Pittaja Nanatmaja and Samanya Vikaras General and Specific Pitta Disorders

By Dr Raghuram Y.  S. MD (Ayu)

Pitta dosha increase and decrease can lead to diseases. These Pitta diseases can be categorised as Pitta Samanya Vyadhi – General Pitta disorders, wherein Pitta is the dominant Dosha, but other 2 Doshas are also involved in pathology.

Pitta Nanatmaja Vyadhi – Pure Pitta disorders wherein this Dosha alone has aggravated.

Pitta Samanya Vyadhi

General diseases with pitta predominance

These are sub-types of general diseases like fever, diarrhea, cough, heart diseases, skin diseases, urinary disorders etc having and caused by predominantly vitiated pitta. So, obviously it is a sub-type of a main disease.
Read – Classification of Vyadhi (diseases) according to Ayurveda

These diseases are also caused by vata and kapha. Some diseases also have sub-types caused by dual and triple vitiation of doshas. Some sub-types are named on basis of their unique presentation in spite of being caused by same doshas which cause main disease.
Read – Easy Home Remedy For Cough With Trikatu

Example, kasa i.e. cough is of five types i.  e.

  • Vataja kasa – caused by predominant vitiation of vata
  • Pittaja kasa – caused by predominant vitiation of pitta
  • Kaphaja kasa – caused by predominant vitiation of kapha
  • Kshataja kasa – caused by injury
  • Kshayaja kasa – caused by depletion of tissues

Read – Ayurvedic Home Remedy For Cough Due To Pitta Increase

Here cough is a general disease caused by involvement of more than one dosha and has five subtypes of presentation. When cough is caused by predominance of pitta dosha, it is called as samanya disease of pitta type. Here, cough is a general disease and pittaja cough is a type of this general disease. Thus we can also find pitta types in many general diseases.

All diseases are caused by aggravation of doshas. Each disease is classified on basis of predominant dosha(s) causing disease. When pitta is predominantly involved in formation of disease, they will be named as pittaja. It will generally be sub-type of a disease. Like in above said example, pittaja kasa is cough caused predominantly by pitta. Symptoms too will be predominantly of pitta. But cough is not caused by only pitta, since this disease has other sub-types too. Read – Shwasa Roga Chikitsa: Ayurvedic Treatment, Medicines

Kshataja Kasa indicates injury as causative factor of cough. Even in this case, doshas are involved. Similarly kshayaja kasa is a type of cough wherein doshas are involved following depletion of tissues, tissue depletion being cause of cough. These two are given distinctive names because of involvement of injury and tissue depletion in causation of these two types of cough.

Other examples of Samanya Vikaras caused by pitta predominance:

In this type we need to remember that fever, diarrhoea, cough, piles etc diseases are also caused by vitiation of other doshas i.e. vata and kapha and also dual and triple vitiation of doshas. When that disease is caused by predominant vitiation of pitta, it gets tagged with term ‘Pittaja’. This differentiates Samanya Pitta Vyadhis from Nanatmaja Pitta Vyadhis.
Read – Administration of Kshara Sutra in Arshas (piles, haemorrhoids)

Nanatmaja Pitta Roga

– Diseases caused by vitiation of ‘only pitta’

Nanatmaja Pitta Vikaras are those which are caused by vitiation of only Pitta. Other doshas, i.e. Vata or Kapha will not be involved in causation of these diseases like in Samanyaja Pitta Diseases. They are 60 in number. They are as below mentioned.

Pitta Nanatmaja Vyadhis – Nanatmaja diseases caused by vitiated Pitta alone, they are 40 in number.

  • Osha – Severe burning sensation in whole body
  • Plosha – burning sensation and pain as if trapped in fire
  • Daaha – burning sensation in body
  • Davathu – burning sensation in sense organs
  • Dhoomaka – feeling as if smoke is being eliminated from mouth / face
  • Amlaka – sour belching
  • Vidaaha – burning in different parts of body
  • Antardaaha – burning sensation in viscera
  • Amsa daaha – burning sensation in region of shoulder blades
  • Ooshma adhikya – excessive temperature of body
  • Ati sweda – excessive sweating
  • Anga gandha – foul smell from body
  • Anga avadaarana – splitting pain in body parts
  • Shonita kleda – dilution of blood
  • Mamsa kleda – decaying of flesh / muscles
  • Twak daaha – burning sensation of skin
  • Twak avadaarana – scaling of skin
  • Charma avadaarana – cracks and fissures of skin
  • Rakta kotha – red eruptions all over body
  • Rakta Vishphota – red blisters over body
  • Rakta pitta – bleeding disorders
  • Rakta mandala – red coloured patches over body
  • Haritatva – greenish discoloration of eyes, nails, urine etc
  • Neelikaa – bluish discoloration of eyes, nails, urine etc
  • Kakshaa – sores or ulcers in armpits
  • Haaridratva – appearance of turmeric colour in eyes, nails, urine etc
  • Kaamalaa – jaundice
  • Tikta aasyataa – bitter taste in mouth
  • Lohita gandha aasyataa – smell of blood from mouth
  • Pooti mukhataa – foul smell from mouth
  • Trishna adhikya – excessive thirst
  • Atrupti – dissatisfaction with food
  • Aasya vipaaka – mouth sores
  • Gala paaka – ulcers / sores in throat
  • Akshi paaka – suppuration / formation of pus in eyes
  • Guda paaka – formation of sores / pus pockets around anal orifice
  • Medhra paka – formation of sores around penis
  • Jeevaadaana – clear blood coming from mouth
  • Tamaha pravesha – appearance of darkness in front of eyes
  • Harita haaridra netra mootra varchastvam – manifestation of green, turmeric colour in eyes, urine and stools

Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.  S. MD (Ayu) – Email / Skype

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