Fossile Norinite (Badarashma) Shodhana, Marana, Properties, Dosage

Fossil encrinite, commonly known as Rock fossil, is a mineral used as medicine in Ayurvedic therapeutics. In Ayurveda, this is known as badarshma. Stones of badarshma are of the shape of Badara or jujube fruit, hence the name. It is found in Arab countries and is called Hajrul Yahood.


It is grayish externally and green in color internally. The length is about 1- 1.5 inches. It is tasteless and odorless. Chemically it is composed of lime and silicate. It is also called Silicate of Lime.

Chemical name – Calcium silicate.
Chemical formula – SiCaO4

Availability: Arab countries.

Synonyms of Badarshma

Badari pashana, Badarashma, Pashana badara, Ashma bhida.
Ber Pathar, Hajrul Yahood

Properties of badarshma

Ashmari Bhedana – breaks down the renal stones
Mootrala – diuretic
Pitta shamana – Pitta pacifying
Vataghna – Vata pacifying
Hrit shoolahara – Cures pain in the region of heart

Shodhana of Badarashma

Badarshma should be heated red hot and dipped in the decoction of horse gram (Kulatha kwatha) for seven times and thus it gets purified.

Marana of badarashma

Badaramsha powder is triturated with radish juice, made into Chakrika and subjected to Ardhagajaputa heat. The obtained product is called Badarshma Bhasma.

Preparation of Hajrul Yahud pishti

Fine powder of Badarashma is triturated with rose water for 3 to 4 days. This results in white colored pishti, which is smooth and floats in water.

Dosage of Badarashma (Hajrul Yahood)

Bhasma – 2 t 4 ratti (250 to 500 mg) in divided doses per day
Pishti – 4 to 8 ratti (500 mg to 1 gram)

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