Sooryakanta belogs to the Sphatika type. It has a shine similar to a glass, white in colour, yields fire on continuous exposure to Sunlight. It is a compound of Sodium, Aluminium, Silicon and Oxygen. Relative density is 2.5 and Hardness 5.5
Table of Contents
Synonyms Sooryakant
Suryakanta, tapanamani, Deeptopala, Rudikanta, Agnigarbha, Jwalanaashma, Arkopala, Taapana.
Suryakanta Availability
Myanmar, Norway
Suryakanta Suitable characters
शुद्ध: स्निग्धो निर्व्रणो निस्तुषोऽन्तर्यो निघष्टोऽत्यन्तनैर्मल्यमेति ।
यः सूर्यास्पर्शनिष्ठ्यूतवह्निर्जात्यः सोऽयं कथ्यते सूर्यकान्तः ॥ (आ प्र ५/१४१)
śuddha: snigdho nirvraṇo nistuṣo’ntaryo nighaṣṭo’tyantanairmalyameti |
yaḥ sūryāsparśaniṣṭhyūtavahnirjātyaḥ so’yaṃ kathyate sūryakāntaḥ || (ā pra 5/141)
Clear, clean, unctuous, no pores, no layers, becomes more clear on rubbing and which gets heated / generates fire on exposure to sunlight.
Qualities of Suryakant
सूर्यकान्तो मतो मेध्य उष्णश्चैव रसायन: ।
बलासवातशमनौ विशेषेण च कीर्तितः ॥ (र.त.२३/१८५)
sūryakānto mato medhya uṣṇaścaiva rasāyana: |
balāsavātaśamanau viśeṣeṇa ca kīrtitaḥ || (ra.ta.23/185)
Ushna veerya, Medhya, Rasayana, kaphavata nashaka. It is good for Suryagraha.
Read more about Rasayana treatment here
Sooryakanta Shodhana
Dolayantra swedana with kshara and Amla liquids for 3 hours.
Read more about “Yantras in Rasashastra” here
Sooryakant Marana
It is added with equal parts of Gandha, a Haratala and manashila, given Bhavana with Nimbuswarasa, chakrikas are preared and subjected to 3 Puta heat.
Suryakant Dose
½ – 2 Ratti (62.5 mg to 250 mg) in divided doses per day