Moorchana Process of Rasashastra: Types, Benefits

The word “Moorchana” generally mean unconsciousness. But in the context of Rasashastra, this word implies loss of quickness of mercury.

Rasaratna Samucchaya

मर्दनाऽऽदिष्ट भैषज्यैर्नष्टपिष्टत्वकारकम् ।
तन्मूर्च्छनं हि वङ्गादिभुजककञ्चुकनाशनम् ॥(र.र.स.८/६१)
mardanā”diṣṭa bhaiṣajyairnaṣṭapiṣṭatvakārakam |
tanmūrcchanaṃ hi vaṅgādibhujakakañcukanāśanam ||(

The process of triturating mercury with the specific medicinal substance till its original form is lost is called moorchana. This process helps in removing unwanted properties of mercury due to Vanga (Tin) and other metals present in one of the layers of mercury.
By this procedure, Parada is processed with Gandhaka and other such substances to get therapeutic qualities.

Herbs for different doshas

गृहकन्या मलं हन्यात् त्रिफलावह्निनाशिनी ।
चित्रमूलं विषम् हन्यात् तस्मादेभिः प्रयत्नतः ॥
मिश्रित सूतकं द्रव्यैः सप्तवाराणि मूर्च्छयेत् ।
इत्थं सम्मूर्च्छितः सूतो दोषशून्यः प्रजायते ॥ (र.र.स.)
gṛhakanyā malaṃ hanyāt triphalāvahnināśinī |
citramūlaṃ viṣam hanyāt tasmādebhiḥ prayatnataḥ ||
miśrita sūtakaṃ dravyaiḥ saptavārāṇi mūrcchayet |
itthaṃ sammūrcchitaḥ sūto doṣaśūnyaḥ prajāyate || (

Aloe vera removes mala dosha, Triphala removes Vahni dosha and Chitraka removes Visha dosha. Mercury should be properly mixed till its liquidity or quickness is lost. This makes Mecury “Dosha shunya” or free of impurities.

Types of Murchan


1. Nirgandha Murchana
2. Sagandha Murchana


1. Bahirdhuma Moorchana
2. Antardhuma Moorchan
3. Nirdhuma Murchan

III – According to Ayurveda Prakasha

1. Gandha Pishti
2. Gandha Baddha
3. Gandha Jeerna
4. Rasagandhaka Kajjali
5. Dhatu Pishti – five types – Swarna, Rajata, Tamra, Abhraja and Loha.

Benefits of Murchita Parada

Helps in alleviation of diseases and maintenance of health.

This is the third Samskara of parada to alleviate Naisargika Dosha (Natural impurities)
After this process, we have to do five more samskaras, before using such a parada for medicine. The eight set of purification processes is called Ashta samskara of parada
This is processing of Parada with other substances to bring about therapeutic effect. After this samskara, Parada will be readily usable for therapeutic purposes.
It is done by triturating Parada with Doshahara substances. By this procedure, Parada loses its natureBy this procedure, Parada becomes fit for consumption as medicine. By this process, the therapeutic effect of Parada is enhanced.
By this procedure, Parada gets rid of DoshasBy this Parada gets the form of medicine. It can be then added with other ingredients to prepare other medicines.
There are no types in it.It is of different types, as mentioned above.

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