Normal Vitiation of Doshas As Per Seasonal Variation

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Dosha vitiation causes diseases. Dosha Dushti is the first and most important event which should occur as a rule if the disease is to be manifested. The vitiated doshas on damaging the tissues to cause diseases.

Prakruta Dosha Dushti means natural or normal vitiation of doshas.

Prakrita Dosha Dushti

How is vitiation of doshas normal?
When dosha vitiation occurs in a season quite natural to its vitiation, in the part of a day quite natural for its vitiation and during the phase of digestion which is normal for its vitiation, it will be called as Prakruta Dushti of dosha or normal vitiation of dosha.

Here, though vitiation of dosha occurs, it doesn’t progress through the pathological stages (kriya kala) so as to cause diseases. The vitiation is either of small scale or a temporary one. The vitiation in Prakruta dushti spontaneously gets settled down to normalcy when contrasting conditions prevail.

Example, kapha normally increases in Vasanta Rtu (spring or early summer) due to the effect of climate and as a rule, but normally settles down without progressing towards disease in the following season i.e. summer season, especially when Rtucharya (seasonal regimen is followed properly). Similarly, pitta normally increases as a rule during the noon and pacifies in the evening. Likewise, kapha increases during the early part of digestion (when digestion sets in) and gets pacified once the digestion gets going i.e. couple of hours after intake of food, when pitta is actively participating in the digestion process.

In this article we shall discuss the impact of seasonal variations on Dosha Dushti.
Vata -> mild increase in Greeshma (summer), full increase in Varsha, decrease in Sharat Ritu.
Pitta -> mild increase in Varsha, full increase in Sharat and decrease in Hemanga (early winter).
Kapha -> mild increase in Shishira (late winter), full increase in Vasanta (spring), decrease in summer.
Read related: Ritucharya – Ayurvedic Seasonal Regimen – 3rd Chapter – Ashtang Hriday

In relation to seasonal changes

Prakrita Dosha Dushti in relation to seasonal changes (Rutu Prabhava)
According to Ayurvedic Rutucharya (seasonal regimen), there are particular seasons in which particular doshas naturally get vitiated. This pattern in which a particular dosha gets vitiated in particular season is called dosha kriya kala.

The doshas when get vitiated in that particular season in which they are bound to get vitiated as a natural and normal phenomenon it will be considered as Prakruta Dushti.


Let us try to understand this with the below mentioned examples –
In Vasanta or spring season the Kapha gets vitiated i.e. kapha dushti takes place. This vitiation of kapha may take place on the backdrop of its gradual accumulation (sanchaya) in its previous season (Shishira Rtu or Late winter), this is called as Sachaya Prakopa (i.e. vitiation following accumulation).

The kapha dushti may also take place suddenly without being preceded by Sanchaya of Kapha, this is called Achaya Prakopa (i.e. vitiation without accumulation). Either way, this type of Kapha vitiation in Vasanta Rtu is called as Prakrita Kapha Dushti or Normal Kapha vitiation.

If the seasonal regimen of Vasanta season is followed properly, the doshas get normally subsided in its following season i.e. Grishma or summer. This is called as Prashama or natural pacification of doshas.

If the seasonal regime is not followed and neglected, the dosha vitiation gets worse and passes through the other pathological stages of Samprapti (pathogenesis) or Kriya Kala (stages of disease) to cause various diseases.

Similarly, the vitiation of Pitta in Sharad – autumn season is Prakrita Pitta Dushti i.e. normal vitiation of Pitta because Pitta Prakopa or vitiation takes place in Sharad Rtu as a natural phenomenon, as a universal rule. This vitiated pitta naturally (normally) subsides in the following season i.e. Hemanta Rtu (early winter) when seasonal regimen of Sharad Rtu is followed properly. If not, the vitiated pitta undergoes pathological stages of disease (kriya kala) in chronological order and causes pathogenesis of diseases, mainly pitta predominant diseases.

Likewise, the vitiation of Vata in Pravrit or Varsha Rtu i.e. rainy season is considered as normal vitiation of Vata i.e. Prakrita Vata Dushti. Vata Prakopa or vitiation of Vata naturally takes place (as a rule) in Varsha Rtu. This vitiated vata naturally (normally) subsides in the following season i.e. Sharad Rtu (autumn) when seasonal regimen of Varsha Rtu is followed properly. If not, the vitiated pitta undergoes pathological stages of disease (kriya kala) in chronological order and causes pathogenesis of diseases, mainly vata predominant diseases.

Thus, Kapha vitiation in Vasanta Rtu, Pitta vitiation in Sharad Rtu and Vata vitiation in Varsha Rtu is quite natural and normal and are thus considered as Prakrita Dushti of these Doshas (in their respective seasons).


Importance of having the knowledge of Prakrita Dosha Dushti in accordance with seasonal variations
It is important for a physician to have a thorough knowledge of dosha dushti in terms of seasonal variations. This will help the physician to advise the patients to follow Rtucharya properly; this in turn helps in avoiding the diseases in future. This also helps in planning and implementing a comprehensive rtucharya and preventing the seasonal disorders. The knowledge of prakrita dosha dushti in different seasons will enable a physician to discriminate and differentially diagnose the vikrita dosha dushti or abnormal dosha vitiation occurring in various seasons.

Prakrita and Vikrita Dosha Dushti

Prakrita Dosha Dushti v/s Vikrita Dosha Dushti in relation to seasonal changes
Knowledge of Prakrita Dosha Dushti forms the basis of understanding Vaikrutha Dosha Dushti.

Vaikrutha Dosha Dushti is abnormal vitiation of doshas. Example, vitiation of Vata in Sharad Rtu or Vasanta Rtu (or any other season) which are not normal for its vitiation is vaikruta dushti of vata. Similarly, vitiation of Pitta in Varsha Rtu and Vasanta Rtu and vitiation of Kapha in Sharad Rtu and Varsha Rtu are examples of abnormal dosha vitiation because the mentioned doshas are vitiated in the seasons in which they are not supposed to get vitiated.

Just Before Finishing –
In this article we have discussed about the normal vitiation of doshas in relation to the changing seasons, the knowledge of which is very much necessary for a physician to understand the nature of doshic variations occurring in different seasons, to differentiate between the normal and abnormal vitiations of doshas in various seasons. This forms the basis of comprehensively planning the preventive strategies and treatment protocols for various diseases.
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