Ominous Signs Indicating Number Of Days In Which Death Occurs

By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Arishta Lakshanas are the signs of impending death and bad prognosis of a disease.

Some signs are so ominous that they even indicate the number of days or months in which the death is bound to ensue. These signs are called kalashrita arishtam.
Read – Arishta Lakshanas – Ominous Signs And Symptoms Indicating Bad Prognosis

signs of death within year

Kalashrita Arishtam – Time Bound Ominous Signs of Impending Death

Signs indicating death within a time span of 1 year

  • Person in whom all the fiery components (agneya bhavas) present in him i.e. digestive fire, lustre, pitta, reflection etc features have been destroyed or are sluggish
  • There is always a state of confusion and duality in consciousness
  • Reflection and shadow become deformed
  • Mind is always sick and depressed
  • He cannot concentrate or focus on anything at any time
  • Dogs and crows which generally eat the sacrificial food offered to them after offering ceremonious rituals and tribute to the departed ancestors will not eat the food offered by this person (it is said that if the dogs and crows eat that food, the ancestors who have departed will find solace in the ethereal world). It is said that such a person will die within one year and reach the ethereal world. After that he will be dependant to eat the rice ball offerings (pinda) offered to him as oblations from his family members.
  • Person who cannot see arundathi star located in the proximity of the vashishta sage who is located in north of the sky in the form of a star, one among a constellation of 7 stars depicting 7 great sages will die a dreadful death within a span of 1 year.
  • Sudden appearance or disappearance of colour and lustre of the body, wealth and built of the body without any reasons will die within a span of 1 year.
    Read – How to Live Healthy Everyday With Ayurveda

Signs of death in six months

Signs indicating death within a time span of 6 months

  • Person who loses devotion, nature, memory, sacrificing instinct, intellect and strength without any cause will die in 6 months.
  • Sudden appearance of prominent network of blood vessels on the head, which were previously absent on the head, in an elevated form
  • Appearance of elevated prominent oblique lines resembling a moon over the forehead in terms of its color, luster and appearance
    Read – How To Make Prognosis Of Disease According To Ayurveda?

Death signs in 6 weeks

Signs indicating death within a time span of 1 and half month

Death signs in a month

Signs indicating death within a time span of 1 month

  • A person in whom the signs of lunacy including shaking of body, fainting frequently, moving and walking all around without reasons and speaking irrelevantly indicate death within one month time
  • Urine, semen and feces of a person who hates his own relatives and friends, if get drowned when dropped in water, the person is said to get drowned in the sea of death and face death in a span of 30 days.
  • Person whose upper limbs, lower limbs and face get dried up while trunk remains healthy and intact will die in 1 month
  • Person whose upper limbs, lower limbs and face would have swelling but there is no swelling in the trunk, will die in 1 month.
  • Person is said to die within a span of one month if the powder like substance resembling that of dried cow dung is found to fall from  scalp, mixed with some unctuous material and suddenly disintegrates after some time.
    Read – Dharma – To Follow The Right Of Life

Signs indicating death within a time span of 15 days
Person is said to die within 15 days if his chest becomes excessively dried up and rest of his body remains wet, after taking  bath and anointing his body with the paste of sandalwood.

Immediate death signs

Ominous Signs Indicating Immediate Death – Sadhyo Maraka Arishta

A large sized round and hard mass develops in heart region of a person who is already suffering from excessive thirst is indicative of immediate death.
Read – Excessive Thirst – Ayurvedic Understanding And Treatment

If the aggravated vata travelling in the body produces flaccidity of calf muscles and also flaccidity and laxity of all muscles of the body and also causes oblique twisting of the nose, the person will die immediately.

When the eyebrows of a person / patient are displaced from their normal places, if he has severe burning sensation inside the body and if his condition is worsened by hiccough, he is sure to face immediate death.
Read – Anti Hiccup Herb Group Of Charaka – Review

When vitiated vata moving in upward direction continuously causes reduction and destruction of blood and muscles and also cause stiffening of both sides of neck in the patient, he will face immediate death in short time.

When the vitiated vata moving in between anal region and navel region of a patient, in an emaciated person causes gripping pain in the groins, it will cause immediate death.

When vitiated vata causes pain in groin and anal region of the patient and consequentially produces difficulty in breathing, the patient will face quick death.
Read – Dyspnoea – Difficulty in breathing: Causes, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis

If the agitated vata produces cutting type of pain in the navel region and also the region above and around urinary bladder, the person will not survive for long time.

If existing vata type of pain / colic produces splitting type of pain in the groin, from all the directions, associated with diarrhea and severe thirst, the person will face death very quickly.

When entire body becomes afflicted with vataja type of swelling / inflammation associated with diarrhea and thirst, the person will die soon.
Read – Types Of Swelling – Ayurveda Diagnosis Charak Samhita Sutrasthan-18

If entire body becomes enveloped and afflicted with vata deformities and disturbances and if there is associated manifestation of diarrhea and severe thirst, the person is said to die in quick time.

Presence of pain in region of stomach, as if the stomach is being cut by scissors associated with diarrhea and thirst is indicative of immediate death.
Read – Atisara – Charaka Chikitsa Sthana 19th Chapter

Presence of pain in region of colon, as if the colon is being cut by the scissors associated with thirst and constipation is indicative of immediate death.

Aggravated vata gets situated in large intestine and destroys the consciousness of the person. It produces abnormal noises in throat and takes away the life of the person in quick time.
Read – Vata Dosha – Mastermind Behind All Body And Mind Activities

If teeth of the person appear too dirty, the face appears to be covered up with white granules and if the whole body apparently appears to be covered up by droplets of sweat, he is sure to die in quick time.

In a person suffering from any disease, appearance of the below mentioned symptoms are indicative of instant death –

  • Thirst
  • Breathlessness / wheeze
  • Head ache
  • Fainting / loss of consciousness
  • Debility
  • Gurgling sounds in the abdomen
  • Diarrhea

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