Signs Of Person Having Enriched Bone Marrow Tissue (Majja Sara Purusha Lakshanas)

By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

Majja Sara Purusha Lakshanas means signs of person who has richness and best essence of bone marrow tissue. These people are healthy when they have balanced bone marrow and its best essence in the body. This should be supported with the balance of all the other tissues. 

Majja – fat tissue
Sara – richness / best quality / essence
Purusha – person
Lakshana – signs
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Difference Between The Terms Prasada And Sara

 Signs of Best quality Bone Marrow

The below mentioned are signs of high quality majja dhatu in the body –

  • Soft body – mrudu anga
  • Strong – balavanta
  • Unctuous complexion – snigdha varna
  • Melodious voice – snigdha svara
  • Prominent joints – sthula sandhi
  • Long joints – sthula sandhi
  • Rounded joints – vrutta sandhi
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According to Master Sushruta (Su.Su.35/16) –

  • Not lean and thin – akrusha
  • Powerful – uttama bala
  • Has mellow and sonorous voice – snigdha and gambhira swara
  • Fortunate – soubhagya upapanna
  • Has big eyes – mahanetra

The person having enriched bone marrow tissue is endowed with – (Cha.Vi.8/108)

  • Longevity of life – dirgha ayusha
  • Strength – balavanta
  • Well learning – shrutabhaj
  • Richness – vittabhaja
  • Special knowledge of science – vijnananbhaj
  • Progeny – apatyabhaj
  • Respect – sammanbhaj

Vocational guidance for those having richness of bone marrow tissue & health

  • People with richness of bone marrow tissue have very expressive eyes with proportional and stable body. They can be exceptionally good dancers owing to these qualities.
  • These persons can be food singers as they have sweet and melodious voice.
  • They can pursue career in modeling and acting as they have expressive features and are also pleasant and good looking appearance.
  • They make good scientists since they have patience for doing things and anticipate for the results without deviation of mind.
  • They can become good doctors as they are soft spoken, have patience, are extremely intelligent and courteous.
  • They are wealthy and have money. They have the ability to use it resourcefully to tap maximum benefits. Therefore they can be good finance managers.
  • They can work in field of academics as they are highly intellectual, like to read, write and deliver lectures.
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Sanskrit Verses

Clinical perspective

Bird eye view of persons of Majja Sara from clinical perspective

Majja sara from health, immunity and disease / pathological perspective

These people have optimum quality and quantity of bone marrow tissue. Therefore they have good health and immunity related to bone marrow. They don’t fall victim to bone marrow related disorders frequently.
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Bones marrows occupy the bones. Therefore their health and endurance are inter-related. Those who take good care of their bones have optimum bone marrow tissue in terms of both quality and quantity.

Those having richness and essence-full bone marrow tissue will have this bone marrow in more proportions in comparison to the people having richness of other tissues. Majja sara doesn’t mean having too much of bone marrow, it is to have good essence of bone marrow tissue along with its proportional dominance in comparison to other tissue in the body. Majja vruddhi i.e. pathological increase in bone marrow is another condition having more bone marrow tissue. But this bone marrow doesn’t consist of richness of bone marrow tissue. It is accumulation of unwanted bone marrow tissue. On the other hand bone marrow with enriched quality is physiological.
Read – Increase And Vitiation Of Tissues – Dhatu Vruddhi

If there is imbalance in formation and maintenance of bone marrow tissue and if it is contaminated by morbid doshas, these persons will first suffer from diseases related to bone marrow.

These people are also susceptible to get diseases pertaining to tissues other than bone marrow, as long as they have good essence of bone marrow. People having good essence and richness of all tissues are exemption. But for those having richness of bone marrow, it contributes towards majority of health, stability and endurance. As said, they have strong joints, strength, color, complexion and voice.

These persons should take care of good essence of their bone marrow tissue and health while taking care that the other tissues too are kept in balance. Or else it will not be called majja sara.

Bone marrow tissue is formed after bone tissue in the chronology of tissue formation. Proper formation of bone marrow tissue depends on the optimum nature and balance of its precursor tissue, bone tissue. Therefore these people should make sure to have good quality and quantity of bones in their system. The health and balance of precursors of bone i.e. fat, muscles, blood and lymph tissues too should be taken care of. This will enable formation of good essence of bone marrow tissue in these people.
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The tissue fire of the bone tissue too should be intact. If the bone tissue fire is deficit, more immature bone tissue is formed. This leads to formation of immature and weak bone marrow. This bone marrow do not have the qualities of majja sara nor do they bestow the benefits of the same. Inadequate or improper formation of bone marrow tissue takes place if the channels responsible for carrying bone tissue and bone marrow tissues are clogged by ama or other pathological materials. If the tissue fire of the bone is more, less bone tissue is formed. Subsequently less quantity of bone marrow is formed. This leads to lower essence and poor quality of bone marrow tissue. The imbalances and contamination of bone marrow tissue will lead to manifestation of diseases related to bone marrow i.e. majja pradoshaja vikara / rogas. This will lead to formation of low essence bone marrow tissue in the body.

Bone marrow imbalances in the form of pathological increase, decrease, or association of ama and contamination of channels carrying bones & bone marrow may deplete the essence of bone marrow tissue and make it susceptible to many disorders.

Related Article – Sara in relation to disease management

Precautions, Maintenance

Precautions, maintenance and interventions in relation to majja sara

Majja, according to Ayurveda is one of the snehas i.e. unctuous substances in the body. Therefore for the richness of bone marrow to be preserved in the body, the unctuous quality should be available in the body of these persons. It is important to balance the unctuousness of the body. These people may include balanced fats on regular basis in their diet. They also need to take nutritious foods and undergo optimum exercise.

Majja is kapha group tissue. Therefore these persons should take foods and activities to keep kapha in balance. At the same time vata and pitta imbalances too need to be addressed from time to time.

Too much exercise will lead to vata vitiation and subsequent bone loss or vice versa. Similar impact occurs on excessive consumption of vata aggravating foods, especially those having rich quantities of bitter, astringent and pungent tastes and dry foods. These should be monitored to maintain optimum goodness of bone marrow.
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Much of health of bone marrow depends on the health of bones. Therefore these persons should take good take of their bones, especially with progressive age.

Use of medicated bitter ghee in the form of oral consumption and enemas are ideal for balancing richness of bone marrow tissue. Enemas can be administered in the form of anuvasana and matra vasti i.e. unctuous enemas or tikta ksheera basti i.e. milk processed with bitter herbs. Periodic and regular use of abhyanga i.e. herbal oil massages and swedana i.e. sudation are also helpful to keep the bone and bone marrow health and richness intact. These treatments also balance kapha and calm vata.

Need to know about bone marrow sara

  • To analyze the strength, richness and health of bone marrow tissue
  • To diagnose the root of diseases related to bone marrow and errors of bone marrow metabolism
  • To diagnose the balances and imbalances in bone marrow tissue
  • To provide timely remedies to enhance the quality, essence and health of bone marrow tissue, who present with depletion of essence of bone marrow tissues, who were otherwise healthy in that perspective
  • To promote health and immunity in people who have richness of bone marrow tissue

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