By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Paripluta is caused due to aggravated pitta and vata which is characterised by painful menstruation, backache and fever. It is one among the 20 gynaecological disorders. Read – Gynecological Disorders Causes, Types As Per Ayurveda
Table of Contents
Causes, pathogenesis
Causes of Pariplut
Withholding natural urge of sneezing and belch, during coitus, by a woman having predominance of pitta, causes paripluta gynaecological disorder. Predominance of pitta may be due to her pitta predominant constitution or might have occurred due to excessive consumption of foods which tend to aggravate pitta. Read – Vega Dharana: Suppression of urges, types, symptoms, and management
Pathogenesis of Pariplutam
When a woman having pitta predominance in her withholds natural urge for sneezing and belching during coitus, the pitta gets vitiated. The vitiated pitta gets mixed with vayu. Pitta admixed with vata reaches the reproductive system of the woman, contaminate the organs and produce many abnormalities. A sum total of all these events are called paripluta.
Pari = entire, all around, in this context it is entire internal and external reproductive organs Pluta = features of vata i.e. pain etc are present with extreme severity
Paripluta is a pathological condition wherein pain etc features of vata are present with extreme severity in the entire reproductive system. Read – Pitta Increase Symptoms – Pitta Vriddhi Lakshana
Symptoms, Sanskrit verse
Signs and Symptoms of Pari pluta
- Yoni shuna / shotha – vagina / uterus gets inflamed
- Yoni sparsha akshama – tenderness in vagina / uterus
- Sa arti neela peetam asruk sravet – painful menstruation having yellowish or bluish color of menstrual blood
- Shroni vankshana prishta arti – severe pain in lumbo-sacral, pelvis and groin, backache
- Jwara – fever
Other symptoms –
- Gramya dharme ruja bhrusham – severe pain during coitus (Sushruta)
- Anila vedana – pain, ache etc symptoms caused by vitiated vata (Sushruta)
- Vasti kukshi gurutwam – heaviness in urinary bladder and lower abdomen (Vagbhata)
- Atisara – diarrhea (Vagbhata)
- Arochaka – tastelessness, anorexia (Vagbhata)
- Gramya dharme ruchih – liking for coitus (Madhukosha)
Modern correlation
Modern correlation & comparative study
Inflammation of reproductive organs associated with painful coitus – The explanation given by Charaka and Sushruta are quite contrasting. While Charaka opines that paripluta is caused by vitiated vata and pitta and presents with inflammatory symptoms, fever, backache etc Sushtruta opines that it is caused only due to vitiated vata and presents with dyspareunia.
Vaginismus – Madhukosha explanation of paripluta points out towards its resemblance with ‘vaginismus’. In vaginismus there is presence of muscular spasm of thighs, vulva and vaginal canal associated with difficulty in coitus / painful coitus. Read – Menstrual Pain, Painful Periods – Natural Ayurvedic Herbal Home Remedies
Inflammation of pelvic organs – Inflammation of Bartholin’s glands, ovarian tubes and ovaries are the chief causes of painful coitus. In all these conditions, symptoms described by master Charaka are noted. Due to irritation of colon caused by pelvic hyperemia symptoms like diarrhoea etc as mentioned by master Vagbhata are evident. Since these are inflammatory in origin, involvement of vitiated pitta is mandatory. Read – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Ayurvedic Treatment, Therapies, Medicines
Gonococcal infection – As this disease is said to be caused by coitus, it can be correlated to gonococcal infection of reproductive organs. Read – Upadamsha – Treatment For Sexually Transmitted Disease
Seeing all the above said description of paripluta given by different authors, the condition can be closely correlated to –
- Acute inflammatory stage of gonococcal infection (Charaka, Vagbhata)
- Later stage of gonococcal infection presenting with dyspareunia present due to chronic salpingo-oophoritis (Sushruta)
- Vaginismus due to psychological abnormalities present in any chronic disease or associated with chronic painful coitus
Read – Comparative Study Of PID With Yoni Vyapath
Treatment of Paripluta gynecological disorder
Treatment lineup mentioned in upapluta shall be followed in paripluta also.
Upapluta treatment –
Snehana, swedana, santarpana – After administering oleatin and sudation, satiation should be done by disease modifying tampons.
Vata nashaka ahara – administration of vata mitigating foods Read – How To Balance Vata Dosha? Line Of Treatment And Reasoning
Shallakyadi taila siddha pichu – Tampons using the oil processed with decoction of the below said herbs should be administered –
- Boswellia serrata
- Odina woider
- Syzygium cumini
- Anogeissus latifolia and
- Panchavalkala
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