It is of reddish white colour or rose coloured. It is a compound of Magnesium, Aluminium, Oxygen and Silicon with traces of Iron.
Table of Contents
Synonyms of Palank
Yakut Chunadi pattar
Availability of Palanka
Bihar, Orissa, Madras, Hyderabad, Rajasthan.
Palank Qualities
Samasheetoshna, Snigdha, madhura, Lavara rasa, Hrudya, Raktashodhaka and Raktavardhaka. Useful in diseases like Pandu, Raktavikara, Sheetapitta, Pradara etc.
Palanka Shodhana
Heating and dipping in milk for 21 times.
Palanka powder is given Bhavana with milk, cakes are prepared, dried, subjected to 1 gajaputa heat.
Read more about Bhavana procedure here
Fine powder is given Bhavana with Arka gulab or Chandana Arka or Milk till it becomes a homogeneous paste.
Palank Dose
2-6 Ratti (250 mg to 750 mg) in divided doses per day