Gomeda (Zircon): Types, Qualities, Shodhana, Marana, Dosage

Gomeda or Zircon is a precious gem which belongs to Navaratnas or group of nine gems. Colour oif Gomeda is similar to the fat of a cow. So the Name Gomeda. It calms Rahu graham. It belongs to the group of nesosilicates and is a source of the metal zirconium.
Specific gravity – 3.5 and Hardness 7.25


Gomeda, rahuratna, Pingasphatika, Gomedaka, Tamomani, Swabhanu.


Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Australia, China, Russia, France, Kerala, Bihar and UP of India.


As per modern classification, based on colour, it is classified into white, green, blue, yellow, red and grey colours.

Suitable characters

सुस्वच्छगोजलच्छायं स्वच्छं स्निग्धं समं गुरु ।
निर्दलं मसृणं दीप्तं गोमेदं शुभमष्टधा ॥ (र.र.स. ४/५४)
susvacchagojalacchāyaṃ svacchaṃ snigdhaṃ samaṃ guru |
nirdalaṃ masṛṇaṃ dīptaṃ gomedaṃ śubhamaṣṭadhā || (ra.ra.sa. 4/54)

Clear, colour similar to cow urine, clear, unctuous, heavy, having no layers, shining, smooth.

Unsuitable characters

विच्छायं लघु रूक्षाङ्गं चिपिटं पटलान्वितम् ।
निष्प्रभं पीतकाचाभं गोमेदं च शुभावहम् ॥ (र.र.स. ४/५५)
vicchāyaṃ laghu rūkṣāṅgaṃ cipiṭaṃ paṭalānvitam |
niṣprabhaṃ pītakācābhaṃ gomedaṃ ca śubhāvaham || (ra.ra.sa. 4/55)

Having unsuitable colours, light, dry, flat, layers, lackluster, yellow glass color.


गोमेदं कफपित्तघ्नं क्षयपाण्डुक्षयड करम ।
दीपनं पाचनं रुच्यं त्वच्यं बुद्धिप्रबोधनम ॥ (र.र.स. ४/५६)
gomedaṃ kaphapittaghnaṃ kṣayapāṇḍukṣayaḍa.karama |
dīpanaṃ pācanaṃ rucyaṃ tvacyaṃ buddhiprabodhanama || (ra.ra.sa. 4/56)

Gomeda is good in kapha pitta conditions, anemia, digestive, carminative, improves taste, good for skin and improves intelligence.

Chemical composition – Zr Si O4
Indications of Gomeda pishti – Anaemia, malabsorption syndrome, loss of appetitie, anorexia, epilepsy, insanity, paralysis, bell’s palsy, insomnia. It also nourishes skin and heart, improves complexion, intelligence, strength, quality of sperm and increases longevity.

Dose – 31.25 mg -125 mg
Adjuvants – Eladi mantha ,  honey or as per the disease.
Formulations – Navaratna raja mruganka rasa, Ratnabhagottara rasa.


  1. Made into a bolus with Gorochana and Swedana is given.
  2. Nimbuswarasa swedana for 3 hours.

Read more about Shodhana proceduere here


It is added with equal parts of Gandhaka, haratala and manashila, given Bhavana with Nimbu Swarasa, cakes are prepared and 8 Putas are given to get good quality Bhasma


¼ – 1 Ratti (31.25 mg to 125 mg) in divided doses per day


Honey, Butter or different herbal decoctions based on disease condition.

Read: 50 Great Decoctions Explained By Master Charaka 

Important Yogas

Ratnabhagottara rasa
Navaratnaraja mrugaanka rasa

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