Prostatitis Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Ayurveda Concept

By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

Prostatitis is the swelling and inflammation of the prostate gland. Prostate gland produces fluid (semen) that nourishes and transports sperm. Prostatitis affects men of all ages but is more common in men 50 or younger. It is cured either on its own or with treatment. Some types of prostatitis last for months or keep recurring (chronic prostatitis).
Read more about Prostatitis – Modern view


Acute bacterial prostatitis is often caused by common strains of bacteria.
Nerve damage in the lower urinary tract
In many cases of prostatitis, the cause isn’t identified.


Pain or burning sensation when urinating
Difficulty urinating, such as dribbling or hesitant urination
Frequent urination, particularly at night (nocturia)
Urgent need to urinate
Cloudy urine
Blood in the urine
Pain in the abdomen, groin or lower back

Pain in the area between the scrotum and rectum (perineum)

Pain or discomfort of the penis or testicles

Painful ejaculation

Flu-like signs and symptoms (with bacterial prostatitis)

Read more about Symptoms of Each type of Prostatitis


Consult a doctor when you notice changes in urinary function. For many men, especially those who are young when the prostate starts growing, getting early treatment can head off complications later on.

Prostatitis treatments depend on the underlying cause. They can include:

Alpha blockers
Anti-inflammatory agents
Read more about Treatment of Prostatitis

Prostatitis In Ayurveda

Probable Ayurvedic correlation
Paurusha Granthi Shotha – is a coined term for Prostatitis. Paurusha means man or manhood. Granthi means gland. Shotha means inflammation.

Mutrakrichra – difficulty in urination and painful urination are symptoms of prostatitis.

Ashtila – is a condition which has often been compared to enlargement of the prostate gland. A stony swelling which obstructs the passages of urine and feces is said to be formed. This happens when the vata vitiated in the region of bladder causes distension of bladder and rectum. The swelling is movable and elevated.
Read – Dysuria: Causes, Remedies, Tips, Diet, Ayurvedic Treatment

Samprapti – pathogenesis

Dosha – Pitta, Vata
Dushya – mamsa (muscular fibers of the gland), mutra (urine)
Srotas – mutravaha, shukravaha
Sroto dushti lakshana – sanga (obstruction to free flow of urine and semen)
Roga Marga – abhyantara (viscera), madhyama (prostate is related to urinary bladder which is a vital organ)
Sadhya Asadhyata (prognosis) – curable
Read – Granthi: Cystic Swelling, Types, Features, Ayurvedic Treatment

Treatment principles

Mutrakrichra Chikitsa – line of treatment of dysuria / difficult and painful urination

Mutraghata Chikitsa – line of treatment of obstruction of urine should be followed. In this, the patient shall be first subjected to oleation / external oil application or massage and sudation followed by snigdha virechana i.e. unctuous purgation. Gandharvahastadi Taila or Nimbamritadi Eranda Taila shall be used. If there is severe pain, the patient shall be given uttara basti i.e. medicated enemas through urine or vaginal passages.

Other principles of treatment –
Shotha Chikitsa – treating for inflammation / swelling
Jwara Chikitsa – when the treatment is not responding to the above said measures and when fever or flu like symptoms is present
Krimi Chikitsa – since the infection is the most common cause for prostatitis
Granthi Chikitsa – treatment given for cysts
Shula Chikitsa – when pain in abdomen or pelvis is severe
Udavarta Chikitsa and Vata shamaka Chikitsa – to balance vata and normalize its course of movement (voiding of urine is controlled by vata, mainly apana vata and ashtila is also caused by vata)


Virechana, Vasti and Uttara Vasti are the best therapies especially when the disease does not respond to conventional treatment or are of chronic nature and there is repeated occurrence.


Local massage in the region of urinary bladder and low back and pelvis with vata alleviating oils like Ksheerbala Taila, Mahanarayana Taila etc. or just castor oil followed by hot water fomentation (with a cloth dipped in hot water or hot salt water) will help.

Similarly, taking a tub / sitz bath after application of oil in a tub filled with hot water or hot decoctions like Dashamula kashayam is soothing. Alternatively sprinkling or showering with hot decoction of dashamula application of paste of vata alleviating and pain relieving herbs, powders, paste or formulations like Rasnadi Churna or Jadamayadi Churna, poultice with Rasnadi Churna or Kottamchukkadi (churnapinda), atasi, sesame paste made warm, patrapinda (bolus of herbal leaves) are effective.
Read – Charaka Vatavyadhi Chikitsa 28th Chapter

Useful medicines and herbs

The same medications and herbs discussed under the context of nephritis, urethritis and pyelonephritis shall be used here. The formulations and diet mentioned in dysuria shall be skillfully used seeing the predominant dosha and the nature of the disease.

Other important proprietary medicines
Tablet Gonanti
Tablet Bangshil
Capsule Rentone
Syrup Uralka
Tablet Himplasia
Tablet Nevil
Capsule Pro Saw
Capsule Prostate P
Capsule Prostowin
Capsule Reprost
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