Samhanana Pariksha: Examination Of Compactness Of The Body

By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Samhanana Pariksha means examination of compactness of the body. It is one among the tenfold examinations of the patient as explained by Master Charaka.
Samhanana = compactness
Pariksha = examination

Sanghata and samyojana are the synonyms of samhanan, all of which mean compactness of the body.
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Characteristic features of compact body

When the body has good compactness, which is one of the tools of measurement of comprehensive health, the body will exhibit the below mentioned characteristic features –

  • Sama suvibhakta asthi – the bones of the body are in right balance, in right proportions, distributed in a right and even way
  • Subaddha sandhi – well formed, integrated and stable bony joints
  • Sunivishta mamsa shonitam – proper balance and distribution of muscles and blood in the body
    Read – Roga, Rogi Pareeksha: Examination Of Disease And Patient

Strength of the body based on compactness

The strength of the person can be decided on the type of compactness he or she has. This will help the physician to make decisions regarding the interventions and strength of the medicines to be advised for the given patient. This also would classify the compactness into 3 kinds.

Sl NoType of compactnessType of strength
1Su-samhanana / Pravara samhanana (Good compactness)Pravara Bala – good strength
2Madhyama Samhanana (Moderate compactness)Madhyama Bala – moderate strength
3Avara Samhanana (Least compactness)Avara Bala – least strength

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Sanskrit Verses

Importance of Samhanana Pariksha

Samhanana pareeksha determines the strength of an individual. It thus helps in analyzing the strength and endurance of the individual, healthy or otherwise.

Health of the body is also dependent on strength and endurance of the body. Therefore, a good compact body indicates a healthy body. Similarly, moderate compactness suggests moderate health and inadequate compactness indicates bad health.
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From the explanation of Master Charaka it is clear that the compactness of the body of any individual is measured and decided on the basis of balance and distribution of bones, joints, muscles and blood in the body. Therefore, careful analysis of these tissues in terms of their quality and quantity and how healthy they are and how best they are distributed and synchronized gives the physician an idea of the compactness of the body.

Among these the bones, joints and muscles form an important part of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, the examination of the musculoskeletal system and status of blood i.e. the balanced blood circulation determine the compactness of the body. The balance and integrity of these tissues along with their even distribution is the key for deciding the compactness of the body.

Increase, decrease or proportional imbalance in these tissues will lead to imbalanced compactness. The muscles, bones and joints are all connected in structural integrity and functional integrity too. Their integration and relative health is the key for movements and locomotion. Therefore, with the compactness of the body doesn’t keep up to its standard limits of determining health, the movements and locomotion too will be hampered.

Sama samhanana – i.e. balanced compactness of the body is one of the signs of good health according to a reference from Charaka Samhita. Charaka also tells that the person who has proportionate and evenly distributed musculature, compactness, strong sense organs (perception) will not be afflicted by the strength of the diseases (strong diseases) and also those who have the capacity to tolerate hunger, thirst, sun heat, cold and effects of physical exercises, who has proper appetite and digestive strength and has good nourished muscles. This means that these people are healthier in comparison to others. Here we can observe that the compactness of the body has been considered as one of the parameters for accessing health and strength of individuals.

These are the reasons why the compactness of the body should be examined and analyzed thoroughly.

Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu)

Patient Observation

Does the joints of the patient look compact and in one piece?
Are the joints look weak?
Do the muscles look strong and tidy?
Does the fat has unwanted fat deposits in arms, abdomen, buttocks?
Does all the organs and limbs look well-nourished?
Is there a glow and radiance?
Is there body balance and symmetry?

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