Pravritti: Examination Of Initiation Of Action

By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Pravritti means an approach or initiation taken towards doing an action. Pravritti Pariksha comprises examination of this initiation of action. It is the 9th factor to be examined as per Master Charaka’s ten factors to be examined i.e. dasha vidha parikshya bhavas.
Read – 10 Factors Of Examination: Dashavidha Parikshya Bhavas

Definition of Pravritti

Any activity undertaken or any inclination shown towards accomplishing an action is called pravritti. It is also called kriya, karma, yatna or karyarambha.

So the action itself is not pravritti. But the attempts, initiation or inclination towards accomplishing the same is called pravritti. The synonym karyarambha explains it all. It means beginning an action.
Read – Karya Kaarana Bhava: Cause and Effect Relationship

Examination of Pravritti

In the field of medicine, ‘to begin the treatment process’ is itself called pravritti. Here the physician shows an inclination and interest towards providing treatment. Initiation of action in the form of treatment shows the dedication of the physician in the process. It is not only the physician but the involvement of all the other 3 limbs i.e. patient, medicine and attendants which determines the success of treatment. Therefore the first initiation towards treatment should be from the physician but the initiation towards the same action should also be from the other 3 limbs. Therefore pravritti can be considered as initiation of treatment by the involvement of all the four limbs of the treatment simultaneously.

Signs of pravritti – Pravritti is marked by the proper and simultaneous indulgence of and contribution of their part of initiation in the treatment process of the below mentioned four members of treatment –

  • Yogya bhishak – the physician endowed with all the good qualities
  • Yogya aushadha – the medicines enriched with all their good properties
  • Atura – the patient adorned with all their good qualities
  • Paricharaka – the attendants having all of their good qualities

When these four limbs of treatment are properly and simultaneously indulged in the initiation of treatment process, the treatment would yield good results.
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Indulgence of only the physician or any other limb of treatment alone is not sufficient for initiating the treatment process.

If the physician initiates the treatment with perfect planning the treatment will still fail –

  • if the patient doesn’t cooperate by taking the medicines or adhering to the physician’s instructions or
  • the attendants fail to initiate their role of taking care of the patients
  • medicines are not available or if the available medicines are not suitable for the action to be taken

All this happens because there is only partial inclination or initiation taken by the physician. There is no teamwork and integrity as all components of the treatment process are not initiating the action simultaneously.


  • The patient is ready to take initiation towards the treatment, the medicines are available to their fullest potency and the good hearted attendants are available but the physician is not endowed with rich qualities and would not initiate the treatment process.
  • The physician has initiated the treatment process, the medicines are available and administered, the patient is ready to take the medicines and initiate action from his part but the attendants or nursing team are not interested in the entire action.

These are only examples. The other permutations can be assumed. The imbalance in the equation towards initiation can happen in any form, in any combinations of two, three or four components.

While examining the ‘initiation of action’ the physician should not only take the prime responsibility of initiating the treatment but also should make sure that the other components are also associated in a perfect network and are initiating their part of role in the treatment process. This examination should be done from time to time, not just at the beginning of the treatment process but also during the process and follow up of the treatment.
Read – Khuddaka Chatushpada Adhyaya – Charak Samhita Sutrasthan 9

Pravritti from research perspective

Initiation of action is nothing but the determined efforts taken towards accomplishment of objectives and this is one of the key components of research study. When we consider research in place of treatment, pravritti for a researcher is the motivation needed in the research towards initiation of action i.e. research work.

So what is the utility of motivation in research?

The motives may be a desire to

All this is possible if the researcher is constantly concerned, focused and motivated towards practical problems related to research and initiates himself or herself towards finding a solution for them.

Motivation to do consistent efforts towards  research objectives is a very essential component of research study and involvement therein. The formal training in methodologies of research and thorough knowledge of the subjects therein are not just enough and do not solve the purpose if there is lack of motivation towards initiating the action towards the motive. Ethical and scientific aspects also play a key role in accomplishing the task and actions initiated in a proper way and can also be considered as part and parcel of pravritti.

Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu) 

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