Vitiation Of Doshas According To Movement Of Doshas In The Body

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S


Dosha vitiation is a mandatory event in the causation of the disease process in the body occurs in different ways. 

Related Reading – Types of Dosha Dushti
Doshas can get vitiated when they move from one place to the other. This is called Dosha Gati.

Gati means movement. This translates Dosha Gati to ‘Movement of Dosha’. But in this context, the meaning of gati is not limited to only movement.
Normal And Abnormal Dosha Imbalance – Prakrita, Vaikrita Dosha Dushti

Dosha Gati

Different meanings of Dosha Gati are –

  • Status of the doshas (normalcy, decrease and increase)
  • Movement of doshas (upward, downward and lateral movements)
  • Localization of doshas (doshas located in the visceral organs, tissues or the vital organs of the body)
  • Fluctuation in quality and quantity of doshas (as in accumulation, vitiation and auto-pacification of doshas)
  • Form of doshas (as vitiation occurring in accordance to one’s constitution or in contrast to one’s constitution)

Dosha Dushti according to Dosha Gati

Dosha dushti according to the Dosha Gati may present in one or more of the below mentioned forms.

  1. Decrease, normalcy, increase (Kshaya, Sthana and Vriddhi)
  2. Upward, downward and oblique movement (Urdhwa gati, Adhah Gati and Tiryak Gati)
  3. Movement of Doshas into digestive tract, tissues, bones and joints (Koshta gati, Shakha Gati and Marma-Asthi-Sandhi gati)
  4. Seasonal increase, and decrease (Sanchaya or Chaya, Prakopa or Kopa and Prashamana)
  5. Vitiation of same Dosha as body type or vitiation of different Dosha than body type – Prakriti and Vikriti

Kshaya, Sthana and Vriddhi of Doshas

Kshaya (decrease of dosha), Sthana (normalcy of dosha) and Vriddhi (increase of dosha) are considered to be dosha gatis which reflect the status of doshas.

In dosha kshaya we can find symptoms of decrease of doshic qualities and functions. Sama doshas will perform their normal activities. In dosha vriddhi one can find the symptoms of increased doshas. When dosha vriddhi is not treated promptly the vitiation continues and profresses through other pathological states (kriya kala) and cause diseases.

Urdhwa, Adho, Tiryak Gati of Doshas

Urdhwa Gati, Adho Gati and Tiryak Gati of Doshas
Urdhwa Gati (upward movement), Adho Gati (downward movement) and Tiryak Gati (sideward movement or lateral movement) are considered to be the dosha gatis which reflect the movement or direction of movement of doshas and thus the direction in which the disease is manifesting.

Example, Urdhwaga Raktapitta (bleeding of pitta contaminated blood in upward direction) is an example of Urdhwa Gati of the dosha or vyadhi. Similarly Adhoga Raktapitta (bleeding of pitta contaminated blood in downward direction) is an example of Adho Gati of dosha or vyadhi. Jwara or fever is an example for Tiryak Gati of dosha or vyadhi.

Koshta, Shakha, Marma Asthi Sandhi Gati

Koshta Gati, Shakha Gati and Marma-Asthi-Sandhi Gati
Koshta Gati (localization in the visceral organs), Shakha Gati (localization in the tissues of the body) and Marma-Asthi-Sandhi Gati (localization in the vital organs, bones and bony joints of the body) are considered as dosha gatis which reflect the point of localization of vitiated doshas in the body, causing diseases therein.

The vitiated doshas get lodged (localized) in one or the other places among the koshta, shaka and marma-asthi-sandhi’s and cause diseases therein.

Dosha Chaya, Kopa, Shamana

Chaya (accumulation of doshas in their own seats), Prakopa (aggravation of doshas in their own seats) and Prashamana (auto-pacification of doshas) are considered as dosha gatis which reflect the pathological fluctuations or variations of doshas, especially those occurring in different seasons or in response to change in seasons. This is also called as Rtu Kriya Kala or Dosha Kriya Kala.

If the Ritucharya i.e. seasonal regimen is followed correctly, the doshas pacify by themselves in the upcoming season (shamana) and do not progress to the next stages of Kriya Kala and hence they do not cause diseases.
Read related: Independent And Dependent Dosha Imbalance – Explanation, Example

Prakriti and Vikriti Gati

Prakriti Gati and Vikriti Gati are considered as the types of dosha gati which reflect the manifestation of dosha vitiation in accordance to one’s prakriti (constitution) and in contrast to one’s constitution.

In Prakriti Gati type of vitiation, the dosha vitiation is in accordance to one’s prakriti or constitution. Since the vitiation is similar or identical to one’s constitution it will be difficult to treat such conditions (krichrasadhya or kashtasadhya). Example – vitiation of vata in a vata constitution person.

In Vikriti Gati or type of dosha vitiation, the dosha vitiation is in contrast to one’s prakriti or constitution. Since the vitiation is dissimilar to one’s constitution or prakriti it will be easy to treat such conditions (sukha sadhya).
Read related: Effect of Body Constitution On Imbalanced Dosha

Just Before Finishing –
In this article we have discussed about the dosha vitiation in relation to various forms of dosha gati. This will help a physician to have a clinical practice in a more efficient and comprehensive way because the knowledge of these gatis will help him or her to determine various factors related to dosha vitiation and disease manifestation. With the knowledge of these gatis the physician would learn about the location, direction, qualitative and quantitative variation, status and forms of vitiated doshas. This will help in determining the prognosis of disease to the best of one’s ability and also to provide a sensible cure or prevention for an ailment or dosha vitiation.
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