Pairojaka has white – greenish colour. In yester centuries, Turky was known as Paroj desha. Due to its abundance in Paroj desha, the name Pairojakam was given to it. Its colour is unstable and changes with time. It is porous, dirty in nature. It is a compound of Aluminimum, iron and Copper. Specific gravity 2.74 and hardness 6. It is also made artificially.
Table of Contents
Synonyms of Pairojak
Pairojaka, Pairoja, Haritashma, Visharaarti, Harinmani, Phiroja.
It has white – greenish colour. In yester centuries, Turky was known as Paroj desha. Due to its abundance in Paroj desha, the name Pairojaka was given to it. Its colour is unstable and changes with time. It is porous, dirty in nature. It is a compound of Aluminimum, iron and Copper. Specific gravity 2.74 and hardness 6. It is also made artificially.
Availability: Iran, Turkey, China, Tibbet, Myanmar, Arizona, America and India.
Types of Pairojakam
1. Bhasmanga – ash coloured. 2. Harita – green coloured.
Qualities of Pairojak
पेरोजकं तु तुवरं मधुरं दीपनं सरम् ।
हृद्यं विषहरं शीतं नेत्ररोग निषूदनम् ॥ (रसामृत)
perojakaṃ tu tuvaraṃ madhuraṃ dīpanaṃ saram |
hṛdyaṃ viṣaharaṃ śītaṃ netraroga niṣūdanam || (rasāmṛta)
It has Kashaya, madhura rasa, sheeta veerya, deepana, saraka, hrudya, and is useful in toxic conditions and eye disorders.
Shodhana of Pairojaka
- Swedana in Shireesha pushpa swarasa and Ardraka swarasa.
- Swedana is a mixture of Nimbuswarasa, Gomutra and Yavakshara.
It is mixed with equal parts of Gandhaka and Nimbu swrasa, trturated, cakes are prepared and subjected to 7 putas of heat.
Pairojakam Pishti
Fine powder is taken in a good Khalwa, and triturated with Arka gulab for 7 – 21 days to get fine Pishti.
1 Ratti (125 mg).
Ghee, butter, cream honey etc.
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