, with valuka Yantra. By this method, Gandaka Jaarana can be done very quickly.
2. Antardhuma Gandhaka Jaarana – Here Kacchapa Yantra or Bhudhara Yantra is used along with a closed Kupi, Musha or vessel.  This is relatively a slow process.


1 Part Parada and 1 part Gandhaka is taken in Kacchapa Yantra. A pit is made in Kacchapa Yantra and Parada is placed in it. Gandhaka is placed in two layers – above and below Parada.  It is sealed with another Sharava and subjected to fire. This procedure is repeated six times, with fresh Gandhaka each time.

Benefits of Parada Jeerna Gandhaka

  • Equal part of Gandhaka Jaarana with Parada cures common diseases.
  • Two times Gandhaka Jaarana with Parada cures skin diseases.
  • Three times Gandhaka Jaarana with Parada relieves Body stiffness.
  • Four times Gandhaka Jaarana with Parada relieves grey hairs and skin wrinkles.
  • Five times Gandhaka Jaarana with Parada cures Kshaya disease.
  • Six times Gandhaka Jaarana with Parada cures all diseases.

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