Traditional Ayurvedic Fried Flour Preparation – Apupa

By Dr M S Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu) PhD
Apupa (Apoopa) are special kind of snacks prepared out of grain flours. They are tasty, healthy, appetizers and nutritious. They are wholesome to all age group and healthy for all seasons.
Even though they are fried snacks, amount of oil or ghee absorbed is less and hence it is safe to eat even by the patients who have health issues like obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes etc.


All kinds of snacks and wafers are known as Apoopa in Sanskrit.

General preparation method

Particular grain flour is taken and mixed with small amount of water and dough is made.
According to need buttermilk/curd, butter, ghee etc may be added.
Further flavoring agents like cumin seeds, asafoetida, sesame seeds, grated coconut, opium seeds, curry leaves etc are also added along with salt.
This is made into small thin discs of size 2-3 inch diameter.
Further this is cooked in oil or ghee and served.
Read – Coconut oil- bad or good, benefits, Ayurvedic and contemporary views

Qualities of different types of snacks and wafers are explained here below as per classical mentioning-

Classical reference


Godhuma apoopa-Thin wafers of Wheat:
Sweet in taste, unctuous, balances vata, aphrodisiac, energizer.
Read – Wheat – Barley Chapati And Roti: Health Benefits, How To Make?

Masha apoopa- Thin wafers of Black gram:
Unctuous, appetizer, balances vata, energizer, promotes of sperm count and semen.
It is good to those who are doing good exercise and otherwise it may cause laziness and excess of sleep.
Read – 8 Black Gram Remedies For Sex Power, Head Lice, Joint Pain

Pishta apoopa- Thin wafers of Rice flour
Here, rice flour is mixed with jaggery and then fried with ghee. This is appetizer and tasty, heavy for digestion, increase kapha, nourishing.
This is not recommendable to diabetic patients and those who are having abdominal worms.

Ksheera apoopa – Thin wafers of milk cooked rice:
Firstly wheat dough is made by adding milk and wheat flour. Later, spices are added to this by making them into fine powder. This is made into thin plateau of suitable size and cooked with ghee.
In Hindhi this called Ksheer Gharage.
It is sweet, heavy for digestion, nutritive and aphrodisiac.

Let us watch such classical wafers with labels of quality and action as per Ayurvedic reference in future days. Also, let’s encourage such companies which promote classical preparations with traditional knowledge and insights.
Contact Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD

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