Uparasa Prakarana: Introdcution, Types, Qualities

In processing of Parada, after Maharasa, Uparas have a significant role. Uparasas hold a very high position in the field of Rasashastra because without them, the Marana of Maharasas is not possible. They are also very helpful in imbibing Dehasiddhi and Lohasiddhi qualities into Parada.

Types of Uparas

गन्धाश्म गैरिकासीस कांक्षी ताल शिलाञ्जनम् ।
कंकुष्ठं चेत्युपरसाश्चाष्टौ पारद कर्मणि ॥ (र.र.स)
gandhāśma gairikāsīsa kāṃkṣī tāla śilāñjanam |
kaṃkuṣṭhaṃ cetyuparasāścāṣṭau pārada karmaṇi || (ra.ra.sa)

Uparas are 8 in number – 1. Gandhaka 2. Gairika 3. Kasisa 4. Kankshi
5. Haritala 6. Manashila 7. Anjana and 8. Kankushta.


In the field of Rasayana, Gandhaka holds top position after the parade. Without the combination of Parada with gandhaka, most of the rasashastra compound formulation would not have been possible.  The Gandhaka was known to scholars for ages.   According to mythology, Gandhaka is considered as Raja of Godess Parvati.


There are 4 types.

  1. Raktavarna – red in colour- similar to peacock’s beak. – the best – used for Dhatuvada.
  2. Peetavarna – similar to peacock’s tail – medium qualities – for rasayana purpose
  3. Shuklavarna – similar to Sphatika – worst. For external applications.
  4. Krushnavarna – very rare – the best among all. To relieve from Jara and Mrutyu -.  senility & death.

In practice, there are two types, in use.

  1. Amlasara Gandhaka and
  2. Nainika Gandhaka – yellow in colour.


Rasayana, Madhura rasa, Katu vipaka, Ushna veerya.  Useful in Kandu, Kushta, Visarpa, Dadru. Acts as Deepana, Pachana. It dries out Ama. It also acts as anti-toxic, useful in Pleeha, Adhma and Krumi.
Read more about Gandhaka here

Gairika (Red oxide of Iron) (Ochre / Hematite)

from this ore only maximum Iron is produced. It is a special type of mud available in mountain regions. It is considered as Upadhatu of Loha, because it’s Satwapatana gives Loha.

Types –  

I – Swarna gairika, Samanya Gairika and Pashana Gairikia

II – According to Rasarnava – based on colour – Rakta, hema and Kevala Gairika.

III – According to Rasasratna samucchaya, which is widely accepted – two types

Pashana gairika – Hard, copper red colour.

Swarna gairika- Soft to touch – reddish colour.

Qualities – Snigdha, Kashaya, Madhura, Sheeta veerya, kaphapittanashaka, Chakshushya, Sthambhana, Raktashodhaka, Vishaghna. Useful in raktarsh, raktapradara, Netraroga, Visphota, Visarpa, Hikka, Visha, Vrana and Agnidagdah.
Read more about Gairika here

Kasisa – Green Vitriol

Kasisa is available in natural and artificial forms. Natural form, obtained in munes, is yellowish in colour and powder in form. It is also called Valu kasisa, panshukasisa or dhatukasisa. In it, Iron, sulphur and Magnesium are found.. It is usually found in the mines, where Makshika is found. It is only partially soluble in water.

Types –

According to Rasajalanidhi – 4 types  – Shweta, Peeta, harita and Shyama

According to Rasarnava – 3 types – shukla, Krishna and peeta.

According to Ayurveda prakasha –3 types- kasisa, Dhatu kasisa and Pushpakasisa.

According to Rasaratnasamucchaya – 2 types-  Dhatukasisa and Pushpa Kasisa.

Qualities – Ushna Veerya, Tikta, kashaya rasa, amla vipaka, vatakaphanashaka, keshya, netrya, kanduhara, Vishanashaka, Mutrakrucchra, ashamri and Shwitranashaka.
Raed more about Kasisa here

Sphatika (Alum)

It is available in two forms. White and reddish white. In ancient times, it was available in Saurashtra region. So the name Sourashtri. Nowadays, white varieties are used. It is found in small to big pieces. It is madhura / Amla in taste and is soluble in water. It contains 24 parts of water.

Types – 1. Phataki 2 Phullika.

Phataki is yellowish, heavy, unctuous and anti-toxic.

Phullika is white, light and unctuous.

Qualities – Amla, madhura, kashaya rasa, Vranaropaka, Grahi, Sankochaka, raktasthambhaka, keshya, and useful in Shwitra and Mukharogas.
Read more about Sphatika here

Haratala (Arsenic trisulphide)

It is a golden yellow colored, hard substance. Thin layers are found to form a hard mass. It has a soft surface. It is a chemical compound of Arsenic and Sulphur.Availability: Italy, Iran are main sources. In India, it is manufactured in Surat and Calcutta.


  1. Patra tala – It has layers – best.
    2. Pinda tala – Like a hard mass – Not worth it.

Qualities –  Cures Kapha, rakta, Visha and Bhoota disorders. If Haratala is taken alone, then it harms the ovulation process in females. It is unctuous, Hot, pungent, and improves digestion.
Read more about Haratala here

Manashila (Realgar)

It is reddish coloured in powder form and turns to orange color upon trituration. 

Types –  It is of three types.

  1. Shyama  – blackish red colour – best.
  2. Kanaveeraka – reddish in powder form – not good.
  3. Khandakhya – bright red coloured, in powder form.

Qualities –

It is the greatest rejuvenator, bitter, hot potency, mitigates Kapha and vata. Useful in urinary disorders, toxic conditions, indigestion, itching, Kasa and kshaya.
Read more about Manashila here

Anjana (Collyrium)

Synonyms – Suveeraka, Krushnanjana, Souveera, Suveeraja.

It is ash coloured on its surface, upon breaking, it is very shining. It is multilayered, and hard substance. It is a compound of Lead and sulphur.

Availability –   In the banks of river Suveera and in Assam.


Rasa texts have explained five types of Anjana.

  1. Souviranjana
  2. Rasanjana
  3. Srotanjana
  4. Pushpanjana
  5. neelanjana

Qualities – Cold potency, mitigages Raktapitta, toxic effects, Hikka and also acts as Vrana shodhana.


It is a controversial drug. But many opine that it is the solidified Daruharidra kwatha.

Qualities – It is antitoxic, useful in oral disorders, Shwasa, Hikka, improves skin complexion, Vatarakta and Raktapitta.

Srotanjana – Stibnite

Its inner broken surfaces are blue in colour. Its shape is similar to an ant hill. It is a chemical combination of lead and sulphur.

Qualities – It is cold in potency, unctuous, sweet, lekhana. Useful in Hikka, Toxicity, Chardi, Kaphapitta disorders, and blood related diseases.


When Brass is melted zinc melts and reacts with oxygen to form a white powder – Zinc oxide. (ZnO) this is called Pushpanjana. Nowadays, Zinc is heated in an iron vessel in open air, to get white coloured Zinc oxide, which is used as Pushpanjana.

Qualities – It is Unctuous, cold in potency. Useful in all Netraroga, Jwara, Hikka, induces strength and detoxifies.

Neelanjana – Galena

It is heavy, blue in colour, its powder is black in colour. Commercially, srotanjana is sold as a substitute to Neelanjana. It is a comination of lead and sulphur. (PbS).

Qualities – Guru, Snigdha, good for eyes, Tridsohanashaka, Rasayana, used in Swarna marana, and strengthens Dhatus.
Read more about Anjana here

Kankushtha (Gambose tree)

It is a controversial drug. Differences of opinion exist, since a very long period of time.  Here are a few opinions –

  1. Newborn elephant dung is considered as Kankushta
  2. New born horse’s umbilical cord is considered as Kankushta
  3. Dalhana has described Swarnaksheeri niryasa (exudates) as Kankushta
  4. Yadavji has described a herb called as Usare revand as Kankushta
  5. Pandit Saligram believes that Mruddhara shrunga as Kankushta.

Deciding a particular thing as Kankushta has been a difficult job and a subject of research. In Rasashastra text books, the availability of Kankushta is explained in Himalayan mountains. Hence, it is logical to consider Usare revand as kankushta.


  1. Nailka (cylindrical) – reddish yellow in colour – greatest.
  2. Renuka (Granular) – blackish yellow – least.

Qualities –  Madhura, Tikta, Katu rasa, Katu vipaka, Ushna verya, Atirechaka. Useful in Vrana, Udavarta, Shula, Pleeha and Arsha.
Read more about Kankushtha here

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