By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Vit shula is a type of colic / abdominal pain explained by Master Sushruta among various kinds of shula. As the name suggests the pain is caused due to impaction of feces in the colon.
Vit = feces, Shoola = pain in the abdomen
Read – Shoola Types, Symptoms, Treatment, Medicines, Remedies
Table of Contents
Excessive consumption of dry foods and getting exposed to activities which bring about dryness in the body are the most important causes of vit shoola.
- Due to excessive consumption of dry foods vata gets severely aggravated in the abdomen
- This aggravated vata causes obstruction of feces (Vata increases dryness in the colon, this increased dryness brings about dryness in the feces and this dried feces doesn’t get excreted easily and gets obstructed in the colon)
- After obstructing the feces. the aggravated vata causes diminution of digestive fire
- The same vata also envelopes and obstructs all the channels in the abdomen
- After having obstructed the feces, diminishing the digestive fire and obstructing the channels, the aggravated vata causes severe pain either in the left or right side of the abdomen
- This vata increases in severe proportions, moves around all through the abdomen and quickly spreads making sounds and occupies all corners of the abdomen
- This consequently causes severe thirst, giddiness and unconsciousness in the patient
- The patient feels no relief even after defecation and urination
- This severely troublesome and painful condition of the abdomen caused due to stagnation of feces is called as vit shoola
Read – Kukshi Shula Causes, Symptoms, Pathogenesis, Treatment
Mala Avarodha – constipation
Mandikritya cha pavakam – diminished digestion
Tivra Shoola – severe pain in the abdomen either in the left part or right part of the abdomen
Srotorodha – obstruction of passages and channels in the abdomen
Sarvatra vardhate kshipram bhramannatha saghoshavan – the vata moves everywhere in the abdomen very quickly making gurgling sounds in the abdomen
Tivra Pipasa – severe thirst
Bhrama – giddiness
Murcha – fainting
Uncharito mutrito na shantim adhigachchati – no relief in pain even after expulsion of feces and urine
If not treated at proper time this condition will get complicated and become difficult to treat.
Sanskrit Verses
Read – Annadrava Shoola: Definition, Treatment, Remedies
Kshipra Doshahara Karya – the physician who is expert in understanding the pathological variations and vitiation of doshas, pathogenesis and various facets of the same and various forms of interventions to be implemented should first plan the therapies and methods to expel the doshas. This should be of top priority for the physician.
The following therapies should be considered in this direction and should be skillfully chosen as per severity of dosha and condition of the patient –
Swedanam – sweating therapy
Vamanam – therapeutic emesis
Niruha – enema with medicated decoction
Sneha vasti – enema with medicated oils / ghee or both
Koshta shodhana yogas – formulations like powders, decoction etc prepared with herbs having gut cleansing properties / action
Udavartahara Kriya – all treatments and medicines used to treat udavarta
Sarvah sukhavah kriya – all therapies, foods and life activities which can provide relief from pain shall be used
Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu)