Kaphaja Yoni Vyapad – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

Kaphaja Yoni Vyapad is a gynaecological disorder caused by vitiated Kapha. It is also called Shlaishmiki / Shleshmala Yoni Vyapad. Shleshma is a synonym of kapha. Read – Understand Kapha Dosha By Its Functions

Causes, sanskrit verse

Kaphaj Yoni Vyapat – Causes and Symptoms of Gynaecological disorder caused by vitiated Kapha

Yoni vyapat is caused by vitiated kapha.

Specific causes of kafaj yoni vyapad

Excessive consumption of foods and substances which cause oozing and serous effusion in the body and also other kapha aggravating foods and activities on regular basis by woman causes aggravation of kapha. Read – Lifestyle, Food And Factors That Cause Increase Of Kapha Dosha

Pathology, Symptoms


When a woman consumes in excess foods which are i.e. those which produce oozing / serous effusion, the kapha gets aggravated. This aggravated kapha reaches yoni i.e. reproductive system, especially vagina and uterus and causes kaphaja yoni vyapat.

Note – Here master Charaka has mentioned only abhishyandi substances as the cause of kapha aggravation and subsequent manifestation of kaphaja vaginal disorders. Other authors also have followed the same pattern of explanation. But this should only be taken as a clue and the explanation extended to all those foods and activities which aggravate kapha. The other causes like excessive consumption of cold and unctuous foods, , sour and salty foods, excessive sleeping, lack of physical exercise, exposure to cold etc shall also be considered. Among all these causative factors, the abhishyandi foods can be considered as the prime causes of kaphaja vaginal disorders.

Symptoms of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapath –

Local symptoms related to reproductive system, mainly vagina and uterus

  • Pichchilata – stickiness / unctuousness
  • Sheeta – feeling of abnormal cold
  • Kandu – itching sensation
  • Alpa vedana – dull / mild pain
  • Avedana – painlessness (master Vagbhata has included absence of pain in place of dull pain as explained by Charaka, but it shall be considered as dull pain itself)
  • Vedana – presence of pain (Madhukosha, Madhava Nidana)

Now there is lot of difference by different authors in terms of presence of pain. Since it is a disease pertaining to vagina / uterus, there should be some sort of discomfort. This discomfort may have been considered as painlessness by Vagbhata. But seeing the explanation of other masters and clubbing them, it makes sense to understand that there will be presence of some sort of discomfort to mild pain to moderate pain in the vagina / uterus in kaphaja vaginal disorders and occasionally there may be absence of pain and discomfort for a short period. Read – Vatala Yoni Vyapad – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment


Generalized symptoms pertaining to whole body caused by vitiated kapha Master Charaka has mentioned Pandu varna i.e. the woman looks pale in vaginal disorders caused by kapha. Other than this no other general physical symptoms have been mentioned by Charaka or any other authors. In spite, excessive coldness in the body too can be considered in this instance since Ayurveda has followed the method of mentioning only the predominant signs and symptoms and leaving the rest to the inference of the physician.

Nature of Menstrual Bleeding

In Kaphaja Yoni Vyapad, the menstrual blood will have the below mentioned features –

  • Pandu varna artava srava – pale / yellowish color
  • Pichchila artava – slimy / sticky in nature

Read – Artava – Menstrual Blood Formation, Healthy Characteristic Features

Chakrapani, the commentator of Charaka Samhita has explained that this type of bleeding from the vagina as occurs in kaphaja yoni vyapad may occur even during inter-menstrual period. He also tells that this disorder resembles another pathological condition i.e. bleeding disorder caused by vitiated kapha i.e. kaphaja asrgdhara i.e. excessive bleeding due to aggravated kapha. Read – Heavy Periods, Menstrual Bleeding: Ayurvedic Treatment

Analysis, correlation

Analytical view of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapad

From the modern perspective kaphaja yoni vyapad can be considered to be one or more of the below mentioned conditions –

Trichomonas / Monilial Vulvo-vaginitis when there is inflammation in vulva and vagina of a woman following infection from trichomonas or monilial organismsit presents with itching in vagina along with sticky and unctuous discharges per vagina, which are also found in vaginal disorders caused due to kapha aggravation. In very severe infection of trichomonas, there will be mild to moderate pain in the genital organs due to inflammation; however in most cases it remains painless, especially when the infection is of mild to moderate intensity. Therefore, Charaka’s explanation of mild / dull pain and Vagbhata’s explanation of absence of pain, both seems to be correct and depict various presentations of the vaginal infection from Trichomonas. Read – Vaginitis: Ayurvedic Treatment, Medicines, Home Remedies Menstrual irregularity, as explained by Chakrapani, may be evident in chronic trichomoniasis. In Trichomonas vulvo-vaginitis, the vaginal canal, at times, is covered with strawberry coloured patches as well as white or yellowish (pandu) thick curdy discharges, these features may give yellowish / pale discoloration to the vaginal canal.

Considering all the symptoms given in Ayurveda texts, the condition of kaphaja yoni vyapad can be closely compared with trichomonas vaginitis. Read – Gynecological Disorders Causes, Types As Per Ayurveda

Treatment, Sanskrit verse

Treatment of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapad

  • Dry and hot remedies and comforts shall be done.
  • Enema prepared with pungent herbs mixed in cow’s urine
  • Application of pastes and administration of pessaries / wicks prepared with kapha mitigating herbs and all other kapha pacifying measures and diet shall be followed. Read – Uttara Basti: Method, Indications, Mode of Action

Kaphaja Yoni Vyapad is one among the 20 types of gynaecological disorders explained in Ayurveda.

Ruksha Ushna Chikitsa – dry and hot remedies in kaphaja yoni vyapad

In all vaginal and uterine disorders having predominance of kapha vitiation, medicines prepared from herbs having drying and hot potency should be used.

External treatments also should be drying and heat inducing in nature. Kapha is wet, unctuous and cold in nature therefore dry and hot treatments and comforts are antagonistic to kapha disorders. Read – Activities And Diet For Kapha Balance

Katu-Gomutra Basti in treatment of kaphaja vaginal / uterine disorders

Enemas prepared with herbs predominantly having pungent taste and potency mixed in cow urine should be administered to the woman suffering from vaginal / uterine disorders caused by aggravated kapha. Pungent taste and potency are antagonistic to kapha and would eventually destroy morbid kapha, thus aborting the disease process. At the same time urine of cow is a proved remedy for destroying morbid kapha. Eventually the enema composition would be a wholesome formulation to treat kaphaja yoni vyapad. This combination also would treat the infections, cleanse the reproductive system of women, mitigate kapha, heal the vagina and uterus and eventually cure the disease effectively. Read – Cow Urine Therapy Benefits, Research, Precautions

Kalka dharana – application of medicinal pastes in kaphaja vaginal disorders

Local application of paste of shyama trivrit i.e. Operculina turpethum in the vagina afflicted by kaphaja disorders would provide comprehensive cure and healing.

Varti Dharana – administration of intra-vaginal pessary

Pessaries prepared with the below mentioned herbs should be placed in the vaginal canal for effective treatment and healing any kaphaja vaginal disorders.

Varaha pitta bhavita varti – pessary prepared with a piece of cloth soaked well and several times in the bile of hog is highly effective remedy for kaphaja vaginal disorders.

Yava shiddha varti – a pessary prepared with powdered barley mixed with rock salt and pestled properly with latex of Calotropis gigantea should be placed repeatedly in the vagina or it should be placed for a short duration. After removal of the wick / pessary, the vaginal canal should be irrigated with warm water.

Masha shiddha varti – a pessary prepared with powdered black gram mixed with rock salt and grinded properly with Calotropis gigantea latex should be placed repeatedly in the vagina. Alternatively it can be placed in the vagina for short time and removed. After removal of the pessary, the vaginal canal should be irrigated and cleansed with warm water.

Pippalyadi Varti – A pessary, having thickness of one’s index finger should be prepared with long pepper, black pepper, black gram, dill seeds, Saussurea lappa and rock salt. This pessary when introduced in the vagina afflicted by vitiated kapha, would provide comprehensive cure. Apart from destroying the morbid kapha, it would also heal the infection, cure the lesions and establish health in the reproductive system.


Pathya – conducive diet to be used in curing kaphaja yoni vyapat

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