Vanga or TIn has been used in treatment of different diseases like vomiting, anorexia, non-healing wounds, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, bronchitis, asthma etc. Vanga was originally used to create household utensils in ancient times. But later on, it was discovered that it could also be used in the field of medicine in the form of Bhasma.
Table of Contents
Tin is a chemical element with the symbol Sn (Latin: Stannum) and atomic number 50. It is a white colored shining metal. Its relative density is 6.3, melting point- 232 C. it does not react with atmosphere and is non reactive with acids. Thin sheets of Vanga, when bent forefuly makes a cracking sound. This is called as cry of Metal.
Vang, Trapu, Shukraloha, Ranga, Trapusa, Krupya, Rangaka, a Kutila, Pootigandha.
Burma, Australia, south Africa, China, Malaysia and Siberia. In India. It is found in little quantities in Bihar and Rajasthan.
Ores of Vanga
C assiterite is a tin oxide mineral, SnO2. C assertive has been the chief ore throughout ancient history and remains the most important source of tin today. The other ore of Vanga is Tin stone.
Types of Vanga
खुरकं मित्रकञ्चेति द्विविधं वङ्गमुच्यते ।
खुरं तत्र गुणै: श्रेष्टं मिश्रकं न हितं मतम् ॥ (र.र.स ५/१५३)
khurakaṃ mitrakañceti dvividhaṃ vaṅgamucyate |
khuraṃ tatra guṇai: śreṣṭaṃ miśrakaṃ na hitaṃ matam || ( 5/153)
2 types –
1. Khuraka Vanga- Good quality
2. Mishraka vanga- bad quality.
Suitable qualities
धवलं मृदुलं स्निग्धं द्रुतद्रावं सगौरवम् ।
निःशब्धं खुरवङ्गं स्यान्मिश्रकं श्यामशुभ्रकम् ॥(र.र.स (४/१५४)
dhavalaṃ mṛdulaṃ snigdhaṃ drutadrāvaṃ sagauravam |
niḥśabdhaṃ khuravaṅgaṃ syānmiśrakaṃ śyāmaśubhrakam ||( (4/154)
Vangam with white color, soft, snigdha melts quickly, heavy, does not produce sound, such a vanga is suitable for therapeutic use.
Unsuitable qualities
द्रावेऽतिकठिनं रुक्षं त्वन्यधातुविमिश्रितम् ।
धूसरं कठिनञ्चैव मिश्रकं वङ्गमुच्यते ॥ (र.र.त १८/४)
drāve’tikaṭhinaṃ rukṣaṃ tvanyadhātuvimiśritam |
dhūsaraṃ kaṭhinañcaiva miśrakaṃ vaṅgamucyate || (ra.ra.ta 18/4)
That which melts slowly, dry, admixed with other Dhatus, brown colored, hard, such a Vanga is Mishraka, is of bad qualities
Samanya Shodhana – General purification
तैले तक्रे गवां मूत्रे ह्यरनाले कुलत्थजे।
क्रमान्निषेचयेत्तमं द्रावे द्रावे तु सप्तधा ॥
स्वर्णदिलोह पत्राणां शुद्धिरेषां प्रशस्यते । (र. र स ५/१३)
taile takre gavāṃ mūtre hyaranāle kulatthaje|
kramānniṣecayettamaṃ drāve drāve tu saptadhā ||
svarṇadiloha patrāṇāṃ śuddhireṣāṃ praśasyate | (ra. ra sa 5/13)
The vanga are made into thin sheets, heated in fire till red hot and dipped in Taila – Sesame oil – Sesamum indicum – 768 ml (gingelly oil), Takra ( buttermilk), Gomutra – Cow urine, Kanji – Fermented gruel and Kulattha Kwatha (decoction of horsegram) for 7 times each.
Vishesha Shodhana – Special purification
चुल्लीगतञ्चाप्यथ गालयित्वा विशद्धचूर्णोदकपूर्णगर्भे ॥(र.त. १८/८)
१. वङ्गकं गालितं लोहदर्वीगतं सूर्यदुग्धे भृशञ्चैव निर्वापयेत् ॥(र.त १८/ १०)
cullīgatañcāpyatha gālayitvā viśaddhacūrṇodakapūrṇagarbhe ||(ra.ta. 18/8)
1. vaṅgakaṃ gālitaṃ lohadarvīgataṃ sūryadugdhe bhṛśañcaiva nirvāpayet ||(ra.ta 18/ 10)
- Vang is melted and poured into lime water for seven times.
- Vang is melted and poured into Arkaksheera – Latex of Calotropis procera for 3 times.
- Vanga is melted and proured into Kumari – Aloe vera Swarasa for 3 Times.
विमलं वङ्गमादाय चुल्लिकोपरिसंस्थिते ।
विनिक्षिपेत् कटाहे तु ततो वह्निं प्रदीपयेत् ॥
विद्रुतं वङ्गकं ज्ञात्वा रसकर्मविशारदः ।
पादांशापामार्गंचूर्णं स्वल्पं स्वल्पं मूहुर्मुहुः ॥
निक्षिप्य लोहदण्डेन यत्नतः परिचालयेत् ।
वङ्गभस्म भवेध्यावच्चूर्णं तावत्समापयेत् ॥
शशीकृत्य ततो भस्म शरावेण पिधापयेत् ।
ततो दिनकपर्यन्तं तथा वह्निं प्रदीपयेत् ॥
ज्वरलदङ्गारवर्णं स्याद् वङ्गभस्म यथा ध्रुवम् ।
स्वतः शीतं ततो ज्ञात्वा वङ्गभस्म समाहरेत् ॥
शङ्खकुन्देन्दुधवलं वङ्गभस्म भवेद् ध्रुवम् ।
इत्थं मृतं वङ्गकन्तु वीतशङ्कः प्रयोजयेत् ॥ (र.त. १८/ १९- २४)
vimalaṃ vaṅgamādāya cullikoparisaṃsthite |
vinikṣipet kaṭāhe tu tato vahniṃ pradīpayet ||
vidrutaṃ vaṅgakaṃ jñātvā rasakarmaviśāradaḥ |
pādāṃśāpāmārgaṃcūrṇaṃ svalpaṃ svalpaṃ mūhurmuhuḥ ||
nikṣipya lohadaṇḍena yatnataḥ paricālayet |
vaṅgabhasma bhavedhyāvaccūrṇaṃ tāvatsamāpayet ||
śaśīkṛtya tato bhasma śarāveṇa pidhāpayet |
tato dinakaparyantaṃ tathā vahniṃ pradīpayet ||
jvaraladaṅgāravarṇaṃ syād vaṅgabhasma yathā dhruvam |
svataḥ śītaṃ tato jñātvā vaṅgabhasma samāharet ||
śaṅkhakundendudhavalaṃ vaṅgabhasma bhaved dhruvam |
itthaṃ mṛtaṃ vaṅgakantu vītaśaṅkaḥ prayojayet || (ra.ta. 18/ 19- 24)
Vanga is taken in a vessel, melted, Apamarga – Achyarnthes aspera choorna is added little by little and stirred well till the whole mass turns into powder. Then it is collected together and covered with a lid, and subjected to intense heat till the whole mass urns into powder. Then it is collected together and covered with a lid, and subjected to intense heat till it turns red. After cooling, the obtained Jarita Vanga is use for marana.
स्वरसेन कुमार्यास्तु वर्याः क्षीररसेन वा ।
विमर्ध्यो चक्रिकाः कृत्वा ह्यार्धभाख्ये पुटे पचेत् ॥
एवं सप्त पुटैर्वङ्गं मृतं भवति निश्चितम् । (रसामृत लोह विज्ञानीय १४)
पलाशद्रवयुक्तेन वङ्गपत्रं प्रलेपयेत् ।
तालेन पुटितं पश्चान्म्रियते नात्र सेशयः (र.र.स. ५/१६१ )
svarasena kumāryāstu varyāḥ kṣīrarasena vā |
vimardhyo cakrikāḥ kṛtvā hyārdhabhākhye puṭe pacet ||
evaṃ sapta puṭairvaṅgaṃ mṛtaṃ bhavati niścitam | (rasāmṛta loha vijñānīya 14)
palāśadravayuktena vaṅgapatraṃ pralepayet |
tālena puṭitaṃ paścānmriyate nātra seśayaḥ ( 5/161 )
- Vanga which has undergone Jarana is given bhavana with Kumari – Aloe vera swarasa cakes are prepared, and Subjected to Puta for seven times.
- Jarita vanga is gven Bhavana with Shatavari and Puta is given for sevn times.
- Jarti Vanga is given Bhavaba with milk cream, cakes are prepared and seven Putas heat is given.
- Vang leaves are smeared with Shuddha Haratala, which is given Bhavana with Palashamoola swarasa, dried and subjected to four Laghuputas of heat to get its bhasma.
Read related: Vanga Bhasma – Benefits, Dosage, Ingredients, Side Effects
Deepana, Paachana, Ruchikaraka, Buddhivardhaka, Sheetaveerya, improves beauty, Veerya, heals wounds, useful in Kshaya and nocturnal emission.
- Swarna Vanga – used in cold, cough, bronchitis, asthma, diabetes etc.
- Nithyananda Rasa – gout, piles, lymphedenitis, elephantiasis etc.
- Mahashankha Vati – gastritis, piles, indigestion etc.
- Nagavanga Chendooram – used in uro-genital disorders
- Rasayana Vati – used in male sexual dysfunction
- Trivanga Bhasma – used in diabetes and urinary disorders
- Confido tablet – used in sexual dysfunctions
- Swarnaprabha Vati – used in burning micturition and diabetes