Dhatu Paka – Symptoms Of Tissue Suppuration And Destruction

By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Dhatu Paka is a pathological and unfavorable condition for body. It is a condition in which tissues are severely destructed in quick time. This leads to manifestation of many diseases and loss of immunity and strength. 

Word meaning

Dhatu = tissues
Paka = suppuration, destruction
Vitiation of any dosha may cause either a temporary or permanent destruction of tissues. This happens because vitiated doshas attack tissues and cause their destruction. This is because tissues are subjected to a process of digestion. This digestion or destruction of doshas is called dhatu paka.

Destruction and suppuration of anything in body will not take place without involvement of pitta Dosha. Thus, in dhatu paka avastha, vitiated pitta plays a prominent role in destruction of tissues immaterial of dosha taking part in pathogenesis of disease.


Effect of dhatu paka and reasons to know about tissue suppuration and destruction
‘Shareera dharanat dhatavaha’ – as per definition of word dhatu, they are the elements of body which form, guard and take care of entire body. General body strength and immunity of our body is entirely dependent on healthy condition, qualitative and quantitative balance of tissues of body.
Read – Dhatu – 7 Body Tissues As Explained In Ayurveda

Destruction of tissues is considered as an alarming or threatening condition. It is a serious stage in pathogenesis of disease, with only exception of blood tissue.

Destruction of tissues is also caused by many external factors like infection and toxic pathogens.

White blood cells (WBC) and other components of immune system present in blood plays an important role in digesting and destroying any such foreign materials causing diseases.

Example – pathogenic organisms, foreign bodies, toxins and other substances.
Similarly they also swallow and digest decaying and dead tissue cells which have also become foreign substances of body. Unless this phenomenon takes place, dhatu paka of other tissues will not be controlled.

Digestion of these WBC’s also takes place in due course of progression of disease. This is also considered as tissue destruction. But this process is essential for controlling pathology.
This transient and temporary tissue destruction is quickly rectified by formation and replacement of new WBC’s.

It is very important for the physician to know about tissue destruction and its role in formation of diseases. With knowledge of tissue destruction and its symptoms it would be easy for physician to plan a proper protocol of treatment to not only control and expel morbid doshas but also to control destruction and suppuration of tissues.
Read – Pathogenesis Of Disease In Ayurveda (samprapti)

Tissue destruction can also cause death in quick time if tissue damage is not arrested by timely administration of comprehensive interventions. By controlling tissue destruction, the physician can not only cure diseases but also save life of person. He can also conserve tissues, provide medicines and treatments which would replenish them and restore strength and immunity of an individual.


Dhatu Paka Lakshanas – Symptoms of tissue destruction and suppuration

Classical reference

Below mentioned symptoms of tissue destruction would help as indicators of tissue destruction and damage. This would help the physician to identify this dangerous part of pathogenesis of any disease and abort suppuration of tissues as soon as possible.

Nidranasha – loss of sleep
Hrudi stambha – unusual feeling of pressure or constriction in region of heart
Vishtambha – constipation and also obstruction of different passages of body
Gourava – heaviness in body
Aruchi – tastelessness
Arati – anxiety, dullness
Balahani – loss of strength and immunity

Fate of dhatu paka
Pitta in initial stages and vata later causes tissue destruction in dhatu paka – Process of dhatu paka leads to decrease in quantity of tissues which in turn leads to vata vitiation. Vitiation of vata is responsible for manifestation of above mentioned symptoms of tissue destruction. Though process of suppression is initiated by morbid pitta, it is carried ahead to irreversible proportions by vitiated vata, unless destruction is controlled by suitable measures.

Depletion of nutrition juices of food and lymph (Rasa Dhatu) also hastens tissue destruction in dhatu paka – Vitiation of vata is also responsible for destruction of nutrition juices of food and lymph, the first tissue formed after digestion. This nutrition juices of food and lymph  is an important tissue as consecutive tissues are formed only if there is a qualitative and quantitative balance of this tissue.

Nutrition juices of food and lymph is mainly used for liberation of energy essential for all daily body activities. Therefore in conditions of over activity, rasa dhatu paka or destruction of nutrition juices of food and lymph takes place. Consequently decrease in quantity of this tissue takes place. This also produces above mentioned symptoms due to depletion of nutrition and energy.
Read – Brimhana Therapy – Nourishing Ayurvedic Treatment Principle

Symptoms of tissue destruction when produced in absence of excessive physical exercise and strain indicate serious condition of dhatu paka. This occurs in major tissues i.e. muscle, bone marrow or semen and when it does it is fatal.

Healing and Replenishment

Signs of recovery from dhatu pak
During process of recovery, stage of tissue destruction gets controlled and symptoms exactly opposite to that of tissue destruction being to appear. They are –
Sunidra – good sleep
Hrut laghuta – feeling lightness in chest or heart
Mala pravritti – easy defecation
Laghuta –  lightness in body
Suruchi – appreciation of taste of food
Arati nasha – there is a feel of enthusiasm and energy
Bala prapti – feel of regain of health

In chronic diseases like tuberculosis, wasting and depleting diseases, chronic tumors etc, there is continuous destruction of tissues. If this destruction of tissues is progressive, condition of patient becomes incurable. But if pathology and destruction of tissues is checked, condition of dhatu paka gets restricted. Stoppage of tissue destruction is a sign of good chances of recovery.
Read – Tuberculosis, Symptoms And Treatment In Ayurveda

How to treat tissue destruction?
Tissue destruction is an emergency condition as integrity of physical body and its stability is at stake. The life is also in danger. Therefore measures to stop tissue destruction should be taken in quick time.

Doshas should be controlled initially.
Morbid doshas should be thrown out of body.
Purgation and pitta alleviating herbs and diet will expel agitated pitta and tissue destruction will come to halt.
At same time vata controlling measures including diet, medicines, enemas and lifestyle changes will come in handy.
Read related: The Easiest Way To Understand Doshas

Simultaneously tissues should be strengthened with help of diet and medicines which enhance and replace lost tissues as soon as possible.

Immune modulators i.e. Rasayanas should be included in protocol. This will not only fortify and replenish tissues and allow them to be formed and maintained properly, they will also arrest destruction and suppuration in body and will prevent tissue destruction from recurring frequently.
Metabolism should be addressed and metabolic errors should be treated properly.
Quality and quantity of belly fire and tissue fires should regularly be monitored.
Read – Immunity In Ayurveda: Concept, Diet, Herbs, Medicines, Exercise

Just Before Finishing –
Knowledge of tissue destruction and suppuration would help physician to diagnose this condition as early as possible, support tissues with tissue forming and balancing interventions and also to save life of patient.
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