Arshovartma, Shushkarsha Eye Disorders – Symptoms, Treatment

By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Arshovartma is one of the diseases of the eyelids (netra vartma gata roga). 
Arshovartma – arsha + vartma = pile / hemorrhoid like masses + eyelids = is a condition (disorder of the eyelids) in which hemorrhoid like masses / lumps are formed on the interior of the eyelids.
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Arsovartma classification, pathology

Based on the location – Arshovartma is a Vartmagata Roga (disease occurring in the eyelids).
Based on Predominant Dosha – Arshovartma is a Tridoshaja Netra Roga i.e. it is caused by simultaneous vitiation of all three doshas.
Based on Sadhya Asadhyata (prognosis) – Arshovartma is a Sadhya roga (curable disease).
Based on predominant treatment / surgical process – Arshovartma eye disorder is a Chedana Sadhya / Chedya Netra Roga (curable by excision / cutting / splitting method).  
Read – Classification of Eye Diseases As Per Ayurveda

Arshovartma, definition, meaning, pathogenesis
Arshovartma is an eye disorder and occurs in the eyelids. In this condition, many small and rough (having pointed ends) lumps / boils of the shape and size of ervaru seed (seeds of Cucumis melo / musk melon) are formed on the eyelids. These lumps are associated with mild pain. Since they appear and resemble a hemorrhoid mass (read more – arsha) in shape and are formed in the eyelids (vartma), they are called Arshovartma.
Read – Netra Sandhigata Rogas – Disorders Affecting The Junctions Of The Eye

This condition is caused due to simultaneous vitiation of all three doshas. Arshovartma is said to be a curable disease.

Sanskrit verse, Videha explanation

Explanation of Arsovartm by master Videha –
Master Videha too follows the same explanation as given by Master Sushruta but differs in its quantity.
According to Videha’s explanation, arshovartma is a single lump and not multiple as explained by Sushruta. Videha also has not specified its appearance as Sushruta compares the lumps to the seeds of musk melon. But Videha has specified the location of arshovartma.
Read – Kaphaja Upanaha (Netra Roga) – Definition, Symptoms, Treatment

The explanation of arshovartma according to Videha is as described below – A hard lump / boil are formed on both the inner and outer part of the junction of the eyelid and eyelashes i.e. near the edge / margin. It is formed by simultaneous vitiation of all three doshas and is associated with mild pain. This condition is called arshovartma.
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If we understand the meaning of ‘both inside and outside the eyelid margin’ as explained by Videha, as two different lumps, then there are multiple lumps. The explanation is in accordance with Sushruta.

If we consider that it is a single big lump and is seen on both sides of the eye lid, then it is a single lump. Even when we understand it as ‘either inside or outside the eyelid margin’, still it is a single lump. But we do not see any word indicating ‘plurality’ in the verse of Videha. So, we can conclude that it is a single ‘pile mass like looking lump spread out both on the inside and outside of the eyelid margin’.
Read – Ayurveda Eye Treatment Types, Methods – Ashtanga Hrudaya Sutrasthana 23

Arsovartma Signs

Signs and Symptoms of Arsovartma eye disorder
Sukshma kharah pidakaah – small, multiple and rough boils or lumps formed on the inner part of the eyelid (according to master Sushruta) / single lump spread out on the outside and inside of the eyelid margin, near the junction of eyelid and eyelashes (according to master Videha)
Ervaru Beeja pratimah – the lumps resemble the seeds of musk melon in shape and size (and also that of a pile / hemorrhoid mass)

Manda vedana – associated with mild pain
Kathina – the lump is also hard on touch (master Videha)
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Modern correlation
Arshovartma can be closely correlated with Papillary Form of Trachoma formed in the eyelids. (read more)

Treatment of Arshovartma
Arshovartma is a Chedana sadhya vyadhi. It is one of the eye diseases which can be cured by excision methods. The lumps are excised using surgical instruments and removed.


Shushkarsha Eye Disorder – Definition, Meaning, Symptoms, Treatment

Shushkarsha is one of the diseases of eyelids (netra vartma gata roga).  Shushkarsha – shushka + arsha = dried + pile / hemorrhoid like masses = is a condition (disorder of the eyelids) in which hemorrhoid like masses / lumps which appear dry are formed on the interior of the eyelids
Read – Eye Diseases Causes, Pathogenesis, Symptoms, Treatment, Herbs

Based on the location – Shushkarsha is a Vartmagata Roga (disease occurring in the eyelids).
Based on Predominant Dosha – Shushkarsha is a Tridoshaja Netra Roga i.e. it is caused by simultaneous vitiation of all three doshas.
Based on Sadhya Asadhyata (prognosis) – Shushkarsha is a Sadhya roga (curable disease).
Based on predominant treatment / surgical process – Shushkarsha eye disorder is a Chedana Sadhya / Chedya Netra Roga (curable by excision / cutting / splitting method). 
Read – Classification of Eye Diseases As Per Ayurveda

Shushkarsha, definition, meaning, pathogenesis
Shushkarsha is an eye disorder and occurs in the eyelids. In this condition, long sprout like masses appear in the eyelids, which are rough and hard on touch and are also troublesome in nature. The elongated sprouts also appear like dried pile masses and hence called shushka (dry) arsha (pile / hemorrhoid masses which appear like sprouts). (read about arshas)

This condition is caused due to simultaneous vitiation of all three doshas. Shushkarsha is said to be a curable disease.
Read – Role of Doshas In the Causation of Disease

Shuskarsa sanskrit, signs, treatment

Explanation of Shushkarsha by master Videha
Master Videha too follows the same explanation as is given by Master Sushruta. Videha’s explanation of Shushkarsha is as below described –

A pile / hemorrhoid like mass which occurs inside of the eyelid is dry in appearance and touch, hard in feel and is also troublesome in nature. This is caused by simultaneous vitiation of all three doshas and is named as Shushkarsha.
Read – Watery Eyes: Causes, Ayurvedic Treatment, Remedies

Signs and Symptoms of Shushkarsha eye disorder
Deergha Ankurah – appearance of elongated pile like sprouts / sprout like lumps in the eyelid (inside the eyelid according to master Videha)
Nature of sprout / lump –

Modern correlation
Shushkarsh can be closely correlated with Chronic Form of Papillary Trachoma formed in the eyelids. (read more)

Treatment of Sushkarsha
Sus\karsha is a Chedana sadhya vyadhi. It is one of the eye diseases which can be cured by excision methods. The lumps are excised using surgical instruments and removed.

Formulations for Netra Roga from Sahasra Yoga
Asanabilwadi Taila
Manjishtadi Taila
Bhringamalakadi Taila
Bala Dhatryadi Taila
Tungadrumadi Taila
Kacchuradi Choorna(Brihat)
Parpataka Kashaya
Villampahotyadi Taila
Kayyonyadi Taila

Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu) – Email / Skype             

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