Samsarga Dosha Dushti – When Two Doshas Are Imbalanced Together

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Samsarga Dosha Dushti is a type of Dosha vitiation with the involvement of two Doshas together. Such disorders with Dual Dosha imabalnce are also called as samsargaja or dwidoshaja or dwandwaja vyadhis.

Related Reading – Involvement of Multiple Doshas In The Disease process

Samsarga Dosha Dushti

Samsarga Dosha Dushti (dual dosha vitiation), its characteristic features
Dual dosha vitiation is also called as Dwidoshaja dosha dushti or dwandwa dosha dushti.

The disease formed from dual vitiation of doshas is called Samsargaja vyadhi.
Vata-Pittaja Jwara,
Pitta-Kaphaja Visarpa, etc


Causes (nidanas) – the etiological factors responsible for vitiation of both doshas will be jointly responsible for simultaneous vitiation of both doshas. The patient would have exposed to etiological factors for vitiation of both vata and pitta in vata pittaja fever.
Read related: Sannipataja Dosha Dushti 


Symptoms (lakshanas) – the symptoms of both doshas involved in the dosha vitiation will be available in the disease caused by their combined vitiation. Example – headache, yawning, goosebumps, sleeplessness etc symptoms due to vata vitiation and loss of consciousness, burning sensation etc symptoms due to pitta vitiation will be jointly present in vata-pittaja fever.

Prognosis – the diseases caused by dual vitiation of doshas is said to be  difficult to cure or can be managed but not cured completely.


Treatment (chikitsa) – while treating the diseases caused by daul vitiation of dosha, both doshas should be taken into consideration. The treated doshas are pacified in such a way that the treatment for one dosha doesn’t contrast the treatment of the other.

Nature of vitiation of doshas in samsargaja dushti – in dual vitiation of doshas, one dosha may be vitiated severely and other dosha vitiated less prominently. Alternatively, both doshas may be vitiated in equal strengths. The symptoms, prognosis and treatment should be according to the strength of the vitiated dosha(s).

Example –  in Vata-Pittaja fever, if vata is vitiated severely in comparison to pitta, it will be called vata pittaja fever and if pitta is more vitiated, it will be called pitta vataja fever.
The name indicates the predominant and less predominant doshas involved in the disease formation.
If fever is caused by vata and pitta and if pitta symptoms are more than those of vata, then it means that the patient might have taken more etiological factors, which vitiated pitta more in comparison to vata.

Similarly vata pittaja fever might be caused by equal vitiation of vata and pitta. The symptoms, prognosis and treatment will be alike.

Types of dual dosha vitiation

Types of dual dosha vitiation – three type of dosha vitiation can take place in dual dosha vitiation.
i.e. vata-pitta,
pitta-kapha and
kapha-vataja dosha dushti.
The name of samsargaja dosha dushti will be in accordance to the predominant dosha in the dual vitiation.
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