Kamsya (Bronze) Ayurvedic Benefits, Types, Qualities, Shodhana, Marana

Bronze is used in Ayurveda in multiple ways. Its wand is used for face massage, bronze plates are used for foot massage and also as meal plates. Along with this, bronze is incinerated and used as oral medicine.


Kamsya or bronze is an important mishra loha (alloy), which comprises of copper and tin. Ratio of copper to tin is 4:1. Kamsya is useful mainly in the treatment of skin diseases. The copper and tin are first melted and then mixed in 4:1 ratio. Bronze is obtained after cooling of the mixture. It s also known as bell metal. It is very hard and strong and blackish-red in color.

Bronze vessels

As per Bhojana Kutuhalam, cooking with bronze vessels and eating in bronze plates has following benefits
Intellect promoting, appetizer,
promotes qualities of blood and Pitta (rakta-pitta prasadaka),
Increases Pitta and Vata Dosha.
Balances Kapha Dosha.
dry-hot and wormicide.
Bronze plates are also known as kansa thali.
Read: Benefits of plate made up of different metals

Kansa Wand

Kansa wand is a massage equipment, used for massaging different parts of the body. The idea behind this massage is micro-particles of bronze enter into the body through the pores of the skin and help in skin rejuvenation. Its mainly used on the face. It is known to improve facial skin health and glow.

Kansa Thali

Kansa Thali is used for foot massage. The bronze plates are fitted into the foot massage machine. It is known to improve blood circulation and to relieve pain.

Synonyms of Kansya

Kamseepa, Kamsyaka, Ghoshpushpa, Ghoshaka, Vahniloha, Ghosha.


कांस्यं च द्विविधं प्रोक्तं पुष्पतैलिकभेदत: (आ.प्र. ४/६५)
kāṃsyaṃ ca dvividhaṃ proktaṃ puṣpatailikabhedata: (ā.pra. 4/65)

It is of two types –
1. Pushpa Kamsya – White colored – good
2. Taila Kansya – Red colored – bad

Suitable characteristics

सुनादं भास्वरं सिग्ध श्वेतं मृदु च निर्मलम् ।
घनाग्निसहमत्यन्तं कांस्यं ग्राह्यमिहोच्यते॥
sunādaṃ bhāsvaraṃ sigdha śvetaṃ mṛdu ca nirmalam |
ghanāgnisahamatyantaṃ kāṃsyaṃ grāhyamihocyate ||

That which produces pleasant sound, shining, unctuous, white, soft, clear, withstands intense temperature – is said to be admissible.

Samanya Shodhana

तैले तक्रे गवां मूत्रे ह्यरनाल कुलत्थजे।
क्रमान्निषेचयेत्तमं द्रावे द्रावे तु  सप्तधा ॥
स्वर्णदिलोह पत्राणां शुद्धिरेषां प्रशस्यते । (र. र स ५/१३)
taile takre gavāṃ mūtre hyaranāla kulatthaje|
kramānniṣecayettamaṃ drāve drāve tu  saptadhā ||
svarṇadiloha patrāṇāṃ śuddhireṣāṃ praśasyate | (ra. ra sa 5/13)

The Lohas are made into thin sheets, heated in fire  till red hot and dipped in Taila – Sesame oil – Sesamum indicum – 768 ml (gingelly oil), Takra ( buttermilk), Gomutra – Cow urine, Kanji – Fermented gruel and Kulattha Kwatha (decoction of horsegram) for 7 times each.

Vishesha Shodhana

१. तप्तं कांस्यं गवां मूत्रे सप्त वारेण शुद्धितम् ॥( र.प्र.सु )
सूक्ष्मपत्रीकृतं घोषपुष्पाह्वयं मूत्रपट्वान्वितं  स्थालिकायां न्यसेत् ।
यामसम्पाचितं तीक्ष्णातीक्ष्णाग्निना सर्वदोषोज्भितं जायते सत्वरम् ॥
1. taptaṃ kāṃsyaṃ gavāṃ mūtre sapta vāreṇa śuddhitam ||( ra.pra.su)
sūkṣmapatrīkṛtaṃ ghoṣapuṣpāhvayaṃ mūtrapaṭvānvitaṃ  sthālikāyāṃ nyaset |
yāmasampācitaṃ tīkṣṇātīkṣṇāgninā sarvadoṣojbhitaṃ jāyate satvaram ||

  1. Kamsya is heated and dipped in Gomutra for 7 times.
  2. Kamsya is heated in Gomutra mixed with Saindhava for 4 hours.
  3. Kamsya is heated with Nimbu Swarasa.


तुल्यरक्तान्वितं निम्बूकस्याम्भसा सूक्ष्मपत्रीकृतं कांस्यकं पेषयेत् ।
शोषितं त्रिपुटैत् सम्पुटस्थं ततो घोषपुष्पं तदा पञ्चतां यात्यलम् ॥(र.त.२२/३०)
१. तनुपत्रीकृतं कांस्यं समगन्धसमन्वितम् ।
अर्कक्षीरेण सम्पेष्य शोषयेदातपे दृढम् ॥
सम्पुटस्थं ततः कृत्वा वारणाख्ये पुटे पुटेर् ।
एवं पुटत्रयात्कांस्यभस्म स्यात्सुमनोहरम् ॥(र.त. २२/२८- २९)
tulyaraktānvitaṃ nimbūkasyāmbhasā sūkṣmapatrīkṛtaṃ kāṃsyakaṃ peṣayet |
śoṣitaṃ tripuṭait sampuṭasthaṃ tato ghoṣapuṣpaṃ tadā pañcatāṃ yātyalam ||(ra.ta.22/30)
1. tanupatrīkṛtaṃ kāṃsyaṃ samagandhasamanvitam |
arkakṣīreṇa sampeṣya śoṣayedātape dṛḍham ||
sampuṭasthaṃ tataḥ kṛtvā vāraṇākhye puṭe puṭer |
evaṃ puṭatrayātkāṃsyabhasma syātsumanoharam||(ra.ta. 22/28- 29)

  1. Kamsya is added with equal part of Shuddha Gandhaka and Shuddha Haratala given Bhavana with Nimbu Swarasa, cakes are prepared, subjected to 5 Putas.
  2. Kamsya leaves are smeared with Gandhaka powder- triturated with Arka Ksheera, taken in a Samputa and subjected to 2-3 Gajaputa to get good quality Bhasma.


घोषपुष्पं तु तुवरं तिक्तोष्णं  लेखने हितम् ।
नेत्रप्रसादनं रुक्ष सरं च विशदं परम् ॥
कृमिघ्नं कुष्टशमनं कफपित्तप्राणाशनम् ।
वातघ्नं दीपनञ्चैव परमेतत्प्रकिर्तितम् ॥ (र.त. २२/३२ – ३३)
ghoṣapuṣpaṃ tu tuvaraṃ tiktoṣṇaṃ  lekhane hitam |
netraprasādanaṃ rukṣa saraṃ ca viśadaṃ param ||
kṛmighnaṃ kuṣṭaśamanaṃ kaphapittaprāṇāśanam |
vātaghnaṃ dīpanañcaiva parametatprakirtitam || (ra.ta. 22/32 – 33)

Tikta, Kashaya, Ushna Veerya, Khara, improves eye sight, Guru, Rooksha, and calms Kapha and Pitta.


1-2 Ratti (125 mg to 250 mg) in divided doses per day


Nityananda Rasa
Shadanana Rasa
Vatavidhvamsana Rasa

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